How to insert dynamic rows into Docusign document while creating envelope - digital-signature

This is continuation to the following post
insert a page into document while sending envelope using DOCUSIGN
I have rephrased my question due to poor explanation before.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
I am not successful in finding a documentation about the following scenario.
I am trying to find whether is it possible to "dynamically" insert table in a PDF while creating an envelope out of Template. Assume that you have created a template with one signature and you want to give an option to insert other rows for multiple sinature.
No information found so far. Thats why i am trying to see if there is a way which i am not aware of.
Any reference to online material is greatly appreciated!!!

One option to facilitate your use case might be to create multiple Templates in DocuSign -- one for each possible number of signers, and then have your application logic determine which Template to use during Envelope creation based upon some logic within your application. For example, let's assume the following scenario:
Your application is an online loan processing application that collects information from the borrower, and then uses DocuSign to present the loan documents for signature.
If there IS NOT a co-borrower, then you only need signature from one person (the borrower).
If there IS a co-borrower, then you need signatures from two people (the borrower AND the co-borrower).
In DocuSign, you create two (nearly identical) templates:
Loan Docs - 1 signer : This template defines a single recipient role (Borrower) and the document(s) in the template only contain space for the Borrower's signature.
Loan Docs - 2 signers : This template defines two recipient roles (Borrower and Co-borrower) and the document(s) in the template contain spaces for both the Borrower's signature and the Co-borrower's signature.
If your application determines there is no co-borrower, then it creates the Envelope using the first template (Loan Docs - 1 signer). If your application determines there IS a co-borrower, then it creates the Envelope using the second template (Loan Docs - 2 signers).
So, that's one way of handling it. Another way of handling things would be the following:
Create a single template that defines Recipient Roles (and corresponding tags in the document(s)) for the maximum number of Signers you'd ever have.
When you make the "Create Envelope" API call using that template, only supply recipient information for the number of signers that are required for that specific Envelope.
For example, let's say that your template defines 2 recipient roles (Borrower and Co-borrower), and contains signature tags for each recipient.
If your application determines that there are 2 signers, you supply information for both signers in the "Create Envelope" API call.
If your application determines that there is just 1 signer, you supply information for only the Borrower in the "Create Envelope" API call.
DocuSign will simply drop/ignore any tags belonging to recipient roles that you did not supply information for in the "Create Envelope" API call. So, in the latter case (info supplied for only one signer), the space(s) in the document(s) where the second signer's signature would have appeared still exists -- it'll just be empty/blank (because there is no second signer for the Envelope).


Assign signer to specific signature form field

I'm evaluating DocuSign esignature API (c# SDK) for an e-signature solution.
Our scenario is easy:
single PDF
multiple signers
each signer has its own signature form field defined in the PDF
Is there a way to map specific signature form field inside PDF to specific signer?
What we already tried:
Anchor text is working but it is cumbersome for our clients to position anchor text, changed its color so it is invisible. Also it is error-prone
TransformPdfFields somewhat working but as I understand it is all or nothing it transforms all form fields and all signature fields are mapped to single signer (am I wrong here?)
With DocuSign, each field (SignHere fields, text input fields, etc) is owned by a specific signer or other recipient type. Fields are called tabs in the API.
At a schematic level, the object hierarchy is:
There are multiple ways to map signHere tabs to different signers and locations in your documents:
Use a template. You or your business person can create a template using the DocuSign web tool. Then your app can use the template id to create and send an envelope.
The different signers are referred to as roles in the template. Eg customer signer 1, internal signer etc. Your app assigns specific names / emails to the roles when it creates the envelope.
Assign the tabs (fields) to signers using the API. The tabs can be positioned using absolute locations or via anchor strings.
Use an HTML document as your source documents. You can specify the tab locations in the HTML. See docs.
Use a PDF Form as your source document. If you name the form's fields consistently then you can use the DocuSign composite templates feature to have the form's fields belong to different recipients/signers. I do not recommend this approach if you have control over the source documents. But if you are give PDF Forms as your source documents, you can make use of them.

Can we position signers by recipient id through the DocuSign API?

We've set up our template to include signature blocks and we're able to send the recipient's name and email address with the envelope. These recipients appear in the recipient list and when you sign in to DocuSign you're able to select one of the recipients from the list and position it appropriately.
We're looking at removing this manual step so that we can say, for example, the first signature we send across in the envelope corresponds to signature block one in our template and the second to the second as so on.
When we create the signature blocks in our template we can assign roles and the DocuSign documentation suggests that if we send a role across with the envelope we should be able to achieve the automatic positioning that we're after.
What we're wondering is whether we can also do this with the recipient id rather than the role?
There are multiple ways to position tabs (signature blocks) for recipients.
One approach is to specific x/y coordinates where the tab should be located inside the document (also specify page #)
Another approach is to use AnchorTags which is specific text that the tab (or tag) would be located in. This can be used with white-on-white text in the document, that could be invisible to the signer but allows the tag to be placed there. This can also be a real part of the document (like 'Date:') and you can specify an offset to improve your positioning.
Read more how to use AnchorTags in the API here -

How to use DocuSign labels?

When sending a document to be signed, with DocuSign, I can choose a Document Label for the document with a dropdown list which I can manage administrative access. I don't, however, see the purpose of the Document Labels since I don't see any obvious way of using them to e.g. filter documents and create statistical reports. More information on the subject can be found here.
Can somebody describe to me the actual purpose of having these labels?
Here is screenshot of the Document Labels section:
Hmm, I agree the documentation you linked is missing some detailed information on what they are for. In Classic (and soon again to be in the New UI) they were called Envelope Custom Fields, from the old documentation they are classified as "fields that can be used to record information about the envelope, help search for envelopes and track information. The custom fields are shown in the Message window when a user is creating an envelope. The custom fields are not seen by the envelope recipients."
Think of it as an invisible label that you can than use to report on later. In the Reporting section of DocuSign it's actually called "Custom Field" and can be added to reports:
Envelope custom fields (Document Labels) are labels used to classify, record, and track information about envelopes sent by a user. These labels are shown to a sender when an envelope is being created; they are not seen by recipients.
The values for an envelope custom field can be free-text entries, or selected from a list of possible values. Envelope custom fields can be required or optional.
It is a metadata over envelopes. For instance, if you want to associate a case number or Invoice Number present in your system with an envelope but you do not want recipient to see it then you use Envelope custom fields (Document Labels) for this purpose. Then you can search envelope based on this label value in the Manage tab in your DocuSign Account. So Document Label helps in mapping data in your system with the envelopeId plus it helps you send extra data on an envelope which you do not want recipient to see.

Conga-Docusign Integration not working

I've got a really simple conga button that should be auto-sending with 1 click a Docusign envelope from Salesforce. I get no errors, but no Docusign envelope never gets emailed.
Any idea what is wrong with this button code?
If I take out the DS7 parameter, the auto-send is turned off, and everything works manually just fine. But leaving in the DS7 parameter, the email never gets sent.
What happens if you set the DS7 parameter value to 7 ? (From -- "Background Mode is enabled and the merged document is attached to a DocuSign Envelope")
Also, within the (DocuSign) Envelope Settings screen, is "LegalApprover" defined as one of the roles? From -- "[DocuSignR1Role requires] a valid DocuSign Role Name, as defined in Envelope Settings."
UPDATE - more info about Role name (in [DocuSign] Envelope Settings):
A little more info about my earlier comment re the value of DocuSignR1Role needing to match one of the DocuSign Role names you've defined for you DocuSign for Salesforce app. To view the DocuSign role names that are defined in Salesforce, go to DocuSign Admin >> and then navigate to Envelopes -- within that page, you'll see a section called Recipient Role Settings:
Within the Recipient Role Settings section, you'll see a list of Role Names:
This list is customizable (in the screenshot above, I've expanded the default 4-recipient-roles to 7 roles), but keep in mind that the role list will apply to all DocuSign envelopes you send via DocuSign for Salesforce in the current Salesforce org -- so you'll likely want to use generic values (ex: Signer 1, Signer 2, etc.) instead of envelope/template-specific values (ex: Insured, Applicant, etc.).
In your custom button code, you'll want to make sure that the value you set for the DocuSignR1Role parameter appears in this list. Choose the Role Name value in the list whose sequence in the list corresponds to the number that you're using in the Anchor Text property of that recipient's tags. For example:
If your envelope uses the number '1' in the Anchor Text properties for the recipient's tags, then you'd specify DocuSignR1Role=Signer 1 (i.e., the first value in the Recipient Roles list).
If your envelope uses the number '2' in the Anchor Text properties for the recipient's tags, then you'd specify DocuSignR1Role=Signer 2 (i.e., the second value in the Recipient Roles list).
If your envelope uses the number '3' in the Anchor Text properties for the recipient's tags, then you'd specify DocuSignR1Role=Signer 3 (i.e., the third value in the Recipient Roles list).
Etc., etc., etc.

How can I get statuses of multiple documents in an envelop.

I have created two documents(attachments) in an envelop. I configured my account with envelope events( signed, completed etc) to be updated to my URL(BSP) in SAP. My requirement is user may sign one document(attachemnt) and may not another(attachement).I am able to recieve the XML response from Docusign to my URL(BSP) whenever signs the document but I am not able to capture the document statuses( like signed or not signed). I checked RequestDocumentPDF() method but it retrieves only PDFBytes(attachement) seperately but not the statuses. I want to capture document statuses seperately. Any help is highly appreciated.
I don't believe there's a way to determine programmatically whether or not a Signer actually supplied a signature for an Optional SignHereTab. DocuSign tracks Recipient status and Envelope status, but not Document status or Tab status. In other words:
If Envelope status = Completed, you can safely assume that each Recipient in the envelope workflow supplied all information that the Sender marked as Required.
If Recipient status = Completed, you can safely assume that the Recipient supplied all information that the Sender marked as Required for him/her.
For some tab types that you specify as optional (like a textTab, for example), you could programmatically determine whether a Recipient provided a value by simply examining the TabValue property in the XML structure. Unfortunately for a SignHereTab, the TabValue property is always empty, so you can't use that to determine whether or not a signature was actually applied.
You might consider using another type of DocuSign tab (for example, a Drop Down List or Radio Button Group) to control visibility of the Signature Tab that you consider "optional". For example, let's assume that the second signature is only required if the Signer wants to agree to the additional waiver language in the contract. You could set up the DocuSign document like this:
Update the document to add the question "Do you agree to the additional waiver?" Then add a (required) DocuSign Dropdown List tab with the values "Yes" and "No" - i.e., the signer will be required to select an answer using the Dropdown list.
Add a (required) Signature tab -- but make it Conditionally visible -- i.e., set tab properties such that it's only visible if the Dropdown List value "Yes" is selected in response to the question "Do you agree to the additional waiver?".
Then programmatically, you could check the value of the Dropdown List -- if the value is "No" then this means the second signature was NOT supplied (because the Signature Tab wouldn't have been visible to the signer) -- if the value is "Yes" then this means the second signature WAS supplied, because the Signature tab would have been visible to the Signer, and would have been required prior to the Signer being able to complete/submit the Envelope.
