Gnuplot, superimpose curves with splot - gnuplot

I am trying to plot a family of curves in space using gnuplot.
I am trying to do it with for-loops. The data are in 4 columns, and every 20 rows, a new plot starts, e.g., if I do a plot using the 3 and 4 columns, on the row 21, the index in the third column starts again, and the number on the second column increases by one. This pattern repeats, and every 320 rows, the index on the first column increases by one, and all the pattern repeats itself again.
The index in the first column goes from 2.0 to 3.8 whereas the index on the second column goes from 75 to 90.
In my code I tried to set the range limits from 1.8 to 4.2 for one axis, and from 0 to 100 for the second axis.
I wrote the following code
a=0 # this variable indicates how many rows to skip
do for [j=20:38:1]{ # loop for the first column
do for [i=75:90:1]{ # loop for the second column #
splot [1.8:4.2][1:101] "dataforgnuplot" every ::a::a+19 u 1:3:4
w lines title sprintf("%3.2f %3.2f",j/10.0, i);
and it generates one curve at a time, but the previous one disappears, I had a look at multiplot, and also was trying with replot, but, I still haven't found how to do that.

You should approach this differently. If you put blank lines in your input file in the right places, and plot the whole file, gnuplot will know exactly when to stop drawing one curve and start the next one.
From the gnuplot documentation:
Single blank records designate discontinuities in a plot; no line will join points separated by a blank records (if they are plotted with a line style).
Two blank records in a row indicate a break between separate data sets. See index (p. 79).
The difference between the two cases is that separate curves which are part of the same data set (one blank line) will be plotted in the same color and with a single entry in the legend. Different data sets will have different colors and separate labels.
It should be easy to change the program which outputs this data if you have control over it, to add the extra blank lines. If you don't control it, a one-or-two-line script should be able to insert the blank lines, either based on the line counts you gave, or by checking the first and second data records.


Gnuplot: calculated X tic labels for data file without X column [duplicate]

I'm plotting a column of data which represents a time series in gnuplot. Every value represents a time value after 500 iterations / time units. Can I tell gnuplot to multiply the x-values it displays by 500?
I thought this would be a standard problem since every time one has to plot a time series one needs to tell the plotting program what time unit each iteration has.
I don't want to create an extra column with x-values manually, since I have a lot of different data of different length. I don't want to create a x column for everyone of them.
If you have only a single column, gnuplot uses the row number as x value. This can be accessed by the pseudo column 0 and scaled like
plot 'datafile' using ($0*500):1
or equivalently, if you're calling this from a shell script
plot 'datafile' using (column(0)*500):1

Excel scatterplot graph update automatically

My problem is as follows:
The user inputs two numbers between 2 and 25, these numbers are used to create a grid. Every point on the grid has (x,y) coordinates. Based on the amount of points the user chose, my excel sheet is filled up with up to 25x25 (x,y) coordinates.
Example: A 6x7 grid is chosen by the user, the table is filled with 42 (x,y) coordinates and all other values in the table are set to "".
Now I want to use a scatterplot with lines connecting each array to plot the data.
Problem 1: If I only select the 6x7 part of the table that has values in it and create the scatterplot the result is correct. Until the user specifies a different grid, for example 8x9, then the graph is obviously missing two rows and two columns of input data.
Problem 2: If I select the entire 25x25 part of the table, including all the "" values, the graph axes get messed up. The y-axis works properly, but the x-axis shows sequential values (0-7) instead of the x-coordinates.
Problem 3: If I replace all the "" values in the table to 0 or NaN and plot the entire table the axes are correct, but the lines between the scatter data get messed up.
Is there a way to automatically change the input data for the plot, or is there a way to correctly display the values on the x-axis if I select all the data?
Not sure this will work in your case, but it's worth a try, especially since no one's addressed your post in 3+ hours. I've had success with this approach: 1) charting the largest data set, 2) copying the resulting chart, and 3) trimming the data it draws from to produce all smaller data sets.
To get this to work takes a lot of thought in laying out that largest data set so that all the other plots follow as needed. To illustrate, I've somewhat mimicked your data and in the animated gif I show largest data set, plus 2 others produced by copying it. Then I demonstrate how to make the second one, including the rescaling required to make all plots scaled equally. Notice that I've arranged things so that only one set of x-values feeds all the series. If you can do this, it makes working with the Excel's interface much easier.
After wrestling with it all night I came to the following solution:
Instead of setting all the empty cells to "" or zero the cells should be be set to #N/A (not available). The graph properly ignores the #N/A cells exactly like I want it to and updates when values are entered into them.

Excel Line chart using start and end values as data

So I need to make a line chart, the columns will be split to 9 objectives, and the rows a 1-6 scale. USers are asked to rank themselves between 1 and 6 at the start and end of the course and I wish to show a line for each objective to signify the travel from point A. (start) to point B (end)Somehting like this:
I just can;t seem to make it work! Any suggestions?
In my opinion there are at least three possible approaches to this but each one has it drawbacks:-
(1) Just plot each Line separately as a Line graph and move it to a separate sheet (right-click and select Move Graph). Then you can put the graphs next to each other. The down-side is that it is rather fiddly and you may not want them to appear as separate graphs.
(2) Do the first graph as a Scatter using 1 and 2 as the x-coordinates and your first 2 points as the y-coordinates. Then do the next graph with x-coordinates 2 and 3 and use copy and paste to move it onto the same axes as the first graph (click on the line joining the points and use Ctrl-C and Ctlr-V to copy it onto the first graph). The downside is that each line copied in this way will come out in a different colour and once again it is fiddly to change it.
(3) Do the whole thing as one Scatter graph. You need to re-format the data as below to get some suitable coordinates. To get the break between the lines you need a genuine empty cell (not "" produced by a formula) so I suggest you copy the coordinates in pairs (e.g. F2:G3 to F5:G6) and leave every third pair of cells in the column empty. Then select the whole range F2:G27 and insert a Scatter with straight lines joining the points. Fix the X-axis range from 1 to 9.9 and the y-axis range from 1 to 6 and add axis labels and title as required. The downside of using a Scatter like this is that you only have numbers rather than text along the X-axis but it shouldn't matter in your case where you just need an objective number at each tick mark.
In F2:-
In F3:-
In G2:-

Highlighting data range whille retaining original data label axis

So I'm not sure whether this can be done or not, but I want to highlight certain scatter plot points on my graph whilst still retaining the original axis labels. This is a little snip of my data:-
(0.5,0.525] 272
(0.925,0.95] 116
(0.975,1] 446
(1,1.025] 2840
(1.975,2] 974
(2,2.025] 1400
I have a scatter plot of the first column as my x-axis and the second column as my y-axis. Currently I'm highlighting the points that I want (such as (1,1.025] 2840by adding it as a new legend entries series, but to get it to align horizontally with the original data I've had to number all the points from 1 onwards and add the horizontal axis labels that way, so that all the points that are highlighted mask the other points behind it that contain the horizontal data labels. Is there a way of overcoming this without formatting the data for the x-axis numerically? Or a way of incorporating the data labels separately?
Just to illustrate the problem, I've attached an image at the end of this post. The columns mzRange and Frequency on the left handside were used to plot the graphs, whilst the columns on the right handside of the graph were used to highlight the points on the bottom graph. However, as the x-axis is labelled with the bin ranges from the column on the left, it goes up in a numerical fashion as seen with the numbers on the left most column, meaning I have to use the position number of the bins to then place the highlighted points (as seen with the column on the right handside of the graph that goes 18,34,36 etc) which in turn hides the information of the m/z bin range. Hope this makes sense.
The data in the mzRange is not numeric. If it is used as the data source for the X axis, it will result in the data points being numbered ascending on the X axis.
The only way to plot over a data point is to use the exact X and Y values as the original data point. You could mark the highlights in a column next to the original mzRange column and then plot the whole column.
See this screenshot:
Note how the X axis has nothing in common with the values of column B, although that was used as the data source for the X axis. The red dot highlights are placed in the rows that determine the position on the X axis. This way, the label that appears when hovering over the data point remains intact.

Highlight points on an Excel Line Graph according to a list

I have 2 data series, which records how much a user is meditating/attentive (out of 100) plotted onto a graph. The x axis is the number of seconds since the start of the experiment, and the y axis shows the value for meditation/attention at that point of time.
I have a 3rd set of data that is a series of key timestamps during the experiment (not exactly matching the timestamps from attention/meditation values).
I want to create a graph where you can compare how the attention/meditation values change at the key points
Whether the key points are highlighted by a line or dots I don't care. I tried adding the 3rd data set as a secondary axis, but it still uses the original x-axis of the main graph and I don't know how to make excel do what I want.
Thanks in advance
You should use an XY Scatter chart, not a line chart. A line chart ignores any numerical value in the X values, treats each X value as a text label, and uses the X values from the first series as X values for all series.
You can format the first two series so that they use lines and not markers, and the third so it uses markers without lines.
You may find this link helpful: You don't need to use the secondary axis, just add another series with tag times and constant 45 value, then format vertical error bars to 100% and horizontal to 0%.
