I am developing a device driver on mac. my question is how can we make a device request asynchronous to synchronous. like i send a send encapsulated command to device and get it response using get encapsulated command after getting a notification on interrupt pipe. so how can i make my thread will wait until all above request is not completed (both send and get) . but the function from get encap is called is a virtual function and called by upper layer. so if i process a wait in that virtual function then i am not able to get response till my tread is in waiting process.
please help me to resolve this problem.
thnks in advance.
bool class::USBSetPacketFilter()
IOReturn Value
.... .................
value = send_Encasulated_command(* of structure, length);
IOLocksleepdeadline(x, y, z, w);
global variable which is updated when get_Encap is completed.
if (Value == IOSuccess &&XVZ == true)
return true;
else return false
in other function to readinterrupt pipe
in m_CommInfo call back function we check it is a device response or not then we call get_encapsulated function to complete the request and IOLockwakeup(x,y,z) to revoke the thread
but when the upper layer call USBSetPacketFilter(). MY code stuck on IOLocksleepdeadline till the time out is not completed. so thread did not go to read interputpipe.
I have a two-way datachannel setup that takes a heartbeat from a browser client and keeps the session alive as long as the heartbeat stays. The heartbeat is the 'main' communication for WebRTC, but I have other bits of into (Such as coordinates) I need to send constantly.
To do this when a webrtc offer is given, it takes that HTTP request:
Creates a new event loop 'rtcloop'
Set's that as the main event loop.
Then run 'rtcloop' until complete, calling my webRtcStart function and passing through the session info.
Then run a new thread with the target being 'rtcloop', run it forever and start.
Inside the new thread I set the loop with 'get_event_loop' and later define ' #webRtcPeer.on("datachannel")' so when we get a Datachannel message, we run code around that. Depending on the situation, I attempt to do the following:
ptzcoords = 'Supported' #PTZ Coords will be part of WebRTC Communication, send every 0.5 seconds.
ptzloop = asyncio.new_event_loop()
ptzloop.run_until_complete(updatePTZReadOut(webRtcPeer, cameraName, loop))
ptzUpdateThread = Thread(target=ptzloop.run_forever)
The constant error I get no matter how I structure things is "coroutine 'updatePTZReadOut' was never awaited"
With updatePTZReadOut being:
async def updatePTZReadOut(rtcPeer, cameraName, eventLoop):
# Get Camera Info
# THE CURRENT ISSUE I am having is with the event loops, because this get's called to run in another thread, but it still needs
# to be awaitable,
# Current Warning Is: /usr/lib/python3.10/threading.py:953: RuntimeWarning: coroutine 'updatePTZReadOut' was never awaited
# Ref Article: https://xinhuang.github.io/posts/2017-07-31-common-mistakes-using-python3-asyncio.html
# https://lucumr.pocoo.org/2016/10/30/i-dont-understand-asyncio/
# Get current loop
# try:
loop = asyncio.set_event_loop(eventLoop)
# loop.run_until_complete()
# except RuntimeError:
# loop = asyncio.new_event_loop()
# asyncio.set_event_loop(loop)
# Getting Current COORDS from camera
myCursor.execute("Select * from localcameras where name = '{0}' ".format(cameraName))
camtuple = myCursor.fetchall()
camdata = camtuple[0]
# Create channel object
channel_local = rtcPeer.createDataChannel("chat")
while True:
ptzcoords = readPTZCoords(camdata[1], camdata[3], cryptocode.decrypt(str(camdata[4]), passwordRandomKey))
print("Updating Coords to {0}".format(ptzcoords))
# Publish Here
await channel_local.send("TTTT")
Any help here?
updatePTZReadOut is async function. You need to add await whenever you call this function.
I'm implementing features of an ssh server, so given a shell request I open a pty-tty pair.
A snippet:
import (
func attachPty(channel ssh.Channel, shell *exec.Cmd) {
mypty, err := pty.Start(shell)
go func() {
io.Copy(channel, mypty) // (1) ; could also be substituted with read() syscall, same problem
go func() {
io.Copy(mypty, channel) // (2) - this returns on channel exit with eof, so let's close mypty
if err := syscall.Close(int(mypty.Fd())); err != nil {
fmt.Printf("error closing fd") // no error is printed out, /proc/fd shows it's successfuly closed
Once the ssh channel gets closed, I close the pty. My expected behavior is that it should send SIGHUP to the shell.
If I comment out the (1) copy (src: mypty, dst: channel), it works!
However - when it's not commented out:
The (1) copy doesn't return, meaning the read syscall from mypty is still blocking, and doesn't return eof => master device doesn't get closed?
shell doesn't get SIGHUP
I'm not sure why if I comment out the (1) copy it works, maybe the kernel reference counts the reads?
My leads:
pty.read is actually dispatched to the tty, as said in:
pty master missing read function
Walkthrough of SIGHUP flow
pty_close in drivers/tty/pty.c, which calls tty_vhangup(tty->link);, see here
Linux Device Drivers, 3rd edition, PTY chapter
Go notes:
I close the fd directly, because otherwise using the usual os.File.close() doesn't actually close the fd for some reason, it stays open in /proc/<pid>/fd
substituting the (1) copy with a direct read syscall would lead to the same outcome
Thank you!
I'm working with an API that can only access its objects on the main thread, so I need to create a new thread to be used for my GUI and then swap back to the original thread for any lengthy calculations involving the API.
So far I have the following code:
[<EntryPoint; STAThread>]
let main _ =
Debug.WriteLine($"[{Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId}] - Inital thread")
let initCtx = SynchronizationContext.Current
let uiThread = new Thread(fun () ->
let guiCtx = SynchronizationContext.Current
Debug.WriteLine($"[{Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId}] - New UI thread")
do! Async.SwitchToContext initCtx
Debug.WriteLine($"[{Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId}] - Back to initial thread")
// Lengthy API calculation here
do! Async.SwitchToContext guiCtx
Debug.WriteLine($"[{Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId}] - Back to UI thread")
} |> Async.RunSynchronously
However when I run this I get the output:
[1] - Inital thread
[4] - New UI thread
[5] - Back to initial thread
[5] - Back to UI thread
So it doesn't seem to be switching contexts the way I would expect. How can I switch back to the original thread after creating a new thread this way?
I have tried calling
SynchronizationContext.SetSynchronizationContext(new DispatcherSynchronizationContext(Dispatcher.CurrentDispatcher)) first to ensure that the original thread has a valid SynchronizationContext but that causes the program to exit at the Async.SwitchToContext lines without throwing any exception.
I have also tried using Async.StartImmediate instead of RunSynchronously with the same result.
If I try both of these at the same time then the program just freezes up at the Async.SwitchToContext lines instead of exiting out.
I have an actor Dispenser. What it does is it
dispenses some objects by request
listens to arriving new ones
Code follows
class Dispenser extends Actor {
override def receive: Receive = {
case Get =>
context.sender ! getObj()
case x: SomeType =>
In real processing it doesn't matter whether 1 ms or even few seconds passed since new object was sent until the dispenser starts to dispense it, so there's no code tracking it.
But now I'm writing test for the dispenser and I want to be sure that firstly it receives new object and only then it receives a Get request.
Here's the test code I came up with:
val dispenser = system.actorOf(Props.create(classOf[Dispenser]))
dispenser ! obj
val task = dispenser ? Get()
val result = Await.result(task, timeout)
It satisfies one important requirement - it doesn't change original code. But it is
At least 100ms seconds slow even on very high performance boxes
Unstable and fails sometimes because 100 ms or any other constant doesn't provide any guaranties.
And the question is how to make a test that satisfies requirement and doesn't have cons above (neither any other obvious cons)
You can take out the Thread.sleep(..) and your test will be fine. Akka guarantees the ordering you need.
With the code
dispenser ! obj
val task = dispenser ? Get()
dispenser will process obj before Get deterministically because
The same thread puts obj then Get in the actor's mailbox, so they're in the correct order in the actor's mailbox
Actors process messages sequentially and one-at-a-time, so the two messages will be received by the actor and processed in the order they're queued in the mailbox.
(..if there's nothing else going on that's not in your sample code - routers, async processing in getObj or addObj, stashing, ..)
Akka FSM module is really handy for testing underlying state and behavior of the actor and does not require to change its implementation specifically for tests.
By using TestFSMRef one can get actors current state and and data by:
val testActor = TestFSMRef(<actors constructor or Props>)
testActor.stateName shouldBe <state name>
testActor.stateData shouldBe <state data>
The demo codes are from here
object ProxyController extends Controller {
def proxy = Action {
val responseFuture: Future[Response] = WS.url("http://example.com").get()
val resultFuture: Future[Result] = responseFuture.map { resp =>
// Create a Result that uses the http status, body, and content-type
// from the example.com Response
As I understand, the workflow looks like this:
One of the listener threads (threads to process the HTTP request), T1, executes the proxy action, running through the code from top to bottom. When it runs at the WS.url("http://example.com").get(), T1 just delegate the Web Request to another thread (worker thread) W1 and go the the next line. Then T1 skip the contents of the function passed to the map method, since that depends on a non-blocking I/O call that has not yet completed. Once T1 returns the AsyncResult, it moves on to process other requests.
Later on, the worker thread W1 finished the Web Request to "http://example.com", then it sends signal to a listener thread T2, which may or may not be the same as T1. Then T2 starts to execute the responseFuture.map line, and then delegate the task to another worker thread W2. Once the task is delegated to W2, T2 moves on to process other requests.
Later on, the worker thread W2 finished creating result (the responseFuture.map line), then it sends signal to a listener thread T3. And T3 get the result from W2 and send this result to the client in a magic way (It looks magic because I've no idea how T3 knows the original client.. Is it done by closures?)
Is this the real workflow under the hood? If so, will it be too complex and ineffective for the thread communication? If not, what happened under the hood for the codes above? Does anyone have ideas about this?