I'm trying to add padding around SVG figures that are drawn via Raphael, and am seeing the following from wkhtmltopdf. Has anyone else dealt with this issue? Is padding supported on SVG elements?
Of course you can add padding and other styling rules to your Raphael-created SVG elements. It's just another element in the DOM -- there's no need for a workaround. #BigBadaboom's assertion is only true for elements inside the SVG element, not the SVG element itself.
<style type="text/css">
padding: 20px;
background-color: rgb(128,128,128);
border: 1px solid black;
margin: 20px;
And when you create your Raphael paper objects:
var paper = Raphael( 'container', width, height );
jQuery( paper.canvas ).attr( "class", "padding-please" ); // `canvas` gives us direct access to the DOM node
Alternative Approach
You could always whip up a simple Raphael extension to add a specified amount of margin to a given SVG by manipulating the viewbox. For instance:
Raphael.fn.addMargin = function addMargin( ratio )
var contentBox = { x: 100000, y: 100000, width: 0, height: 0 };
this.forEach( function( element )
var elemBox = element.getBBox();
contentBox.x = Math.min( contentBox.x, elemBox.x );
contentBox.y = Math.min( contentBox.y, elemBox.y );
contentBox.width = Math.max( contentBox.width, elemBox.width );
contentBox.height = Math.max( contentBox.height, elemBox.height );
}, this );
if ( contentBox.x == 100000 ) // No elements? Whatevs
var xMargin = contentBox.width * ratio;
var yMargin = contentBox.height * ratio;
this.setViewBox( contentBox.x - xMargin, contentBox.y - yMargin, contentBox.width + xMargin * 2, contentBox.height + xMargin * 2 );
Then if you wanted to add a 10% margin to a given SVG, you would just call
paper.addMargin( 0.1 );
There are so many ways to skin cats, it's amazing Felis catus isn't extinct =)
I have an Openlayers map with a lot of overlays (Point-coordinates).
These overlays are often very close to each other or overlapping.
When I click on an existing Overlay I want the Overlay to be set on top, so that it is fully seen, not behind any other Overlay.
So far I have only seen that the Layers can be set with an z-index. Is it possible to do that with overlays, too?
I would like to do something like that:
map.setLayerIndex(markers, 99);
but with an overlay
Overlays are controls, which are positioned on an coordinate instead of being in a fixed place. They are basically nothing more but regular html div elements and change position with the map.
This also means, you can apply normal CSS styling and use z-index on them.
var layer = new ol.layer.Tile({
source: new ol.source.OSM()
var map = new ol.Map({
layers: [layer],
target: 'map',
view: new ol.View({
center: [0, 0],
zoom: 2
// Vienna marker
var marker1 = new ol.Overlay({
position: ol.proj.fromLonLat([16.3725, 48.208889]),
positioning: 'center-center',
element: document.getElementById('marker1'),
stopEvent: false,
className: 'm1 ol ol-overlay-container ol-selectable'
marker2 = new ol.Overlay({
position: ol.proj.fromLonLat([23.3725, 48.208889]),
positioning: 'center-center',
element: document.getElementById('marker2'),
stopEvent: false,
className: 'm2 ol ol-overlay-container ol-selectable'
function clicked(selector) {
console.log('clicked overlay', selector);
html, body, .map {
min-height: 50px;
min-width: 50px;
height: 100%;
width: 100%;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
.marker {
width: 30px;
height: 30px;
border: 1px solid #088;
border-radius: 15px;
background-color: #0FF;
.m1 .marker {
background-color: #FF0;
.active {
z-index: 1234782904789;
.active .marker {
background-color: red;
<link href="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/openlayers/openlayers.github.io#main/dist/en/v7.0.0/legacy/ol.css" rel="stylesheet"/>
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/openlayers/openlayers.github.io#main/dist/en/v7.0.0/legacy/ol.js"></script>
<div id="map" class="map"></div>
<div id="marker1" title="Marker" class="marker" onclick="clicked('.m1')"></div>
<div id="marker2" title="Marker" class="marker" onclick="clicked('.m2')"></div>
The existing answer works, but it doesn't preserve the z-order of the overlays, it only guarantees that the clicked one will be on top. Since it is the only element with a z-index in this stacking context, the z-order of the other elements will be random.
Here is a solution that brings the clicked overlay to the front, while preserving the current z-order of all the other ones:
export function bringToFront (map: PluggableMap, clickedOverlayElement: HTMLElement) {
const overlays = map.getOverlays().sort(zIndexComparator);
overlays.forEach((overlay, i) => {
const element = overlay.get('element');
const container = pointInfo.closest('.ol-overlay-container') as HTMLElement;
container.style.zIndex = element === clickedOverlayElement ? overlays.length.toFixed() : i.toFixed();
function getOverlayContainer (overlay: Overlay) {
return overlay.get('element').closest('.ol-overlay-container') as HTMLElement;
function zIndexComparator (a: Overlay, b: Overlay) {
return (getOverlayContainer(a).style.zIndex > getOverlayContainer(b).style.zIndex)
? 1
: -1;
Just call the bringToFront() function when your overlay element is clicked.
I need to output the result of a fabric canvas drawing to an SVG file.
I'm using fabric.js version 1.7.6 and when I have a path drawn to a canvas with an rgba fill like rgba(255,0,0,.15) the resulting SVG has a fill of rgb(0,0,0). Is there some setting I need to enable to make it output the alpha chanel?
In my sample code the purple circle converts to SVG properly, but the rectangle just shows up as black.
Sample HTML:
<script src="fabric.js"></script>
<div id="canvasHolder" style="border: 3px solid black;">
<canvas id="canvasElement" width="400" height="400" />
<div id="svgHolder" style="border: 3px solid blue;">
var canvas = new fabric.Canvas('canvasElement');
var rect = new fabric.Path('M,0,0,h,100,v,100,h,-100,z',{
stroke: 'green',
fill: 'rgba(255,0,0,.15)'
var circ = new fabric.Circle({
radius: 30,
stroke: 'blue',
fill: 'purple'
// Make an SVG object out of the fabric canvas
var SVG = canvas.toSVG();
document.getElementById('svgHolder').innerHTML = SVG;
Output SVG:
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" version="1.1" width="400" height="400" viewBox="0 0 400 400" xml:space="preserve">
<desc>Created with Fabric.js 1.7.6</desc>
<path d="M 0 0 h 100 v 100 h -100 z" style="stroke: rgb(0,128,0); stroke-width: 1; stroke-dasharray: none; stroke-linecap: butt; stroke-linejoin: miter; stroke-miterlimit: 10; fill: rgb(0,0,0); fill-rule: nonzero; opacity: 1;" transform="translate(150.5 150.5) translate(-50, -50) " stroke-linecap="round"></path>
As I said in comment, this looks like a bug, that you should report on the project's issue tracker.
Colors are all converted to rgb() (rgba, hsl, hsla, hex, keywords) and thus don't support alpha channel...
For the time being, here is an heavy workaround :
toSVG accepts an reviver function, which will receive all the svg nodes markups. From there, you can reapply the correct styles, but not so easily.
The only parameter I could find allowing us to identify which object corresponds to the svg markup we get, is the id one.
So first, we will construct a dictionary, which will store our colors, by id.
Then, we will assign the id and colors to our fabric's objects.
Finally, in the reviver, we will parse our markup to convert it to an svg node, check its id atribute, and then change its style.fill and style.stroke properties, before returning the serialization of this modified node.
var canvas = new fabric.Canvas('canvasElement');
var colors_dict = {};
// an helper function to generate and store our colors objects
function getColorId(fill, stroke) {
var id = 'c_' + Math.random() * 10e16;
return colors_dict[id] = {
id: id,
fill: fill || 'black',
stroke: stroke || 'black' // weirdly fabric doesn't support 'none'
// first ask for the color object of the rectangle
var rect_color = getColorId('hsla(120, 50%, 50%, .5)', 'rgba(0,0,255, .25)');
var rect = new fabric.Path('M,0,0,h,100,v,100,h,-100,z', {
top: 60,
left: 60,
stroke: rect_color.stroke, // set the required stroke
fill: rect_color.fill, // fill
id: rect_color.id // and most importantly, the id
var circ_color = getColorId('rgba(200, 0,200, .7)');
var circ = new fabric.Circle({
radius: 30,
top: 30,
left: 30,
stroke: circ_color.stroke,
fill: circ_color.fill,
id: circ_color.id
var parser = new DOMParser();
var serializer = new XMLSerializer();
function reviveColors(svg){
// first we parse the markup we get, and extract the node we're interested in
var svg_doc = parser.parseFromString('<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">' + svg + '</svg>', 'image/svg+xml');
var svg_node = svg_doc.documentElement.firstElementChild;
var id = svg_node.getAttribute('id');
if (id && id in colors_dict) { // is this one of the colored nodes
var col = colors_dict[id]; // get back our color object
svg_node.style.fill = col.fill; // reapply the correct styles
svg_node.style.stroke = col.stroke;
// return the new markup
return serializer.serializeToString(svg_node).replace('xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', '');
return svg;
// Make an SVG object out of the fabric canvas
var SVG = canvas.toSVG(null, reviveColors);
document.getElementById('svgHolder').innerHTML = SVG;
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/fabric.js/1.7.12/fabric.js"></script>
<div id="canvasHolder" style="border: 3px solid black;">
<!-- beware canvas tag can't be self-closing -->
<canvas id="canvasElement" width="400" height="200"></canvas>
<div id="svgHolder" style="border: 3px solid blue;">
The colors are converted to RGB because svg specs wants color in CSS2 format and so rgba is unsupported.
cit: https://www.w3.org/TR/2008/REC-CSS2-20080411/syndata.html#value-def-color
Fabric fulfill the transparency with the fill-opacity rull. The point is that fabric.Color color parser looks like is choking over the .15 notation for the alpha channel.
Please use 0.15 and it will work.
i agree that fabric.Color could be fixed for this.
I'm developing a diagram tool based on fabricjs. Our tool has our own collection of shape, which is svg based. My problem is when I scale the object, the border (stroke) scale as well. My question is: How can I scale the object but keep the stroke width fixed. Please check the attachments.
Thank you very much!
Here is an easy example where on scale of an object we keep a reference to the original stroke and calculate a new stroke based on the scale.
var canvas = new fabric.Canvas('c', { selection: false, preserveObjectStacking:true });
window.canvas = canvas;
canvas.add(new fabric.Rect({
left: 100,
top: 100,
width: 50,
height: 50,
fill: '#faa',
originX: 'left',
originY: 'top',
stroke: "#000",
strokeWidth: 1,
centeredRotation: true
canvas.on('object:scaling', (e) => {
var o = e.target;
if (!o.strokeWidthUnscaled && o.strokeWidth) {
o.strokeWidthUnscaled = o.strokeWidth;
if (o.strokeWidthUnscaled) {
o.strokeWidth = o.strokeWidthUnscaled / o.scaleX;
canvas {
border: 1px solid #ccc;
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/fabric.js/1.6.4/fabric.min.js"></script>
<canvas id="c" width="600" height="600"></canvas>
There is a property called: strokeUniform
Use it like this
shape.set({stroke: '#f55b76', strokeWidth:2, strokeUniform: true })
I have found what feels like an even better solution, works really well with SVG paths.
You can override fabricjs' _renderStroke method and add ctx.scale(1 / this.scaleX, 1 / this.scaleY); before ctx.stroke(); as shown below.
fabric.Object.prototype._renderStroke = function(ctx) {
if (!this.stroke || this.strokeWidth === 0) {
if (this.shadow && !this.shadow.affectStroke) {
ctx.scale(1 / this.scaleX, 1 / this.scaleY);
this._setLineDash(ctx, this.strokeDashArray, this._renderDashedStroke);
this._applyPatternGradientTransform(ctx, this.stroke);
You may also need to override fabric.Object.prototype._getTransformedDimensions to adjust the bounding box to account for the difference in size.
Also a more complete implementation would probably add a fabric object property to conditionally control this change for both overridden methods.
Another way is to draw a new object on scaled and remove the scaled one.
scaled: function()
// store new widht and height
var new_width = this.getScaledWidth();
var new_height = this.getScaledHeight();
// remove object from canvas
// add new object with same size and original options like strokeWidth
canvas.add(new ...);
Works perfect for me.
I had loaded image in canvas using fabric.Image.fromURL and working fine with default image width and height.
Now I want to minimize width and height of an image.
How to do this?
Thanks in advance.
Hope this will help
var src; //Image source here
fabric.Image.fromURL(src, function(oImg) {
We can use scalex / scaley to set height / width as below.
fabric.util.loadImage(imgsrc, function (img) {
var legimg = new fabric.Image(img, {
left: 30,
top: marker.top,
scaleX: 20 / img.width,
scaleY: 20 / img.height
var canvas = new fabric.Canvas('canvas');
document.getElementById('file').addEventListener("change", function (e) {
var file = e.target.files[0];
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = function (f) {
var data = f.target.result;
fabric.Image.fromURL(data, function (img) {
var oImg = img.set({left: 0, top: 0, angle: 00,width:100, height:100}).scale(0.9);
var a = canvas.setActiveObject(oImg);
var dataURL = canvas.toDataURL({format: 'png', quality: 0.8});
border: 1px solid black;
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://rawgit.com/kangax/fabric.js/master/dist/fabric.min.js"></script>
<input type="file" id="file"><br />
<canvas id="canvas" width="450" height="450"></canvas>
We can set width and height.
Check this JSfiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/varunPes/8gt6d7op/5/
This working code I have tested:
fabric.Image.fromURL(el.src, function(image) {
left: left,
top: top,
angle: 0,
padding: 10,
cornersize: 10,
Work with the image scale properties and not the image size. This worked for me. When I had set the image width and height, and not the scale, when I applied a filter it reset back to original width and height because the scale was 1.0. Hope this helps.
Well I am not sure how are you trying to do it but you could while
adding the image use canvas object in the editor and pass it the Image
in a function called centerObject. Here is the code that worked for
My ReactJS code centers a shirt image in the canvas as given below
const { editor, onReady } = useFabricJSEditor()
const add_image = () => {
fabric.Image.fromURL('assets/custom/shirt_green.png',(oImg) => {
Over to the frontend UI we render using
<FabricJSCanvas className={styles.canvas} onReady={onReady} />
My client is asking me to reduce size of current website for desktop browsers by 30%.
is there a css or meta tag to do it like viewport meta tag on a mobile browser?
Hmmm... I know this is an old question, but there is a MUCH better way to go about this: use the CSS scale() transform function on the <html> tag to scale EVERYTHING inside. Check out this jsFiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/mike_marcacci/6fMnH/
The magic is all here:
html {
transform: scale(.5);
-webkit-transform: scale(.5);
-moz-transform: scale(.5);
-ms-transform: scale(.5);
-o-transform: scale(.5);
width: 200%;
height: 200%;
margin: -50% -50%;
You can look at the css screen media type.
It is:
Intended primarily for color computer screens.
You can use it this way:
#media screen {
body { font-size: 70% }
There is also a handheld media type, primarily:
Intended for handheld devices (typically small screen, limited bandwidth).
However, you will need to test the different devices and desktops your client is focusing on in order to determine how using these media types will effect the user experience.
Odes is right.
#media screen {
body { font-size: 70% }
But to make this really work well, you must use ems instead of px everywhere. That goes for margin and padding as well as width and height of all elements.
A good way to do this is to use SASS. Just create your own sass function to convert your px measurements into ems on the fly. Something like this will do:
#function em($px, $context: 16, $basesize: 16) {
#return (($px/$basesize)/($context/16))+em;
Which then gets used in your CSS like so:
div { font-size:em(12); width: em(200,12); }
So, if the body font size was set to 100%, then the font size would be equivalent to 12px and the width of the div would be 200px wide.
Here code for proportional scale and positioning, wnen using "transform: scale"
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
var scale = 1;
var windowWidth = $(window).width();
$('body').append(' ' + windowWidth*scale );
var width = (100*(1/scale));
var left = -(width*(1-scale))/2;
var height = (100*(1/scale));
var top = -(height*(1-scale))/2;
$('html').css('top', top+'%');
$('html').css('left', left+'%');
You can enable the meta viewport tag on desktop with JS. First you should derive the setting (width) from the meta tag:
var viewportcontent = $( "#myviewport" ).attr('content');
var viewportcontents = viewportcontent.split(",");
//if it starts with 'width='
for (var i = 0; i < viewportcontents.length; i++) {
if(viewportcontents[i].lastIndexOf('width=', 0) === 0) {
var wspec = viewportcontents[i].substring(6);
Then you need a little JS and the solution of Mike to get this working solution: http://codepen.io/anon/pen/GqoeYJ. Note that this example forces the width to be 1200 pixels, but initial-scale: 0.7 could be implemented in the same way.