Detecting when in power-save mode - visual-c++

I'm trying to detect when the computer enters power-save mode. Problem is, this program has to run on both Windows XP and 7. RegisterPowerSettingNotification only works for Vista and newer, so that's not an option. I also tried using SystemParametersInfo with the SPI_GETSCREENSAVERRUNNING but that doesn't work for the power-save mode, which is what the computer is actually set for. Any other suggestions?

To answer my own question, grabbing the screensaver timeout and the last user input, and comparing the two appears to be the best way:
int screenTimeout;
lastInput.cbSize = sizeof(LASTINPUTINFO);
DWORD ticks = GetTickCount();
int lastInputTime = (ticks-lastInput.dwTime)/1000;
GetLastInputInfo returns the number of ticks since the last user input. According to MSDN, the ticks occur between 10 to 16 ms, so this isn't a precise way of measuring time, but it's good enough for my purposes.


Full form of ttwu in the scheduling code of the linux kernel

I know this is kind of silly, but I tried to find out online, but couldnt.
What is the full-form of ttwu in the scheduler code of the linux kernel. It can be seen as a number of function prefixes, namely,
.. and many more
I would assume it stands for try_to_wake_up. See for example the comment in kernel/sched/sched.h:
981 /* try_to_wake_up() stats */
982 unsigned int ttwu_count;
983 unsigned int ttwu_local;
yes in true *nix philosophy why waste time on extra characters (e.g. you want to know the current working directory? Use pwd for "print working directory") TTWU is indeed "Try To Wake Up" and implemented in the Linux scheduler code, eventually calling activate_task, which actually DOES NOT DO ANYTHING but put the task on the run queue of one of the CPUs. At some point in the future the _schedule function will make it activate (via switch_context.) Pretty cool stuff if you ask me.

Variable length messages in Verilog (serial CRC-32)

I'm working with a serial protocol. Messages are of variable length that is known in advance. On both transmission and reception sides, I have the message saved to a shift register that is as long as the longest possible message.
I need to calculate CRC32 of these registers, the same as for Ethernet, as fast as possible. Since messages are variable length (anything from 12 to 64 bits), I chose serial implementation that should run already in parallel with reception/transmission of the message.
I ran into a problem with organization of data before calculation. As specified here , the data needs to be bit-reversed, padded with 32 zeros and complemented before calculation.
Even if I forget the part about running in parallel with receiving or transmitting data, how can I effectively get only my relevant message from max-length register so that I can pad it before calculation? I know that ideas like
newregister[31:0] <= oldregister[X:0] // X is my variable length
don't work. It's also impossible to have the generate for loop clause that I use to bit-reverse the old vector run variable number of times. I could use a counter to serially move data to desired length, but I cannot afford to lose this much time.
Alternatively, is there an operation that would directly give me the padded and complemented result? I do not even have an idea how to start developing such an idea.
Thanks in advance for any insight.
You've misunderstood how to do a serial CRC; the Python question you quote isn't relevant. You only need a 32-bit shift register, with appropriate feedback taps. You'll get a million hits if you do a Google search for "serial crc" or "ethernet crc". There's at least one Xilinx app note that does the whole thing for you. You'll need to be careful to preload the 32-bit register with the correct value, and whether or not you invert the 32-bit data on completion.
The first hit on 'xilinx serial crc' is xapp209, which has the basic answer in fig 1. On top of this, you need the taps, the preload value, whether or not to invert the answer, and the value to check against on reception. I'm sure they used to do all this in another app note, but I can't find it at the moment. The basic references are the Ethernet 802.3 spec (3.2.8 Frame check Sequence field, which was p27 in the original book), and the V42 spec ( 32-bit frame check sequence, page 311 in the old CCITT Blue Book). Both give the taps. V42 requires a preload to all 1's, invert of completion, and gives the test value on reception. Warren has a (new) chapter in Hacker's Delight, which shows the taps graphically; see his website.
You only need the online generators to check your solution. Be careful, though: they will generally have different preload values, and may or may not invert the result, and may or may not be bit-reversed.
Since X is a viarable, you will need to bit assignments with a for-loop. The for-loop needs to be inside an always block and the for-loop must static unroll (ie the starting index, ending index, and step value must be constants).
for(i=0; i<32; i=i+1) begin
if (i<X)
newregister[i] <= oldregister[i];
newregister[i] <= 1'b0; // pad zeros

How to get boot time and show it on terminal wtih kernel programming in Linux?

What I'm currently thinking about is getting the uptime and the current date and time, and then subtracting these. I'll then convert the output to an output that resembles the output of the "date" command in Linux.
But I think that this takes too long? And I think there might be a better solution than this since it looks too brute force.
-- beginner on kernel programming
There is a kernel option called PRINTK_TIME which can turn on a useful feature of adding timestamp before every line of printk.
Try the following code
u64 nsec = local_clock();
unsigned long rem_nsec = do_div(nsec, 100000000000);
printk("time from boot is %5lu.%06lu ", (unsigned long)nsec, rem_nsec / 1000);

instruction set emulator guide

I am interested in writing emulators like for gameboy and other handheld consoles, but I read the first step is to emulate the instruction set. I found a link here that said for beginners to emulate the Commodore 64 8-bit microprocessor, the thing is I don't know a thing about emulating instruction sets. I know mips instruction set, so I think I can manage understanding other instruction sets, but the problem is what is it meant by emulating them?
NOTE: If someone can provide me with a step-by-step guide to instruction set emulation for beginners, I would really appreciate it.
NOTE #2: I am planning to write in C.
NOTE #3: This is my first attempt at learning the whole emulation thing.
EDIT: I found this site that is a detailed step-by-step guide to writing an emulator which seems promising. I'll start reading it, and hope it helps other people who are looking into writing emulators too.
Emulator 101
An instruction set emulator is a software program that reads binary data from a software device and carries out the instructions that data contains as if it were a physical microprocessor accessing physical data.
The Commodore 64 used a 6502 Microprocessor. I wrote an emulator for this processor once. The first thing you need to do is read the datasheets on the processor and learn about its behavior. What sort of opcodes does it have, what about memory addressing, method of IO. What are its registers? How does it start executing? These are all questions you need to be able to answer before you can write an emulator.
Here is a general overview of how it would look like in C (Not 100% accurate):
uint8_t RAM[65536]; //Declare a memory buffer for emulated RAM (64k)
uint16_t A; //Declare Accumulator
uint16_t X; //Declare X register
uint16_t Y; //Declare Y register
uint16_t PC = 0; //Declare Program counter, start executing at address 0
uint16_t FLAGS = 0 //Start with all flags cleared;
//Return 1 if the carry flag is set 0 otherwise, in this example, the 3rd bit is
//the carry flag (not true for actual 6502)
#define CARRY_FLAG(flags) ((0x4 & flags) >> 2)
#define ADC 0x69
#define LDA 0xA9
while (executing) {
switch(RAM[PC]) { //Grab the opcode at the program counter
case ADC: //Add with carry
case LDA: //Load accumulator
A = RAM[PC+1];
//Invalid opcode!
According to this reference ADC actually has 8 opcodes in the 6502 processor, which means you will have 8 different ADC in your switch statement, each one for different opcodes and memory addressing schemes. You will have to deal with endianess and byte order, and of course pointers. I would get a solid understanding of pointer and type casting in C if you dont already have one. To manipulate the flags register you have to have a solid understanding of bitwise operations in C. If you are clever you can make use of C macros and even function pointers to save yourself some work, as the CARRY_FLAG example above.
Every time you execute an instruction, you must advance the program counter by the size of that instruction, which is different for each opcode. Some opcodes dont take any arguments and so their size is just 1 byte, while others take 16-bit integers as in my MOV example above. All this should be pretty well documented.
Branch instructions (JMP, JE, JNE etc) are simple: If some flag is set in the flags register then load the PC to the address specified. This is how "decisions" are made in a microprocessor and emulating them is simply a matter of changing the PC, just as the real microprocessor would do.
The hardest part about writing an instruction set emulator is debugging. How do you know if everything is working like it should? There are plenty of resources for helping you. People have written test codes that will help you debug every instruction. You can execute them one instruction at a time and compare the reference output. If something is different, you know you have a bug somewhere and can fix it.
This should be enough to get you started. The important thing is that you have A) A good solid understanding of the instruction set you want to emulate and B) a solid understanding of low level data manipulation in C, including type casting, pointers, bitwise operations, byte order, etc.

Is it possible to use 9-bit serial communication in Linux?

RS-232 communication sometimes uses 9-bit bytes. This can be used to communicate with multiple microcontrollers on a bus where 8 bits are data and the extra bit indicates an address byte (rather than data). Inactive controllers only generate an interrupt for address bytes.
Can a Linux program send and receive 9-bit bytes over a serial device? How?
The termios system does not directly support 9 bit operation but it can be emulated on some systems by playing tricks with the CMSPAR flag. It is undocumented and my not appear in all implementations.
Here is a link to a detailed write-up on how 9-bit emulation is done:
9-bit data is a standard part of RS-485 and used in multidrop applications. Hardware based on 16C950 devices may support 9-bits, but only if the UART is used in its 950 mode (rather than the more common 450/550 modes used for RS-232).
A description of the 16C950 may be found here.
This page summarizes Linux RS-485 support, which is baked into more recent kernels (>=3.2 rc3).
9-bit data framing is possible even if a real world UARTs doesn't.
Found one library that also does it under Windows and Linux.
basically what he wants is to output data from a linux box, then send it on let's say a 2 wire bus with a bunch of max232 ic's -> some microcontroller with uart or software rs232 implementation
one can leave the individual max232 level converter's away as long as there are no voltage potency issues between the individual microcontrollers (on the same pcb, for example, rather than in different buildings ;) up until the maximum output (ttl) load of the max232 (or clones, or a resistor and invertor/transistor) ic.
can't find linux termios settings for MARK or SPACE parity (Which i'm sure the hardware uarts actually do support, just not linux tty implementation), so we shall just hackzor the actual parity generation a bit.
8 data bits, 2 stop bits is the same length as 8 databits, 1 parity bit, 1 stop bit. (where the first stopbit is a logic 1, negative line voltage).
one would then use the 9th bit as an indicator that the other 8 bits are the address of the individual or group of microcontrollers, which then take the next bytes as some sort of command, or data, as well, they are 'addressed'.
this provides for an 8 bit transparant, although one way traffic, means to address 'a lot of things' (256 different (groups of) things, actually ;) on the same bus. it's one way, for when one would want to do 2 way, you'd need 2 wire pairs, or modulate at multiple frequencies, or implement colission detection and the whole lot of that.
PIC microcontrollers can do 9 bit serial communication with ehm 'some trickery' (the 9th bit is actually in another register ;)
now... considering the fact that on linux and the likes it is not -that- simple...
have you considered simply turning parity on for the 'address word' (the one in which you need 9 bits ;) and then either setting it to odd or even, calculate it so that the right one is chosen to make the 9th (parity) bit '1' with parity on and 8 bit 'data', then turn parity back off and turn 2 stop bits on. (which still keeps a 9 bit word length in as far as your microcontroller is concerned ;)... it's a long time ago but as far as i recall stop bits are just as long as data bits in the timing of things.
this should work on anything that can do 8 bit output, with parity, and with 2 stop bits. which includes pc hardware and linux. (and dos etc)
pc hardware also has options to just turn 'parity' on or off for all words (Without actually calculating it) if i recall correctly from 'back in the days'
furthermore, the 9th bit the pic datasheet speaks about, actually IS the parity bit as in RS-232 specifications. just that you're free to turn it off or on. (on PIC's anyway - in linux it's a bit more complicated than that)
(nothing a few termios settings on linux won't solve i think... just turn it on and off then... we've made that stuff do weirder things ;)
a pic microcontroller actually does exactly the same, just that it's not presented like 'what it actually is' in the datasheet. they actually call it 'the 9th bit' and things like that. on pc's and therefore on linux it works pretty much the same way tho.
anyway if this thing should work 'both ways' then good luck wiring it with 2 pairs or figuring out some way to do collission detection, which is hell a lot more problematic than getting 9 bits out.
either way it's not much more than an overrated shift register. if the uart on the pc doesn't want to do it (which i doubt), just abuse the DTR pin to just shift out the data by hand, or abuse the printer port to do the same, or hook up a shift register to the printer port... but with the parity trick it should work fine anyway.
struct termios com1pr;
int com1fd;
void bit9oneven(int fd){
void bit9onodd(int fd){
void bit9off(int fd){
void initrs232(){
}else{printf("FAILED TO INITIALIZE\n");exit(1);};
void sendaddress(unsigned char x){
unsigned char n;
unsigned char t=0;
void main(){
unsigned char datatosend=0x00; //bogus data byte to send
//sendaddress(223); // address microcontroller at address 223;
//write(com1fd,&datatosend,1); // send an a
//sendaddress(128); // address microcontroller at address 128;
//write(com1fd,&datatosend,1); //send an a
somewhat works.. maybe some things the wrong way around but it does send 9 bits. (CSTOPB sets 2 stopbits, meaning that on 8 bit transparant data the 9th bit = 1, in addressing mode the 9th bit = 0 ;)
also take note that the actual rs232 line voltage levels are the other way around from what your software 'reads' (which is the same as the 'inverted' 5v ttl levels your pic microcontroller gets from the transistor or inverter or max232 clone ic). (-19v or -10v (pc) for logic 1, +19/+10 for logic 0), stop bits are negative voltage, like a 1, and the same lenght.
bits go out 0-7 (and in this case: 8 ;)... so start bit -> 0 ,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,
it's a bit hacky but it seems to work on the scope.
Can a Linux program send and receive 9-bit bytes over a serial device?
The standard UART hardware (8251 etc.) doesn't support 9-bit-data modes.
I also made complete demo for 9-bit UART emulation (based on even/odd parity). You can find it here.
All sources available on git.
You can easily adapt it for your device. Hope you like it.
