Mocha browser tests with Node.js command-line runner? - node.js

I have a suite of client-side Mocha tests that currently run with the browser test runner. But I also have a suite of server-side Mocha tests that run with the Node.js command-line test runner.
I know I can run the client-side tests from the command-line in a headless browser like PhantomJS (e.g. like this), but they'd still run separately from the server-side tests.
Is there any way to run the client-side tests as part of the command-line run?
E.g. always run both sets of tests, and have one combined output like "all 100 tests passed" or "2 tests failed" — across both client-side and server-side suites.
I imagine if this were possible, there'd need to be some sort of "proxy" layer to dynamically describe to the command-line runner each browser test, and notify it of each result (maybe even any console.log output too) as the tests ran in the browser.
Does there exist anything that achieves this? I've had a hard time finding anything. Thanks!

I use Zombie for this. There's surely a way to do it with Phantom too. Just write your client-side tests under the same directory as your server-side tests and they'll get picked up by Mocha and executed along with the rest.
I'm not sure whether you need some sample test code but here's some just in case:
var app = require('../server').app; // Spin up your server for testing
var Browser = require('zombie');
var should = require('should');
describe('Some test suite', function () {
it('should do what you expect', function (done) {
var browser = new Browser();
browser.visit('http://localhost:3000', function (err) {
// Let's say this is a log in page
.fill('#username', 'TestUser')
.fill('#password', 'TestPassword')
.pressButton('#login', function (err) {
// etc...
return done();


How to run multiple integration tests using mocha recursively without getting their hooks all combined?

I have made a few integration test using mocha which run fine when run independently but when i try to run them using : mocha test --recursively .
The behaviour I noticed here is that all the after hooks (probably the before too) are getting combined.
I drop my db in the after hook of each test so I check in between tests and I can find data from the previous tests.
It gets cleared up after the last test somehow.
I have already tried importing them into one file but even that won't serve the purpose.
Here are my hooks.
before(async () => {
app.set('port', SERVER_PORT);
server = http.createServer(app);
server.listen(SERVER_PORT, () => console.log(`API running on localhost:${SERVER_PORT}`));
// Initial feeding of the database
await dookie.push('mongodb://localhost:27017/tests', SEEDDATA);
after(async () => {
await mongoose.connection.db.dropDatabase();
Use jest as it provides the functionality you're looking for inbuilt.
It's hard to tell what is wrong with your tests without having a closer look at the code, so I'm going to drop here a few ideas that come to my mind, with no guarantee that anything will help.
Possibility 1
Use beforeEach and afterEach rather than before and after. This will ensure that your DB cleanup code is executed after each test, rather than after the last test in a describe function block. Details here.
Possibility 2
You are running your tests in multiple threads with mocha-parallel-tests or some other tool. Make sure that the tests where the DB is being accessed are not being parallelized.
Possibility 3
Your db.dropDatabase call returns before the database is actually dropped, while the request is still pending. You'll have to check your connection or database settings.
If nothing helps, try inserting log statements at the start of each unit test and before/after hook, this will help you understand when the code is actually being run and see what is happening in the wrong order.

Check in nightwatchjs if E2E test correctly saved to database?

For a meteor project with typescript and react I use nightwatch testing which work's great:
a.) Checking database results via Client
Now I want to check in the database if the end2end test successfully added the data and that turned out surprisingly difficult. I can go via the client and look in the Mongo.Collection (on github):
.execute(function() {
return (Meteor as any).connection._stores['links']._getCollection()
.insert({title:"new link"})
}, [], (result) => {
const newid = result.value
.assert.containsText('#' + newid, 'new link')
.execute(function(newid) {
return (Meteor as any).connection._stores['links']._getCollection()
.remove({_id: newid})
}, [newid], () => {
.assert.elementNotPresent('#' + newid)
With this approach it is quite difficult to use my existing models and interacting with nightwatch.
b.) Checking database results in test
But I'd would instead use nightwatch's unit test capability in between, but from the docs it seems that E2E and unit tests can't be mixed.
Furthermore, when importing my models in the test on the server:
import { Links } from '../../imports/api/links'
Typescript throws an error that it can't resolve the atmosphere package meteor/mongo - so #types/meteor seems not to be loaded (probably meteor specific):
Cannot find module 'meteor/mongo'
Is it generally advisable to check database results for E2E tests?
What is the most elegant way to do this with nightwatch (+ meteor)? (I also created a Feature Request there)
How to use meteor libraries in nightwatch tests?

Cancel all protractor tests on condition met

I have a basic Angular 6 app with e2e tests setup by default.
We make CRUD operations on a test database (the backend with the test environment should be running before starting the e2e tests).
The idea is to request a specific endpoint that returns true if the test environment is running. (backend in an express server)
In the very first spec I can make that request but throw new Error() doesn't stop the tests.
I've found some npm packages forcing the tests to exit on the first failure (jasmine fail whale and jasmine fail fast) but I don't want my tests to stop on any other exception than the wrong environment.
I tried making this test in protractor.conf.js in the onPrepare() method. I can throw new Error() there but I cannot make an http request (even basic XmlHTTPRequest is not defined)
What are my solutions to make sure the tests are run only when the right environment is running?
process.exit() seems to be a good enough solution for your use case.
You can use the jasmine done function for your case.
it('should do something', (done) => {
try {
// doing something and an error happend
throw Error('failure');
} catch (error) {;
Test will fail and be marked as failed and will abort future testing in the current suite "describe"

How to finish/kill Mocha/Istanbul test cycle with Node.js

I've been working on getting an Azure Mobile App with Node.js backend running locally and testable. I finally got everything working well and started writing my tests. Then, I learned about Istanbul/NYC for testing code coverage.
All appears to be working well, and I am able to get the code coverage file generated for all my *.js files, but only after I manually press Ctrl+C.
Is this the normal way for a set of mocha tests to end? It would seem that there would/should be some way to get to the end of a set of tests and auto-kill the Node.js/express server that was created for the test session.
I'm new to the nuts-and-bolts side of Node.js/express/mocha/nyc. Is my expectation wrong? Is there a way to do what I'd like?
I'm not sure where you are lifting your server (server.listen) but stopping your server on a "global" after should be enough.
What I usually do is create a bootstrap.test.js and specify what should happen before and after tests there and run mocha like this:
mocha /test/bootstrap.test.js /test/unit/**/*.test.js /test/integration/**/*.test.js.
You need to make sure that that after is not inside a describe, so it runs after all tests have completed.
So your bootstrap.test.js should look something like this:
imports and stuff
before(function () {
after(function () {
As for the programmatic equivalent of Ctrl-c, that is process.exit(0)

Error: A session id is required for this command but wasn't found in the response payload [duplicate]

I'm trying to get and Jasmine working.
Following their example, my script is at test/specs/first/test2.js (in accordance with the configuration) and contains:
var webdriverio = require('webdriverio');
describe('my webdriverio tests', function() {
var client = {};
beforeEach(function() {
client = webdriverio.remote({ desiredCapabilities: {browserName: 'firefox'} });
it('test it', function(done) {
afterEach(function(done) {
I'm using wdio as the test runner, and set it up using the interactive setup. That config is automatically-generated and all pretty straightforward, so I don't see a need to post it.
In another terminal window, I am running selenium-server-andalone-2.47.1.jar with Java 7. I do have Firefox installed on my computer (it blankly starts when the test is run), and my computer is running OS 10.10.5.
This is what happens when I start the test runner:
$ wdio wdio.conf.js
Selenium 2.0/webdriver protocol bindings implementation with helper commands in nodejs.
For a complete list of commands, visit
[18:17:22]: SET SESSION ID 46731149-79aa-412e-b9b5-3d32e75dbc8d
[18:17:22]: RESULT {"platform":"MAC","javascriptEnabled":true,"acceptSslCerts":true,"browserName":"firefox","rotatable":false,"locationContextEnabled":true,"webdriver.remote.sessionid":"46731149-79aa-412e-b9b5-3d32e75dbc8d","version":"40.0.3","databaseEnabled":true,"cssSelectorsEnabled":true,"handlesAlerts":true,"webStorageEnabled":true,"nativeEvents":false,"applicationCacheEnabled":true,"takesScreenshot":true}
NoSessionIdError: A session id is required for this command but wasn't found in the response payload
at waitForVisible("h2.btn.btn-primary") - test2.js:21:14
throw e;
NoSessionIdError: A session id is required for this command but wasn't found in the response payload
0 passing (3.90s)
I find this very strange and inexplicable, especially considering that it even prints the session ID.
Any ideas?
Please check out the docs on the wdio test runner. You don't need to create an instance using init on your own. The wdio test runner takes care on creating and ending the session for you.
Your example covers the standalone WebdriverIO usage (without testrunner). You can find examples which use wdio here.
To clarify that: there are two ways of using WebdriverIO. You can embed it in your test system by yourself (using it as standalone / or as a scraper ). Then you need to take care of things like create and end an instance or run those in parallel. The other way to use WebdriverIO is using its test runner called wdio. The testrunner takes a config file with a bunch of information on your test setup and spawns instances updates job information on Sauce Labs and so on.
Every Webdriver command gets executed asynchronously.
You properly called the done callback in afterEach and in your test it test, but forgot to do it in beforeEach:
beforeEach(function(done) {
client = webdriverio.remote({ desiredCapabilities: {browserName: 'firefox'} });
