Are there functional programming languages that run on the GPU? - haskell

Using the traditional, sequential reduction approach, the following graph is reduced as:
(+ (+ 1 2) (+ 3 4)) ->
(+ 3 (+ 3 4)) ->
(+ 3 7) ->
Graph reductions are, though, inherently parallel. One could, instead, reduce it as:
(+ (+ 1 2) (+ 3 4)) ->
(+ 3 7) ->
As far as I know, every functional programming language uses the first approach. I believe this is mostly because, on the CPU, scheduling threads overcompensate the benefits of doing parallel reductions. Recently, though, we've been starting to use the GPU more than the CPU for parallel applications. If a language ran entirely on the GPU, those communication costs would vanish.
Are there functional languages making use of that idea?

What makes you think on GPU scheduling would not overcomponsate the benefits?
In fact, the kind of parallelism used in GPUs is far harder to schedule: it's SIMD parallelism, i.e. a whole batch of stream processors do all essentially the same thing at a time, except each one crushes a different bunch of numbers. So, not only would you need to schedule the subtasks, you would also need to keep them synchronised. Doing that automatically for general computations is virtually impossible.
Doing it for specific tasks works out quite well and has been embedded into functional languages; check out the Accelerate project.

SPOC provides some GPGPU access from OCaml.

on the CPU, scheduling threads overcompensate the benefits of doing parallel reduction
Thread scheduling is very effective in modern OSes. Thread initialization and termination may be a matter of concern, but there are plenty of techniques to eliminate those costs.
Graph reductions are, though, inherently parallel
As it was mentioned in other answer, GPUs are very special devices. One can't simply take arbitrary algorithm and make it 100 times faster just by rewriting on CUDA. Speaking of CUDA, it is not exactly a SIMD (Single Instruction on Multiple Data), but SIMT (Single Instruction on Multiple Thread). This is something far more complex, but let's think of it as a mere vector processing language. As name suggests, vector processors designed to handle dense vectors and matrices, i.e. simple linear data structures. So any branching within warp reduces efficiency of parallelism and performance down to zero. Modern architectures (Fermi+) are capable to process even some trees, but this is rather tricky and performance isn't that shining. So you simply can't accelerate arbitrary graph reduction.
What about functional languages for GPGPU. I believe it can't be serious. Most of valuable CUDA code exists inside hardly optimized libraries made by PhDs, and it is aimed straight toward performance. Readability, declarativity, clearness and even safety of functional languages don't matter there.

The language Obsidian is a domain specific language embedded in Haskell which targets GPGPU computations. It's rather more low-level than what you're asking for but I thought I'd mention it anyway. provides a Racket-like functional language that runs entirely on GPUs and other devices that can be targeted with SYCL. The runtime automatically schedules the independent sub-trees in a way that efficiently utilizes the GPU (multiple evaluations of the same instructions with different data are evaluated concurrently). It is still in early stages but could be worth experimenting with. It is already outperforming the Racket VM.


How Haskell handles parallel computing on a multicore machine/cluster

I'm considering a new language to learn those days to be used in high performance computing on a cluster of computers we have, among those languages, I'm considering Haskell.
I have read some about Haskell, but still have questions about using Haskell in high performance and distributed computing, which the language is known for, but I read some debates about Haskell is not good for those type of systems due to laziness, I can summarize my questions in the following lines:
Haskell uses green threads, which is great for handling big number of concurrent connections, but what happens when one of tasks takes longer than average and blocks the rest, does the whole thread block (Node.js style), forward the next task to another processor/thread (Golang), use reductions technique (Erlang), which kicks the task out of processing context after a pre-determined number of ticks, or else?
In a distributed computing environment, what happens to lazily-evaluated functions, do they have to be forced strict?
If one function/module requires strict evaluation, but it depends on other lazy functions/modules, shall I modify the code of other functions/modules to make them strict as well, or the compiler will handle this to me and force everything in that chain to strict or lazy.
When processing a very large sequence of data, how does Haskell handle parallel processing, is it by following some kind of implicit map-reduce technique, or I have do it by myself.
Is there a clustering abstract in the language, that handles the computing power for me, that automatically forwards the next task to the free processor wherever it is, be it on the same computer or another computer in the same cluster.
How does Haskell ensure fair-share of work is evenly distributed to all the available cores on the same computer or on the available cluster.
GHC uses a pool of available work (called sparks) and a work-stealing system: when a thread runs out of work, it will look for work in the pool or on the work queues of other threads that it can steal.
There is no built-in support for distributed computing as there is in (say) Erlang. The semantics are whatever your implementation defines. There are existing implementations like Cloud Haskell that you can look at for examples.
Neither. Haskell will automatically do whatever work is necessary to provide a value that is demanded and no more.
Haskell (and GHC in particular) does not do anything to automatically parallelize evaluation because there is no known universal strategy for parallelizing that is strictly better than not parallelizing. See Why is there no implicit parallelism in Haskell? for more info.
No. See (2).
For the same machine, it uses the pool of sparks and the work-stealing system described above. There is no notion of "clustering".
For an overview of parallel and concurrent programming in Haskell, see the free book of the same name by Simon Marlow, a primary author of GHC's runtime system.
As far as SMP parallelism† is concerned, Haskell is very effective. It's not quite automatic, but the parallel library makes it really easy to parallelise just about anything. Because the sparks are so cheap, you can be pretty careless and just ask for lots of parallelism; the runtime will then know what to do.
Unlike in most other languages, it is not a big problem if you have highly branched data structures, tricky dynamic algorithms etc. – thanks to the purely functional paradigm, parallel Haskell never needs to worry about locks when accessed data is shared.
I think the biggest caveat is memory: GHC's garbage collector is not concurrent, and the functional style is rather allocation-happy.
Apart from that, it's possible to write programs that look like they're parallel, but really don't do any work at all but just start and immediately return because of laziness. Some testing and experience is still necessary. But laziness and parallelism are not incompatible; at least not if you make sure you have big enough “chunks” of strictness in it. And forcing something strict is largely trivial.
Simpler, common parallelism tasks (which could be expressed in a map-reduce manner, or the classic array-vector stuff – the ones which are also easy in many languages) can generally be handled even easier in Haskell with libraries that parallelise the data structures; the best-known of these is repa.
Distributed computing
There has been quite some work on Cloud Haskell, which is basically Erlang in library form. This kind of task is less straightforward: the idea of any explicit message sending is a bit against Haskell's grain, and many aspects of the workflow become more cumbersome if the language is so heavily focused on its strong static typing (which is in Haskell otherwise often a huge bonus that doesn't just improve safety and performance but also makes it easier to write).
I think it's not far off to use Haskell in a distributed concurrent manner, but we can't say it's mature in that role yet. For distributed concurrent tasks, Erlang itself is certainly the way to go.
Honestly, Haskell won't help you much at all here. A cluster is of course in principle a special case of a distributed setup, so you could employ Cloud Haskell; but in practice the needs are very different. The HPC world today (and probably quite some time into the future) hinges on MPI, and though there is a bit of existing work on MPI bindings, I haven't found them usable, at least not just like that.
MPI is definitely also quite against Haskell's grain, what with it's FORTRAN-oriented array centrism, weird ways of handling types and so on. But unless you go nuts with Haskell's cool features (though often it is so tempting!) there is no reason you couldn't write typical number-crunching code also in Haskell. The only problem is again support/maturity, but it's a considerable problem; so for cluster computing I'd recommend C++, Python or Julia instead.
An interesting alternative is to generate MPI-parallelised C or C++ code from Haskell. Paraiso is one nice project that does this.
Pipe dreams
I have often though about what could be done to make the distributed computing feasible in idiomatic Haskell. In principle I believe laziness could be a big help there. The model I'd envision is to let all machines compute independently the same program, but make use of the fact that Haskell evaluation has generally no predetermined order. The order would be randomised on each machine. Also the runtime would track how long some computation branch took to complete, and how big the result is. If a result is deemed both expensive and compact enough to warrant it, it would then be broadcast to the other nodes, together with some suitable hash that would allow them to shortcut that computation.
Such a system would never be quite as efficient as a hand-optimised MPI application, but it could at least offer the same asymptotics in many cases. And it could handle vastly more complex algorithms with ease.
But again, that's totally just my vague hopes for the not-so-near future.
†You said concurrency (which isn't so much about computation as about interaction), but it seems your question is in essence about pure computations?

How difficult is Haskell multi-threading?

I have heard that in Haskell, creating a multi-threaded application is as easy as taking a standard Haskell application and compiling it with the -threaded flag. Other cases, however, have described the use of a par command within the actual source code.
What is the state of Haskell multi-threading? How easy is it to introduce into programs? Is there a good multi-threading tutorial that goes over these different commands and their uses?
What is the state of Haskell multi-threading?
Mature. The implementation is around 15 years old, with transactional memory for 5 years. GHC is a widely used compiler, with large open source support, and commercial backing.
How easy is it to introduce into programs?
This depends on the algorithm. Sometimes it can be a one line use of par to gain parallelism. Sometimes new algorithms must be developed. In general it will be easier to introduce safe parallelism and concurrency in Haskell, than in typical languages, and performance is good.
Is there a good multi-threading tutorial that goes over these different commands and their uses?
There are 3 major parallel and concurrent programming models in Haskell.
implicit parallelism via par
explicit concurrency and parallelism via forkIO / MVars and software transactional memory
data parallelism via the DPH libraries
These are the main things. In all cases you compile with -threaded to use the multicore runtime, but how easy it is to parallelise a particular problem depends on the algorithm you use, and the parallel programming model you adopt from that list.
Here is an introduction to the main parallel programming models in Haskell, and how to achieve speedups.
I think Chapter 24 of Real World Haskell is a good tutorial.
There is also concurrency term.
Without any changes in code your haskell rts will try to use them for some internal process, but to use in your application you should give a hint that's done by par b (f a b) which forces Haskell to be not so lazy on caculation of b even if f will not require it for result.
One of the reason to not do that for every function which require its all its arguments (like a+b) is that synchronization (scheduling calculations and waiting for results) gives some overhead and you probably don't want to spend extra-ticks for (2*3)+(3*4) just because you can calculate multiplications in parallel. And you probably will loose some cache-hits or something like this or optimizations which is done when you do that on single processor (i.e. you'll need to pass result from one processor to another anyway).
Of course code which is uses par is ugly and when you fold list or some other data structures with light sub-elements you'll probably want to calculate some chunks of that light elements to make sure that overhead/calc will be really small. To resolve that you can look at parallel.
There is also Data Parallel Haskell (DPH).
If your program is more about IO monad than you definitely need many changes. See forkIO, Software Transactional Memory (STM) and many others from Concurrency category

Non-deterministic programming languages

I know in Prolog you can do something like
someFunction(List) :-
someOtherFunction(X, List)
% and so on
This will not iterate over every element in List; instead, it will branch off into different "machines" (by using multiple threads, backtracking on a single thread, creating parallel universes or what have you), with a separate execution for every possible value of X that causes someOtherFunction(X, List) to return true!
(I have no idea how it does this, but that's not important to the question)
My question is: What other non-deterministic programming languages are out there? It seems like non-determinism is the simplest and most logical way to implement multi-threading in a language with immutable variables, but I've never seen this done before - Why isn't this technique more popular?
Prolog is actually deterministic—the order of evaluation is prescribed, and order matters.
Why isn't nondeterminism more popular?
Nondeterminism is unpopular because it makes it harder to reason about the outcomes of your programs, and truly nondeterministic executions (as opposed to semantics) are hard to implement.
The only nondeterministic languages I'm aware of are
Dijkstra's calculus of guarded commands, which he wanted never to be implemented
Concurrent ML, in which communications may be synchronized nondeterministically
Gerard Holzmann's Promela language, which is the language of the model checker SPIN
SPIN does actually use the nondeterminism and explores the entire state space when it can.
And of course any multithreaded language behaves nondeterministically if the threads are not synchronized, but that's exactly the sort of thing that's difficult to reason about—and why it's so hard to implement efficient, correct lock-free data structures.
Incidentally, if you are looking to achieve parallelism, you can achieve the same thing by a simple map function in a pure functional language like Haskell. There's a reason Google MapReduce is based on functional languages.
The Wikipedia article points to Amb which is a Scheme-derivative with capacities for non-deterministic programming.
As far as I understand, the main reason why programming languages do not do that is because running a non-deterministic program on a deterministic machine (as are all existing computers) is inherently expensive. Basically, a non-deterministic Turing machine can solve complex problems in polynomial time, for which no polynomial algorithm for a deterministic Turing machine is known. In other words, non-deterministic programming fails to capture the essence of algorithmics in the context of existing computers.
The same problem impacts Prolog. Any efficient, or at least not-awfully-inefficient Prolog application must use the "cut" operator to avoid exploring an exponential number of paths. That operator works only as long as the programmer has a good mental view of how the Prolog interpreter will explore the possible paths, in a deterministic and very procedural way. Things which are very procedural do not mix well with functional programming, since the latter is mostly an effort of not thinking procedurally at all.
As a side note, in between deterministic and non-deterministic Turing machines, there is the "quantum computing" model. A quantum computer, assuming that one exists, does not do everything that a non-deterministic Turing machine can do, but it can do more than a deterministic Turing machine. There are people who are currently designing programming languages for the quantum computer (assuming that a quantum computer will ultimately be built). Some of those new languages are functional. You may find a host of useful links on this Wikipedia page. Apparently, designing a quantum programming language, functional or not, and using it, is not easy and certainly not "simple".
One example of a non-deterministic language is Occam, based on CSP theory. The combination of the PAR and ALT constructs can give rise to non-deterministic behaviour in multiprocessor systems, implementing fine grain parallel programs.
When using soft channels, i.e. channels between processes on the same processor, the implementation of ALT will make the behaviour close to deterministic†, but as soon as you start using hard channels (physical off-processor communication links) any illusion of determinism vanishes. Different remote processors are not expected to be synchronised in any way and they may not even have the same core or clock speed.
†The ALT construct is often implemented with a PRI ALT, so you have to explicitly code in fairness if you need it to be fair.
Non-determinism is seen as a disadvantage when it comes to reasoning about and proving programs correct, but in many ways once you've accepted it, you are freed from many of the constraints that determinism forces on your reasoning.
As long as the sequencing of communication doesn't lead to deadlock, which can be done by applying CSP techniques, then the precise order in which things are done should matter much less than whether you get the results that you want in time.
It was arguably this lack of determinism which was a major factor in preventing the adoption of Occam and Transputer systems in military projects, dominated by Ada at the time, where knowing precisely what a CPU was doing at every clock cycle was considered essential to proving a system correct. Without this constraint, Occam and the Transputer systems it ran on (the only CPUs at the time with a formally proven IEEE floating point implementation) would have been a perfect fit for hard real-time military systems needing high levels of processing functionality in a small space.
In Prolog you can have both non-determinism and concurrency. Non-determinism is what you described in your question concerning the example code. You can imagine that a Prolog clause is full of implicit amb statements. It is less known that concurrency is also supported by logic-programming.
History says:
The first concurrent logic programming language was the Relational
Language of Clark and Gregory, which was an offshoot of IC-Prolog.
Later versions of concurrent logic programming include Shapiro's
Concurrent Prolog and Ueda's Guarded Horn Clause language GHC.
But today we might just go with treads inside logic programming. Here is an example to implement a findall via threads. This can also be modded to perform all kinds of tasks on the collection, or maybe even produce agent networks towards distributed artificial intelligence.
I believe Haskell has the capability to construct and non-deterministic machine. Haskell at first may seem too difficult and abstract for practical use, but it's actually very powerful.
There is a programming language for non-deterministic problems which is called as "control network programming". If you want more information go to This site is still in progress but you can read some info about it.
Java 2K
Note: Before you click the link and being disappointed: This is an esoteric language and has nothing to do with parallelism.
The Sly programming language under development at IBM Research is an attempt to include the non-determinism inherent in multi-threaded execution in the execution of certain types of algorithms. Looks to be very much a work in progress though.

Mixing Erlang and Haskell

If you've bought into the functional programming paradigm, the chances are that you like both Erlang and Haskell. Both have purely functional cores and other goodness such as lightweight threads that make them a good fit for a multicore world. But there are some differences too.
Erlang is a commercially proven fault-tolerant language with a mature distribution model. It has a seemingly unique feature in its ability to upgrade its version at runtime via hot code loading. (Way cool!)
Haskell, on the otherhand, has the most sophisticated type system of any mainstream language. (Where I define 'mainstream' to be any language that has a published O'Reilly book so Haskell counts.) Its straightline single threaded performance looks superior to Erlang's and its lightweight threads look even lighter too.
I am trying to put together a development platform for the rest of my coding life and was wondering whether it was possible to mix Erlang and Haskell to achieve a best of breed platform. This question has two parts:
I'd like to use Erlang as a kind of fault tolerant MPI to glue GHC runtime instances together. There would be one Erlang process per GHC runtime. If "the impossible happened" and the GHC runtime died, then the Erlang process would detect that somehow and die too. Erlang's hot code loading and distribution features would just continue to work. The GHC runtime could be configured to use just one core, or all cores on the local machine, or any combination in between. Once the Erlang library was written, the rest of the Erlang level code should be purely boilerplate and automatically generated on a per application basis. (Perhaps by a Haskell DSL for example.) How does one achieve at least some of these things?
I'd like Erlang and Haskell to be able to share the same garabage collector. (This is a much further out idea than 1.) Languages that run on the JVM and the CLR achieve greater mass by sharing a runtime. I understand there are technical limitations to running Erlang (hot code loading) and Haskell (higher kinded polymorphism) on either the JVM or the CLR. But what about unbundling just the garbage collector? (Sort of the start of a runtime for functional languages.) Allocation would obviously still have to be really fast, so maybe that bit needs to be statically linked in. And there should be some mechansim to distinguish the mutable heap from the immutable heap (incuding lazy write once memory) as GHC needs this. Would it be feasible to modify both HIPE and GHC so that the garbage collectors could share a heap?
Please answer with any experiences (positive or negative), ideas or suggestions. In fact, any feedback (short of straight abuse!) is welcome.
Thanks for all 4 replies to date - each taught me at least one useful thing that I did not know.
Regarding the rest of coding life thing - I included it slightly tongue in cheek to spark debate, but it is actually true. There is a project that I have in mind that I intend to work on until I die, and it needs a stable platform.
In the platform I have proposed above, I would only write Haskell, as the boilerplate Erlang would be automatically generated. So how long will Haskell last? Well Lisp is still with us and doesn't look like it is going away anytime soon. Haskell is BSD3 open source and has achieved critical mass. If programming itself is still around in 50 years time, I would expect Haskell, or some continuous evolution of Haskell, will still be here.
Update 2 in response to rvirding's post
Agreed - implementing a complete "Erskell/Haslang" universal virtual machine might not be absolutely impossible, but it would certainly be very difficult indeed. Sharing just the garbage collector level as something like a VM, while still difficult, sounds an order of magnitude less difficult to me though. At the garbage collection model, functional languages must have a lot in common - the unbiquity of immutable data (including thunks) and the requirement for very fast allocation. So the fact that commonality is bundled tightly with monolithic VMs seems kind of odd.
VMs do help achieve critical mass. Just look at how 'lite' functional languages like F# and Scala have taken off. Scala may not have the absolute fault tolerance of Erlang, but it offers an escape route for the very many folks who are tied to the JVM.
While having a single heap makes
message passing very fast it
introduces a number of other problems,
mainly that doing GC becomes more
difficult as it has to be interactive
and globally non-interruptive so you
can't use the same simpler algorithms
as the per-process heap model.
Absolutely, that makes perfect sense to me. The very smart people on the GHC development team appear to be trying to solve part of the problem with a parallel "stop the world" GC.
(Obviously "stop the world" would not fly for general Erlang given its main use case.) But even in the use cases where "stop the world" is OK, their speedups do not appear to be universal. So I agree with you, it is unlikely that there is a universally best GC, which is the reason I specified in part 1. of my question that
The GHC runtime could be configured to
use just one core, or all cores on the
local machine, or any combination in
In that way, for a given use case, I could, after benchmarking, choose to go the Erlang way, and run one GHC runtime (with a singlethreaded GC) plus one Erlang process per core and let Erlang copy memory between cores for good locality.
Alternatively, on a dual processor machine with 4 cores per processor with good memory bandwidth on the processor, benchmarking might suggest that I run one GHC runtime (with a parallel GC) plus one Erlang process per processor.
In both cases, if Erlang and GHC could share a heap, the sharing would probably be bound to a single OS thread running on a single core somehow. (I am getting out of my depth here, which is why I asked the question.)
I also have another agenda - benchmarking functional languages independently of GC. Often I read of results of benchmarks of OCaml v GHC v Erlang v ... and wonder how much the results are confounded by the different GCs. What if choice of GC could be orthogonal to choice of functional language? How expensive is GC anyway? See this devil advocates blog post
by my Lisp friend John Fremlin, which he has, charmingly, given his post title "Automated garbage collection is rubbish". When John claims that GC is slow and hasn't really sped up that much, I would like to be able to counter with some numbers.
A lot of Haskell and Erlang people are interested in the model where Erlang supervises distribution, while Haskell runs the shared memory nodes in parallel doing all the number crunching/logic.
A start towards this is the haskell-erlang library:
And we have similar efforts in Ruby land, via Hubris:
The question now is to find someone to actually push through the Erlang / Haskell interop to find out the tricky issues.
You're going to have an interesting time mixing GC between Haskell and Erlang. Erlang uses a per-process heap and copies data between processes -- as Haskell doesn't even have a concept of processes, I'm not sure how you would map this "universal" GC between the two. Furthermore, for best performance, Erlang uses a variety of allocators, each with slightly tweaked behaviours that I'm sure would affect the GC sub-system.
As with all things in software, abstraction comes at a cost. In this case, I rather suspect you'd have to introduce so many layers to get both languages over their impedance mismatch that you'd wind up with a not very performant (or useful) common VM.
Bottom line -- embrace the difference! There are huge advantages to NOT running everything in the same process, particularly from a reliability standpoint. Also, I think it's a little naive to expect one language/VM to last you for the rest of your life (unless you plan on a.) living a short time or b.) becoming some sort of code monk that ONLY works on a single project). Software development is all about mental agility and being willing to use the best available tools to build fast, reliable code.
Although this is a pretty old thread, if readers are still interested then it's worth taking a look at Cloud Haskell, which brings Erlang style concurrency and distribution to the GHC stable.
The forthcoming distributed-process-platform library adds support for OTP-esque constructs like gen_servers, supervision trees and various other "haskell flavoured" abstractions borrowed from and inspired by Erlang/OTP.
You could use an OTP gen_supervisor process to monitor Haskell instances that you spawn with open_port(). Depending on how the "port" exited, you would then be able to restart it or decide that it stopped on purpose and let the corresponding Erlang process die, too.
Fugheddaboudit. Even these language-independent VMs you speak of have trouble with data passed between languages sometimes. You should just serialize data between the two somehow: database, XML-RPC, something like that.
By the way, the idea of a single platform for the rest of your life is probably impractical, too. Computing technology and fashion change too often to expect that you can keep using just one language forever. Your very question points this out: no one language does everything we might wish, even today.
As dizzyd mentioned in his comment not all data in messages is copied, large binaries exist outside of the process heaps and are not copied.
Using a different memory structure to avoid having separate per-process heaps is certainly possible and has been done in a number of earlier implementations. While having a single heap makes message passing very fast it introduces a number of other problems, mainly that doing GC becomes more difficult as it has to be interactive and globally non-interruptive so you can't use the same simpler algorithms as the per-process heap model.
As long as we use have immutable data-structures there is no problem with robustness and safety. Deciding on which memory and GC models to use is a big trade-off, and unfortunately there universally best model.
While Haskell and Erlang are both functional languages they are in many respects very different languages and have very different implementations. It would difficult to come up with an "Erskell" (or Haslang) machine which could handle both languages efficiently. I personally think it is much better to keep them separate and to make sure you have a really good interface between them.
The CLR supports tail call optimization with an explicit tail opcode (as used by F#), which the JVM doesn't (yet) have an equivalent, which limits the implementation of such a style of language. The use of separate AppDomains does allow the CLR to hot-swap code (see e.g. this blog post showing how it can be done).
With Simon Peyton Jones working just down the corridor from Don Syme and the F# team at Microsoft Research, it would be a great disappointment if we didn't eventually see an IronHaskell with some sort of official status. An IronErlang would be an interesting project -- the biggest piece of work would probably be porting the green-threading scheduler without getting as heavyweight as the Windows Workflow engine, or having to run a BEAM VM on top the CLR.

Trivial mathematical problems as language benchmarks

Why do people insist on using trivial mathematical problems like finding numbers in the Fibonacci sequence for language benchmarks? Don't these usually get optimized to relativistic speeds? Isn't the brunt of the bottlenecks usually in I/O, system API calls, operations on strings and structures, processing large quantities of data, abstract object-oriented stuff, etc?
It is a throwback to the old days, when compiler technology for what we would now call basic math was still evolving rapidly.
Now, compiler evolution is more focused on exploiting new instructions for niche operations, 64-bit math, and so on.
Micro-benchmarks such as the ones you mention were useful, though, when evaluating the efficiency of the hotspot compiler when Java was first launched, and in evaluating the efficiency of .NET versus C/C++.
Your suggestion that I/O and system calls are the likely bottlenecks is correct, at least for some space of problems. But I notice you suggested string operations. One person's irrelevant micro-benchmark is another person's critical performance metric.
EDIT: ps, I also remember using linpack and other micro-benchmarks to compare versions of the JVM, and to compare vendors of the JVM. From v4 to v5 there was a big jump in perf, I guess the JIT compiler got more effective. Also, IBM's JVM was ahead of Sun's at that time, on Windows-x86.
Because if you want to benchmark the language/compiler, these "math problems" are good indicators of the "bare speed" of the generated code. Either they use the iterative solution, which is a tight loop and indicates how well can the compiler push the instructions to the processor, or they use the recursive solution, which indicates how does it handle recursive calls of short functions (inlining, tail-recursion etc.) (although the Ackermann function is usually used for that too).
Usually, the benchmark suite for the language contain tests benchmarking other parts as well - eg. gzip compression, text searching, object creation, virtual function call, exception throw/catch benchmarks.
The other things you've noticed, syscalls and IO are usually not included because
syscalls are in fact not that slow - applications don't spend significant porion of the time in the kernel, except for test specifically targeted at them or when something is seriously wrong with the program
syscall and IO performance does not depend on the language, but rather on the OS & hardware
I'd think a simple, well-established algorithm would remove the possibility that the benchmark is biased (whether through ignorance or malice) to favor one language. It is very difficult to write a complex program in two different languages exactly the same. Testing something like the efficiency of a multithreaded application in c# vs java, for example, would require developers skilled in multithreaded development both languages, and there would still be questions as to whether the benchmark app properly represents the general case, or if it is misrepresenting a special case that only one language handles well.
Back when the sieve of eratosthanes was a popular benchmark for C compilers, I thought it would be funny if one of the compiler authors would recognize the sieve code and replace it with a pre-computed lookup.
