JavaFX + Scene Builder Mnemonics - menu

I've added Mnemonics to a menu bar using JavaFX 2.2 and Scene Builder, but it doesn't work 100% well.
This is my menu:
When I press Alt, it looks like this, which is correct:
Then I press "D", and the menu opens, but the Mnemonics inside the menu are not underlined:
The lines do appear when I press Alt again; however, then the line under the "D" of "Datei" disappears:
So it seems to be some kind of buggy toggling function in JavaFX.
Anyway, I want the Mnemonics to be underlined all at once, just like when I click the menu:
When you click the menus with the mouse and then press Alt all Mnemonics are correctly underlined at once. Pressing Alt again will toggle between underlined and not underlined. This is the normal, expected behavior.
So I think when opening a menu via Mnemonics, the Oracle guys just forgot to call some kind of "underlineMnemonics()" method for the submenu. Does anybody know what method that is, so I can call it myself when opening a menu? Or does anyone have another workaround?
For example, I know that you can make the underlines of the main menu bar visible via CSS:
.mnemonic-underline {
-fx-stroke: -fx-text-base-color;
But I failed to make this work on the submenus. (Also, this would not be an ideal solution, because this way the underlines couldn't be toggled off again.)


Android studio documentation popup

Is there a way when documentation popup on AS to not hide immediately after it is showed by moving mouse on some class. What I mean. I move mouse cursor above Activity class and documentation is popup is showed, but when I try to move mouse above this popup (because I have to scroll it) it disappears. I can hold ctrl and then is will not hide, but if I press on it while holdint ctrl down it will disappear (so I should move cursor above it, release ctrl and after that to start scrolling). So is there an option to change this behaviour to be like in eclipse - documentation pop up is showed and if you move mouse above it you can scroll, otherwise it is closed.
There are a lot of bugs surrounding this UI element. I'm currently having the opposite problem where it won't go away unless I manually close it. I suspect in your case, a timeout is triggering too early, or some other event is erroneously hiding the window.
This workaround may be helpful. You can explicitly pop the documentation window from the View > Tool Windows > Documentation menu option. This will cause the tool window tab to appear on the right gutter by default. Right-clicking on the Documentation tab will pop up a menu that will allow you to pin the window, or dock it permanently in the UI by disabling "Floating Mode" and optionally moving it to the other side or the bottom.

How do I hide the bottom console text output area in Sublime Text 3?

This is probably really simple, but it's frustrating me so much. I'm using Sublime Text 3. Sometimes my plugins output code to a little window at the bottom like this:
And I can't hide it no matter what I try. The only way I can get rid of it is by closing the program and opening it again. Does anyone know how to close this?
Just have to click in the console and simply press esc.
Or to show and hide the console use ctrl + `
Or toggle menu View > Show/Hide Console
In my case, Esc button is working to remove the side bar(terminal/console bar).

Dismissing keyboard, but not toolbar

I have a keyboard with a toolbar attached to it. It appears fine, but I would like one of the button in the toolbar to dismiss the keyboard, but leave the toolbar where it was above the keyboard and display something different where the keyboard was. How would I do this.
You can't do it directly; but you can certain emulate it. Simply bring up a whole new toolbar and "something different" in your interface, behind the keyboard+toolbar, as the keyboard+toolbar is dismissed. You might even be able to make the keyboard's attached toolbar invisible so that it looks like it has just stayed in place because we see the identical toolbar behind it (but that's just a guess, I've never tried it).

Issue with vim mousemodel

Recently I came across a feature of gvim. When I press shift and click on a word the words get highlighted similar to Notepad++ (I am aware of * or #).
But if I put in my .vimrc
set mousemodel=popup
This behavior strangely stops. Anybody encountered this?
VIM - Vi IMproved 7.4 (2013 Aug 10, compiled Aug 29 2013 13:30:15)
This is actually by design according to :h mousemodel:
*'mousemodel'* *'mousem'*
'mousemodel' 'mousem' string (default "extend", "popup" for MS-DOS and Win32)
{not in Vi}
Sets the model to use for the mouse. The name mostly specifies what
the right mouse button is used for:
extend Right mouse button extends a selection. This works
like in an xterm.
popup Right mouse button pops up a menu. The shifted left
mouse button extends a selection. This works like
with Microsoft Windows.
Overview of what button does what for each model:
mouse extend popup(_setpos) ~
left click place cursor place cursor
left drag start selection start selection
shift-left search word extend selection
right click extend selection popup menu (place cursor)
right drag extend selection -
middle click paste paste
Basically, popup simulates mouse behavior in a typical Windows application, and Windows applications don't highlight words by shift-clicking.
On a normal Windows application, highlighting a single word is done by double-clicking. I am not entirely sure if the popup model is responsible for that action as well, or if it happens elsewhere, but it should be easy enough for you to test.

Is there any way to place buttons at the menu bar of the form in lwuit

I have to set button at the bottom of screen. I am using lwuit(UI). Is there any way to place button in menu bar and I have set the command in menu bar but the command name is partially displayed why somebody help.
Thanks for your any appreciation.
If you use addCommand(new Command("Name")); this should work. Commands will only take 50% of the screen in standard mode so if your text is longer the text of the command will be cropped. You can replace the MenuBar class but that is an advanced task so I suggest not going there.
