the remote name could not be resolved '' - visual-studio-2012

Just recently I am having trouble accessing the website and using the Package manager inside of Visual Studio 2012. In fact just yesterday evening when I attempted to install some packages I encountered the above error. In addition I can not access from any of my web browsers or my iPad on the same network.
As far as I am aware no changes have taken place on my network. I attempted to navigate to through a proxy and it did load. So I can only assume there is a problem with my network/IP.
Has anyone ever encountered this problem?

The problem here is probably the DNS provider, to test try to extract the ip address of (I did that for you, it is, try to connect from your browser with the ip address without proxy, if it works the your dns provider has an issue,
you can have a quick solution and use OpenDNS by entring there ip address in you dns configuration,


login.microsoftonline is broken

i am using azure webapp with microsoft auth.
has been working fine for months.
however today it is broken.
the page is failing with css and js loading errors.
ie Request URL:
is failing with a
i tried raising with azure support but i cant login into the azure portal as it also uses page.
anyone able to help?
I have found a solution to my version of this problem. I am in Australia, my ISP is Telstra and I have a NBN connection. I do not have a proxy server.
I found changing the DNS servers from the Telstra default servers ( & to Google's DNS servers ( & fixes the problem. If the DNS servers are changed back, the problem reappears. Changing the DNS back to Telstra reintroduces the problem. Changing them back fixes the problem. (You must flush the cache each change).
Hope this helps - but can only speculate as to why. Microsoft have accepted this as the solution to my problem and closed the support case.
The problem no longer exists when using the Telstra default DNS.
I suppose the take-home message is to remember your ISP sometimes caches stuff, mostly a good thing, but on the rare occasion causes problems.

Azure Kudu Debug Console not accessible because of DNS error

I created a new Azure Web App (web site) on the path and I tried to access the Kudu Debug Console by inserting 'scm' between the application name and the domain name. Like this:
However, the site is not available.
Some more research showed that the error was caused by a failing DNS resolution. I then added an entry to my hosts file pointing to the same ip-address as and suddenly it worked.
My own conclusion is that the Azure platform did not properly add the new DNS-name under the zone. Did anyone else experience this odd behavior?
What probably happened is that there was a small delay in DNS propagation. But if you try hitting the site before that, you would then be affected by DNS negative caching on your machine, which can last a little while. My guess is that during that time, if you had tried to access it from a different machine that didn't have the negative caching, it would have worked (and it works fine now).

ReInstall Sitecore IIS can't resolve host (with ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED)

I decided to reinstall Sitecore 8 instance via wizard, I have removed instance and install a new one with the same name XYZ.
but after reinstall it I am getting an error in browser - ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED
I checked IIS binding, I checked hosts file, reset DNS, restart PC and etc I still get this error in any browsers.
How I can fix it? What is the issue?
I have found solution but I can't understend how sitecore installer can change it.
Generally, the process of site resolution goes in the following consequence:
DNS - find ip address by the hostname (from request header)
Access IIS with that IP (and port if not default 80)
IIS checks bindings by hostname from header and serves corresponding website.
Website being resolved has (merged) web.config in root folder. It has node with all sites served by current Sitecore instance, being listed. Order does matter! First successful match (by hostname or port or default) works it out.
Site being found on previous step has startItem property which is your Sitecore item served by dafault.
Please go and carefully check all those steps to see where it breaks. Also I have previously write a blog post, you may find it helpful with more details on that:
Do any sites work with a Local name configured in 'hosts'?
You may need to disable the Loopback Check in your tcpip stack. Windows uses this as a countermeasure for man in the middle attacks by default on many systems. A registry change is needed to allow a machine to refer to itself using a name that is not its own Hostname. Sorry, but I can't remember the actual key.

How would I use my domain on my windows server 2012?

I recently started a project of building a server at home and trying to host a website on it. I have almost everything setup and working correctly but only have one issue, I can't figure out how to use my domain with it. I've been searching the internet for a few days and everything I come across isn't very informative on how to do it. I'm very new to hosting my own servers and would love any help. Thanks in advanced.
I should also mention that I'm using Windows Server 2012 R2 and IIS 8. The computer has a static IP as well.
Not sure what you mean by use my domain but I am guessing if you go to the url it is not loading you site? If that is the case, have you registered you bomain with a provider (godaddy, namecheep, etc)? After that make sure your router is forwarding the ports needed to your computer. Lastly make sure that those ports are open on your firewall. Things to help debug issues is can you ping your domain and get your static IP, if not the issue is with your domain registration. If it tries to load the site and doesn't but the IP is good then the issue is between the provider and you computer more than likely.

windows 7 IIS working locally but not externally

I have IIS installed with 4.0. I've managed to get my site showing on a static ip address and port forwarding is set up on my router but for some reason the site is still only showing locally and not on only external networks. Is there any obvious causes for this. I'm pretty new to IIS and have looked for hours so far to try and find out why I can access my site externally.
Currently the page just times out on external networks.
Any help would be great, thanks in advance.
I worked out it was because I was pointing from my domain to the local IP and not Public IP, worked fine once I changed this.
This sounds like an issue with your network configuration rather than an IIS issue.
Here's a few things to try:
Can you access the website from another machine on the same network?
Is port 80 open on your router?
Verify that your ISP is not blocking inbound requests on port 80
