What is the meaning of "ANSI as UTF-8" in Notepad++? - text

I confused that the meaning of "ANSI as UTF-8" in Notepad++,
Is it means an ANSI files contained some characters that is identified as UTF-8 encoding in Notepad++ or else?

It means it is saved as UTF-8 without the BOM (Byte Order Mark) and has already been flagged as misleading.
Please see:
http://sourceforge.net/p/notepad-plus/bugs/4095/ (Page since removed)
The above bug report has been removed since the time of writing. It read as follows:
“ANSI as UTF-8” is an incorrect, misleading and confusing term, which does not exist outside Notepad++.
In addition, it is inconsistent with the rest of the UI. Please replace it with the correct term “UTF-8 without BOM”.


How does vim know encoding of my files? When even I don't

I have been in charset-hell for days and vim somehow always shows the right charset for my file when even I'm not sure what they are (I'm dealing with files with identical content encoded in both charsets, mixed together)
I can see from inspecting the ü (u-umlaut) character in UTF-8 vs ISO-8859-1 which encoding I'm in, but I don't understand how vim figured it out - in those character-sets only the 'special characters' really look any different
If there is some other recording of the encoding/charset information I would love to know it
The explanation can be found under :help 'fileencodings':
This is a list of character encodings considered when starting to edit
an existing file. When a file is read, Vim tries to use the first
mentioned character encoding. If an error is detected, the next one
in the list is tried. When an encoding is found that works,
'fileencoding' is set to it. If all fail, 'fileencoding' is set to
an empty string, which means the value of 'encoding' is used.
So, there's no magic involved. When there's a Byte Order Mark in the file, that's easy. Else, Vim tries some other common encodings (which you can influence with that option; e.g. Japanese people will probably include something like sjis if they frequently edit such encoded files).
If you want a more intelligent detection, there are plugins for that, e.g. AutoFenc - Tries to automatically detect and set file encoding.

Removing lines containing encoding errors in a text file

I must warn you I'm a beginner. I have a text file in which some lines contain encoding errors. By "error", this is what I get when parsing the file in my linux console (question marks instead of characters):
I want to remove every line showing those "question marks". I tried to grep -v the problematic character, but it doesn't work. The file itself is UTF8 and I guess some of the lines come from texts encoded in another format. I know I could find a way to reconvert them properly, but I just want them gone for now.
Do you have any ideas about how I could do this please?
PS: Some lines contain diacritics which are displayed fine. The "strings" command seems to remove too many "good" lines.
When dealing with mojibake on character encodings other than ANSI you must check 2 things:
Is the file really encoded in X? (X being UTF-8 WITHOUT BOM in your case. You could be trying to read UTF-8 WITH BOM, UTF-16, latin-1, etc. as UTF-8, and that would be the problem). Try reading in (not converting to) other encodings and see if any of them fits.
Is your locale or text editor set to read the file as UTF-8? If not, that may be the problem. Check for support and figure out how to change the setting. In linux try locale and setlocale commands to check and set it properly.
I like how notepad++ for windows (which also runs perfectly in linux using wine) lets you set any encoding you want to read the file without trying to convert it (of course if you set any other than the one the file is encoded in you will only see those weird characters), and also has a different option which allows you to convert it from one encoding to another. That has been pretty useful to me.
If you are a beginner you may be interested in this article. It explains briefly and clearly the whats, whys and hows of character encoding.
[EDIT] If the above fails, even windows-1252 and such ANSI encodings, I've just learned here how to remove non-ascii characters using tr unix command, turning it into ASCII (but be aware information on extra characters is lost in this output and there is no coming back, so keep the input file just in case you find a better fix):
tr -cd '\11\12\40-\176' < $INPUT_FILE > $OUTPUT_FILE
or, if you want to get rid of the whole line:
grep -v -P "[^\11\12\40-\176]" $INPUT_FILE > $OUTPUT_FILE
[EDIT 2] This answer here gives a pretty good guess of what could be happening if none of the encodings work on your file (Unfortunately the only straight forward solution seems to be removing those problematic characters).
You can use a micro-Perl script like:
perl -pe 's/[^[:ascii:]]+//g;' my_utf8_file.txt

Why does question mark show up in web browser?

I was (re)reading Joel's great article on Unicode and came across this paragraph, which I didn't quite understand:
For example, you could encode the Unicode string for Hello (U+0048
U+0065 U+006C U+006C U+006F) in ASCII, or the old OEM Greek Encoding,
or the Hebrew ANSI Encoding, or any of several hundred encodings that
have been invented so far, with one catch: some of the letters might
not show up! If there's no equivalent for the Unicode code point
you're trying to represent in the encoding you're trying to represent
it in, you usually get a little question mark: ? or, if you're really
good, a box. Which did you get? -> �
Why is there a question mark, and what does he mean by "or, if you're really good, a box"? And what character is he trying to display?
There is a question mark because the encoding process recognizes that the encoding can't support the character, and substitutes a question mark instead. By "if you're really good," he means, "if you have a newer browser and proper font support," you'll get a fancier substitution character, a box.
In Joel's case, he isn't trying to display a real character, he literally included the Unicode replacement character, U+FFFD REPLACEMENT CHARACTER.
It’s a rather confusing paragraph, and I don’t really know what the author is trying to say. Anyway, different browsers (and other programs) have different ways of handling problems with characters. A question mark “?” may appear in place of a character for which there is no glyph in the font(s) being used, so that it effectively says “I cannot display the character.” Browsers may alternatively use a small rectangle, or some other indicator, for the same purpose.
But the “�” symbol is REPLACEMENT CHARACTER that is normally used to indicate data error, e.g. when character data has been converted from some encoding to Unicode and it has contained some character that cannot be represented in Unicode. Browsers often use “�” in display for a related purpose: to indicate that character data is malformed, containing bytes that do not constitute a character, in the character encoding being applied. This often happens when data in some encoding is being handled as if it were in some other encoding.
So “�” does not really mean “unknown character”, still less “undisplayable character”. Rather, it means “not a character”.
A question mark appears when a byte sequence in the raw data does not match the data's character set so it cannot be decoded properly. That happens if the data is malformed, if the data's charset is explicitally stated incorrectly in the HTTP headers or the HTML itself, the charset is guessed incorrectly by the browser when other information is missing, or the user's browser settings override the data's charset with an incompatible charset.
A box appears when a decoded character does not exist in the font that is being used to display the data.
Just what it says - some browsers show "a weird character" or a question mark for characters outside of the current known character set. It's their "hey, I don't know what this is" character. Get an old version of Netscape, paste some text form Microsoft Word which is using smart quotes, and you'll get question marks.
http://blog.salientdigital.com/2009/06/06/special-characters-showing-up-as-a-question-mark-inside-of-a-black-diamond/ has a decent explanation.

Vim UTF-8 encoding error on Windows

I have a text file with Polish characters. As long as I do not set :set encoding=utf-8 the characters are not displayed correctly. As soon as I set it to Unicode the characters are displayed but umlauts in error messages in Vim on the other hand are not displayed anymore.
E37: Kein Schreibvorgang seit der letzten <c4>nderung (erzwinge mit !)
Instead of the <c4> there should be the character Ä displayed. Can anybody explain me why this happens?
I'm experiencing similar issues (you can view some of the questions in my account info, or search for "central european characters" or "croatian characters").
Changing the encoding value changes the way Vim displays the characters - so, the way some of the characters are displayed is changed - that's why you're getting characters. You could probably solve your problem of Polish characters by choosing some other encoding value (one of the cpXXXX for example instead of utf8), but then you would lose the ability to display utf8 characters which can make Vim rather pretty. At least this works for my case (Croatian).
So, either use while writing polish texts one of the cpXXXX encoding values, or stick to utf8 completely. I recommend the first one. But do not change them.
Still working on that here.

Problem printing central european characters in Vim

Here's the problem in a nutshell.
I wrote a text file which I need to print out (in a hurry) that contains central european characters (šđčćž/ŠĐČĆŽ).
Vim's encoding settings are as folows;
set encoding=cp1250
set fileencoding=
Upon printing out comes garbage. What should be changed to fix that?
Really hate Vim's frekin' 1001 options in a time like this. Can't it do a simple thing and just print what's on screen?!
Check the option printencoding.
The help says it's empty by default, and when the encoding is multi-byte Vim tries to convert them to the printencoding. Plus, if it's empty "the conversion will be to latin1". This is what may be causing the trouble.
I'd like to ask: why not to use UTF-8?
