Verify connecting client is correct application - security

I'm building a desktop application that connects to a web server and communicates through a socket-based API. I want to ensure I only talk to my application, and not any third party hacker. Communication is encrypted over https. In addition, a private/public key pair are used for authentication. Basically the time, private, and public key are hashed together and sent to the server with the current time and public key to the server.
I'm concerned that if others reverse engineer the application, they will discover the hashing function, connecting url, and private key, as normally strings are stored in clear text in compiled applications.
I have two thoughts to mitigate this:
Create a function that generates the application-specific private key using a series of mathematical operations
Create a complex (long) secret and then take some modulo of that secret to send to the server (like the Diffie–Hellman key exchange algorithm).
Am I on the right track? How do I keep the secret key secret?

Encryption is not the correct solution. No matter how well you hide the implementation, a determined attacker with a sufficient amount of time can reverse-engineer it.
At the very least, an attacker can determine where the encryption/hashing is done and dump the memory of the process right before that to examine the secrets in plaintext.
Your best bet would be to a) obfuscate the code and add anti-debugging defenses (not perfect, but it will discourage script kiddies and slow down determined attackers) and b) hardening as much as you can server-side
Basically, you can never rely on the client because you don't control it. Your best bet is to make sure any critical processing is done server-side so a custom client can't do anything malicious.
For example, if you were making a multiplayer chess game, you'd want the client to just submit basic actions (a move) and you'd track board state on the server. It doesn't matter if the client is hacked because if an illegal action is submitted, you just return an error.


How would I achieve encryption/decryption for users, while also having the ability to decrypt everything serverside

I'm not entirely sure if I should be encrypting data server side or client side to begin with. The data is a json object of some user input. What I need to be able to do:
a) encrypt data at rest [in dynamoDB]
b) decrypt data and send it back to the user when they request it
c) decrypt the entire database to run analytics and ML
First Approach
1)Send the newly inputted user data through HTTPS, then encrypt it server side before it hits the database (in a lambda function). Now the data is encrypted at rest.
2) When a user makes a GET request, have a lambda function that decrypts it before returning it to the user
3) simply run a decryption on the database with the same technique
I'm not sure if this is good or bad, what type of encryption to use, etc.
EDIT: I will be doing server side encryption. If anyone has any suggestions/guides on a simple but good way to do it, perhaps using some npm package, that would be great.
Question 1: Encrypt server side or client side?
The only advantage of client-side encryption would be performance: remove the burden of your server from doing this work, pass it off to the end user machine.
However, there is a very big disadvantage: security. If you are encrypting everybody's data with the same key, then now everybody has access to that key, because it needs to be delivered to the client for decryption. You have entirely defeated the purpose of the security, because the cryptographic key now lives everywhere.
What about encrypting every user's data with different keys? That's a can-of-worms question, because you need to then consider where you are storing all the cryptographic keys. If it is in the same database as the data, you have again defeated the purpose of encryption -- putting the keys and data together is a no-no. You can come up with arbitrary solutions around this, but I assure you there are many considerations and you are inviting a lot of complexity.
Question 2: Is your approach reasonable?
Yes it is, but you need to understand what you are protecting against. Encryption at rest mainly protects a database (including backups) provided that the encryption key never gets put in the same place as the database. Managing the encryption key is something that needs to be carefully considered. There is good guidance on that if you care to research it, but it really is the task of a security architect to design this right.
You can use AES encryption using cryptojs.
Hit the server to get key for using in encryption process.
let AES = CryptoJS.AES()
// AES encryption
let encryptedUsername:String! = AES.encrypt(secretMessage: (username_tf.text)!, secretKey: REQUESTKEY!)
let encryptedPassword:String! = AES.encrypt(secretMessage: (password_tf.text)!, secretKey: REQUESTKEY!)

How to make sure that only the authorized user can access a feature provided by the server?

We are building an android application and one of its features is to book a cab service provider's cab (say an Uber).
We have an application specific user ID. Let us call it AUID. To book the cab, the application would Post a request to server and send AUID along with other relevant information (like lat, long etc). How do I make sure at the server end that the request is indeed coming from the correct user and it is safe to book the cab? In the current form, if a third party gets to know the AUID of another person, the third party can book a cab on behalf of that person.
One of the solutions I thought of was using asymmetric encryption. The application would hold the public key and the server would contain the private key. Instead of sending the user ID to the server, we'll instead send an encrypted key where the key would be AUID + timestamp encrypted using the public key. We'll then decrypt the message using private key at server end to obtain the AUID. If the timestamp at server does not lie within a certain interval of the timstamp sent by the client, we reject the request.
Is this a safe enough approach? Is there any other practice widely followed for such scenarios?
What you propose is sensible: encrypt the AUID on the client app and verify on the server. As comments suggest, SSL is vital.
The problem is that if how to encrypt the AUID is in your app, it can be figured out by anyone dedicated enough.
You can drastically reduce the risks of fake requests by issuing a separate encryption key for each user. This means that if someone cracks your code, they can still only spoof from one account. However, once an attacker had decompiled your app, they could theoretically start new accounts, get a valid encryption key and spoof requests.
What you need for 100% reliability is some form of authentication which is not stored in the client app - like a password or TouchID on iOS or fingerprint api on Android M. So when a user orders a cab, they need to enter some piece of information which you also encode with the AUID and check on the server. That secret information is not stored in your app, so no-one can fake requests.
Requiring a password from a user is pretty inconvenient. Fingerprint scanning is much easier and probably acceptable. You could also use a trust system - if the user has ordered cabs before and everything was OK, they can order without special authentication. Using Trust together with individual encryption keys is pretty effective because anyone trying to spoof requests would need to do a successful order before being able to spoof - which is probably too much hassle for them.

Mobile API Security Paradigm

I've coded the mobile api using Node.js, Redis & MongoDB. However right now I am looking for a concrete way to provide security in our system. The question I have inspired by the infamous principle of Auguste Kerckhoff;
"It must not be required to be secret, and it must be able to fall into the hands of the enemy without inconvenience"
After inspecting this principle I figure out that there is no safe way to secure data after a sniffer capturing the entire data package. Of course there are alternate ways like using an API key, using encryption algorithms like MD5 & MD6,Triple DES,SHA1 etc. However this also won't work if the entire data package is captured. And there is security precaution standarts like HTTPS, SSL certificates. However again if someone with talent captures the data package it can act just like a verified user in our system.
How would it be possible to apply a security method such that even though the entire data package is captured, the system would be able to distinguish the request coming from an outer source not from our verified user.
PS: I thought that applying a custom encryption algorithm with timestamp in order to prevent this problem could be a bit chaotic.
According to Kerckhoffs's principle "A cryptosystem should be secure even if everything about the system, except the key, is public knowledge." So the way cryptosystem, works is that the key is the only thing that can be used to decipher the system. If the key is fallen to the enemy then its all over.
In practice when you communicate over the internet or try to
authenticate your email account with the password. Your password is
never sent to, nor stored on the server in plain text. If you do then,
its not secure. The best security practice is not to store the
password at all (not even encrypted), but to store the salted hash of
the encrypted password.
That is one hash for one user. It is one way, you cannot get back user info, just test if it is in the database or not. Now even if the enemy takes control of the database, it cannot access your username/passwords.
Now coming to the point, it does not matter what you transmit in the communication channel, because the communication channel is the enemy!!! It is available to other users, anyone can sniff it. It is like enemies scanning each other on the radio.
The hash that has been sent over the channel can be sniffed and be used for authentication. True, but server can differentiate between spoofed attempt and the actual attempt, using HTTPS connection. Server tracks the HTTPS sessions and would ask to revalidate if something like this happens. HTTPS blocks use of sniffed data / MITM attacks. Even if sniffer gets hash (temporary ticket), he cannot do anything malicious, username and password cannot be cracked.
Thanks to Kerckhoff, our passwords are safe.
How to implement it on node.js ?? look for passport.js package. It implements the current standard OpenAuth.

Backwards HTTPS; User communicates with previously generated private key

I am looking for something like https, but backwards. The user generates their own private key (in advance) and then (only later) provides the web application with the associated public key. This part of the exchange should (if necessary) occur out-of-band. Communication is then encrypted/decrypted with these keys.
I've thought of some strange JavaScript approaches to implement this (From the client perspective: form submissions are encrypted on their way out while (on ajax response) web content is decrypted. I recognize this is horrible, but you can't deny that it would be a fun hack. However, I wondered if there was already something out there... something commonly implemented in browsers and web/application servers.
Primarily this is to address compromised security when (unknowingly) communicating through a rogue access point that may be intercepting https connections and issuing its own certificates. Recently (in my own network) I recreated this and (with due horror) soon saw my gmail password in plain text! I have a web application going that only I and a few others use, but where security (from a learning stand point) needs to be top notch.
I should add, the solution does not need to be practical
Also, if there is something intrinsically wrong with my thought process, I would greatly appreciate it if someone set me on the right track or directed me to the proper literature. Science is not about finding better answers; science is about forming better questions.
Thank you for your time,
This is already done. They're called TLS client certificates. SSL doesn't have to be one-way; it can be two-party mutual authentication.
What you do is have the client generate a private key. The client then sends a CSR (Certificate Signing Request) to the server, who signs the public key therein and returns it to the client. The private key is never sent over the network. If the AP intercepts and modifies the key, the client will know.
However, this does not stop a rogue AP from requesting a certificate on behalf of a client. You need an out-of-band channel to verify identity. There is no way to stop a man in the middle from impersonating a client without some way to get around that MITM.
If a rogue access point can sniff packets, it can also change packets (an ‘active’ man-in-the-middle attack). So any security measure a client-side script could possibly provide would be easily circumvented by nobbling the script itself on the way to the client.
HTTPS—and the unauthorised-certificate warning you get when a MitM is trying to fool you—is as good as it gets.
SSL and there for HTTPS allows for client certificates. on the server side you can use these environment variables to verify a certificate. If you only have 1 server and a bunch of clients then a full PKI isn't necessary. Instead you can have a list of valid client certificates in the database. Here is more info on the topic.
Implementing anything like this in JavaScript is a bad idea.
I don't see, why you are using assymetric encryption here. For one, it is slow, and secondly, it is vulnerable to man in the middle anyhow.
Usually, you use an asymmetric encryption to have a relatively secure session negotiation, including an exchange of keys for a symmetric encryption, valid for the session.
Since you use a secure channel for the negociation, I don't really understand why you even send around public keys, which themselves are only valid for one session.
Asymmetric encryption makes sense, if you have shared secret, that allows verifying a public key. Having this shared secret is signifficantly easier, if you don't change the key for every session, and if the key is generated in a central place (i.e. the server and not for all clients).
Also, as the rook already pointed out, JavaScript is a bad idea. You have to write everything from scratch, starting with basic arithmetic operations, since Number won't get you very far, if you want to work with keys in an order of magnitude, that provides reasonable security.

How can you encrypt users' data server-side without ruining the experience?

Many users – myself included – would like the security of having everything they do on a web service encrypted. That is, they don't won't any one at the web service to be able to look at their: posts, info, tasks, etc...
This is also major complaint in this discussion of an otherwise cool service:
Since this data needs to be recoverable, some sort of two-way encryption is required. But unless you're prompting the user for the encryption key on every request, this key will need to be stored on the server, and the point of encrypting the data is basically lost.
What is a way to securely encrypt user data without degrading the user experience (asking for some key on every request)?
-- UPDATE --
From #Borealid's answer, I've focused on two possibilities: challenge-response protocols, where no data (password included) is sent in the "clear", and non-challenge-response protocols, where data (password included) is sent in the "clear" (although over HTTPS).
Challenge-response protocols (specifically SRP:
It seems that its implementation would need to rely on either a fully AJAX site or using web storage. This is so the browser can persist the challenge-response data during encryption and also the encryption key between different "pages". (I'm assuming after authentication is completed I would send them back the encrypted encryption key, which they would decrypt client-side to obtain the real encryption key.)
The problem is that I'm either:
fully AJAX, which I don't like because I love urls and don't won't a user to live exclusively on a single url, or
I have to store data encryption keys in web storage, which based on will persist even after the browser is closed and could be a security vulnerability
In addition, as SRP takes more than one request ( ), there needs to be some persistence on the server-side. This is just another difficulty.
If I'm ok transmitting passwords and data in the clear (although over HTTPS), then the client-side issues above are not present.
On registration, I'll generate a random unique encryption key for the user, and encrypt it using their password and a random salt.
In the database, I'll store the user's password hash and salt (through bcrypt), encrypted encryption key, encryption key salt, and encryption iv.
After an authentication, I'll also need to use their password to decrypt the encryption key so that they may view and enter new data. I store this encryption key only temporarily and delete it when they explicitly "log out".
The problems with this approach is that (like #Borealid points out) evil sysadmins can still look at your data when you are logged in.
I'm also not sure how to store the encryption keys when users are logged in. If they are in the same data store, a stolen database would reveal all data of those who were logged in at the time of theft.
Is there a better in-memory data store for storing these encryption keys (and challenge data during an SRP authentication)? Is this something Redis would be good for?
If the data need to be recoverable in the event of user error, you can't use something like a cookie (which could get deleted). And as you point out, server-side keys don't actually secure the user against malicious sysadmins; they only help with things like databases stolen offline.
However, if you're running a normal web service, you've already gotten pretty lucky - the user, in order to be unique and non-ephemeral, must be logged in. This means they go through some authentication step which proves their identity. In order to prove their identity, most web sites use a passed credential (a password).
So long as you don't use a challenge-response authentication protocol, which most web sites don't, you can use an encryption key derived from a combination of a server-side secret and the user's password. Store the encryption key only while the user is authenticated.
If you do this, the users are still vulnerable to sysadmins peeking while they're using the service (or stealing their passwords). You might want to go a step further. To go one up, don't send the password to the server at all. Instead, use a challenge-response protocol for authentication to your website, and encrypt the data with a derivative of the user's password via JavaScript before uploading anything.
This is foolproof security: if you try to steal the user's password, the user can see what you're doing because the code for the theft is right there in the page you sent them. Your web service never touches their data unencrypted. This is also no hindrance to the normal user experience. The user just enters their password to log in, as per normal.
This method is what is used by Lacie's storage cloud service. It's very well done.
Note: when I say "use foo to encrypt", I really mean "use foo to encrypt a secure symmetric key which is then used with a random salt to encrypt". Know your cryptography. I'm only talking about the secret, not the methodology.
None of those other solutions are going to maintain the feature set requested -- which specifically wants to preserve the user experience. If you look at the site referenced in the link, they email you a nightly past journal entry. You're not going to get that with JavaScript trickery per above because you don't have the browser to depend on. So basically this is all leading you down a path to a degraded user experience.
What you would want, or more precisely the best solution you're going to find in this space, is not so much what wuala does per above, but rather something like The handling of user data needs to be done on the client side at all times -- this is generally accomplished via full client-side Java (like the Facebook photo uploader, etc), but HTML/JavaScript might get you there these days. JavaScript encryption is pretty poor, so you may be better off ignoring it.
OK, so now you've got client-side Java running a Journal entry encryption service. The next feature was to email past journal entries to users every night. Well, you're not going to get that in an unencrypted email obviously. This is where you're going to need to change the user experience one way or the other. The simplest solution is not to email the entry and instead to provide for instance a journal entry browser in the Java app that reminds them of some old entry once they get to the website based on a link in the daily email. A much more complex solution would be to use JavaScript encryption to decrypt the entry as an attachment inline in the email. This isn't rocket science but there is a fairly huge amount of trickery involved. This is the general path used by several web email encryption services such as IronPort. You can get a demo email by going to
As much as I'd love to see a properly encrypted version of all this, my final comment would be that journal entries are not state secrets. Given a solid privacy policy and good site security semantics, I'm sure 99% of your users will feel just fine about things. Doing all this right with true security will take an enormous amount of effort per above and at least some design/UE changes.
You should look into the MIT project CryptDB which supports querying an encrypted database using a subset of SQL. (see the forbes article, mefi thread, or Homomorphic encryption on wikipedia)
There is the Tahoe-LAFS project for cloud storage too, which conceivably could be leveraged into a fully anonymous social networking application, one day in the distant future.
If you want to perform computations on a server without even the server being able to see the data, you may be interested in knowing about fully homomorphic encryption. A fully homomorphic encryption scheme lets you perform arbitrary computations on encrypted data, even if you can't decrypt it. However, this is still a topic of research.
For now, I guess your best bet would be to encrypt all posts and assign meaningless (e.g. sequential) IDs to each one. For a more in-depth discussion of how to encrypt server-side data with today's technology, look up.
