Websphere Application Server : Clustering - linux

So I cannot wrap my head around clustering in Websphere. The first issue I'm having is starting the deployment manager. To start it I need a profile. To create the profile I found this command within IBM documentation:
manageprofiles.sh -create -templatePath profileTemplates/dmgr/ -isDefault
-profileName dmgr
But profileTemplates/dmgr/ does not exist, does it exist in a different place, or have i missed something while installing Websphere?

If you see only "default" and "management" directories under WAS_HOME/profileTemplates then most likely this is BASE edition. You can run versionInfo command from WAS_HOME/bin and for Network Deployment it should show some thing like
Name IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment
The ID is showing ND. If your ID shows BASE /Express then there would be no option to create Deployment Manager profile. You would need to install ND code.
To download Trial version of WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment
To download Licensed version from Passport Advantage
VS, opinions are my own and not those of my employer


Duplicated Service Name Error when Replacing CAR in WSO2 Micro-Integrator

I have created a Proxy Service and place it as a CAR application into the WSO2 Micro-Integrator 1.2.0 in the path /home/wso2carbon/wso2mi-1.2.0/repository/deployment/server/carbonapps. I can query the new proxy service without any issues, but when I delete the CAR application and replace it with a new version of the CAR, I got an error in the Micro Integrator:
Caused by: org.apache.synapse.deployers.SynapseArtifactDeploymentException: ProxyService named : MyCustomProxyService already exists
at org.apache.synapse.deployers.AbstractSynapseArtifactDeployer.handleSynapseArtifactDeploymentError(AbstractSynapseArtifactDeployer.java:482)
at org.apache.synapse.deployers.ProxyServiceDeployer.deploySynapseArtifact(ProxyServiceDeployer.java:66)
... 20 more
I thought that by removing the CAR application, it would delete the Proxy Service, but clearly is not working like this.
If I delete the problematic CAR application and restart the WSO2 Micro-Integrator service, then, when I place the new CAR application (again), the error is no presented.
Is there a way to clean any installed Proxy Service (CAR Application), without restarting the WSO2MI server?
When you delete the carbon application all the deployed artifacts should be removed from the server and according to your issue description, it seems the hot deployment feature is not working. However, When I checked this locally in both fresh and updated WSO2:MI-1.2.0 pack, I am able to deploy the same changed car application without any server restart. So please download the LATEST RELEASE: 7.1.0 from the official site[1] and try it again.

Deploying Strapi to Azure

I want to deploy Strapi to my Azure. Anyone here who has an experience doing such and making it up and running completely? Somehow I couldn't find any detailed instructions how to do that in Azure.. I'm looking for something that is as easy as deploying it to Heroku - but it's fine though if it'll require more steps as long as I can make it to work completely.
This is the complete instruction I have also created in the README of the repository.
Strapi-Azure 3.1.3
This is a working repository of Strapi 3.1.3 which you can already deploy as an Azure Web App. This requres a paid subscription, minimum of B1 plan (32 USD estimated), so we can enable the 64-bit platform configuration and the Always On feature.
To get started, let us first create and configure our Azure Web App:
Create an instance:
Name: The name of your choice that is still available
Publish: Code
Runtime staci: Node 12 LTS
Operating System: Windows
Region: select near you
Sku and Size: select B1 (minimum)
Configure the Environment variables:
Add the following key-value pairs:
For the HOST make a ping to your .azurewebsites.net instance and get the IP
Configure the Platform Settings
In the General Settings tab (beside the Application Settings), change the Platform from 32 Bit to 64 Bit
To confirm if you are indeed now on 64 Bit mode, go to Console and run node -p "process.arch"
Install yarn:
Go again to Console and run: npm install -g yarn
Deploy from your github account a copy of strapi-azure repo
In the Deployment Center tab, connect your GitHub account and browse your copy of strapi-azure
Select App Service build service as your build provider
Select repository and branch
Build your Admin UI using Kudu service
Go to Advance Tools -> Go -> expand Debug console from the toolbar -> CMD
Inside the wwwroot directory (site/wwwroot/), execute yarn build
See it in action 😊
It should not be any different than installing Strapi on any VM (Azure, AWS, GCP or even local VM).
Quick start guide should help you setup things and run Strapi server --> https://strapi.io/documentation/3.x.x/getting-started/quick-start.html
Primarily: Install nodejs, npm and strapi (via npm). Execute strapi new cms --quickstart and you should be good to go (with default configuration).
Assuming you have it within a GIT repository, I may have some useful insights.
When I set mine up, I created an app service hosted on windows - for some reason I found the Linux ones very unstable. I then used the Deployment Center to then setup the connection between my repository hosted on Azure Devops onto my App Service. When it deploys IISNode will automatically be setup with an appropriate web.config file for getting a NodeJS server up and running.
You may need to ensure you are running in production (assuming this is what you want), you can set this up by going to the App Service - Configuration - Application Settings (tab) - set up new variable called
"NODE_ENV" and set this "PRODUCTION".
I also found it useful to set
"WEBSITE_NODE_DEFAULT_VERSION" and specify the version - in my case it was "10.15.2".
For the database I used a ComosDB with the Mongo API, this was hosted on azure and it worked OK - the main problem I found was that I was getting charged a lot for the usage of it, not quite sure at this stage how to get around it.
One thing that did catch me out was setting the "port" variable within the config/environments/production/server.json - I was hard coding a port which doesn't work within IISNode - this needs to be set to something like
"host": "your.domain.com"
"port": "${process.env.PORT || 1280}"
You will also need to setup your database settings in config/environments/production/database.json file.
Happy to work through any further points, let me know

manageprofiles.sh can't create DEPLOYMENT MANAGER

My goal is to create a Deployment Manager profile in my Websphere on Linux.
Reading tons of documentation pages gives just two methods:
1) using X GUI application WAS_root/bin/ProfileManagement/pmt.sh
In this case, according to manuals, i should choose Management option, click "Next" and choose Deployment Manager server type.
Actually when i run pmt.sh in my WAS installation there is no option to choose Deployment Manager in Management section and only one profile type that i'm able to create is AdminAgent.
2) using manageprofiles.sh script under WAS_root/bin directory.
The manuals say that i can use -serverType DEPLOYMENT_MANAGER option in order to create deployment manager profile.
Actually when i run the script:
./manageprofiles.sh -create -templatePath ../profileTemplates/management/ -ServerType DEPLOYMENT_MANAGER -isDefault -profileName dmgr -adminUserName websphere -adminPassword websphere1
I get the following message:
The following validation errors were present with the command line
serverType: The value for this parameter must be within this set of values [ADMIN_AGENT]
That means that i don't have the ability to create Deployment Manager at all.
Please advise what steps i can perform to be able to install Deploy Manager except erase my WAS installation and install it from scratch once again.
Thanks a lot.
You have standalone aka base edition of WebSphere Application Server. To create Deployment Manager you need Network Deployment edition.
Unfortunately you will have to install it from scratch from different installation files (from ND, not base or developers edition).

Unable to start Message Engine in Websphere

I am facing a problem while starting the websphere message engine for one of the application deployed on websphere. This application is getting deployed automatically as a part of the installation of Websphere Lombardi 7.2 express edition. It's using websphere 7 internally to deploy it. When I try to start the message engine from the administrative console of websphere I am getting following error:
The messaging engine ProcessCenter01.twperfsvr-twperfsvr_bus cannot be started as there is no runtime initialized for it yet, retry the operation once it has initialized. For the runtime to successfully initialize the hosting server must be started, have its 'SIB service' already enabled, and dynamic configuration reload enabled. If this is a newly configured messaging engine and it is the first messaging engine to be hosted on this server, then it is most likely the 'SIB service' was not previously enabled and thus the server will need to be restarted. The messaging engine runtime might not be initializing because of an error while trying to start, examine the SystemOut.log of the hosting server to check for error messages indicating the problem.
After restarting the server, the same error shows. Can anyone help me to to find what gets loaded as a part of "initialization of runtime"? Are there any config files etc. that I need to check to solve this issue? I am suspecting some missing configuration causing error to load the runtime for this particular application.
I too faced this issue today had to delete all the files under the message store
check the directory-file path mentioned in
Application servers > server1 > Messaging engines > XXX.server1-primaryBus > File store
Just Enable the SIB Services For the particular Server.
Example:Server-->Application Server-->click on Server Name-->right hand side we can see SIB services-->Check box the Enable services.
This will solve your problem
Recently I have faced the same issue when I rebuilt the jvms in UAT envt. After searching on web I found that because of the old messages saved in the message store(flat files in my envt) the messaging engines was not getting initiated. After deleting the old messaging store and restarting the servers it got initialized.
I have struggled with this problem too.
In our situation the problem was that the file message store location was used that was already created for a different (or old) message-engine.
If you add a busmember to the service-bus and use a file store implementation, then you need to supply the path for the store and log folder. Make sure these locations don't exist yet, other wise you will run in the problem above. The message-engine for this member will use these folders.
If you have a script for creating the message-bus infrastructure, make sure that when you delete the bus or remove message-engines, that you remove the file store/log folders for these, before you re-run your script.
Another possibility is that you are using a external database as a data store, and the user that is used for the connection is not allowed to create a database. You might find a ffdc entry like this:
Then you have to go to your database administration tool and give DB2ADMIN the proper privileges. Then restart the server or cluster.
Finally this issue is been resolved. I did not create the schema in SQL Server with same name as that of the username I gave to connect SQL Server during the installation of WLE 7.2
Please find details about this at below link:

Setup Project - Allow multiple installation of the same Windows Service

I have a question regarding to Setup Projects in .Net (c# language, Framework 4.0):
I made a setup project for a Windows Service, on the installation wizard, the user must input the name of the Windows Service as it would be installed. The setup program also creates a shortcut to the Uninstall program in case the user wants to remove that Windows Service.
The question is: how to let the user run the same setup program several times specifing different service name?
This behaviour could be required because the windows service is a socket consumer that connects to a server and retrieves data; to take advantage of the server capabilities the user could install the same windows service multiple times pointing to a different port on the server, to perform the data retrieving task much faster. The service is the same, the user just modify the port on the configuration file of the service, so that's why it's not logical to create a new version of the installer each time.
Any clue or suggestion would be appreciated, thanks in advance.
This can be done by using an multiple instances installation. The general approach is:
create a transform for each instance you want available to the user
use a custom EXE bootstrapper which applies a new transform to your MSI package each time a new instance is installed
The transform should change at least the PackageCode, ProductCode and UpgradeCode.
This is not supported by Visual Studio setup projects. So either you do it manually or use a commercial setup authoring tool which supports multiple instances.
