what does the "nice priority" mean about iostat command's %nice - linux

I googled the iostat command's man manual about the %nice. In the explanation of the value of %nice there is a phrase about nice priority. I can not understand the meaning about it, can someone explain it?
The complete comment in the man page is as follows.
Show the percentage of CPU utilization that occurred while executing at the user level with nice priority.

It means processes that have been started with the nice command, or have called nice/setpriority to lower their priority below the standard one. (nice was the name of the system call in older unixes as well, it's been replaced by setpriority now. The command name is still the same).
See the manual page or documentation for /proc/stat, for example, http://www.mjmwired.net/kernel/Documentation/filesystems/proc.txt.
Or, try it yourself (on an otherwise unloaded system that belongs to you!). Open 2 terminals. In the 1st, type
$ perl -e 'print "$$\n"; for (;;){}'
and remember the pid, then in the second
$ ps -l -p <pid>
$ iostat -c 1 5
Then, stop the process in the 1st terminal, and restart it with lower priority:
$ nice -1 perl -e 'print "$$\n"; for (;;){}'
Output, on my system:
(first time)
$ perl -e 'print "$$\n"; for (;;){}'
$ ps -l -p 22482
0 R 1000 22482 22443 99 80 0 - 4279 - pts/1 00:00:16 perl
$ iostat -c 1 5
avg-cpu: %user %nice %system %iowait %steal %idle
100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
(With nice)
$ nice -1 perl -e 'print "$$\n"; for (;;){}'
$ ps -l -p 22666
0 R 1000 22666 22443 99 81 1 - 4279 - pts/1 00:00:06 perl
$ iostat -c 1 5
avg-cpu: %user %nice %system %iowait %steal %idle
0.00 100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
The nice -1 command causes the NI column to increase by one; at the same time, the 100% CPU usage (that is caused by the perl command) moves from %user to %nice.


Get CPU usage for indivudal cores in mpstat

I've been asked to grab the CPU usage for individual cores using mpstat. I can get all the information I need for each an individual CPU like so:
mpstat -P 0
Which gives the following output:
Linux 3.10.0-957.21.3.el7.x86_64 (cpu_devel) 03/16/2021 _x86_64_ (48 CPU)
09:59:32 AM CPU %usr %nice %sys %iowait %irq %soft %steal %guest %gnice %idle
09:59:32 AM 0 0.05 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 99.89
What I need to do is grab the number under idle (99.89) and subtract that from 100 to get the total CPU usage. I was trying to grab the 12th field with a delimiter of spaces like this:
mpstat -P 0 | cut -d' ' -f12
But that showed me that there are actually multiple spaces between each field. So I'm looking for help to find a cleaner solution!
You could simply do this with awk. Simply pass your command(mpstat) output as a standard input to awk command as an input; then in main program of awk look if the line number is 4th line then print last column of that line(with checking a condition if $NF is greater than 0 then subtract it with 100 else print it as it is).
mpstat -P 0 | awk 'FNR==4{print ($NF>0?100-$NF:$NF)}'

calculating correct memory utilization from invalid output of pidstat

I used, pidstat -r -p <pid> <interval> >> log_Path/MemStat.CSV & command to to collect the memory stat.
after running this command I found that RSS VSZ %MEM values are increased continuously, which is not expected, as pidstat provides the the values considering the interval.
After searching on net I found that there is bug in pidstat and I need to update the syssat package.
(please refer last few statements by pidstat author on this link : http://sebastien.godard.pagesperso-orange.fr/tutorial.html)
Now, my question is, how do I calculate the correct %MEM utilization from the current output as we cannot run the test again.
sample output :
Time PID minflt/s majflt/s VSZ RSS %MEM
9:55:22 AM 18236 1280 0 26071488 119136 0.36
9:55:23 AM 18236 4273 0 27402768 126276 0.38
9:55:24 AM 18236 9831 0 27402800 162468 0.49
9:55:25 AM 18236 161 0 27402800 169092 0.51
9:55:26 AM 18236 51 0 27402800 175416 0.53
9:55:27 AM 18236 6859 0 27402800 198340 0.6
9:55:28 AM 18236 1440 0 27402800 203608 0.62
On the Sysstat tutorial page you refer to it is said:
I noticed that pidstat had a memory footprint (VSZ and RSS fields)
that was constantly increasing as the time went by. I quickly found
that I had forgotten to close a file descriptor in a function of my
code and that was responsible for the memory leak...!
So, the output of pidstat has never been invalid; on the contrary, the author wrote
pidstat helped me to detect a memory leak in the pidstat command

GNU parallel load balancing

I am trying to find a way to execute CPU intensive parallel jobs over a cluster. My objective is to schedule one job per core, so that every job hopefully gets 100% CPU utilization once scheduled. This is what a have come up with so far:
FILE build_sshlogin.sh
function worker {
free=$(ssh $server /bin/bash << 'EOF'
cores=$(grep "cpu MHz" /proc/cpuinfo | wc -l)
stat=$(head -n 1 /proc/stat)
work1=$(echo $stat | awk '{print $2+$3+$4;}')
total1=$(echo $stat | awk '{print $2+$3+$4+$5+$6+$7+$8;}')
sleep 2;
stat=$(head -n 1 /proc/stat)
work2=$(echo $stat | awk '{print $2+$3+$4;}')
total2=$(echo $stat | awk '{print $2+$3+$4+$5+$6+$7+$8;}')
util=$(echo " ( $work2 - $work1 ) / ($total2 - $total1) " | bc -l );
echo " $cores * (1 - $util) " | bc -l | xargs printf "%1.0f"
if [ $free -gt 0 ]
echo $free/$server
export serverprefix
export -f worker
seq 0 $lastserver | parallel -k worker {}
This script is used by GNU parallel as follows:
parallel --sshloginfile <(./build_sshlogin.sh) --workdir $PWD command args {1} ::: $(seq $runs)
The problem with this technique is that if someone starts another CPU intensive job on a server in the cluster, without checking the CPU usage, then the script will end up scheduling jobs to a core that is being used. In addition, if by the time the first jobs finishes, the CPU usage has changed, then the newly freed cores will not be included for scheduling by GNU parallel for the remaining jobs.
So my question is the following: Is there a way to make GNU parallel re-calculate the free cores/server before it schedules each job? Any other suggestions for solving the problem are welcome.
NOTE: In my cluster all cores have the same frequency. If someone can generalize to account for different frequencies, that's also welcome.
Look at --load which is meant for exactly this situation.
Unfortunately it does not look at CPU utilization but load average. But if your cluster nodes do not have heavy disk I/O then CPU utilization will be very close to load average.
Since load average changes slowly you probably also need to use the new --delay option to give the load average time to rise.
Try mpstat
Linux 2.6.32-100.28.5.el6.x86_64 (dev-db) 07/09/2011
10:25:32 PM CPU %user %nice %sys %iowait %irq %soft %steal %idle intr/s
10:25:32 PM all 5.68 0.00 0.49 2.03 0.01 0.02 0.00 91.77 146.55
This is an overall snapshot on a per core basis
$ mpstat -P ALL
Linux 2.6.32-100.28.5.el6.x86_64 (dev-db) 07/09/2011 _x86_64_ (4 CPU)
10:28:04 PM CPU %usr %nice %sys %iowait %irq %soft %steal %guest %idle
10:28:04 PM all 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 99.99
10:28:04 PM 0 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 99.98
10:28:04 PM 1 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 99.98
10:28:04 PM 2 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00
10:28:04 PM 3 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00
There lot of options, these two give a simple actual %idle per cpu. Check the manpage.

Visualising strace output

Is there a simple tool, or maybe a method to turn strace output into something that can be visualised or otherwise easier to sift through? I am having to figure out where an application is going wrong, but stracing it produces massive amounts of data. Trying to trace what this application and its threads are doing (or trying to do) on a larger scale is proving to be very difficult to do reading every system call.
I have no budget for anything, and we are a pure Linux shop.
If your problem is a network one, you could try to limit the strace output to the network related syscalls with a
strace -e trace=network your_program
Yes, use -c parameter to visualise count time, calls, and errors for each syscall and report summary in form of table, e.g.
$ strace -c -fp $(pgrep -n php)
Process 11208 attached
^CProcess 11208 detached
% time seconds usecs/call calls errors syscall
------ ----------- ----------- --------- --------- ----------------
83.78 0.112292 57 1953 152 stat
7.80 0.010454 56 188 lstat
7.79 0.010439 28 376 access
0.44 0.000584 0 5342 32 recvfrom
0.15 0.000203 0 3985 sendto
0.04 0.000052 0 27184 gettimeofday
0.00 0.000000 0 6 write
0.00 0.000000 0 3888 poll
------ ----------- ----------- --------- --------- ----------------
100.00 0.134024 42922 184 total
This will identify the problem without having analysing large amount of data.
Another way is to filter by specific syscalls (such as recvfrom/sendto) to visualize received data and sent, example debugging PHP process:
strace -e recvfrom,sendto -fp $(pgrep -n php) -s 1000 2>&1 | while read -r line; do
printf "%b" $line;
done | strings
Related: How to parse strace in shell into plain text?

How to see top processes sorted by actual memory usage?

I have a server with 12G of memory. A fragment of top is shown below:
12979 frank 20 0 206m 21m 12m S 11 0.2 26667:24 krfb
13 root 15 -5 0 0 0 S 1 0.0 36:25.04 ksoftirqd/3
59 root 15 -5 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 4:53.00 ata/2
2155 root 20 0 662m 37m 8364 S 0 0.3 338:10.25 Xorg
4560 frank 20 0 8672 1300 852 R 0 0.0 0:00.03 top
12981 frank 20 0 987m 27m 15m S 0 0.2 45:10.82 amarok
24908 frank 20 0 16648 708 548 S 0 0.0 2:08.84 wrapper
1 root 20 0 8072 608 572 S 0 0.0 0:47.36 init
2 root 15 -5 0 0 0 S 0 0.0 0:00.00 kthreadd
The free -m shows the following:
total used free shared buffers cached
Mem: 12038 11676 362 0 599 9745
-/+ buffers/cache: 1331 10706
Swap: 2204 257 1946
If I understand correctly, the system has only 362 MB of available memory. My question is: How can I find out which process is consuming most of the memory?
Just as background info, the system is running 64bit OpenSuse 12.
use quick tip using top command in linux/unix
$ top
and then hit Shift+m (i.e. write a capital M).
From man top
SORTING of task window
For compatibility, this top supports most of the former top sort keys.
Since this is primarily a service to former top users, these commands do
not appear on any help screen.
command sorted-field supported
A start time (non-display) No
M %MEM Yes
P %CPU Yes
Or alternatively: hit Shift + f , then choose the display to order by memory usage by hitting key n then press Enter. You will see active process ordered by memory usage
First, repeat this mantra for a little while: "unused memory is wasted memory". The Linux kernel keeps around huge amounts of file metadata and files that were requested, until something that looks more important pushes that data out. It's why you can run:
find /home -type f -name '*.mp3'
find /home -type f -name '*.aac'
and have the second find instance run at ridiculous speed.
Linux only leaves a little bit of memory 'free' to handle spikes in memory usage without too much effort.
Second, you want to find the processes that are eating all your memory; in top use the M command to sort by memory use. Feel free to ignore the VIRT column, that just tells you how much virtual memory has been allocated, not how much memory the process is using. RES reports how much memory is resident, or currently in ram (as opposed to swapped to disk or never actually allocated in the first place, despite being requested).
But, since RES will count e.g. /lib/libc.so.6 memory once for nearly every process, it isn't exactly an awesome measure of how much memory a process is using. The SHR column reports how much memory is shared with other processes, but there is no guarantee that another process is actually sharing -- it could be sharable, just no one else wants to share.
The smem tool is designed to help users better gage just how much memory should really be blamed on each individual process. It does some clever work to figure out what is really unique, what is shared, and proportionally tallies the shared memory to the processes sharing it. smem may help you understand where your memory is going better than top will, but top is an excellent first tool.
ps aux | awk '{print $2, $4, $11}' | sort -k2rn | head -n 10
(Adding -n numeric flag to sort command.)
First you should read an explanation on the output of free. Bottom line: you have at least 10.7 GB of memory readily usable by processes.
Then you should define what "memory usage" is for a process (it's not easy or unambiguous, trust me).
Then we might be able to help more :-)
List and Sort Processes by Memory Usage:
ps -e -orss=,args= | sort -b -k1,1n | pr -TW$COLUMNS
ps aux --sort '%mem'
from procps' ps (default on Ubuntu 12.04) generates output like:
tomcat7 3658 0.1 3.3 1782792 124692 ? Sl 10:12 0:25 /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-oracle/bin/java -Djava.util.logging.config.file=/var/lib/tomcat7/conf/logging.properties -D
root 1284 1.5 3.7 452692 142796 tty7 Ssl+ 10:11 3:19 /usr/bin/X -core :0 -seat seat0 -auth /var/run/lightdm/root/:0 -nolisten tcp vt7 -novtswitch
ciro 2286 0.3 3.8 1316000 143312 ? Sl 10:11 0:49 compiz
ciro 5150 0.0 4.4 660620 168488 pts/0 Sl+ 11:01 0:08 unicorn_rails worker[1] -p 3000 -E development -c config/unicorn.rb
ciro 5147 0.0 4.5 660556 170920 pts/0 Sl+ 11:01 0:08 unicorn_rails worker[0] -p 3000 -E development -c config/unicorn.rb
ciro 5142 0.1 6.3 2581944 239408 pts/0 Sl+ 11:01 0:17 sidekiq 2.17.8 gitlab [0 of 25 busy]
ciro 2386 3.6 16.0 1752740 605372 ? Sl 10:11 7:38 /usr/lib/firefox/firefox
So here Firefox is the top consumer with 16% of my memory.
You may also be interested in:
ps aux --sort '%cpu'
Building on gaoithe's answer, I attempted to make the memory units display in megabytes, and sorted by memory descending limited to 15 entries:
ps -e -orss=,args= |awk '{print $1 " " $2 }'| awk '{tot[$2]+=$1;count[$2]++} END {for (i in tot) {print tot[i],i,count[i]}}' | sort -n | tail -n 15 | sort -nr | awk '{ hr=$1/1024; printf("%13.2fM", hr); print "\t" $2 }'
588.03M /usr/sbin/apache2
275.64M /usr/sbin/mysqld
138.23M vim
97.04M -bash
40.96M ssh
34.28M tmux
17.48M /opt/digitalocean/bin/do-agent
13.42M /lib/systemd/systemd-journald
10.68M /lib/systemd/systemd
10.62M /usr/bin/redis-server
8.75M awk
7.89M sshd:
4.63M /usr/sbin/sshd
4.56M /lib/systemd/systemd-logind
4.01M /usr/sbin/rsyslogd
Here's an example alias to use it in a bash config file:
alias topmem="ps -e -orss=,args= |awk '{print \$1 \" \" \$2 }'| awk '{tot[\$2]+=\$1;count[\$2]++} END {for (i in tot) {print tot[i],i,count[i]}}' | sort -n | tail -n 15 | sort -nr | awk '{ hr=\$1/1024; printf(\"%13.2fM\", hr); print \"\t\" \$2 }'"
Then you can just type topmem on the command line.
How to total up used memory by process name:
Sometimes even looking at the biggest single processes there is still a lot of used memory unaccounted for. To check if there are a lot of the same smaller processes using the memory you can use a command like the following which uses awk to sum up the total memory used by processes of the same name:
ps -e -orss=,args= |awk '{print $1 " " $2 }'| awk '{tot[$2]+=$1;count[$2]++} END {for (i in tot) {print tot[i],i,count[i]}}' | sort -n
e.g. output
9344 docker 1
9948 nginx: 4
22500 /usr/sbin/NetworkManager 1
24704 sleep 69
26436 /usr/sbin/sshd 15
34828 -bash 19
39268 sshd: 10
58384 /bin/su 28
59876 /bin/ksh 29
73408 /usr/bin/python 2
78176 /usr/bin/dockerd 1
134396 /bin/sh 84
5407132 bin/naughty_small_proc 1432
28061916 /usr/local/jdk/bin/java 7
you can specify which column to sort by, with following steps:
* top
* shift + F
* select a column from the list
e.g. n means sort by memory,
* press enter
* ok
You can see memory usage by executing this code in your terminal:
$ watch -n2 free -m
$ htop
This very second in time
ps -U $(whoami) -eom pid,pmem,pcpu,comm | head -n4
Continuously updating
watch -n 1 'ps -U $(whoami) -eom pid,pmem,pcpu,comm | head -n4'
I also added a few goodies here you might appreciate (or you might ignore)
-n 1 watch and update every second
-U $(whoami) To show only your processes. $(some command) evaluates now
| head -n4 To only show the header and 3 processes at a time bc often you just need high usage line items
${1-4} says my first argument $1 I want to default to 4, unless I provide it
If you are using a mac you may need to install watch first
brew install watch
Alternatively you might use a function
watch -n 1 "ps -eom pid,pmem,pcpu,comm | head -n ${1-4}"
# psm
# psm 10
You have this simple command:
$ free -h
