Receive notifications near places without check-in? - foursquare

I'm new to foursquare api. Is it possible to write an application that would receive push notifications from foursquare if the user has appeared near some place and did check-in in it? That is, he just downloaded this app and if appeared near some place that receives notice that near such a place?

Unfortunately the Foursquare API doesn't support this ability. Our currently supported real-time options are for when users check in to places or leave content at venues (only if you're a venue manager)


Instagram API Permissions Rejected for iOS App to Pull Public Content Data

My iOS app needs to use Instagram API to load some images, user feedback based on geo location. I requested public_content permissions from Instagram team but got rejected with explanations below even though I filled out as much info as possible. Note I have my app in development only and website looks very minimal but some designs and lots of description was submitted for review.
How to resolve this issue of getting these basic permissions? I googled and I notice this is a common problem.
General issues: Invalid Use Case: The use case descrbied in your submission notes, screencast and website is not a valid use case that
we allow on our Platform. Please see our Permissions Review and valid
use cases description (
for more information.
public_content: This permission (public_content) does not support the use case you described in your submission notes, screencast and
website. Please review Login Permissions
( for a comprehensive
list of permissions and valid use cases.
Perhaps this helps. I have tried two times but our app was declined. I will write the submission text one more time. I also want to go more into detail as the new FAQ says that Instagram expects a very detailed submision.
Cheers, Christian
My submission was rejected but it was a valid use case. What should I do?
A common reason for rejecting a submission is that we do not have enough information to make an assessment of your app. This can happen if your submission was too short, if it missed important information, if you did not provide a good screencast, your website is not working, etc. Before you submit for review again, make sure to provide a long and clear explanation of what your app does and how you use every permission. Make sure also to provide a video screencast and to follow all our Platform Policies.
What should I write in the submission?
The submission should be long enough for us to understand exactly what your app does and why you need the permissions you are asking for. If your submission is too short or does not explain all parts of your integration, then we may not be able to understand and approve your app. For example, your submission should explain what does your app or company do, which of the approved use cases your integration falls into, who will be using your app, how do your user authenticate with your app, how you use the API to power your integration, how does your product use the data acquired from Instagram, etc.
What should I show in the video screencast?
The video screencast is a very important part of a submission and cannot be omitted. Please make sure that the video clearly shows how your application works, including any Instagram login experience and the usage of every permission you are requesting. Since your app may still be in sandbox mode, you can use data from sandbox users to showcase the integration.
My company is working with multiple clients, should I submit one app per project?
No, we do not approve apps that are created for one-off projects (e.g. a hashtag campaign, an event, a website). You should use a single client_id across all your integrations.
Can I revoke a submission if I made a mistake?
You can't cancel a submission that is in progress. You will need to wait until the submission has been reviewed before you can start a new one.

Connect to Foursquare app in developer mode

Following the advice of a fellow Stack Overflow user (on a previous question which I asked: Lastest Foursquare check-in on map) I have written a PHP-based Foursquare app which uses the Push API to show my latest checkin on a map which I can then embed into my blog.
Obviously I would like to keep this app private, so that it only shows my latest checkins. I figured the best way would be to keep the app in Developer Mode, but it seems that I can't connect to the app myself (i.e. using the same account as I used to create the app) in this mode. This also means that I can't even test the app is working properly, as I can't send test push messages from my own account when I checkin to certain locations. Is there a way around this issue? Alternatively, what other options are available for keeping the app private?
After you create the app in "Developer mode", lookup the Client ID and manually navigate to:<CLIENT_ID>

Delete photos via the Foursquare API?

Is it possible to delete photos via the Foursquare API? I don't see any mention of it at, nor did a wild guess of /v2/photos/delete/photoID do anything.
I also didn't see any way to do this (or even see my photos) via the web. It would be nice if there was a way to do this so as to avoid cluttering venues + checkins with photos while in development/testing. Hoping I just missed it.
There's no way to do it on the web at the moment, but you can definitely delete photos from the mobile client (long-press on Android, swipe left on iOS).
The delete photo API endpoint is not publicly available because we haven't built the ability to "undo" deletes yet and don't want apps accidentally (and permantently) deleting a user's photos.

FourSquare Brand Use Clarifications

An account manager that I work with has come up to me and insists that the Foursquare API can be used to "checkin" to a website, so basically saying one could checkin to (this differs from checking into a venue via a website). Admittedly the language on the brand page creative use FAQ on reads a little odd:
Building “check-ins” into your own application or website
Has the FS API been used to do such a thing? I couldn't see how, or why FourSquare would allow this capability. I do see they have Brand pages which looks nothing more that what Twitter might accomplish.
On another note, where does someone contact FS regarding a branded promotion like the one they have done for SuperBowl Sunday? There is nothing on the site to let someone know where to contact them.
Foursquare check-ins are to venues, and venues always have a physical location associated with them. So no, you can't check in to What you can do is use the API to check in from
To contact foursquare about partnership opportunities, e-mail
The foursquare API is for checking into locations. What the FAQ is telling you is that you can make an application that allows people to check in to a location from that application.
Let me give you a potential example.
A restaurant has a loyalty club where you register online and can check into the restaurant when you arrive, for coupons. But the restaurant also allows you to link your restaurant account with your foursquare account. So the next time you show up at the restaurant, you enter your phone number and presto, you're also checked into foursquare.
It might not be a great application, but it's an example of something that could be done and the type of application to which the FAQ was referring, not checking into a website itself.
as for the branding question, check out their Merchant Platform page.

Can a Foursquare checkin function be added onto a website?

Can a Foursquare checkin function be added onto a website?
Although you can provide check-in capability on a web site, please use caution and realize that it may be difficult to comply with the appropriate Foursquare API requirements.
(Poster amelvin is correct that the API you need is at
However keep in mind:
You need to find an accurate representation of the user's lat/long in order to create a check-in with the API
You should not spoof the location
You may be dependent on using modern browser's location capabilities
Use the foursquare api to add foursquare checkin to your site.
