Two different signatures in one envelope by using embedded signing view REST API PHP - docusignapi

We are using REST API to sign on docusign documents in our application. Its working great when I used REST API (Embedded Signing).
But we got new requirement as below.
Actually parents/childrens are joined in our application, at the time of joining we are taking parent signature on the documents as of now, new change is need to take children signature as well in the same envelope on the documents at the same time.
Is it possible with using REST API PHP? Please help on this ASAP.
Srinivas Reddy. A

The answer in this post describes the process/flow for conducting embedded signing for multiple recipients:
I need to get Document signature by Spouse and its optional. how to do it with Docusign?


Add dynamically signers for bulk signing

I'm working on creating a gateway using the docusign API.
And i wonder if it's possible to add dynamically signers through a form.
I have tried many technique but none of them have worked.
For me one of the solution would be to add the signers with their parameters to a list in the model and use this list as a parameter of the controller, but i don't know if the Api have special limitation.
I will share you my code if you need it !
Thank you for your responses.
I think you want to do bulk send, but not sure.
Bulk Send is a feature where you send the same envelope (set of documents with tags etc.) to different signers (recipients). You then set the list and the system clones the original envelope many times and sends it to each user in turn.
Code example showcasing how to do this in 8 different languages can be found here:

Decryption in DocuSign Power form

I am opening the DocuSign power form from my salesforce org. When we open the form we pass few fields values along with power from URL (In encryption mode). I would like to know how to decrypt the values in DocuSign power form.
I'm sorry for the slow reply. Please be sure to always include the docusignapi tag with your questions. (We didn't see your question because of that issue.)
If you want to know the values that were entered by the signer into a DocuSign powerform, then you have a couple of choices:
Use the eSignature REST API to retrieve the values from the envelopes. Try the EnvelopeRecipients:list API method and include the query parameter include_tabs=true. You'll first need to get a list of the envelopes that were created because of your PowerForm.
Use the Connect web hook feature to receive notifications (which include the tab data) on your server.
If you have another question, please open a new question here on StackOverflow with the tag docusignapi Thank you.

DocuSign embedded signing - how to get url of the document that contains signature?

Instead of getting url of the signed document in an email, we need a way to get it in the code.
Just to clarify, are you trying to retrieve the signed or unsigned version of the document?
In either case, I would suggest you check out a cool tool we have called code example launchers.
If you are attempting to embed the signing ceremony in your app before the user interacts with it (embedded signing), you'll want to first create the envelope and then request a RecipientViewURL (see example #1)
If, instead, you are attempting to retrieve completed documents after, you'll want to call the GetEnvelopeDocuments API (see example #7)
It sounds like you're looking for EnvelopeViews::CreateSharedRecipient -

Can we view document in another language like Norwegian using DocuSign API

We have implemented the embedded signing process and at last step we get the embedded url. So, what we want is when I click on the embedded url I want to see the document in another language for eg. Norwegian.
Is it possible that using DocuSign API we can view documents in another language like Norwegian.
Thanks and Regards
DocuSign will always present the documents in the same exact state as the sender supplies them in -- having DocuSign translate the documents to another language, or make any other changes to the documents is not possible. The ability to configure "language" in DocuSign applies only to the DocuSign web console UI and other instructions that DocuSign displays to the Signer during the signing process -- not to the documents themselves.

Getting started with the Docusign API

I want to make sure I am on the right track as I have been having some problems getting started with the API. I am looking to maintain a list of product application PDFs as templates on docusign. When a customer comes to our site and wants a particular product they need to fill out an application form. All the data would be collected on our site. I would then want to:
Create an envolope with the customer (and potentially other parties) that need to sign the document
Fill in the form fields from data collected on our site
Send the envelope out for signature and monitor the progress.
So in doing this I am trying to build this up a piece at a time and first task is to make sure that I can provide form data to docusign. I create a template with the docusign web user interface and all of the form fields seem to be preserved. However when I try and retrieve the template with API
I see a very short response with an envelopeTemplateDefinition showing the correct name for the template but no documents object and no custom fields object. I have also tried this by creating an envelope with the document (in draft) but with similar results.
My apologies in advance for this newbie question.
I've repro'd the issue you describe -- i.e., the Response I get from a GET Template request contains only very limited information and is thereby not consistent with the expected Response as documented on pages 194-196 of the DocuSign REST API guide ( Not sure if this is a bug with the GET Template operation or with the Documentation -- someone at DocuSign will need to confirm (#Ergin).
In light of this limitation with the GET Template operation, you can alternatively retrieve the recipient information (including tabs) and document information about a Template by using the GET Envelope Recipients and GET Envelope Documents operations -- just specify the TEMPLATE Id in place of the Envelope Id, as shown here:
GET https://{{env}}{{version}}/accounts/{{acctId}}/envelopes/{templateId}/documents
GET https://{{env}}{{version}}/accounts/{{acctId}}/envelopes/{templateId}/recipients?include_tabs=true
