authorized_keys does not present for new user - linux

I want to setup an ssh key in a machine of Linux running under AWS in EC2 cloud.
For that firstly, I installed cygwin, then I followed the following steps :
ssh-keygen -t dsa -f ~/.ssh/<key name> -C "<username of remote server>#<ip>"
cat ~/.ssh/<key name>.pub | ssh <username of remote server>#<ip> "cat >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys"
Now the 1st statement executes successfully but the 2nd statement shows
bash: /home/<username of server>/.ssh/authorized_keys: No such file exists
Prior to this, I connected to the remote machine in root mode and created the user, that I am specifying at the command 1, 2 (username)
And I saw that the file is not present in the remote server for the user I created explicitly, but it is present for the user root.

bash: /home//.ssh/authorized_keys: No such file exists
When you create a new user, the ~/.ssh directory is not created by default. You will have to create the ~/.ssh/ directory and ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file yourself.
On your server, check whether ~/.ssh or ~/.ssh/authorized_keys exists. Looking at the error you have, it seems that it does not.

When you create a new linux instance, you specify a key pair that you want to use. You have a choice of creating a key pair, and downloading the public key, or uploading a private key.
In your steps, you never reference the key pair you specified when you created the instance. So the 2nd command should be something like:
cat ~/.ssh/<key name>.pub | ssh -i ~/.ssh/<key specified when launching instance> ec2-user#<public id> ...
ec2-user may be different depending on what AMI you used to create your instance - ubuntu is the default user for ubuntu instances, for example.


Passwordless ssh connection from Windows

How can I create an ssh key from Windows and install it on a Linux host using OpenSSH to log in without a password for each connection?
First of all, we need to create a new key in the Windows pc (where we start the connection) using:
ssh-keygen -t rsa
Don't change the default path or remember where you saved the key, it will be used for the next command.
Press enter another two times to avoid using a passphrase (if you don't want it).
After that, if you haven't change the default path, the key will be created into {USERPROFILE}\.ssh\
Now, you can usually use the command ssh-copy-id for installing the key on the remote host, but unfortunately this command is not available on Windows, so we have to install it using this command:
type $env:USERPROFILE\.ssh\ | ssh {REMOTE_HOST} "cat >> .ssh/authorized_keys"
or if your key is not in the default path:
type {RSA_KEY_PATH} | ssh {REMOTE_HOST} "cat >> .ssh/authorized_keys"
and replace the {RSA_KEY_PATH} with your RSA path.
Replace {REMOTE_HOST} with the remote host IP/Name (like pi#, launch the command, insert the password if required, and the work is done!
If the ~/.ssh folder is not existing in your remote host, you need to configure them, this is usually done by the command ssh-copy-id, but we can not access to this power from Windows!
You need to connect to the remote host in ssh and create the .ssh directory and the authorized_keys file for the first time:
Create the .ssh directory:
mkdir ~/.ssh
Set the right permissions:
chmod 700 ~/.ssh
Create the authorized_keys file:
touch ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
Set the right permissions:
chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
The authorized_keys is not a folder, if you try to create it using mkdir, the SSH connection passwordless will not work, and if you debug the ssh on the host, you will notice an error/log similar to:
~/.ssh/authorized_keys is not a key file.
Run those two lines on your Windows pc to add the created key on your cmd/powershell:
ssh-agent $SHELL

Accessing ec2 instance via ftp/ssh from user other than ec2-user

I've created a key-pair and have access to a linux instance via FTP and SSH using ec2-user. I have also added the desired user to all groups that ec2-user is in. All of this was tested using the .ppk key, generated my puttygen, which allowed ec2-user to the instance. I even changed the key type from SSH-2 to SSH-1 via puttygen.
I've followed countless guides, but without any luck. Is there anything else I can do?
From what I've read I'll have to create a key-pair (dont know where) for each user, and add one of the keys to a .ssh directory.
Assuming putty and AWS EC2
Step by step
1) AWS EC2 must be running sshd and have port 22 open on security groups. If you can login with the default user then this is ok with other users from the same address
2) generate a putty key pair using putty keygen. During the setup process you will be offered a "public key for pasting". Copy this into your cut n paste buffer
Also save the private part of the key
3) login to the AWS EC2 and become root.
4) If you haven't made the user (let's call the user "binky") make it with adduser or a similar command
5) issue commands like this to add key
cd ~binky
mkdir .ssh
cd .ssh
cat > authorized_keys
paste the public key from step 2 here and press ctrl-D
nb use the command wc -l authorized_keys to check that your cut n paste is one line only. The file has one line per key
6) ensure that file permissions are correct
cd ~binky
chmod 700 .ssh
chmod 644 .ssh/authorized_keys
chown -R binky .ssh
7) back on your putty host run pageant. Right click on the hat logo in the tray/bar thing (I'm not an MS Windows expert) and use "add key" to add the private key from step 2
8) on your putty host open a new, blank connection. Give the ip or domain name in the "Host Name (or IP Address)" box. In the left hand menu tree find the "connection" -> "data" box and give the "auto login username" as the user on EC2 (binky)
9) save the settings under a new name using the "session" box of putty
10) click on "open" and you should be logged on

Unable to connect via ssh with public key authentication method

On my Windows 10, I am running into the problem of not being able to connect to m Vagrant virtual machine via ssh user with public key authentication method at git bash using command such as
$ ssh -v lauser# -p 2222 -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa
I would be prompted for password, as if the public key I copied to in the ~/.ssh/Authorized_keys file inside the vm were not seen. Meanwhile,the password authentication method works, as well as 'vagrant ssh'.
I have made sure to
create key pairs locally, create a .ssh directory at the remote, and add pub key string to the remote's .ssh /authorized_keys file; both the .ssh and the .ssh /authorized_keys file are owned by the user(lauser), and set at 700 and 644
edit the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file on vm to use
RSAAuthentication yes
PubkeyAuthentication yes
and restarted the sshd server (with 'sudo service ssh restart').
verify that firewall has been disabled temporarily to eliminate any complication.
verify that there is only one vm running, all others are either in 'suspend' or 'halt' mode.
confirm the file type by 'file ~/.ssh/authorized_keys', and get confirmation '~/.ssh/authorized_keys: OpenSSH RSA public key'
verify that the keys match by comparing the output from 'sudo cat ~/.ssh/authorized_keys' in vm and the output from ' cat ~/.ssh/' at the local.
but still I get Permission denied (publickey) when trying to connect through public key authentication.
It sounds like you've done everything correctly so far. When I run in to this problem, it's usually due to directory permissions on the target user's home directory (~), ~/.ssh or ~/.ssh/authorized_keys.
See this answer on SuperUser.
I faced same challenges when the home directory on the remote did not have correct privileges. Changing permissions from 777 to 744 helped me

How to make key based ssh user?

I am new to Ubuntu-Linux,i have to create a ssh user in remote system and generate its key. and access this system by key_file through the command.
ssh -i key_file user#host
Can any body tell me how can i do ?
On the system you are trying to connect to, the public key (usually or something similar) needs to be added to the authorized_keys file.
If the user is brand new and the authorized_keys file doesn't exist yet, this command will create it for you.
cp ~/.ssh/ ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
Next just make sure sshd is running on the host and you should be able to connect with the command you posted.
on remote-server-
ssh-copy-id user#host
cd .ssh
make a copy of the file id_rsa and give any body who want to access this server/system.
on the other system
ssh -i id_rsa user#host
If you want to connect to another host as user "user", what you need is the public key of the user that is going to open that connection, i.e. the user you are logged in on your desktop computer or some server you are coming from, not for the user, you are logging in to on the remote host.
You can check, if the keys for your current user are already created in $HOME/.ssh; there you should find something like "id_rsa" and "" (for rsa keys). If they don't exist, you create them by calling
ssh-keygen -t rsa
The public key that is generated that way, in this example, has to be put in a file ${HOME of user on remote host}/.ssh/authorized_keys on the target host.
If this file does not exist on the remote host or if even .ssh does not exist, you have to create those files with the following permissions:
.ssh 700
.ssh/authorized_keys 600
See for details.
A detailed description of the process can be found here:

Changing user to root when connected to a linux server and copying files

My script is coded in a way that doesn't allow you to connect to a server directly by root. This code basically copies files from a server to my computer and it works but I don't have access to many files because only root can access them. How can I connect to a server as a user and then copy its files by switching to root?
Code I want to change:
sshpass -p "password" scp -q -r username# copy_it/here/
In other words, I want to be able to remotely copy files which are only accessible to root on a remote server, but don't wish to access the remote server via ssh/scp directly as root.
Is it possible through only ssh and not sshpass?
If I understand your question correctly, you want to be able to remotely copy files which are only accessible to root on the remote machine, but you don't wish to (or can't) access the remote machine via ssh/scp directly as root. And a separate question is whether it could be done without sshpass.
(Please understand that the solutions I suggest below have various security implications and you should weigh up the benefits versus potential consequences before deploying them. I can't know your specific usage scenario to tell you if these are a good idea or not.)
When you ssh/scp as a user, you don't have access to the files which are only accessible to root, so you can't copy all of them. So you need to instead "switch to root" once connected in order to copy the files.
"Switching to root" for a command is accomplished by prefixing it with sudo, so the approach would be to remotely execute commands which copy the files via sudo to /tmp on the remote machine, changes their owner to the connected user, and then remotely copy them from /tmp:
ssh username# "sudo cp -R some_directory /tmp"
ssh username# "sudo chown -R username:username /tmp/some_directory"
scp -q -r username# copy_it/here/
ssh username# "rm -r /tmp/some_directory"
However, sudo prompts for the user's password, so you'll get a "sudo: no tty present and no askpass program specified" error if you try this. So you need to edit /etc/sudoers on the remote machine to authorize the user to use sudo for the needed commands without a password. Add these lines:
username ALL=NOPASSWD: /bin/cp
username ALL=NOPASSWD: /bin/chown
(Or, if you're cool with the user being able to execute any command via sudo without being prompted for password, you could instead use:)
Now the above commands will work and you'll be able to copy your files.
As for avoiding using sshpass, you could instead use a public/private key pair, in which a private key on the local machine unlocks a public key on the remote machine in order to authenticate the user, rather than a password.
To set this up, on your local machine, type ssh-keygen. Accept the default file (/home/username/.ssh/id_rsa). Use an empty passphrase. Then append the file /home/username/.ssh/ on the local machine to /home/username/.ssh/authorized_keys on the remote machine:
cat /home/username/.ssh/ | ssh username# \
"mkdir -m 0700 -p .ssh && cat - >> .ssh/authorized_keys && \
chmod 0600 .ssh/authorized_keys"
Once you've done this, you'll be able to use ssh or scp from the local machine without password authorization.
