Haskell equivalent of -rectypes - haskell

What is the GHC equivalent of OCaml's -rectypes for allowing recursive types? I don't see one in the documentation. Is it a hidden feature?

There isn't one unfortunately, all recursion must go through a data type. However, if you're willing to put up with a bit of headache you can still write recursive types pretty easily.
newtype RecArr b a = RecArr {unArr :: RecArr b a -> b}
unfold = unArr
fold = RecArr
Now we can fold and unfold our RecArr to unfold our recursion to our hearts content. This is a little painful because it's manual, but completely workable. As a demonstration, here's the y combinator written using fold and unfold.
y f = (\x -> f (unfold x x)) $ fold (\x -> f (unfold x x))
factorial f n = if n == 0 then 1 else n * f (n-1)
main = print (y factorial 5) -- prints 120

There is none. All recursion has to go through nominal types. That is, you have to define a data type.


Haskell: to fix or not to fix

I recently learned about Data.Function.fix, and now I want to apply it everywhere. For example, whenever I see a recursive function I want to "fix" it. So basically my question is where and when should I use it.
To make it more specific:
1) Suppose I have the following code for factorization of n:
f n = f' n primes
f' n (p:ps) = ...
-- if p^2<=n: returns (p,k):f' (n `div` p^k) ps for k = maximum power of p in n
-- if n<=1: returns []
-- otherwise: returns [(n,1)]
If I rewrite it in terms of fix, will I gain something? Lose something? Is it possible, that by rewriting an explicit recursion into fix-version I will resolve or vice versa create a stack overflow?
2) When dealing with lists, there are several solutions: recursion/fix, foldr/foldl/foldl', and probably something else. Is there any general guide/advice on when to use each? For example, would you rewrite the above code using foldr over the infinite list of primes?
There are, probably, other important questions not covered here. Any additional comments related to the usage of fix are welcome as well.
One thing that can be gained by writing in an explicitly fixed form is that the recursion is left "open".
factOpen :: (Integer -> Integer) -> Integer -> Integer
factOpen recur 0 = 1
factOpen recur n = n * recur (pred n)
We can use fix to get regular fact back
fact :: Integer -> Integer
fact = fix factOpen
This works because fix effectively passes a function itself as its first argument. By leaving the recursion open, however, we can modify which function gets "passed back". The best example of using this property is to use something like memoFix from the memoize package.
factM :: Integer -> Integer
factM = memoFix factOpen
And now factM has built-in memoization.
Effectively, we have that open-style recursion requires us impute the recursive bit as a first-order thing. Recursive bindings are one way that Haskell allows for recursion at the language level, but we can build other, more specialized forms.
I'd like to mention another usage of fix; suppose you have a simple language consisting of addition, negative, and integer literals. Perhaps you have written a parser which takes a String and outputs a Tree:
data Tree = Leaf String | Node String [Tree]
parse :: String -> Tree
-- parse "-(1+2)" == Node "Neg" [Node "Add" [Node "Lit" [Leaf "1"], Node "Lit" [Leaf "2"]]]
Now you would like to evaluate your tree to a single integer:
fromTree (Node "Lit" [Leaf n]) = case reads n of {[(x,"")] -> Just x; _ -> Nothing}
fromTree (Node "Neg" [e]) = liftM negate (fromTree e)
fromTree (Node "Add" [e1,e2]) = liftM2 (+) (fromTree e1) (fromTree e2)
Suppose someone else decides to extend the language; they want to add multiplication. They will have to have access to the original source code. They could try the following:
fromTree' (Node "Mul" [e1, e2]) = ...
fromTree' e = fromTree e
But then Mul can only appear once, at the top level of the expression, since the call to fromTree will not be aware of the Node "Mul" case. Tree "Neg" [Tree "Mul" a b] will not work, since the original fromTree has no pattern for "Mul". However, if the same function is written using fix:
fromTreeExt :: (Tree -> Maybe Int) -> (Tree -> Maybe Int)
fromTreeExt self (Node "Neg" [e]) = liftM negate (self e)
fromTreeExt .... -- other cases
fromTree = fix fromTreeExt
Then extending the language is possible:
fromTreeExt' self (Node "Mul" [e1, e2]) = ...
fromTreeExt' self e = fromTreeExt self e
fromTree' = fix fromTreeExt'
Now, the extended fromTree' will evaluate the tree properly, since self in fromTreeExt' refers to the entire function, including the "Mul" case.
This approach is used here (the above example is a closely adapted version of the usage in the paper).
Beware the difference between _Y f = f (_Y f) (recursion, value--copying) and fix f = x where x = f x (corecursion, reference--sharing).
Haskell's let and where bindings are recursive: same name on the LHS and RHS refer to the same entity. The reference is shared.
In the definition of _Y there's no sharing (unless a compiler performs an aggressive optimization of common subexpressions elimination). This means it describes recursion, where repetition is achieved by application of a copy of an original, like in a classic metaphor of a recursive function creating its own copies. Corecursion, on the other hand, relies on sharing, on referring to same entity.
An example, primes calculated by
2 : _Y ((3:) . gaps 5 . _U . map (\p-> [p*p, p*p+2*p..]))
-- gaps 5 == ([5,7..] \\)
-- _U == sort . concat
either reusing its own output (with fix, let g = ((3:)...) ; ps = g ps in 2 : ps) or creating separate primes supply for itself (with _Y, let g () = ((3:)...) (g ()) in 2 : g ()).
See also:
double stream feed to prevent unneeded memoization?
How to implement an efficient infinite generator of prime numbers in Python?
Or, with the usual example of factorial function,
gen rec n = n<2 -> 1 ; n * rec (n-1) -- "if" notation
facrec = _Y gen
facrec 4 = gen (_Y gen) 4
= let {rec=_Y gen} in (\n-> ...) 4
= let {rec=_Y gen} in (4<2 -> 1 ; 4*rec 3)
= 4*_Y gen 3
= 4*gen (_Y gen) 3
= 4*let {rec2=_Y gen} in (3<2 -> 1 ; 3*rec2 2)
= 4*3*_Y gen 2 -- (_Y gen) recalculated
fac = fix gen
fac 4 = (let f = gen f in f) 4
= (let f = (let {rec=f} in (\n-> ...)) in f) 4
= let {rec=f} in (4<2 -> 1 ; 4*rec 3) -- f binding is created
= 4*f 3
= 4*let {rec=f} in (3<2 -> 1 ; 3*rec 2)
= 4*3*f 2 -- f binding is reused
1) fix is just a function, it improves your code when you use some recursion. It makes your code prettier.For example usage visit: Haskell Wikibook - Fix and recursion.
2) You know what does foldr? Seems like foldr isn't useful in factorization (or i didn't understand what are you mean in that).
Here is a prime factorization without fix:
fact xs = map (\x->takeWhile (\y->y/=[]) x) . map (\x->factIt x) $ xs
where factIt n = map (\x->getFact x n []) [2..n]
getFact i n xs
| n `mod` i == 0 = getFact i (div n i) xs++[i]
| otherwise = xs
and with fix(this exactly works like the previous):
fact xs = map (\x->takeWhile (\y->y/=[]) x) . map (\x->getfact x) $ xs
where getfact n = map (\x->defact x n) [2..n]
defact i n =
fix (\rec j k xs->if(mod k j == 0)then (rec j (div k j) xs++[j]) else xs ) i n []
This isn't pretty because in this case fix isn't a good choice(but there is always somebody who can write it better).

Recursive state monad for accumulating a value while building a list?

I'm totally new to Haskell so apologies if the question is silly.
What I want to do is recursively build a list while at the same time building up an accumulated value based on the recursive calls. This is for a problem I'm doing for a Coursera course, so I won't post the exact problem but something analogous.
Say for example I wanted to take a list of ints and double each one (ignoring for the purpose of the example that I could just use map), but I also wanted to count up how many times the number '5' appears in the list.
So to do the doubling I could do this:
foo [] = []
foo (x:xs) = x * 2 : foo xs
So far so easy. But how can I also maintain a count of how many times x is a five? The best solution I've got is to use an explicit accumulator like this, which I don't like as it reverses the list, so you need to do a reverse at the end:
foo total acc [] = (total, reverse acc)
foo total acc (x:xs) = foo (if x == 5 then total + 1 else total) (x*2 : acc) xs
But I feel like this should be able to be handled nicer by the State monad, which I haven't used before, but when I try to construct a function that will fit the pattern I've seen I get stuck because of the recursive call to foo. Is there a nicer way to do this?
EDIT: I need this to work for very long lists, so any recursive calls need to be tail-recursive too. (The example I have here manages to be tail-recursive thanks to Haskell's 'tail recursion modulo cons').
Using State monad it can be something like:
foo :: [Int] -> State Int [Int]
foo [] = return []
foo (x:xs) = do
i <- get
put $ if x==5 then (i+1) else i
r <- foo xs
return $ (x*2):r
main = do
let (lst,count) = runState (foo [1,2,5,6,5,5]) 0 in
putStr $ show count
This is a simple fold
foo :: [Integer] -> ([Integer], Int)
foo [] = ([], 0)
foo (x : xs) = let (rs, n) = foo xs
in (2 * x : rs, if x == 5 then n + 1 else n)
or expressed using foldr
foo' :: [Integer] -> ([Integer], Int)
foo' = foldr f ([], 0)
f x (rs, n) = (2 * x : rs, if x == 5 then n + 1 else n)
The accumulated value is a pair of both the operations.
Have a look at Beautiful folding. It shows a nice way how to make such computations composable.
You can use State for the same thing as well, by viewing each element as a stateful computation. This is a bit overkill, but certainly possible. In fact, any fold can be expressed as a sequence of State computations:
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.State
-- I used a slightly non-standard signature for a left fold
-- for simplicity.
foldl' :: (b -> a -> a) -> a -> [b] -> a
foldl' f z xs = execState (mapM_ (modify . f) xs) z
Function mapM_ first maps each element of xs to a stateful computation by modify . f :: b -> State a (). Then it combines a list of such computations into one of type State a () (it discards the results of the monadic computations, just keeps the effects). Finally we run this stateful computation on z.

Inverting a fold

Suppose for a minute that we think the following is a good idea:
data Fold x y = Fold {start :: y, step :: x -> y -> y}
fold :: Fold x y -> [x] -> y
Under this scheme, functions such as length or sum can be implemented by calling fold with the appropriate Fold object as argument.
Now, suppose you want to do clever optimisation tricks. In particular, suppose you want to write
unFold :: ([x] -> y) -> Fold x y
It should be relatively easy to rule a RULES pragma such that fold . unFold = id. But the interesting question is... can we actually implement unFold?
Obviously you can use RULES to apply arbitrary code transformations, whether or not they preserve the original meaning of the code. But can you really write an unFold implementation which actually does what its type signature suggests?
No, it's not possible. Proof: let
f :: [()] -> Bool
f[] = False
f[()] = False
f _ = True
First we must, for f' = unFold f, have start f' = False, because when folding over the empty list we directly get the start value. Then we must require step f' () False = False to achieve fold f' [()] = False. But when now evaluating fold f' [(),()], we would again only get a call step f' () False, which we had to define as False, leading to fold f' [(),()] ≡ False, whereas f[(),()] ≡ True. So there exists no unFold f that fulfills fold $ unFold f ≡ f.                                                                                                                                              □
You can, but you need to make a slight modification to Fold in order to pull it off.
All functions on lists can be expressed as a fold, but sometimes to accomplish this, extra bookkeeping is needed. Suppose we add an additional type parameter to your Fold type, which passes along this additional contextual information.
data Fold a c r = Fold { _start :: (c, r), _step :: a -> (c,r) -> (c,r) }
Now we can implement fold like so
fold :: Fold a c r -> [a] -> r
fold (Fold step start) = snd . foldr step start
Now what happens when we try to go the other way?
unFold :: ([a] -> r) -> Fold a c r
Where does the c come from? Functions are opaque values, so it's hard to know how to inspect a function and know which contextual information it relies on. So, let's cheat a little. We're going to have the "contextual information" be the entire list, so then when we get to the leftmost element, we can just apply the function to the original list, ignoring the prior cumulative results.
unFold :: ([a] -> r) -> Fold a [a] r
unFold f = Fold { _start = ([], f [])
, _step = \a (c, _r) -> let c' = a:c in (c', f c') }
Now, sadly, this does not necessarily compose with fold, because it requires that c must be [a]. Let's fix that by hiding c with existential quantification.
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
data Fold a r = forall c. Fold
{ _start :: (c,r)
, _step :: a -> (c,r) -> (c,r) }
fold :: Fold a r -> [a] -> r
fold (Fold start step) = snd . foldr step start
unFold :: ([a] -> r) -> Fold a r
unFold f = Fold start step where
start = ([], f [])
step a (c, _r) = let c' = a:c in (c', f c')
Now, it should always be true that fold . unFold = id. And, given a relaxed notion of equality for the Fold data type, you could also say that unFold . fold = id. You can even provide a smart constructor that acts like the old Fold constructor:
makeFold :: r -> (a -> r -> r) -> Fold a r
makeFold start step = Fold start' step' where
start' = ((), start)
step' a ((), r) = ((), step a r)
Conclusion 1: you can't
What you asked for originally isn't possible, at least not by any version of what you wanted I can come up with. (See below.)
If change your data type to allow me to store intermediate calculations, I think I'll be fine, but even then,
the function unFold would be rather inefficient, which seems to run counter to your clever optimisation tricks agenda!
Conclusion 2: I don't think it achieves what you want, even if you work around it by changing the types
Any optimisation of the list algorithm would be subject to the problem that you've calculated the step function using the original unoptimised function, and quite probably in a complicated way.
Since there's no equality on functions, optimising step to something efficient isn't possible. I think you need a human to do unFold, not a compiler.
Anyway, back to the original question:
Could fold . unFold = id ?
No. Suppose we have
isSingleton :: [a] -> Bool
isSingleton [x] = True
isSingleton _ = False
then if we had unFold :: ([x] -> y) -> Fold x y then if foldSingleton was the same as unFold isSingleton would need to have
foldSingleton = Fold {start = False , step = ???}
Where step takes an element of the list and updates the result.
Now isSingleton "a" == True, we need
step False = True
and because isSingleton "ab" == False, we need
step True = False
so step = not would do so far, but also isSingleton "abc" == False so we also need
step False = False
Since there are functions ([x] -> y) that cannot be represented by a value of type Fold x y, there cannot exist a function unFold :: ([x] -> y) -> Fold x y such that fold . unFold = id, because id is a total function.
It turns out you're not convinced by this, because you only expected unFold to work on functions that had a representation as a fold, so maybe you meant unFold.fold = id.
Could unFold . fold = id ?
Even if you just want unFold to work on functions ([x] -> y) that can be obtained using fold :: Fold x y -> ([x] -> y), I don't think it's possible. Let's address the question by assuming now we have defined
combine :: X -> Y -> Y
initial :: Y
folded :: [X] -> Y
folded = fold $ Fold initial combine
Recovering the value initial is trivial: initial = folded [].
Recovery of the original combine is not, because there's no way to go from a function that gives you some values of Y to one which combines arbitrary values of Y.
For an example, if we had X = Y = Int and I defined
combine x y | y < 0 = -10
| otherwise = y + 1
initial = 0
then since combine just adds one to y every time you use it on positive y, and the initial value is 0, folded is indistinguishable from length in terms of its output. Notice that since folded xs is never negative, it's also impossible to define a function unFold :: ([x] -> y) -> Fold x y that ever recovers our combine function. This boils down to the fact that fold is not injective; it carries different values of type Fold x y to the same value of type [x] -> y.
Thus I've proved two things: if unFold :: ([x] -> y) -> Fold x y then both fold.unFold /= id and now also unFold.fold /= id
I bet you're not convinced by this either, because you don't really care whether you got Fold 0 (\_ y -> y+1) or Fold 0 combine back from unFold folded, seeing as they have the same value when refolded! Let's narrow the goalposts one more time. Perhaps you want unFold to work whenever the function is obtainable via fold, and you're happy for it not to give you inconsistent answers as long as when you fold the result again, you get the same function. I can summarise that with this next question:
Could fold . unFold . fold = fold ?
i.e. Could you define unFold so that fold.unFold is the identity on the set of functions obtainable via fold?
I'm really convinced this isn't possible, because it's not a tractible problem to calculate the step function without retaining extra information about intermediate values on sublists.
Suppose we had
unFold f = Fold {start = f [], step = recoverstep f}
we need
recoverstep f x1 initial == f [x1]
so if there's an Eq instance for x (ring the alarm bells!), then recoverstep must have the same effect as
recoverstep f x1 y | y == initial = f [x1]
also we need
recoverstep f x2 (f [x1]) == f [x1,x2]
so if there's an Eq instance for x, then recoverstep must have the same effect as
recoverstep f x2 y | y == (f [x1]) = f [x1,x2]
but there's a massive problem here: the variable x1 is free in the right hand side of this equation.
This means that logically, we can't tell what value the step function should have on an x unless we already
know what values it has been used on. We would need to store the values of f [x1], f [x1,x2] etc in the Fold
data type to make it work, and this is the clincher as to why we can't define unFold. If you change the data type Fold
to allow us to store information about intermediate lists, I can see it would work, but as it stands it's impossible
to recover the context.
Similar to Dan's answer, but using a slightly different approach. Instead of pairing the accumulator with partial results which will be thrown away at the end, we add a "post-processing" function which will convert from the accumulator type to the final result.
The same "cheat" for unFold just does all the work in the post-processing step:
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
data Fold a r = forall c. Fold
{ _start :: c
, _step :: a -> c -> c
, _result :: c -> r }
fold :: Fold a r -> [a] -> r
fold (Fold start step result) = result . foldr step start
unFold :: ([a] -> r) -> Fold a r
unFold f = Fold [] (:) f
makeFold :: r -> (a -> r -> r) -> Fold a r
makeFold start step = Fold start step id

How to write recursive lambda expression in Haskell?

I am not sure if this is good programming practice, but I would like to know if one can define a recursive function using the lambda expression.
This is an artificial example I made up: So one can defined the factorial function in Haskell recursively as follows
factorial :: Integer -> Integer
factorial 1 = 1
factorial (n + 1) = (n + 1) * factorial n
Now, I want a function f such that f n = (factorial n) + 1. Rather than using a name for factorial n (i.e. defining it before hand), I want to define f where factorial n is given a lambda expression within the definition of f. Can I use a recursive lambda definition in f in place of using the name factorial?
The canonical way to do recursion with pure lambda expressions is to use a fixpoint combinator, which is a function with the property
fixpoint f x = f (fixpoint f) x
If we assume that such a combinator exists, we can write the recursive function as
factorial = fixpoint (\ff n -> if n == 1 then 1 else n * ff(n-1))
The only problem is that fixpoint itself is still recursive. In the pure lambda calculus, there are ways to create fixpoint combinators that consist only of lambdas, for example the classical "Y combinator":
fixpoint f = (\x -> f (x x)) (\x -> f (x x))
But we still have problems, because this definition is not well-typed according to Haskell -- and it can be proved that there is no way to write a well-typed fixpoint combinator using only lambdas and function applications. It can be done by use of an auxiliary data type to shoehorn in some type recursion:
data Paradox a = Self (Paradox a -> a)
fixpoint f = let half (Self twin) = f (twin (Self twin))
in half (Self half)
(Note that if the injections and projections from the singleton data type are removed, this is exactly the Y combinator!)
Yes, using the fixed-point function fix:
fact :: Int -> Int
fact = fix (\f n -> if n == 0 then 1 else n * (f (n-1)))
Basically, it doesn't have a name, since it's a lambda expression, so you take the function in as an argument. Fix applies the function to itself "infinitely" many times:
fix f = f (fix f)
and is defined in Data.Function.
Why do we use lambda's instead of let in?
Prelude> (let fib n = if n == 1 then 1 else n * fib(n-1) in fib ) 4
Owen is spot on with the fix function
Prelude> fix f = f (fix f)
Prelude> fix (\f n -> if n == 0 then 1 else n * f (n - 1)) 6
The nameless Lambda function is self terminating even if fix is not.
Owen's fix function beats the fix function typically used in Haskell which is
fix :: (a -> a) -> a
fix f = let {x = f x} in x
Both allow anonymous recursive lambda functions

Common recursion pattern

I'm getting used to Haskell's higher-order functions. Usually I can replace explicit patterns of recursion with functions like map, fold, and scan. However, I often run into the following recursion pattern which I don't understand how to express using higher-order functions:
f (x:[]) = k x
f (x:xs) = g x (f xs)
For instance, suppose I am representing analytic tableaux. Then I create a data type such as:
data Tableau = N Expr | S Expr (Tableau) | B Expr (Tableau) (Tableau)
If I want to convert a list of Exprs into a tableau structure, I want a function part of which might resemble:
f (x:[]) = N x
f (x:xs) = S x (f xs)
Now, I see three options: (1) create a function which decides, given a tableau and a list, whether the next branch in the tableau should be an S or N (or B, but we'll ignore that case); (2) use a higher-order function to encapsulate the recursion pattern of f; (3) use a function like f.
What would the best option be?
I'd most probably use the following:
f xs = foldr g (k (last xs)) (init xs)
It basically means that the end of the list is replaced by k x when folding. Thanks to lazy evaluation present everywhere, it works even for infinite lists.
There are two other solutions - adding empty case and using Maybe.
A) adding empty case:
It would be best if f [] was well-defined. Then, you could write the definition as
f [] = c
f (x:xs) = g x (f xs)
which is f = foldr g c. For example, if you change
data Tableau = N Expr | S Expr Tableau | B Expr Tableau Tableau
data Tableau = N | S Expr Tableau | B Expr Tableau Tableau
then you can represent single-element tableaux as S expr N, and the function is defined as one-liner
f = foldr S N
It's the best solution as long the empty case makes sense.
B) use Maybe:
On the other hand, if f [] cannot be sensibly defined, it's worse.
Partial functions are often considered ugly. To make it total, you can use Maybe. Define
f [] = Nothing
f [x] = Just (k x)
f (x:xs) = Just (g x w)
where Just w = f xs
It is a total function - that's better.
But now you can rewrite the function into:
f [] = Nothing
f (x:xs) = case f xs of
Nothing -> Just (k x)
Just w -> Just (g x w)
which is a right fold:
addElement :: Expr -> Maybe Tableaux -> Maybe Tableaux
addElement x Nothing = Just (N x)
addElement x (Just w) = Just (S x w)
f = foldr addElement Nothing
In general, folding is idiomatic and should be used when you fit the recursion pattern. Otherwise use explicit recursion or try to reuse existing combinators. If there's a new pattern, make a combinator, but only if you'll use the pattern a lot - otherwise it's overkill. In this case, the pattern is fold for nonempty lists defined by: data List a = End a | Cons a (List a).
If I've understood the question properly, then here's my evaluation of your options:
It's probably a bit nasty to have to match the (presumably arbitrarily complex?) tableau out from underneath the constructor in order to write that function. This approach seems somewhat brittle, although it would probably work just fine.
I don't see the need to generalise the pattern out, given that it's a recursive function operating on a recursive structure. Introducing a higher-order pattern would (I think) obfuscate the actual logic behind performing a recursive traversal of this data structure.
I think this makes a good deal of sense. As you've observed, it's a reasonably recognised "pattern", but I think it matches the description of the algorithm well to write it down in exactly this way. It may not be as generalisable or reusable, but given that it's essentially the crux of the algorithmic approach, I think it makes sense to write the cases directly as you have done in a function like f. This would be my favoured approach.
Sorry to not provide a particularly concrete answer, but it is a reasonably subjective answer, so given the three options above, I would pick option 3 for reasons of clarity and readability.
