Safe to spawn a new thread inside request thread in spring - multithreading

I have a spring controller. The request thread from the controller is passed to the #Service annotated Service class. Now I want to do some background work and the request thread must some how trigger the background thread and continue with it's own work and should not wait for the background thread to complete.
My first question : is this safe to do this.?
Second question : how to do this.?

Is this safe
Not really. If you have many concurrent users, you'll spawn a thread for everyone of them, and the high number of threads could bring your server to its knees. The app server uses a pool of threads, precisely to avoid this problem.
How to do this
I would do this by using the asynchronous capabilities of Spring. Call a service method annotated with #Async, and the service method will be executed by another thread, from a configurable pool.


How exactly thread pools are working in ASP.NET Core?

I suppose, there is a thread pool which the web server are using to serve requests. So the controllers are running within one of the thread of this thread pool. Say it is the 'serving' pool.
In one of my async action method I use an async method,
var myResult = await myObject.MyMethodAsync();
// my completion logic here
As explained many places, we are doing this, to not block the valuable serving pool thread, instead execute MyMethodAsync in an other background thread... then continue the completion logic in again a serving pool thread, probably in other one, but having the http context, and some othe minor things marshaled there correctly.
So the background thread in which MyMethodAsync runs must be from an other thread pool, unless the whole thing makes no sense.
Please confirm or correct my understanding and in case if it is correct, I still miss why would one thread in one pool more valuable resource than other thread in another pool? In the end of the day the whole thing runs on a same particular hardware with given number of cores and CPU performance...
There is only one thread pool in a .NET application. It has both worker threads and I/O threads, which are treated differently, but there is only one pool.
I suppose, there is a thread pool which the web server are using to serve requests. So the controllers are running within one of the thread of this thread pool. Say it is the 'serving' pool.
ASP.NET uses the .NET thread pool to serve requests, yes.
As explained many places, we are doing this, to not block the valuable serving pool thread, instead execute MyMethodAsync in an other background thread... then continue the completion logic in again a serving pool thread, probably in other one, but having the http context, and some othe minor things marshaled there correctly.
So the background thread in which MyMethodAsync runs must be from an other thread pool, unless the whole thing makes no sense.
This is the wrong part.
With truly asynchronous methods, there is no thread (as described on my blog). While the code within MyMethodAsync will run on some thread, there is no thread dedicated to running MyMethodAsync until it completes.
You can think about it this way: asynchronous code usually deals with I/O, so lets say for example that MyMethodAsync is posting something to an API. Once the post is sent, there's no point in having a thread just block waiting for a response. Instead, MyMethodAsync just wires up a continuation and returns. As a result, most asynchronous controller methods use zero threads while waiting for external systems to respond. There's no "other thread pool" because there's no "other thread" at all.
Which is kind of the point of asynchronous code on ASP.NET: to use fewer threads to serve more requests. Also see this article.

How does execute on a different thread?

It is my understanding that call to exchange method of resttemplate executes on a different thread. Basically all client libraries execute on a different thread.
Let's say my servlet container is tomcat. When a request is made to the endpoint exposed, tomcat thread recieves the request and the request comes to service layer from controller layer on the same thread. In the service layer, I have a call to 3rd party service using resttemplate. When exchange method is invoked, internally the operation runs on different thread and gets the result of the operation.
I have a question regarding this:
Where does the resttemplate get the thread from basically from which thread pool to execute on a different thread ?
I would like to know if executing resttemplate on a different thread has got to do anything with tomcat thread pool.
Can anybody shed some lights on this?
When a request is made to the endpoint exposed, tomcat thread recieves
the request and the request comes to service layer from controller
layer on the same thread.
This happens only if tomcat and java applications are in same JVM (like in embedded tomcat). Otherwise, by default, Java threads are created and destroyed without being pooled. Of course, you can create a java thread pool too.
Every time a third-party API is called via RestTemplate it will create new Httpconnection and will close it once it is done. You can create RestTemplate's own connection pool using HttpComponentsClientHttpRequestFactory like so:
new org.springframework.web.client.RestTemplate(new HttpComponentsClientHttpRequestFactory())

Is every method of ServerEndpoint executed by different thread?

I use GF 4 as JavaEE server.
This is how I understand servlet processing: There is a pool of threads and when request comes one thread from this pool is taken to process the request. After that the thread is put back to pool.
Based on the information above I suppose (I am not sure) that websockets (server end points) are processed this way: There is pool of threads, when
Client creates new websocket a thread is taken from pool to create new instance of ServerEndpoint and to execute #OnOpen method. After that thread is put back to pool.
Client sends message over websocket to server. Thread is taken from pool to execute #OnMessage method. After that thread is put back to pool.
Client closes the websocket - thread is taken from pool to execute #OnClose method. After that thread is put back to pool.
It all means that every method of ServerEndpoint can be executed by different threads. Is my understanding right?
The ServerEndpoint instance lives as long as the associated WebSocket session is available as Session argument during #OnOpen. During that WebSocket session, many HTTP and WebSocket requests may be fired. Each such request accounts as an individual thread.
In other words, if your ServerEndpoint class needs to deal with instance variables in multiple methods for some reason, it must be implemented in a thread safe manner. Depending on the concrete functional requirement, you'd probably better use Session#getUserProperties() instead to carry around state associated with the WS session (think of it as session attributes).
Noted should be that this all is regardless of the container and WS implementation used.

multithreading in ASP.Net webservice - what happens after the main thread completes?

I have inherited a set of legacy webservices (VB.Net, IIS hosted ASMX) in which some of the WebMethods are using basic multithreading.
It seems like they have done this to allow the WebMethod to return to the client quicker with a response, while still doing some longer running operations that do not impact the response object itself (such as cleanup operations, logging, etc).
My question is, what happens in this webservice when the main thread (that which created the WebMethod instance) completes? Do these other threads terminate or does it actually block the main thread from completing if the other threads are not complete? Or, do the threads run to completion on the IIS process?
Threads are independent of each other unless one thread waits on another. Once created, there is nothing stopping the request (main) thread from completing, and any other threads simply complete on their own.

Destroy a wcf thread

I'm using multithreaded wcf maxConcurrentCalls = 10. By logging calls to my service I see that 10 different threads are executing in my service class and that they are reused in the following calls.
Can I tell WCF to destroy/delete a thread so it will create a new one on the next call?
This is because I have thread-static state that I sometimes want to be cleared (on unexpected exceptions). I am using the thread-static scope to gain performance.
WCF doesn't create new threads. It uses threads from a thread pool to service requests. So when a request begins it draws a thread from this pool to execute the request and after it finishes it returns the thread to the pool. The way that WCF uses threads underneath is an implementation detail that you should not rely on. You should never use Thread Static in ASP.NET/WCF to store state.
In ASP.NET you should use HttpContext.Items and in WCF OperationContext to store some state that would be available through the entire request.
Here's a good blog post you may take a look at which illustrates a nice way to abstract this.
