Picking Certain Documentation with DOXYGEN - hide

I would like to achieve the almost exact opposite of what can be
performed with command \internal. There exists a huge doxygen
documentation for a project already, but now I would like to pick out
a few blocks (functions, constants etc.) to create a very small manual
only containing the important stuff.
Instead of marking 99% of the comments as \internal it would be nice
to have a command like \external for the 1% of comments that need to
be exported in my case.
Something like disabling the "default section" (everything, which is
not part of a section) would work too, of course. Then I could use
Unfortunately the comments in question do not reside in one file only.
Furthermore those files contain a lot of other comments, which should
not be exported.
I already thought to move those comments into separate header files
that could be included in the original position, but this would mean
to restructure a lot and tearing files apart.
Does anybody have an idea how to solve my problem?
Thanks in advance,

I think ENABLED_SECTIONS is the way forward, but there's a couple of things that might reduce the workload.
The first is to create a separate doxyfile for your particular requirement, then you can customise that without upsetting any master one.
In that new doxyfile explicitly list, in the INPUT file list, only those files that contain content that you need. Chances are that it's currently set to pull in whole folder trees - edit that to cherry pick the individual files; not forgetting files that you may need to define the 'structure' of the document.
After that use ENABLED_SECTIONS with corresponding #if <SECTION_NAME> #endif markers to refine the selection to units smaller than a file.


How to format the terminal window node is using to be in sections

I'm wanting to make an application with node have a cli interface, as it needs to be ran in a terminal. I want to split the terminal into several sections, one with some identification as to who is viewing the application, another with some other random info, a menu on the side that you can use the arrow keys to move up and down the options, a main logs section, and another that you can type, and press enter to send text in. I've drawn up a little diagram of how I want to make it: (I know this looks awful, it was made in mspaint)
I've gotten the console input part working by using the readline module, but I don't even know where to really start with designing the terminal how I want it, setting text in certain sections, etc. I've looked around at things like terminal-kit, and clci, but either they didn't seem like what I wanted, or their docs/examples were a mess.
I would prefer to do this with node only, not using another application in another language, as all of the stuff going to the console sections will be from the same node application.
I found the blessed library at https://github.com/chjj/blessed. It is based on the ncurses library (written in C, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ncurses) and it allows you to create different sections with specified heights, widths, etc. in different areas of the terminal. Very useful in theory, and you can follow the advice on the github page, clone the repo into your desktop, look into the test folder, and then run the different files ie. node test/widget-form.js to see the different types of interfaces that you can create in your terminal.
It hasn't really worked for me, because it keeps crashing on my end, but I see that there are a lot of open pull requests and that people are still trying, so it might be working for some, although I think that the usage for some "widgets" is limited. The next best thing I can recommend is either blessed-contrib or neo-blessed, the former being developed by some dude from Facebook. Blessed-contrib is newer so you might have more luck with it, but it's essentially made for visual output, so you'd be able to create a section for a log, a selection menu, a paragraph section, etc. but nothing to create an area where you can input text (so 4/5 of what you need), based on my reading of the documentation, which you'll find here https://github.com/yaronn/blessed-contrib.
I personally think it's dope. Good luck with it, I'm going through the motions of understanding the documentation better myself, and I've delved pretty deeply in it, so feel free to reach out if you need any help.
On another note, let me know if you've found anything else other than the resources I mentioned, which would be very helpful for me, as the alternative right now is for me to code the text user interface myself using C and the ncurses library, which I'm trying to avoid if it's unnecessary :)
I found something for you and for me that might send us in the right direction. Good news. This is the gitter-cli. It uses the library I mentioned above blessed. If you clone the gitter-cli's repo, follow the instructions to get a token and create an account, and join one of the rooms (you can find the name of the rooms like 'gitterHQ/javascript' on the gitter.im website), you'll see that the chat works. There might be some optimizations I'm not aware of, but I recommend just delving into their code while also delving into the blessed documentation to understand how it works. It should give you an idea of what to do next.
It took me a lot of hours to find all these different resources and connect the dots so you should definitely check them out.

How do I store versions of consistently changing text with low cost?

I have been creating a text editor online, just for learning experience. I was curious what the best way to store multiple versions of a text file that is consistently changing is.
I've looked at a variety of options and I am yet to see a cheap, and scale-able option.
I've looked into Google Cloud Storage and Amazon S3. The only issue is that too many requests to save the file start to add up a lot in cost. I'd like files to be saved practically instantly, and also versioned every so often. I've also looked into data deduplication which looks like a great option, but I have not yet found a way to do it without writing my own software.
Any and all advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
This is a very broad question, but the basic answer is usually some flavor of Operational Transform. Basically you don't want to be constantly sending the entire document back and forth between the user(s) and the server, nor do you want to overwrite the whole of the document repeatedly. Instead you want to store diffs. Then you need to deal with the idea that multiple users might be changing the file simultaneously, but possibly in different areas, and dealing with that effectively.
Wikipedia has some good, formal discussion of the idea: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operational_transformation
You wouldn't need all of that for a document that will only be edited by one person at a time, but even then, the answer is to think in terms of diffs from previous versions and only occasionally persist whole snapshots.

LiveCode File Creation

I'm not sure I'm asking this in the right place, but I've been working with LiveCode and I'm curious how the actual .livecode or .rev files get created. They look like some sort of mixed binary and LiveCode format. I've glanced through the source code, but it's not clear to me how the files are constructed.
Note that I'm talking about the project containers, not the standalones.
I'm also not sure that this is the right place to ask. It isn't really a programming question, even though it is related. I think that the stackfile format is binary, but parts appear in clear text because that's what they are. Everything that is unrecognisable can be two things. It can be a definition of a byte range, or it can be the description of the stack, card or control itself. This description can contain user data, including clear text, but also movie data, picture data, a unicode stream, etc. Encrypted stacks appear as binary data.
I would ask this question directly to RunRev...
To find out what happens when the file is saved, you have to look at the C++ functions inside the Livecode engine when the savestack message is sent and handled.
No other way to tell, so you have to ask those familiar with the innards of the engine.

Merging PDF files in Haskell

The Preview application on the Mac allows one to merge multiple PDF files, although the functionality is rather obscure. I'm writing a utility in Haskell that needs to perform a similar task, that is, merge an arbitrary number of PDF files into one new file.
Does anyone have a suggestion as to where to start with this? Obviously if there's a library on Hackage that will do most of the work out of the box that would be ideal, but if not, then some pointers about where to start would be very much appreciated.
I'm working on pdf library, that supports parsing and generating. It is low level, higher level tools are in todo list yet (because it is hard to design good high level API).
Here is an example of unpacking and decrypting of PDF file. It is easy to implement PDF merging, but you need to be familiar with PDF internals.
I create a basic example of merging PDF files in Haskell. 150 lines of code total, but it lacks few features (see comments at on the top of the file). They are easy to add, so let me know if you are interested.
The PDF file format isn't that complicated. Adobe has an official specification document for it somewhere. Essentially a PDF file contains a set of numbered "objects". You'd have to get all the objects from each PDF file, renumber them so they're unique, and then you need to fiddle with the page index so all the pages actually show up.
There appear to be a couple of packages on Hackage for writing PDF files, but I don't see much for reading them. You may like to look at the source code for pdfsplit for ideas. Also HPDF.

Combining resources into a single binary file

How does one combine several resources for an application (images, sounds, scripts, xmls, etc.) into a single/multiple binary file so that they're protected from user's hands? What are the typical steps (organizing, loading, encryption, etc...)?
This is particularly common in game development, yet a lot of the game frameworks and engines out there don't provide an easy way to do this, nor describe a general approach. I've been meaning to learn how to do it, but I don't know where to begin. Could anyone point me in the right direction?
There are lots of ways to do this. m_pGladiator has some good ideas, especially with seralization. I would like to make a few other comments.
First, if you are going to pack a bunch of resources into a single file (I call these packfiles), then I think that you should work to avoid loading the whole file and then deseralizing out of that file into memory. The simple reason is that it's more memory. That's really not a problem on PC's I guess, but it's good practice, and it's essential when working on the console. While we don't (currently) serialize objects as m_pGladiator has suggested, we are moving towards that.
There are two types of packfiles that you might have. One would be a file where you want arbitrary access to the contents of the files. A second type might be a collection of files where you need all of those files when loading a level. A basic example might be:
An audio packfile might contain all the audio for your game. You might only need to load certain kinds of audio for the menus or interface screens and different sets of audio for the levels. This might fall intot he first category above.
A type that falls into the second category might be all models/textures/etc for a level. You basically want to load the entire contents of this file into the game at load time because you will (likely) need all of it's contents while a player is playing that level or section.
many of the packfiles that we build fall into the second category. We basically package up the level contents, and then compresses them with something like zlib. When we load one of these at game time, we read a small amount of the file, uncompress what we've read into a memory buffer, and then repeat until the full file has been read into memory. The buffer we read into is relatively small while final destination buffer is large enough to hold the largest set of uncompressed data that we need. This method is tricky, but again, it saves on RAM, it's an interesting exercise to get working, and you feel all nice and warm inside because you are being a good steward of system resources. once the packfile has been completely uncompressed into it's destinatino buffer, we run a final pass on the buffer to fix up pointer locations, etc. This method only works when you write out your packfile as structures that the game knows. In other words, our packfile writing tools share struct (or classses) with the game code. We are basically writing out and compressing exact representations of data structures.
If you simply want to cut down on the number of files that you are shipping and installing on a users machine, you can do with something like the first kind of packfile that I describe. Maybe you have 1000s of textures and would just simply like to cut down on the sheer number of files that you have to zip up and package. You can write a small utility that will basically read the files that you want to package together and then write a header containing the files and their offsets in the packfile, and then you can write the contents of the file, one at a time, one after the other, in your large binary file. At game time, you can simply load the header of this packfile and store the filenames and offsets in a hash. When you need to read a file, you can hash the filename and see if it exists in your packfile, and if so, you can read the contents directly from the packfile by seeking to the offset and then reading from that location in the packfile. Again, this method is basically a way to pack data together without regards for encryption, etc. It's simply an organizational method.
But again, I do want to stress that if you are going a route like I or m_pGladiator suggests, I would work hard to not have to pull the whole file into RAM and then deserialize to another location in RAM. That's a waste of resources (that you perhaps have plenty of). I would say that you can do this to get it working, and then once it's working, you can work on a method that only reads part of the file at a time and then decompresses to your destination buffer. You must use a comprsesion scheme that will work like this though. zlib and lzw both do (I believe). I'm not sure about an MD5 algorithm.
Hope that this helps.
do as Java: pack it all in a zip, and use an filesystem-like API to read directly from there.
Personally, I never used the already available tools to do that. If you want to prevent your game to be hacked easily, then you have to develop your own resource manipulation engine.
First of all read about serializing objects. When you load a resource from file (graphic, sound or whatever), it is stored in some object instance in the memory. A game usually uses dozens of graphical and sound objects. You have to make a tool, which loads them all and stores them in collections in the memory. Then serialize those collections into a binary file and you have every resource there.
Then you can use for example MD5 or any other encryption algorithm to encrypt this file.
Also, you can use zlib or other compression library to make this big binary file a bit smaller.
In the game, you should load the encrypted binary file and unpack it. Then decrypt it. Then deserialize the object collections and you have all resources back in memory.
Of course you can make this more comprehensive by storing in different binary files the resources for different levels and so on - there are plenty of variants, depending on what you want. Also you can first zip, then encrypt, or make other combinations of the steps.
Short answer: yes.
In Mac OS 6,7,8 there was a substantial API devoted to this exact task. Lookup the "Resource Manager" if you are interested. Edit: So does the ROOT physics analysis package.
Not that I know of a good tool right now. What platform(s) do you want it to work on?
Edited to add: All of the two-or-three tools of this sort that I am away of share a similar struture:
The file starts with a header and index
There are a series of blocks some of which may have there own headers and indicies, some of which are leaves
Each leaf is a simple serialization of the data to be stored.
The whole file (or sometimes individual blocks) may be compressed.
Not terribly hard to implement your own, but I'd look for a good existing one that meets your needs first.
For future people, like me, who are wondering about this same topic, check out the two following links:
