SharePoint Document Library Column Advice Needed for a Multiple Value Field - sharepoint

I created a basic OOTB document library to store Word and PDF files. I have been tasked to also create a few columns to store some basic metadata about the uploaded documents, for example: AuthorFirstName, AuthorLastName, and a column that lists "topics" discussed in the document.
While I am generally familiar with most Document Library settings, and creating columns, I am seeking information on what column datatype might work best for "topics". In most situations, one uploaded document would have 1-4 topics.
I would rather the datatype not be a single line of text datatype, as I would rather not ask the user to separate the different values (topics) using a delimiter such as a comma or semicolon. I would like to offer users the option to sort or filter in the SharePoint views.
There also seem to be some limitations with the Choice datatype.
While Choice fields seem to support Fill-In Values, when a choice is not pre-populated, they only seem to allow 1 fill-in. I would like the user to able to use a repeating-table-like interface to add a topic, and click an "add" button, and repeat, and so on.

I think in your scenario the best approach would be using managed metadata feature ( It allows you to sort/filter library items, allows users to add new terms into metadata storage, etc.

Using a Lookup field to a custom List is something worth considering. The main advantage is that your data choices are stored separately from the main list and are easier to track and manage. The disadvantage is that you cannot easily have the user add a fill-in option as you desire. You would have to have a link from the library or the upload form to the options list where they would enter a new option separately from tagging it on the document.
Managed metadata is certainly an option as well, but it requires more overhead and sorting/filtering on that is a little trickier. Using a Lookup column is simple, although it does not meet all of your needs.


Is it possible to add a collection of strings directly into the Sitecore Content Editor?

here's a really quick question...
Is there a type of Sitecore Editor control that I can use in the Template Builder to enable the product owners to add a free collection of strings in the CMS Editor?
I know that I can add a simple data object that has a single string field, add a number of these data objects and then add a Multilist to the Editor with that group of data objects as the Source, but that would mean that the product owners would have to add all of their strings as these data objects and then select them from the Multilist.
I'm trying to make it simpler for them, but I can't seem to find a Sitecore Editor control that enables them to enter a collection of strings directly in the Editor... is there one?
The short answer is no, there is no way to do this in Sitecore.
All hope is not lost, however. You can always create your own field type for something like this, but doing so does require a significant level of effort.

MFC: is it possible to to have view with multiple documents?

Is it possible to associate a view with different documents (not simultaneously of course)?
What I want to achieve: the application can have multiple documents of the same type, that can be added during runtime, and set of suitable views, the main of which is CFormview-based. The user can choose the number of the document to show per combobox in the toolbar. The views then associate themselves with this document and update with data from it.
Is it possible to achieve with CMultiDocTemplate?
If yes, how? especially is it possible to retrieve a document by it order number?
If not I'll probably have to abstain from using the templates altogether, which of course means more coding (and more questions to friendly community), but it will do what I want it to do and not Microsoft thought I should be doing
Yes, you could but not out of the 'box'. Instead I'd recommend a different strategy. Rather than trying to attach a View to an existing CDocument derived class LOAD the Views CDocument with the information you want. That could done by adding a simple Copy method to the CDocument or you could move your actual data into a separate class then just point the CDocument to 'data' you want.
Trying to change the CDocument instance for a CView is going against the MFC grain which normally means lot of ASSERTS.

Reusing a custom ContentPart in the same ContentType

I'm trying to figure out the best way to handle a requirement I have for an Orchard module I'm building.
I have a ContentPart that has a few fields. One field is a ContentPicker that allows for multiple items to be associated to the part. The rest are descriptive information.
The issue I have is that I actually need to be able to include more than one of this ContentPart into a ContentType. I need to create a ContentType that has exactly 3 of this part.
Should I be making this into a field instead of a part? Is it even possible to have a ContentField that has other fields in it?
Or, should I somehow use all the same models and data structures, but somehow define it as 3 distinct parts?
Just wondering what the best practice to do something like this would be.
You can only have one part of each kind on a given type. You can't have fields that have other fields in it (instead - take an existing field and extend it with custom stuff).
As I understand, the actual problem is "how to make groups of fields with some metadata for each group", right? If so, there are a few approaches to solve the problem:
Create a custom field based on Content Picker (basically - take existing Content Picker and extend it with your metadata) and use this without the need for a separate part
Create one part to hold only the metadata for each field attached to it and attach 1 or more fields to it
Create 3 distinct parts. Parts should be thought of as extensions that add some unique features to an item. If you think it's logically ok to have 3 parts then go for it.

Extending Orchard Search and Indexing

We need to provide search options for users to find content based on specific field values.
We're developing a Training Course module for a client but the standard search looks for the text in any indexed field. We want to allow users to find courses based on searches against specific fields (i.e. Course Type, Location, Price, Date).
We've extended the search to check against specific fields but can't work out how to get the URL parameters passed by the Search form as a GET.
Where does Orchard put URL parameters?
Also, are we missing something, is there a way that Orchard already supports this that we haven't realized?
I would suggest you to copy part of the Search module, more specifically the Controller and the View and then modify it to suit your specific needs. I see you are actually modifying the original module, but this might be a problem on the long term, for instance if we start updating the module you might either lose you changes or have to reapply them to the code base. In the end you will target a MySiteName.Search module. And you can also add custom routes, custom settings.
On a side note the Search API is really powerful and you can even use it to do faceted search, or search on inherited taxonomy terms, tags, full text, ranges, ... Having your own controller code will let you use all of these features easily.

NSArrayController that is sorted and unique (no duplicates) for use in a pop-up in a core-data app

I have core data app with an entity OBSERVATION that has as one of its attributes DEALNAME.
I want to reference through Interface Builder or by making custom modifications to an NSArrayController a list of unique sorted dealnames so that I can use them in a pop-up.
I have attempted to use #distinctUnionOfSets (and #distinctUnionOfArrays) but am unable to locate the proper key sequence.
I can sort the ArrayController by providing a sort descriptor, but do not know how to eliminate duplicates.
Are the #distinct... keys the right methodology? It would seem to provide the easiest way to optimize the use of IB.
Is there a predicate form for removing duplicates?
Or do I need to use my custom controller to extract an NSSet of the specific dealnames, put them back in an array and sort it and reference the custom array from IB?
Any help would be appreciated. I am astounded that other have not tried to create a sorted-unique pop-up in tableviews.
You need to take a look at -[NSFetchRequest returnsDistinctResults]. That is the level you need to be handling the uniquing of data.
Although I do not have a definitive answer for you, I think there are two ways you can go about it.
The way you already started. You need to bind the contents array of the PopUp button, not just against the arrayController.arrangedObjects, but continue on the path and somehow filter only objects with distinct "DealName"s. This means - the arrayController presents ALL the entities (and may sort them for you) but the PopUp button will have its contents filter via some sophisticated binding to the array controller.
Make your filtering at the ArrayController level (as suggested in another answer here). Here it depends how you set up the array controller. If It is set up to use an "Entity" (vs. "Class") which means the array controller will fetch CoreData entities directly - you can modify its "Fetch" to only bring a subset of the "OBSERVATION" entities with distinct values of "DEALNAME". I don't know how to control WHICH entities are filtered out in this case. Otherwise, you can setup the arrayController to work with "Class" objects, and then you can fetch the entities yourself (in code) and populate the arrayController programmatically, with just the entities you like.
In the second option, the Popup button should be bound normally to the arrayController's arrangedObjects.
