Saving a file from Chrome Extension - google-chrome-extension

I am building a Browser Action type extension for chrome. The end result is that a user clicks the extension button, and starts to download a file from a known domain.
I have seen some similar answers but they all tell you how to generate the file (as I understand), whereas I have the file ready on the server.
I tried adding an A (link) element in the popup html, and having the user right click and "save as", but this option is not available in the extension popup. I have tried navigating the extension popup to the file's URL (location.href), but it shows a page not found error.
How can I just let the user download the file? Preferably when clicking the extension button but a second click inside the extension's html is acceptable solution.

Found the answer in this recent thread: CHROME ext/app - single click for image download
Just using the download manager api (I always thought it was just to access the downloads list).


Where is the data stored in the `background` of the chrome extension? [duplicate]

Chrome DevTools has a handy inspector for Local Storage and Session Storage, but is there nothing to inspect
chrome://sync-internals/ doesn't seem to display the actual contents of the synchronized storage per extension.
Storage Area Explorer extension provides a UI for viewing, editing, clearing, importing and exporting of,, localStorage and sessionStorage.
In the future this feature may be implemented natively:
Warning for ManifestV3: since devtools for service worker doesn't show storage, you'll have to open any visible page of your extension like the popup or options, right-click the page, then click "inspect", then go to Storage Explorer. If your extension doesn't have any visible pages, you can open chrome-extension://ID/manifest.json where ID is the id of the extension as shown in chrome://extensions page. Another method is to right-click any script from your extension in devtools (when you inspect the content script or service worker), then click "Open in a new tab". You can add a bookmark for this tab to open it quickly next time.
Visit chrome://sync-internals/
Click Sync Node Browser tab and wait for it to load (may give a blank screen or in progress cursor)
Click expansion triangle in the sidebar for Extension settings
Click on individual settings in the sidebar to see their values and other metadata
A poor workaround is to call get and obtain all the stored values. Of course, this doesn't let you conveniently edit them:, function callback(items) { console.log(items) });

Browser extension: Can I view the string I set with for my extension? [duplicate]

Chrome DevTools has a handy inspector for Local Storage and Session Storage, but is there nothing to inspect
chrome://sync-internals/ doesn't seem to display the actual contents of the synchronized storage per extension.
Storage Area Explorer extension provides a UI for viewing, editing, clearing, importing and exporting of,, localStorage and sessionStorage.
In the future this feature may be implemented natively:
Warning for ManifestV3: since devtools for service worker doesn't show storage, you'll have to open any visible page of your extension like the popup or options, right-click the page, then click "inspect", then go to Storage Explorer. If your extension doesn't have any visible pages, you can open chrome-extension://ID/manifest.json where ID is the id of the extension as shown in chrome://extensions page. Another method is to right-click any script from your extension in devtools (when you inspect the content script or service worker), then click "Open in a new tab". You can add a bookmark for this tab to open it quickly next time.
Visit chrome://sync-internals/
Click Sync Node Browser tab and wait for it to load (may give a blank screen or in progress cursor)
Click expansion triangle in the sidebar for Extension settings
Click on individual settings in the sidebar to see their values and other metadata
A poor workaround is to call get and obtain all the stored values. Of course, this doesn't let you conveniently edit them:, function callback(items) { console.log(items) });

Chrome extension: posting to an existing tab

simple question about the ability of chrome extensions.
Is it possible to for example hit an extension button and write the url (or other content of a page) to an endpoint of a open tab. For example, tab 1 is a web application that gathers bookmarks (so not locally stored) and if I hit a button in tab 3 I want to make a POST call to tab 1. Or can something like this be achieved by storing information in the Chrome storage which can then be read by the application in tab 1?
So quite simply:
tab 1 (:web application) - gets POST request -> tab 3 (:just a web page) through the click of a button of an active extension. I know if this would exist it could lead to some security issues, hence the question.

is it possible to launch an extension from a website?

Had a qq: is it possible to launch an extension (that is already installed) when someone clicks on a link ?
For example, let's say on my website I have a button that says "click here to launch the extension". After they install my chrome extension, when a user clicks on this button, could the extension launch? (e.g.- the popup to open).
The goal is this: I have an extension that acts like a search bar. I also have search on the website, but I wanted it to search using the extension instead of the website if a user chooses to.
Thanks for any info,
If you are asking for a way to programmatically open the extension's popup, then you will be disappointed (as it cannot be done).
If it serves your purpose, you could do something like this:
Have your extension inject a content script into your webpage.
Have the content script bind to a button's click event.
When the button is clicked: Pass some parameters to the extension's background page, let the extension perform the search and send the results back to the webpage.

Chrome extension 2 questions

I have managed with my extension and using ajax call in the content script to call my server and get an answer back. But in the console I get a message like:
The page at displayed insecure content from
Is there something I can do to prevent this message appear?
One more question please.
If I distribute the .crx to other people, can they see my code in the .js page? I dont want them to know to which page in my server I post the data I send.
Thank you for reading me. And for your patience with me.
The first issue is due to the fact that the website you're injecting code into is https while your page is http. It's a security warning from Chrome that you can't hide.
Yes they can see your extension's complete code. You can obfuscate it but when you publish your extension you give the user the entire code.
If your extension has a popup thing from the toolbar, right click to inspect element and If it has a background page or something, you can inspect it from the extensions page (developer mode has to be checked)
To see all of the files of every extensions, a user can navigate to Chrome's extensions directory. For example, on Win7 it's
C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions
User could also just rename your crx to zip and extract.
