Node Module for Neo4j - node.js

My app has Node JS. I'm trying to connect NodeJS and Neo4j together. Can some one tell me, how to connect both? My queries need to work with labels on Neo4j. Please let me know which module should I use in Node Js to achieve this?I have spent lot of time already with-out luck.

Last I checked there are at least 4 popular and actively developed node.js modules (ordered by number of stars): (npm install neo4j) (npm install neo4j-js) (npm install node-neo4j) (npm install seraph)
They all support the Cypher endpoint, which was a requirement for my inclusion. One key feature that stands out from the list is that philippkueng/node-neo4j is the only one that has transactional API support. Another is the ability to ask for labels of nodes, and that is supported only by seraph and philippkueng/node-neo4j. (usually you can avoid needing to ask for labels of a node if you make your Cypher query ask for labels explicitly, which avoids a request back and forth)
On the other hand, it's really not hard to just implement a few HTTP requests, directly accessing the Cypher or Transactional Cypher endpoints, massaging the results as you see fit for your application.
Another cool new development I've seen recently was, which emits a stream of results from Cypher, enabling streaming JSON parsing, which is another performance-oriented feature lacking from the four listed above.
Edit: 03/2016 There is a new official JS driver for use with the new bolt protocol (binary). For new development this should definitely be considered. Bolt is planned for release in Neo4j 3.0.

Check out the koa-neo4j framework, it uses the official neo4j-driver under the hood.
One can write native Cypher (as .cyp files) in it on top of the latest stable neo4j (3.0.3 at the time of this writing) which, among other things, allows querying labels.
In a Neo4j enabled application, conducting queries directly from client side might not be the best choice:
Database is exposed to the client, unless some explicit security mechanism is in place; one can see the innards of the database by View page source
There is no one server to rule them all, queries are strings, scattered around different clients (web, mobile, etc.)
Third-party developers might not be familiar with Cypher
koa-neo4j addresses all of the above issues:
Stands as a middle layer between clients and database
Gives structure to your server's logic in form of a file-based project; finally a home for Cypher! All of the clients can then talk to an instance of this server
Converts Cypher files to REST routes, a cross-platform web standard that developers are familiar with, it does so on top of the widely-adapted koa server, ripe for further customization
Disclosure I was the original author of koa-neo4j

neode - Neo4j OGM for Node JS. here


Is SearchLight Package using Connection Pools?

SearchLight is a Julia package that builds the ORM (object-relational mapping) layer in Genie (a web development framework in Julia).
Right now, I am building a website backend and I decided to use SearchLight for data storing, because someone told me to do so with an ORM instead of "just" parsing SQL queries - sorry, I am so not a web developer and know basically nothing.
Unfortunately, SearchLight is (i) unbelievably badly documented (i.e. in most cases not at all) and (ii) missing important functionalities, like setting foreign keys in a DB table. I found several work-arounds, even if they are not pretty and kind of counter the ORM idea.
Actual Question
Does SearchLight use connection pools?
The web service I'm building, gets a JSON, queries the database, gets the result and sends it back to the client. This might take several seconds and multiple clients doing a request should not "stand in line" and wait for other requests to finish. Will SearchLight do that? I.e. open several connections and use them when they're needed? (Or does it something else that leads to what I want?)

What does building an application in Arango Foxx offer beyond a regular node application

I'm learning more about ArangoDB and it's Foxx framework. But it's not clear to me what I gain by using that framework over building my own stand alone nodejs app for API/access control, logic, etc.
What does Foxx offer that a regular nodejs app wouldn't?
Full disclosure: I'm an ArangoDB core maintainer and part of the Foxx team.
I would recommend taking a look at the webinar I gave last year for a detailed overview of the differences between Foxx and Node and the advantages of using Foxx when you are using ArangoDB. I'll try to give a quick summary here.
If you apply ideas like the Single Responsibility Principle to your architecture, your server-side code has two responsibilities:
Backend: persist and query data using the backend data storage (i.e. ArangoDB or other databases).
Frontend: transform the query results into a format acceptable for the client (e.g. HTML, JSON, XML, CSV, etc).
In most conventional applications, these two responsibilities are fulfilled by the same monolithic application code base running in the same process.
However the task of interacting with the data storage usually requires writing a lot of code that is specific to the database technology. You need to write queries (e.g. using SQL, AQL, ReQL or any other technology-specific language) or use database-specific drivers.
Additionally in many non-trivial applications you need to interact with things like stored procedures which are also part of the "backend code" but live in the database. So in addition to having the application server do two different tasks (storage and rendering), half the code for one of the tasks ends up living somewhere else, often using an entirely different language.
Foxx lets you solve this problem by allowing you to move the logic we identified as the "backend" of your server-side code into ArangoDB. Not only can you hide all the nitty gritty of query languages, edges and collections behind a more application-specific API, you also eliminate the network overhead often necessary to handle requests that would cause more than a single roundtrip to the database.
For trivial applications this may mean that you can eliminate the Node server completely and access your Foxx API directly from the client. For more complicated scenarios you may want to use Node to build external micro services your Foxx service can tap into (e.g. to interface with external non-HTTP APIs). Or you just put your conventional Node app in front of ArangoDB and use Foxx to create an HTTP API that better represents your application's problem domain than the database's raw HTTP API.
It's also worth keeping in mind that structurally Foxx services aren't entirely dissimilar from Node applications. You can use NPM dependencies and split your code up into modules and it can all live in version control and be deployed from zip bundles. If you're not convinced I'd suggest giving it a try by implementing a few of your most frequent queries as Foxx endpoints and then deciding whether you want to move more of your logic over or not.

ElasticSearch with nodejs : why use the npm module?

I am about to add the search engine to my Node application. I can see there is a npm package for ElasticSearch.
But why not simply using ElasticSearch standalone instead of nesting it with the application code?
The use case for me is:
Data is in a MySQL database with a true entity-relationship-diagram.
I intend to use Docker containers to ship my application elements (which can be modified as for now).
The results' positioning is intended to be complex, and I thought of a nightly cronjob that would re-evaluate the documents/results, because they depend on moving data (user's reputation or popular sales, for instance).
Don't you think a standalone ElasticSearch instance / grid is more enviable? I imagine that it would be more scalable, more secure, and easier to deploy in a cloud, for instance...
The npm package you refer to is a Javascript client for Node and in-browser use, that can be used to perform searches, index (create/insert) documents on the Elasticsearch server. What you refer to as Elasticsearch standalone is the server and yes, that can and should be entirely separate from the client application code.
It is definitely possible to not use a client library and access the Elasticsearch REST API directly using whatever HTTP client code, but then it is too easy to reinvent the wheel, badly.

Offline apps with Node.JS and CouchDB

I have an app that I would like to create. But I am not sure how to go about it. I am using node.js and would like to use couchdb, but if something like mongodb or riak would be a better choice them im willing to hear ideas. But, i have a site, say
and on there is a couchdb instance, as well as a site to manage a store. say a shopping cart. the db houses all the store's items and data. The app itself has an admin backend to manage that data and can change items. What i would like to be able to do, is have the ability to have the user be disconnected from the internet, and still have the admin backend work. I realize for this to work I need to use a client side framework with my models/routes/controllers/whatever. But what I am not sure of, is how to let the site function while offline. couchdb if installed locally can sync the data from local to remote when back online, and if the admin user is on the computer, i could have them install couch. but that could be messy.
Also, what if the admin user is on a tablet or a phone? Would I need to have an actual mobile app and a desktop app to do this? is there some way I can set this up so it is seamless the the end user. I would also like this to be offline for end users too, but the bigger audience is the admin.
Another use case, instore POS system. and the power goes out. But the POS system can be loaded from the web onto a tablet and they can still make card based sales if the wifi is out, because the app is available offline.
Im just not sure how to do this. lets assume i need a client framrwork that can handle the data as well as the backend. something like ember, or angular. theres also all in one stacks like meteor and derby js, but those arent fully offline,but are for the appearance of real time. though meteor does have mini mongo so it might be worth looking into.
I was hoping someone could help me figure out how I would get this setup to work, preferrably with couch, but other nosql's would work too if I can have a way to sync the data.
I'm not sure if it would work for you, but I have been thinking of such an application for quite a long time now and been doing some research on what's possible. The best solution I could come up with is using a server with a couchdb and writing the application clientside based. Then for the data storage use pouchdb and synchronize the pouchdb regularly with your serverside couchdb if the app is online. I know pouch is in an early stage and not production ready but if you are willing to put some work into it I'd say it's doable.
If you want clients that work seemless as they go offline and come online (like a POS with the power out) then I would recommend making the app primarily work off local storage with a background publishing or synchronization to the cloud.
Local storage options could be everything from something light like sqlite, sqlexpress, firebird to no sql options like mongo, couchdb etc...
But for the client or device, consider the ease of configuration and weight of the option. You also need to consider the type of clients - do you have many platforms varying from devices to PCs? You don't want something that has a heavy config and runtime footprint. That's fine on the service side.
On the service side, consider the nature of your data and whether it's fitted better for transactional/relational systems (banking etc...) or eventually consistent/non transactional (no-sql) documents. Don't forget hybrid as an option. Also consider the service platform - for example, node goes well with mongodb (json objects front to back) ...
The device and service storage options can be different (and likely should be) separate by service interfaces (soap, rest/http, sockets etc...).
It's hard to have a one size fits all solution but often something light weight like sqlite on the device or client makes for ease of installation/config while scalability on the service side with something like sqlserver/mysql or couchdb/mongodb makes sense.
Some links to read:
You're question is pretty wide open and there's no one size fits all solution. Hopefully I provided some options to think about.
There's an interesting project out there called AppJs (, which packages Node.JS and Chrominium as a desktop environment. It's currently very fresh (very little documentation), but it appears to be straight forward enough (you'll be using the same tools as you would for your online application).
As for synchronising the offline and online environments. I doubt you can rely on CouchDB in the way that you envisage. CouchDB mobile support is not as comprehensive as some of the documentation suggests. So in this sense, it would be no different to using SQL/Mongo/Punchcards.
You might have more luck with designing a suitable serialisation scheme based on XML or JSON (or just plain text), and passing files between the online and offline installations.
Edit - Since writing this, Node Webkit - - is clearly the most obvious replacement for App.js. It has a very simple API, and some great features.

Can CouchDB actually be used for a desktop application?

I'm hoping someone can validate or correct my conclusions here.
I'm looking into writing a small side project. I want to create a desktop application for taking notes that will synchronise to a web-server so that multiple installations can be kept in step and data shared and also so that it can be accessed via a browser if necessary.
I've kind of been half-listening to the noises about CouchDB and I've heard mention of "offline functionality", of desktop-couchdb and of moves to utilise its ability to handle intermittent communications to enable distributed applications in the mobile market. This all led me to believe that it might be an interesting option to look at for providing my data storage and also handling my synchronisation needs, but after spending some time looking around for info on how to get started my conclusion is that I've got completely the wrong end of the stick and the reality is that:
There's no way of packaging up a CouchDB instance, distributing it as part of a desktop application and running it in the context of that application to provide local storage and synchronisation to a central database.
Am I correct here? If so is there any technology out there that does this sort of thing or am I left just rolling my own local storage and maybe still using CouchDB on the server?
Update (2012/05): check out the new TouchDB projects from Couchbase if you are targeting Mac OS X and/or iOS or Android. These actually use SQLite under the hood (at least for now) but can replicate to/from a "real" CouchDB server. Another clientside alternative that is finally starting to mature is PouchDB, which runs in IndexedDB capable browser engines. Using these or using them to inspire similar port to another desktop platform is now becoming a better-trod path.
Original answer:
There's no way of packaging up a
CouchDB instance, distributing it as
part of a desktop application and
running it in the context of that
application to provide local storage
and synchronisation to a central
At this point in time, your statement is practically correct although it is possible to include CouchDB in an app — for an example see which is a thin wrapper around a prefixed bundle of CouchDB and all its dependencies.
The easiest way to build a CouchDB app is to assume that the user will already have a CouchDB server running. This is easier than it sounds, especially with Couchone's hosting or a prebuilt app like CouchDBX on OS X or DesktopCouch on Ubuntu. This latter is especially interesting, because if I understand correctly it is included by default with Ubuntu these days, and automatically spins up a CouchDB server per-user when you query its port via D-Bus. Something similar could (and should) be done on OS X using launchd and Bonjour.
So as you write, you either would design your app to store data in a local format and optionally sync with a CouchDB service you provide or you'd have to build and bundle all of Erlang, SpiderMonkey and CouchDB together with your app along with some scripts to make sure it was running when needed. This is possible but obviously neither of these are ideal, and believe me you're not the only one wanting a simpler solution for desktop-oriented apps!
