Excel VBA - Use an existing string in called sub - string

I'm pretty new to this so apologies in advance
I'm half way through a userform in Excel and I'm trying to cut some fat off my code by using Call - I have 12 buttons that all do the same thing, the only difference is that each buttons sub is dependant on the buttons caption. My problem is that I can't figure out a way to use a String I've already declared in the Buttons Sub, then use it in the called Sub. I know you can do it, but my googling skills have failed me :(
Please could someone show me how to do this? Hope that all makes sense...
Here is a very small snippet of my code, but you get the jist:
Public Sub CommandButton4_Click()
Dim Name As String
Name = CommandButton4.Caption
Call Sort1
End Sub`
And the other one (Also tried this as function for the sake of trial and error)
Public Sub Sort1(Name As String)
Label11.Caption = Name
End Sub

What you're referring to is passing an argument to another subroutine or function. Let's say you want to use a function a lot of times to get the first letter of a string. A sample of this is:
Function LeftOne(StrSample As String) As String
LeftOne = Left(StrSample, 1)
End Function
The above function can be used inside another function or subroutine provided you meet its requirement: StrSample. By declaring StrSample As String in the arguments field of the function, you are basically requiring that any calls to this should require a string to be passed to it. Anything else would throw an error.
The full line LeftOne(StrSample As String) As String can be read as: "I am function LeftOne. Pass me a string and I'll return to you a string after doing something with it." Note that the name StrSample is an arbitrary name.
Anyway, calling the above is as simple as:
Sub MsgInABox()
Dim StrToFeed As String
StrToFeed = "BK201"
MsgBox LeftOne(StrToFeed) 'Returns B.
End Sub
In your example, if you want to pass Name to Sort1, your attempt is absolutely correct.
Let us know if this helps.

You hat to give your sort1 procedure the parameter name.
call sort1(name)
call sort1(CommandButton4.Caption)


EXCEL VBA Type mismatch with "Next" highlighted

I'm creating small project in Excel, and because I'm a VBA newbie I do encounter a lot of problems that I'm trying to resolve on my own. However i can't cope with this:
I created Sub that accepts two objects: FormName and ControlName.
What i want it to do, is to loop through every Control in specific UserForm and populate every ListBox it encounters, from another ListBox.
I created this funny string comparison, because I need to operate on objects in order to execute the line with AddItem. This comparison actually works well, no matter how ridiculous it is. However when I launch the program, I got
Type Mismatch error
and to my surprise "Next" is being highlighted. I have no idea how to fix this, nor what is wrong.
Public Sub deploy(ByRef FormName As Object, ByRef ControlName As Object)
Dim i As Integer
Dim O As msforms.ListBox
i = 0
For Each O In FormName.Controls
If Left(FormName.Name & O.Name, 16) = Left(FormName.Name & ControlName.Name, 16) Then
O.AddItem (FormName.PodglÄ…d.List(i))
i = i + 1
End If
End Sub
I call this sub using:
Call deploy(UserForm1, UserForm1.ListBox3)
Above, I use Listbox3 because otherwise i got error saying that variable is not defined. However in my comparison I kinda override this.
If someone can explain in simple words, how to fix this type mismatch issue or how to write it in more elegant way

String declaration error in if else

I have Camp as string. When I write this code, I get an error:
*Me.BoatDesc =< the expression you entered refer to an object that is close*
Here is my code
private Sub Save_Click()
Dim Camp As String
If Me.BoatDesc = "Camp" Then
Me.Amount = Me.Amount * 12
End If
Correct me if I am wrong.
You are using VBA, not VB.Net. Here are some notes
Here is a simple form, it will be open when the code is run. The code will be run by clicking Save. Note that the default for an MS Access bound form is to save, so you might like to use a different name.
This is the form in design view, note that there is a control named BoatDesc and another named Amount, as can only be seen from the property sheet.
The save button have an [Event Procedure], which is the code.
Note that the code belongs to Form2, the form I am working with, and the words Option Explicit appear at the top. This means I cannot have unnamed variables, so it is much harder to get the names wrong.
This is the code to be run by the save button.
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Private Sub Save_Click()
''Do not mix up strings, variables, controls and fields
''If you want to know if a control, BoatDesc, equals
''the string "camp", you do not need this
''Dim Camp As String
If Me.BoatDesc = "Camp" Then
Me.Amount = Me.Amount * 12
End If
End Sub

How do you GoTo a line label in a different object?

E.g. Given Sheet 1 contains:
Ref: Do things
How can I direct a code in Module 1 to GoTo Ref? If I were in the Sheet1 code moduke then I could simply use a
Goto Ref
But this doesn't work across different modules
Your question is not clear and you didn't provide any code, so this is a guess.
GoTo is used to jump to different locations within the same sub/function. You cannot use it to jump to parts of other sub routines or functions, which it sounds like you might be trying to do.
Also, "NapDone:" is not called a reference, it's formally called a line label. :)
To help expand on the other answers.. Like they said you shouldn't use GoTo for anything in VBA except error handling.
What you should be doing is calling a public sub/function from another module. For example in Module 1 you would have the following
Sub TestMod1()
Dim MyNumber As Integer
MyNumber = GetSquare(6)
'MyNumber returns from the function with a value of 36
End Sub
and on Module 2 you have
Public Function GetSquare(ByVal MyNumber As Integer)
GetSquare = MyNumber * MyNumber
End Function
So now you know how to avoid it. GoTo is not very good programming practice as you'll have things flying all over the place. Try to break down code you're repeating into multiple Subs and just call them when needed, or functions whatever be the case. Then you'll get into classes, which are just wrapped up to represent an object and it'll do all the work for that object.
This should get you on the right track.

VBA: What is causing this string argument passed to ParamArray to get changed to a number (that looks suspiciously like a pointer)?

FINAL EDIT: It does indeed appear to be a compiler bug - see the accepted answer.
Using VBA within Excel 2007, I have the following code in 'Class1':
Option Explicit
Public Function strange(dummy As String, ParamArray pa())
Debug.Print pa(LBound(pa))
End Function
Public Sub not_strange(dummy As String, ParamArray pa())
Debug.Print pa(LBound(pa))
End Sub
Public Function also_not_strange(ParamArray pa())
Debug.Print pa(LBound(pa))
End Function
and some mode code in a module:
Option Explicit
Public Function not_strange_either(dummy As String, ParamArray pa())
Debug.Print pa(LBound(pa))
End Function
Public Sub outer(v)
Dim c As Class1
Set c = New Class1
Call c.strange("", v(LBound(v)))
Call c.not_strange("", v(LBound(v)))
Call c.also_not_strange(v(LBound(v)))
Call not_strange_either("", v(LBound(v)))
End Sub
If call 'outer' from the Immediate window like this:
call outer(array("a"))
I get back output that seems strange:
It seems to matter whether the called routine is in a class module or not, whether it is a Sub or a Function, and whether or not there is an initial argument. Am I missing something about how VBA is supposed to work? Any ideas?
The strange number changes from run to run. I say "looks suspiciously like a pointer" because if I call this:
Public Sub outer2(v)
Dim c As Class1
Set c = New Class1
Dim ind As Long
For ind = LBound(v) To UBound(v)
Call c.strange("", v(ind))
Next ind
End Sub
like so:
call outer2(array("a","b","c"))
I get back output like:
It's the increment by 16 that makes me suspicious, but I really don't know. Also, passing a value, say by calling:
Call c.strange("", CStr(v(ind)))
works just fine.
EDIT: A little more info...If I assign the return value from 'c.strange' to something instead of throwing it away, I get the same behavior:
Public Sub outer3(v)
Dim c As Class1
Set c = New Class1
Dim x
x = c.strange("", v(LBound(v)))
Call c.not_strange("", v(LBound(v)))
Call c.also_not_strange(v(LBound(v)))
Call not_strange_either("", v(LBound(v)))
End Sub
Interestingly, if I call my test routines as above, with an argument that results from calling 'Array', the supposed-pointer value changes. However, if I call it like this:
call outer([{1,2,3}])
I get back the same number, even if I make the call repeatedly. (The number changes if I switch to another app in Windows, like my browser.) So, now I'm intrigued that the Excel evaluator (invoked with the brackets) seemingly caches its results...
Now this is awesome.
Reproduced on office 2003.
Looks like a compiler bug.
The problem is in this line:
Call c.strange("", v(LBound(v)))
Here the compiler creates a Variant that holds a 1D array of Variant's, the only element of which is a pointer instead of the value. This pointer then goes to the strange function which actually is not strange, it only prints the Variant\Long value passed to it.
This trick brings the compiler sanity back:
Call c.strange("", (v(LBound(v))))
Yes, this magic number is a pointer to the VARIANT structure which is supposed to be passed to the strange method. The first field of which is 8, which is vbString, and the data field contains a pointer to the actual string "a".
Therefore, it is definitely a compiler bug... Yet another VB compiler bug in regard of arrays ;)

Stop VBA Evaluate from calling target function twice

I am having trouble getting VBA's Evaluate() function to only execute once; it seems to always run twice. For instance, consider the trivial example below. If we run the RunEval() subroutine, it will call the EvalTest() function twice. This can be seen by the two different random numbers that get printed in the immediate window. The behavior would be the same if we were calling another subroutine with Evaluate instead of a function. Can someone explain how I can get Evaluate to execute the target function once instead of twice? Thank you.
Sub RunEval()
Evaluate "EvalTest()"
End Sub
Public Function EvalTest()
Debug.Print Rnd()
End Function
This bug only seems to happen with UDFs, not with built-in functions.
You can bypass it by adding an expression:
Sub RunEval()
ActiveSheet.Evaluate "0+EvalTest()"
End Sub
But there are also a number of other limitations with Evaluate, documented here
I don't know of a way to stop it, but you can at least recognize when it is happening most of the time. That could be useful if your computation is time consuming or has side effects that you don't want to have happen twice and you want to short circuit it.
(EDIT: Charles Williams actually has an answer to your specific quesion. My answer could still be useful when you don't know what data type you might be getting back, or when you expect to get something like an array or a range.)
If you use the Application.Caller property within a routine called as a result of a call to Application.Evaluate, you'll see that one of the calls appears to come from the upper left cell of of the actual range the Evaluate call is made from, and one from cell $A$1 of the sheet that range is on. If you call Application.Evaluate from the immediate window, like you would call your example Sub, one call appears to come from the upper left cell of the currently selected range and one from cell $A$1 of the current worksheet. I'm pretty sure it's the first call that's the $A$1 in both cases. (I'd test that if it matters.)
However, only one value will ever be returned from Application.Evaluate. I'm pretty sure it's the one from the second eval. (I'd test that too.)
Obviously, this won't work with calls made from the actual cell $A$1.
(As for me, I would love to know why the double evaluation happens. I would also love to know why the evaluator is exposed at all. Anyone?)
EDIT: I asked on StackOverflow here: Why is Excel's 'Evaluate' method a general expression evaluator?
I hope this helps, although it doesn't directly answer your question.
I did a quick search and found that others have reported similar behavior and other odd bugs with Application.Evaluate (see KB823604 and this). This is probably not high on Microsoft's list to fix since it has been seen at least since Excel 2002. That knowledge base article gives a workaround that may work in your case too - put the expression to evaluate in a worksheet and then get the value from that, like this:
Sub RunEval()
Dim d As Double
Range("A1").Formula = "=EvalTest()"
d = Range("A1").Value
Debug.Print d
End Sub
Public Function EvalTest() As Double
Dim d As Double
d = Rnd()
Debug.Print d
EvalTest = d + 1
End Function
I modified your example to also return the random value from the function. This prints the value a second time but with the one added so the second print comes from the first subroutine. You could write a support routine to do this for any expression.
I face the same problem, after investigation i found the function called twice because i have drop down list and the value used in a user defined function.
working around by the code bellow, put the code in ThisWorkbook
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
'set the calculation to manual to stop calculation when dropdownlist updeated and again calculate for the UDF
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
End Sub
Private Sub Workbook_SheetChange(ByVal Sh As Object, _
ByVal Source As Range)
'calculte only when the sheet changed
End Sub
It looks like Application.Evaluate evaluates always twice, while ActiveSheet.Evaluate evaluates once if it is an expression.
When the object is not specified Evaluate is equivalent to Application.Evaluate.
Typing [expression] is equivalent to Application.Evaluate("expression").
So the solution is to add ActiveSheet and to make that an expression by adding zero:
After seeing there is no proper way to work around this problem, I solved it by the following:
Dim RunEval as boolean
Sub RunEval()
RunEval = True
Evaluate "EvalTest()"
End Sub
Public Function EvalTest()
if RunEval = true then
Debug.Print Rnd()
RunEval = False
end if
End Function
problem solved everyone.
