Possible to leak audio resources beyond program execution? - audio

The documentation for PortAudio (a C audio library) states:
Pa_Terminate() MUST be called before exiting a program which uses PortAudio. Failure to do so may result in serious resource leaks, such as audio devices not being available until the next reboot.
(emphasis mine)
However, I've always understood that no modern operating system permits you to leak resources beyond the program's exit, so while it's "good practice" to clean up your allocated memory after use, it certainly won't harm anything if you don't (related questions: 1 2 etc).
But I'm also aware that older graphics card drivers would fail to free graphics memory in some situations, so leaks in that situation could cause system crashes.
My question is - does this actually happen with modern audio software and hardware?
If so, what exactly is the cause and mode of failure, in software or hardware?
If not, what's the foundation for the quote from the PortAudio documentation?
Which operating systems are vulnerable and which are not?
What can be done to prevent applications causing such problems?


FreeRTOS vs Linux against single event upsets

I am working on the on-board computer for a CubeSat. Our computer will be vulnerable to radiation, hence single event upsets, e.g. bit flips are likely to occur. Would a lighter, smaller OS like FreeRTOS bring more stability, robustness and a lower probability of failure over a full-blown Linux operating system?
The probability of a bit error in RAM is a function of time, memory size and radiation density, so a larger memory has a greater probability, and you can fit a FreeRTOS system in much less memory (like 10kb instead of 4Mb). However the usage rate of the smaller memory is likely much higher - i.e. in a FreeRTOS application, most of the code and data are accessed relatively frequently, while in a Linux deployment, much of it is redundant and if corrupted may never be accessed in any case.
However the question makes little sense for a number of reasons, such as:
The effect of a bit-flip event is entirely non-deterministic, any single event it may be benign or catastrophic. It is impossible to say that a system can tolerate 1 error when you don't know when or where the error will occur.
If your system can be implemented on FreeRTOS, why would you even consider Linux? They are chalk and cheese. If you need the extensive networking, filesystem, memory management, POSIX API and device support etc. provided by Linux, FreeRTOS is not suited to your application in any case, as you would have to add all that yourself from your own or additional third-party code. FreeRTOS is only a scheduling kernel, with threading, synchronisation and IPC support and little else. Conversely if you need hard real-time deterministic behaviour, Linux is unsuited to your application.
Where you might benefit from using an RTOS kernel like FreeRTOS is that it will execute from ROM which may be less prone to the bit-flipping cosmic ray issue - (although the availability of ECC/radiation hardened Flash memory may indicate otherwise). You still need RAM for R/W data, but at least the code itself will be robust. A typical FreeRTOS system might run in SRAM (possibly in on-chip RAM on a microcontroller) - I don't know whether low density SRAM is less prone to bit-flipping than high-density SDRAM, but I am willing to believe it is. It is also possible to source radiation hardened SRAM in any case.
The solution for a system using SDRAM in such an environment is to use ECC RAM which may largely overcome the problem of data corruption from radiation and non-deterministic system behaviour. However I would not imagine that even that would be sufficient for space or high-atmosphere applications.
In short the solution is not in the software, it has to be in the hardware, and the lengths you need to go to will depend on the radiation environment your system will be subjected to. However the selection of a small RTOS kernel allows the selection of hardware to be potentially much wider since it will run on a much wider range of architectures in much smaller memory, perform deterministically, respond to events in fewer cycles and is ROMable.

Difference between user-space driver and kernel driver [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Userspace vs kernel space driver
(2 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
I have been reading "Linux Device Drivers" by Jonathan Corbet. I have some questions that I want to know:
What are the main differences between a user-space driver and a kernel driver?
What are the limitations of both of them?
Why user-space drivers are commonly used and preferred nowadays over kernel drivers?
What are the main differences between a user-space driver and a kernel driver?
User space drivers run in user space. Kernel drivers run in kernel space.
What are the limitations of both of them?
The kernel driver can do anything the kernel can, so you could say it has no limitations. But kernel drivers are much harder to "prove correct" and debug. It's all-to-easy to introduce race conditions, or use a kernel function in the wrong context or with the wrong locking. Things will appear to work for a while, but cause problems (including crashing the whole system) down the road. Drivers must also be wary when reading all user input (both from the device and from userspace) because invalid data can sometimes cause crashes.
A user-space driver usually needs a small shim in the kernel to do it's bidding. Usually, that 'shim' provides a simpler API. For example, the FUSE layer lets people write file systems in any language. They can be mounted, read/written, then unmounted. The shim must also protect the kernel against all invalid input.
User-space drivers have lots of limitations. For example, the kernel reserves some memory for use during emergencies, but that is not available for users-space. During memory pressure, the kernel will kill random user-space programs, but never kill kernel threads. User-space programs may be swapped out, which could lead to your device being unavailable for several seconds. (Kernel code can not be swapped out.) Running code in user-space requires several context switches. These waste a "lot" of CPU time. If your device is a 300 baud modem, nobody will notice. But if it's a gigabit Ethernet card, and every packet has to go to your userspace driver before it gets to the real user, the system will have major bottlenecks.
User space programs are also "harder" to use because you have to install that user-space software, which often has many library dependencies. Kernel modules "just work".
Why user-space drivers are commonly used and preferred nowadays over kernel drivers?
The question is "Does this complexity really need to be in the kernel?"
I used to work for a company that made USB dongles that talked a particular protocol. We could have written a full kernel driver, but instead just wrote our program on top of libUSB.
The advantages: The program was portable between Linux, Mac, Win. No worrying about our code vs the GPL.
The disadvantages: If the device needed to data to the PC and get a response quickly, there is no guarantee that would happen. For example, if we needed a real-time control loop on the PC, it would be harder to have bounded response times. (Maybe not entirely impossible on Linux.)
If there is a way to do it in userspace, I would try that first. Only if there are significant performance bottlenecks, or significant complexity in keeping it in userspace would you move it. Even then, consider the "shim" approach, and/or the "emulator" approach (where your kernel module makes your device look like a serial port or a block device.)
On the other hand, if there are already several kernel modules similar to what you want, then start there.

Nvidia Information Disclosure / Memory Vulnerability on Linux and General OS Memory Protection

I thought this was expected behavior?
From: http://classic.chem.msu.su/cgi-bin/ceilidh.exe/gran/gamess/forum/?C35e9ea936bHW-7675-1380-00.htm
Paraphrased summary: "Working on the Linux port we found that cudaHostAlloc/cuMemHostAlloc CUDA API calls return un-initialized pinned memory. This hole may potentially allow one to examine regions of memory previously used by other programs and Linux kernel. We recommend everybody to stop running CUDA drivers on any multiuser system."
My understanding was that "Normal" malloc returns un-initialized memory, so I don't see what the difference here is...
The way I understand how memory allocation works would allow the following to happen:
-userA runs a program on a system that crunches a bunch of sensitive information. When the calculations are done, the results are written to disk, the processes exits, and userA logs off.
-userB logs in next. userB runs a program that requests all available memory in the system, and writes the content of his un-initialized memory, which contains some of userA's sensitive information that was left in RAM, to disk.
I have to be missing something here. What is it? Is memory zero'd-out somewhere? Is kernel/pinned memory special in a relevant way?
Memory returned by malloc() may be nonzero, but only after being used and freed by other code in the same process. Never another process. The OS is supposed to rigorously enforce memory protections between processes, even after they have exited.
Kernel/pinned memory is only special in that it apparently gave a kernel mode driver the opportunity to break the OS's process protection guarantees.
So no, this is not expected behavior; yes, this was a bug. Kudos to NVIDIA for acting on it so quickly!
The only part that requires root priviledges to install CUDA is the NVIDIA driver. As a result all operations done using NVIDIA compiler and link can be done using regular system calls, and standard compiling (provided you have the proper information -lol-). If any security holes lies there, it remains, wether or not cudaHostAlloc/cuMemHostAlloc is modified.
I am dubious about the first answer seen on this post. The man page for malloc specifies that
the memory is not cleared. The man page for free does not mention any clearing of the memory.
The clearing of memory seems to be in the responsability of the coder of a sensitive section -lol-, that leave the problem of an unexpected (rare) exit. Apart from VMS (good but not widely used OS), I dont think any OS accept the performance cost of a systematic clearing. I am not clear about the way the system may track in the heap of a newly allocated memory what was previously in the process area, and what was not.
My conclusion is: if you need a strict level of privacy, do not use a multi-user system
(or use VMS).

Why doesn't Linux use the hardware context switch via the TSS?

I read the following statement:
The x86 architecture includes a
specific segment type called the Task
State Segment (TSS), to store hardware
contexts. Although Linux doesn't use
hardware context switches, it is
nonetheless forced to set up a TSS for
each distinct CPU in the system.
I am wondering:
Why doesn't Linux use the hardware support for context switch?
Isn't the hardware approach much faster than the software approach?
Is there any OS which does take advantage of the hardware context switch? Does windows use it?
At last and as always, thanks for your patience and reply.
http://wiki.osdev.org/Context_Switching got some explanation.
People as confused as me could take a look at it. 8^)
The x86 TSS is very slow for hardware multitasking and offers almost no benefits when compared to software task switching. (In fact, I think doing it manually beats the TSS a lot of times)
The TSS is known also for being annoying and tedious to work with and it is not portable, even to x86-64. Linux aims at working on multiple architectures so they probably opted to use software task switching because it can be written in a machine independent way. Also, Software task switching provides a lot more power over what can be done and is generally easier to setup than the TSS is.
I believe Windows 3.1 used the TSS, but at least the NT >5 kernel does not. I do not know of any Unix-like OS that uses the TSS.
Do note that the TSS is mandatory. The thing that OSs do though is create a single TSS entry(per processor) and everytime they need to switch tasks, they just change out this single TSS. And also the only fields used in the TSS by software task switching is ESP0 and SS0. This is used to get to ring 0 from ring 3 code for interrupts. Without a TSS, there would be no known Ring 0 stack which would of course lead to a GPF and eventually triple fault.
Linux used to use HW-based switching, in the pre-1.3 timeframe iirc. I believe sw-based context switching turned out to be faster, and it is more flexible.
Another reason may have been minimizing arch-specific code. The first port of Linux to a non-x86 architecture was Alpha. Alpha didn't have TSS, so more code could be shared if all archs used SW switching. (Just a guess.) Unfortunately the kernel changelogs for the 1.2-1.3 kernel period are not well-preserved, so I can't be more specific.
Linux doesn't use a segmented memory model, so this segmentation specific feature isn't used.
x86 CPUs have many different kinds of hardware support for context switching, so the distinction isn't hardware vs software, but more how does an OS use the various hardware features available. It isn't necessary to use them all.
Linux is so efficiency focussed that you can bet that someone has profiled every option that is possible, and that the options currently used are the best available compromise.

Is there something like AppVerifier or Driver Verifier for Linux?

I am hoping that someone can point me toward Linux software similar to the Microsoft tools Application Verifier and Driver Verifier. (They are stress testers for Windows applications and drivers, respectively.)
Do such things exist for Linux?
I'm not familiar with Application Verifier and Driver Verifier at all...
For applications, Valgrind is very useful as a tool to check for leaks, use-after-free, double free, buffer overflow, use of unitialized data, unsafe concurrent data access, and much more.
There also exist many fuzzers (zzuf, fusil, etc.) which test a program's resiliance to invalid input.
GCC itself has -fstackprotector, which enables SSP (stack-smashing protector, aka ProPolice); -fmudflap, which detecs some other bad memory usage; and (in conjunction with glibc) -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=n, which puts extra checking on various string and memory functions.
In the Linux kernel, there are many configuration switches under the "Kernel hacking" menu:
CONFIG_DEBUG_SLAB, CONFIG_DEBUG_PAGEALLOC, etc., which ensure that memory is allocated, used, and freed sanely
CONFIG_DEBUG_OBJECTS, which checks that objects are used and freed orderly
kmemcheck, "Valgrind for the kernel"
CONFIG_PROVE_LOCKING, which analyzes for all possible deadlocks
CONFIG_FAULT_INJECTION & co., which probabilistically cause failures of memory allocation and I/O
