How to apply GXT Neptune theme - gxt

Just checking on GXT samples, there Neptune theme applied, i'm using Sencha GXT 3.0.1 is it possible to apply Neptune theme? how to ?

I just tried it out. The minimum I needed to get it up and running was GWT 2.6 and GXT 3.1.0-Snapshot. There are some necessary changes, e.g. if you use the MessageBox.


IPleaseWaitService not working after upgrade to 5.0

I have an app that I use the IPleaseWaitService working fine when using Catel v 4.5.4, but when I updated to v 5.0.0, the IPleaseWaitService does not display the UpdateStatus and only displays a little spinner that doesn't go away on Hide (the only way to 'hide' the spinner is to use Pop). Additionally the views are not greyed out and not active like the previous version used to do.
Is there anything special that I have to do to implement the IPleaseWaitService with Catel 5.0.0? (nothing indicated in the documentation)
The PleaseWaitHelper (used for the WPF implementation) has been removed to simplify the code-base for Catel 5. See for more information>
The good news is that it's all open source so you can copy / paste the implementation of the PleaseWaitService from Catel 4.5 and use that one if you prefer it.
Another implementation you could look at can be found in Orchestra, where it embeds itself in the shell (at the bottom).

Multi Column Header for Angular 2 Kendo Grid

I am try to create a Kendo Grid with multi column header using Kendo UI for Angular 2. Previously, the old version for Kendo supported this ( Is this supported in the Kendo Grid for Angular 2?
Another thing that I am trying is column filtering capability which was enabled using the columnMenu option previously. Is this option present in the Kendo Grid for Angular 2?
Both of these are part of the future plans of the framework, note that Kendo UI for Angular 2 is a completely new product built from scratch and you can keep track on the roadmap here:
The feature is now implemented.
You need to use the <kendo-grid-column-group>
Here is a plunker from KendoUI

To migrate java web project from PrimeFaces 3.4 to PrimeFaces 5.2

I have not lot work experience with PrimeFaces. I have to migrate a java web PrimeFaces project from 3.4 to 5.2. Although I searched it all over the internet there was not proper solution for my situation. If you ever have any experience with this kind of problem or ever heard of that please let me know or send me link for that. Basically I want to the way of doing it. I already have idea about witch component should be changed. Is there anything to do except replacing the jar? I already tried to replace PrimeFaces 3.4 with PrimeFaces 5.2 jar. But it does not allow me to replace the jar. Do I have to to change the code too? Please i want the migration steps.
There is a PrimeFaces migration guide. you need to go step by step to get from 3.5 to 5.2.
Here is the full migration guide for your situation:
Copied from MigrationGuide
3.4 to 3.5
Component Changes
DateSelectEvent, ScheduleDateSelectEvent, ScheduleEntrySelectEvents classes are removed, use SelectEvent instead.
Column class in SortEvent and ColumnResizeEvent is replaced with UIColumn to support dynamic columns.
Scrollable and Resizable DataTable-TreeTable features are reimplemented. DataTable and TreeTable no longer render cell container div element with classes ui-dt-c and ui-tt-c.
Sheet component is removed as it duplicated functionality of DataTable. Galleria is reimplemented.
General Changes
IE7 support is phased out.
3.5 to 4.0 Component Changes
MenuModel is rewritten and not backward compatible with the old version.
(skip this when e.g. directly migrating from 3.x to 5.x, it is 'reverted' again in 5.0) DataTable sortBy and filterBy expressions require the plain property name meaning "name" instead of "#{}".
Backward compatibility is maintained for expressions like
"#{}" but not for complex expressions.
FileUpload is reimplemented and it is backward compatible except "showButtons" option is removed.
disabledSelection option of column, moved to DataTable, change is backward compatible and the option will be removed from column in a future release.
AutoComplete: removed process/global/onstart/oncomplete in favor of "p:ajax event="query" process/global/onstart/oncomplete"
General Changes
Preferred way of accessing widgets is via PF('widgetVarName').show(), old way (e.g.
is still supported and will be removed in a future version.
4.0 to 5.0 Component Changes
Chart components are deprecated in favor of new generic chart component with new Chart API. Old chart components are still supported but will be removed in a future release.
ToolbarGroup deprecated, use left and right facets of toolbar instead. (Reverted back as of 5.0.1, both facets and toolbar groups will be supported instead)
Defining fields in sortBy-filterBy attributes is deprecated use a value expression instead.e.g. sortBy="#{}" instead of sortBy="name"
DataTable frozen rows feature take an integer value instead of a collection from now on. This value defined how many rows from the start should be frozen.
LazyDataModel's filters parameter changed to Map instead of Map as a requirement of the new Advanced
Filtering Feature.
Dialog: appendToBody was removed in favor of appendTo="#(body)" to gain more flexibility
Watermark: forElement was removed in favor of for="#(yourSelector)".
Widgets must be referenced via "PF". e.g. PF('widgetVarName').show() instead of;
DataTable layout changed to table-layout:fixed.
PrimeFaces Push is reimplemented, PushContext is deprecated, use EventBus instead along with the new Push API.
ScrollPanel is reimplemented, usage is backward compatible however UI is slightly different.
5.0 to 5.1
Support for literal texts in filterBy-sortBy expressions were deprecated in 5.0 and it is removed in 5.1. These attributes only work with value expression as in the past.
Deprecated chart components are removed.
You can't directly migrate from 3.4 to 5.2.
There are some steps given to migrate in MigrationGuide. Perhaps you could first migrate from 3.4 to 4.0 there are some components changes on DataTable, DateSelectEvent, etc. Then you could proceed with 4.0 to 5.0 migration which involves more changes in LazyDataModel's and some of componets. Please go thought link given for MigrationGuide above.

Arrow and tab navigation on Primefaces Tree Component

To make our application WAI-ARIA conformant, i would like to enable the users to be able to navigate, expand, close nodes on a Primefaces tree compoponent using the arrows, tabs and enter keys. On the PF showcase, I see that the tree is navigable using these keys but when I implement my own, I cant. Could anybody enlighten me how I could achieve this.
Can someone also confirm to me that this feature is only available in the Elite version of Primefaces 5.1.X? If so does anyone know when it would be available on the community version?
I am using the PF 5.1 community version on tomcat 7 container.
Easy to find in the PF issuelist and blog
Answer: Yes, since 5.1.3,
Answer 2: So it will be in a community version for 5.2
How to do this yourself? I'd try to download the tree.js source from PrimeFaces SVN from 5.1 and trunk, compare and try to patch the existing code

Zooming an image in PrimeFaces

I'm currently developing a website using PrimeFaces component library. I would like to know, is there any built in component for zooming (zoom in and zoom out) an image in PrimeFaces?
It's not quite the same, but there are two Primefaces extensions, called ImageAreaSelect and ImageRotateAndResize which give you (combined) the same functionallity.
The second extension lets you scale your image, which can be almost interpreted as zoomed.
Also take a look at that example as well.
No. Right now there isn't any component like that in Primefaces.
However you have other Non Primefaces options, you can go for Javascript,Jquery or Flash.
