SSO Adding claims to a social login (SAML WS-Fed) - azure

I'm trying to get my head around SSO concepts and how they fit to my situation, and I've got to the point where I'm a bit stuck. Assuming we use something like Azure AD, or Ping Identity or something along those lines, we want to enable social login (google account / facebook etc) - that is all fine. The bit I keep getting stuck on is how do I control the claims to attach to that identity?
Process (in my head) overview:
- User logs in with google (facebook etc) account, they associate the google account with their 'legacy' account (i.e. link up their social login with their internal identifier that we as a business identify them as) what what ever that process is, does not matter for this discussion (i dont think).
Now when a user logs in with their social account, how do I perform the lookup of that mapping to their internal identifier to add it as a claim, and add the related other claim for that user based on information my organisation knows about them (e.g. If they are over 21, what 'level' of a member they are etc).
I get that if we had one RP using SSO, it as the RP could perform this logic, but we have the situation where we have several internal (and potentially externally managed) systems (4-5 currently) we want to tie together using SSO - which will rely on these claims for access / personalisation etc.
The closest I have seen to this is the concept of a RP-STS - which would effectively from what I could work out sit in front of Ping / AZ AD to form part of the chain, so so it can do the internal lookup and add additional claims as necessary - does that make sense as a concept? Is that the right approach?
I'm sure this can't be un-common - but i can't seem to find any good example / documentation around the full integration (plenty on just AZ AD / Ping etc) that we need. There must be off the shelf products that can do this? (We really dont want custom SSO implementation / components if possible)

The closest I have seen to this is the concept of a RP-STS - which
would effectively from what I could work out sit in front of Ping / AZ
AD to form part of the chain, so so it can do the internal lookup and
add additional claims as necessary - does that make sense as a
concept? Is that the right approach?
That is exactly the role of an RP-STS (or "Federation Provider" in some of the literature). It sits in between your apps and multiple "Identity Providers" and is usually responsible for 2 things:
Protocol transition (e.g. your app might be WS-Fed or SAML, but Facebook is OAuth2)
Claims transformation and enrichment (e.g. add, remove, transform claims based on some logic).
There are several implementations of this with various degrees of sophistication/flexibility, and trade-offs:
Azure Access Control Service can do #1 and (somewhat limited) #2. But it is unclear whether the service has any future or if it will be subsumed by Azure AD.
IdentityServer can do all. It is OSS so you "own" it (e.g. host, operate, customize, etc). It's a great implementation, used in production, written by experts (Dominick Baier & Brock Allen) and very flexible.
ADFS can do some (limited # of protocols, proprietary claim transformation language that is complex to debug, but works). You have to host ADFS yourself. This is a MSFT product.
The company I work for offers similar capabilities too.


Azure API Management and OAuth2 - use a single AD AppReg for multiple API's, or a single AD AppReg for each API?

I'm currently in the process of setting up a single instance of API Management. I have a project that is going to comprise of x4 API's that are all going to be required for OAuth2 authentication.(I have a single AD tenant).
I've been following this (rather bewildering) guide on getting API Management set up with OAuth2... specifies that you create an Azure Active Directory App Registration for...
1) The API (single API?)
2) Client that accesses the API
My question is...I know I only potentially need 1 client App Registration, but do I need x4 App Registrations for each API, or can I just use the single one and have all 4 API's use that single one?
I've tested this and it seems to work fine, I'm just wondering if I am missing a trick here and potentially painting myself into a corner later on.
I am after some best practice here on what is the right thing to do. It is less administration to have a single App Registration that can look after x4 (or more) API's, but will that cause issues later on?
Thanks in advance
While you don't technically need 1 app registration for each webapi or each app. but it's considered best practice for security and separation of apis and access to such apis, also makes it easier to audit and monitor.
However, there is nothing technically stopping you if you just want 1 app registration to handle all 4 apis. and even the client for that matter.
For example, you will have a harder time controlling access per API, eg if you want user A to be able to access api A but not B. then it's much more difficult. also, security wise, all the other apis would be able to access eachothers endpoints if you were to only have 1 app registration.
Manageability also comes into play. if for example you wanted some specific thing for one of the apps in the app registration, scopes/roles/etc. combining them would make it more difficult to do so.
Bottom line, create one for each web api under 90-95% of situations, it's best practice, and can potentially save you headaches later on.
Hope that gives you a bit of insight

What CDSSO implementation best resolves Disparate User database

What Cross-Domain Single Sign-On implementation best solves my problem?
I have two domains ( & which already have their own database of users and are already implementing their user authentications separately. Recently there has been the need to implement CDSSO so that users dont have to log in each time they try to access resources from both domains.
Ideally the CDSSO implementation I hope to use should allow custom implementation of authentication, as I hope to call API's provided by both domains during authentication to confirm a user exists in at least one of the domains user database.
I've been looking at Sun's OpenSSO which seems to provide a means to extend its AMLoginModule class yet this seems to be a long thing and more annoyingly they seem to stick to GlassFish.
I've also considered developing a custom CDSSO to solve our needs. Is this advisable?
Is this achievable using Suns OpenSSO considering the disparate user database as I there will be no need to make use of the User db that OpenSSO requires?
Are there any simpler means of achieving what I intend to achieve?
In addition both applications which exist on the two domains were developed using PHP. How does this have an effect considering Suns OpenSSO is based on Java EE?
Are there any clearly specified steps on implementing OpenSSO and or any other SSO implementations from start to finish?
I suggest you to use simpleSAMLphp in order to deploy an Identity Provider and 2 Service Provider (for each app).
SimpleSAMLphp allows you to select multiple authentication source and is not hard to build your own authsource that consults the 2 databases.
My experience in SAML says that the fact of not consolidating the Identity of the user in 1 unique authsource is a bad idea due several reasons:
* identity conflicts: what happen if you have the same user registered with different mail (if that is the field yoy use to identify the user) and you try to access? You could be logged in different account each time.
* what happen if you add a 3rd service, do you gonna add a 3rd database
* what happen if user change its data in one app, the other gonna be no synched?
* what happen if user uses different passwords?
I recommend you to execute a migration process before adding the SAML support and build a unique database for all your identities and unify the registration/edit profile/password recovery process of both sites in one.
SimpleSAMLphp has good documentation, but I can provide to you any documentation related to the process that I suggested.

Azure ACS and storing information for users on it vs local?

I'm working with Azure ACS and incorporating it into an SSO strategy for my .NET 4.0 website. I see on the Rule Groups page that a bunch of different claims can be stored and passed back to the RP (e.g. country, streetaddress, phone, etc.). It looks like you can also return back any claim type you want to create. This got me thinking about many questions relating to storing information for users:
Does it make sense to store user information (other than the nameidentifier) in ACS vs local database tables?
It sounded like you could make unlimited rule groups and rules inside of them. Is that correct?
I would be dealing with different companies and users inside the company. Would creating a rule group for each company and then making rules for each user be a wise choice?
It appears that the API is pretty robust and would enable this to be done automatically as a result of a sign up page, etc. Correct or incorrect?
Would it be feasible and recommended to run a query against ACS to return information back about a user (e.g. query for their email address when they're offline to send them a message about something)
Could you grab bulk information for reporting purposes off of ACS?
The short answer is generally "yes", but of course there's a longer answer :-).
Does it make sense to store user information (other than the nameidentifier) in ACS vs local database tables?
Yes it could make sense. But for optimization purposes you might keep a copy of some of the user profile information somewhere else (local to the app). ACS rules information would be the "master record" you would update the values in your local store whenever you get a token and check whether there've been changes or not.
It sounded like you could make unlimited rule groups and rules inside of them. Is that correct?
No, "unlimited" is a big number. There are limits in the number of namespaces, relying parties and rules. Check the documentation. ACS also supports "cascading" transformations, which can help you reduce the number of rules.
For example:
email: -> company:Contoso
Company: Contoso -> Language: English
The 2nd rule will be triggered whenever a claim of type "Company", value "Contoso" is issued.
Then you can have:
email: -> company: Contoso
The "language" claim will be automatically added.
I would be dealing with different companies and users inside the company. Would creating a rule group for each company and then making rules for each user be a wise choice?
In a multi-tenant environment, it might be better to have a Relying Party per tenant. This is what we do in sample 7 (Federation With Multiple Partners) available here:
It appears that the API is pretty robust and would enable this to be done automatically as a result of a sign up page, etc. Correct or incorrect?
Would it be feasible and recommended to run a query against ACS to return information back about a user (e.g. query for their email address when they're offline to send them a message about something)
It is possible. However, there's no concept of "user" in ACS. So yuou would have to decode that from the rules. You can't have a call like "GetUserprofile( string user)"
Could you grab bulk information for reporting purposes off of ACS?
The API supports bulk info, but for reporting it might be better to have replicated information on your own database.
One last thought: ACS rules engine today is very simple and only does simple transformations (plus cascading), but nothing compared to what ADFS can do today, where rules can be really complex (e.g. db lookups, etc)

Multiple Authentication

I am creating a web-page/website that integrates all my accounts into one spectrum, as in, from this page I want to use this page to log into my mail box online or any other site that requires authentication. All i want is a central login panel. enter my unname&passwd and get redirected to my mail. Is that an impossible question to ask?
It sounds to me like you want to consider using OpenId, which is a standard, fairly widely adopted form of single sign-on. Used by this very site, in fact, and supported by at least two of the three companies you mentioned: yahoo and google. Hotmail does not currently support it.
It completely depends on the individual service. You'll have to investigate each service to see if they even allow you to authenticate against their servers remotely. In the event that they do allow it, it's still up to the service whether or not you'll be able to retrieve any kind of information from them after logging in.
Banks in particular are very unlikely to give you any way to interface with them and the ones that do will likely require a monthly access fee.
You want to look into SAML, an XML-based standard for exchanging authentication and authorization data between security domains, that is, between an identity provider (a producer of assertions) and a service provider (a consumer of assertions). SAML is a product of the OASIS Security Services Technical Committee.
With SAML, you can communicate between the major single sign on (SS0) technologies like CAS, OpenID, Shibboleth, AD/LDAP...

Simple Active Directory Integration within application - what should the app store?

I'm starting on a project to allow an existing web application to use active directory for authentication but leaving authorization within the application. I want to start off simple so I was thinking a user would type their AD username/password into my existing login form, I would then do an ldap bind against the AD server to authenticate the user.
Once the user is authenticated, I would pull that user from my database which has all the authorization information as to what functions the user can see.
My question is what is the best AD element to store in my table to make the association? In the past I've used username but after looking at some of the elements that AD returns I was wondering if I should use the security ID or GUID or something else?
I've been burned when a username changes like an employee gets married or divorced... so I know that is brittle.
I was targeting windows 2003 AD and above if that makes a difference; this is for a product where some clients have large AD forest and some are small networks.
Storing the SID is the most reliable approach; this is the unique ID that all Microsoft AD things use, security groups, permissions, etc.
If you're building on .Net you should seriously consider .Net 3.5, there's a new namespace System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement that greatly simplifies code here and gives you nice neat objects to go against.
Unless users share computers, why not use Windows integrated logon? Much easier on the users, easier on yourself as developer, and more secure (one less place a password can be sniffed).
Need I mention that allowing user identities to change is poor corporate security policy? Makes traceability harder, permits some novel attack vectors, and gives you this headache.
As Nick mentions, the SID is a stable identifier, but not something you should ask a user to enter for him/herself!
