drawing UML Use case diagram - uml

I am going to draw uml use case diagram for follow scenario :
In the university to set up a new coffee management system. These are the (informal) requirements:
1. A coffee machine dispenses coffee at the press of a button.
2. There are different coffee flavors (espresso, cappuccino, or latte macchiato) with different
3. Every user has an account on the coffee management system.
4. Every user logs on to the system using some identification (a password or picture).
5. Users choose the coffees they had (or will have) and mark them as “dispensed”.
6. The price for the coffee is automatically deducted from their account.
7. A special user (the “administrator”) can recharge user’s accounts.
How can I create a use case for the above scenario including alternatives and exceptions.
I tried to draw use case diagrams, please if someone can check is it correct or not. Thanks in advance.

I had here a dialogue with one UML starter over another system. I think, the discussion could be useful for you.
I would:
change type password to login. Throw off verify user.
Add create login, set password, change password, delete login - more use cases for Admin.
Join login and all those into Account management rectangle = a subsystem.
Nowhere it is said that the user should be student. Don't limit entities without reasons.
Add Add/Remove/Edit Sorts and Set/Edit Prices use cases to Admin. Join them into Assortiment subsystem.
Add View Assortiment for the User.
Put generalization arrow from admin to user. Admin can use the system, too, and he needs login.
Add look account state to the user
Where do you have this "mark them as “dispensed”" and how do you imagine it?
Use some tool for editing. To redraw the diagram at every edition takes much time. (You could take free variant of VP-UML, it is not ideal, but practicing this you are learning to one of the three widely used proprietary tools)


How to properly draw Use case diagrams with access restrictions?

The system has 3 types of users : system admin, company user and supplier user. One of the system functionalities is to manage a list of unit costs for some actions. I am trying to draw a UML use case of this specific functionality but I don't really know if I am doing it properly.
Only the system admin and the company user can access this functionality, is it right to specify that like in the picture below?
Is there something wrong or mistake in this use case?

Use Case / UML scenario for App and an external system

I am currently working on the use cases for a car sharing app.
The simple diagram for the process of registration looks like this:
At the moment I am stuck with the following scenarios.
When a new customer is registered, a process is carried out at the head office (central)in which the following points are checked
Scenario 1 - Head office side:
1. The identity of new customers is carried out externally with
the post. Two possibilities: presenting the identity card at a post office branchor carrying out by video.
2. The verification of the customer's bank details is carried out externally with the bank.
3.The system will verify that the contact details (email address) are correct
4.the consent to the GTC has been obtained
My sketch for the confirmation process looks like this:
How do I show that the system verifies that the contact details (email address) is correct ? How do I show that consent to the GTC has been given ?
Scenario 2 - Customer's side: A customer can view and edit the information of his registration.
1.Edit profile data
2.Edit contact information
3.Edit bank details.
If information is changed during editing, verification must be carried out again by the head office.
What would the two use case diagrams look like ?
One or two apps?
(Posted before diagrams were added to the question)
Nothing in the narrative says that you need two systems. It's too early to decide about system architecture. You could have the following variants, each with pros and cons:
one and the same system (e.g. post office and customer access it via the web);
one and the same system that is accessible using different components on different devices (e.g. a rich client in the post office, a web interface for the customer on her mac/PC and a mobile app for a customer when using a smartphone);
several independent systems (e.g. a back office in the post-office, and an independent app that would connect not only to the back office, but also to other back-end services e.g. from other companies).
But how do you want to decide before first knowing what is needed and how the needs are related?
First, you have to understand the big picture of what's needed. Focus on the users not on the inner details of your solutions, as explained in the UML specifications:
UseCases are a means to capture the requirements of systems, i.e., what systems are supposed to do. (...)
a UseCase (...) specifies a set of behaviors (...), which yields an observable result that is of value for Actors or other stakeholders (...)
(...) without reference to its internal structure
Look into your narrative to find actors (people, organisation, responsibilities), their goals (what do they need to do?) and how they could relate to each other. Just try a first sketch.
Your current model
(Posted after the diagrams were added)
I still see no reason to go for 2 distinct systems. You are working on a solution for car sharing. It may have different sub-systems/components, but the actors do not care. And neither does your customer. But:
If you'd go for two independent systems, you'd draw two disginct diagrams, and in each diagram you'd have an actor representing the other system that interacts with the system under consideration. As said, this makes sense only if it's an independent system.
In your case, I could imagine this for the bank account verification and the video identity verification: unless you intend to develop your own super-secured AI component capable of doing this, you'd probably outsource this to a specialized company, that may offer this service via an automated API.
The identify verification is at a different level of details than the other use-cases. You may want to show it in a separate diagram, in order not to pollute the main diagram.
And lastly, your second diagram has some issues:
the arrows of extend and include should not following the same direction: the target of an include is the included use case whereas the target of the extend arrow should be the use case that is extended (and not the use case that is extending the normal use case as you have shown).
ID correct and Bank correct are states. Use cases do not show states. The end-state can be specified in the description of the use-case but not in the use-case diagram.
Post office, Bank account, Video seem to be use-cases, but they are not well described.
A possible diagram could therefore be:
Note: I'd personally prefer specialization of Ensure identity. This corresponds more to the reality that there are two very distinct behaviors. But extension is ok.
Just to stress this fact: you do NOT describe a scenario with use cases. A use case is "just" to show the added value a system under consideration delivers to one of its actors. What you are asking is functional decomposition and that's just plain wrong. You would describe a scenario with an activity diagram (or as plain text like in the Cockburn way).

Is it necessary to check isUpdatable() when process run in system mode/trigger to pass security review process

In salesforce, we have a scenario, on the trigger of the lead object we are updating some records of Campaign. But the user on the behalf of we are running the trigger does not have edit permissions on the campaign. We are not facing any issue in the update of the campaign because the trigger is running the operation in system mode.
Further, we have applied for the security review and made the changes and added the check of the object isUpdatable() and after it, we are not able to update the campaign due to that check which returns false for isUpdatable().
My questions are, Can we pass the security review without applying that isUpdatable() check? if our process has the business logic to update the campaign/opportunity on the behalf of the user who doesn't have permissions on the campaign/opportunity?
If we can not pass the security review with that check then what could be an alternative for it, where one user who doesn't have permission on campaign/opportunity, performs some operation on lead/contact and we want to update the campaign/opportunity in system mode after that operation?
or is it necessary to provide the permissions of campaign/opportunity to that user?
It's not a coding question as such so it might be closed here. Consider cross-posting to https://salesforce.stackexchange.com/
Generally speaking, your app should be simplifying Salesforce. Adding value by being pre-built, pre-tested use case for this customer and saving clicks for the end user. (let's ignore situations like pulling data from other systems, runinng some crazy Excel file generation that SF can't do easily). With that philosophy - you're supposed to respect the System Administrator's wishes when it comes to security. If admin didn't grant Profile X edit access to field Y - the security review answer is that you should detect it. If you can recover gracefully and continue with your program - cool. If it's critical field - throw an error, force the admin to make conscious decision. Because if you're saving clicks - user would face same problem in normal UI. It's not only "describes", it's also about "without sharing" for example.
There's another layer to it - licensing. In the old days "Marketing User" (to access campaigns) was a separate license, you assigned it by clicking checkbox on User but it had to be purchased. Now it's bit simpler, part of the full user license (I think). But there are still situations where you can't access Opportunities for example (Platform License) or can access only Account, Contact and 10 custom objects (Chatter Plus License or whatever is the new name).
If you abuse system mode to fetch data from objects user is not allowed to see (or save to them) - official answer is that SF loses money because of you. Permission should really be assigned and if needed - license purchased. I'm not a lawyer, I don't know who violates the Master Service Agreement with Salesforce, you or the client that installed the app or both. I'd say read the contracts and see what you can do to protect yourself. If that means your app can't be installed by customers on Essentials/Professional (or it can be installed anywhere but can be used only by full users, not by Platform/Chatter/Community) - well, it is what it is. Decide pros and cons, legal consequences if it gets caught...
They're humans, talk with them. Maybe you'll pass review. Better have a rock solid business case why you need to bypass the check though.
P.S. You know you don't have to do describes anymore? Spring'20 goes live this & next week and "WITH SECURITY ENFORCED" and "stripinaccessiblefields" become generally available :)
P.P.S you really need trigger? Workflow, process builder, flow (yuck) - anything to not have code = not need the isAccessible and if it effectively dies on permissions - it's the client's sysadmin's problem?

UML use case diagram Actors

Company X wants a web-based system that serves as a market place of ideas. Users should be able to login and post new ideas. Other users can comment on them and “upvote” them. The Administrators can login and mark that ideas have been implemented, and can reward the employee who posted it.
Following are the requirements:
Users should be able to login.
Users should be able to post a new idea.
Users should be able to search for and view other ideas
Users should be able to comment on ideas
Users should be able to upvote ideas
Administrators should be able to mark ideas as implemented
Administrators should be able to delete unwanted comments
Do you guys think my diagram is correct? I am new to UML so you guys can make fun!
It is a not so bad start. Only:
Administrators are also users. They descend from them. So, they should have a generalization connection - empty triangle head arrow from Admin to User. Or to OtherUser (look below).
it is more natural to have a picture and name of an exemplar of agent. So, user, administrator - in singular.
you can divide Users from Other Users only if they have different definition and that difference is seen from the documentation, too. It is not. I would use only Users.
Of course, if some users really have different rights, it is OK, but:
the name is not good, IMHO.
They have all options of users, don't they? So they have to descend from Users
You should continue by adding the parts of your future system, that will collaborate with human agents on these use cases. Now you have only the first half of work done.
Still your admin hasn't the generalization error from Admin to User. Admin can do ALL activities that user can, cannot he?
Still you have no subsystems on the diagram.
Search through older ideas should be the use case directly connected to user. And it does not extends nothing on the diagram.
Remember - use Include and Extends only on the last stage of UC diagram creation. When you already have the main picture and are refining it. And very often they should be used only on further, more thorough diagrams. Using Include and Extend from the start means that you haven't found the main concepts yet.

Backdoor Strategy- opinion needed

I'm creating an application to track publications and grants for a university. Professors will need to put they CV into the system when it is up and running. Yeah, right.
The person in charge is planning on hiring someone to input all of the information, but my questions is how?
The strategy I'm thinking of is to install a backdoor. The lucky undergrad can log in as any professor using the backdoor. Once all the data is removed, the backdoor can be removed.
Doing so would probably be as simple as editing out a comment in the config file. The IT guys would still have access, but since they control the machines, they would have access anyway. Are there any flaws to this strategy?
Instead of installing a backdoor, why not create a priviledged user role. Users with this role can view and modify data for any other users (or a select group of users if you want to be fancy - and more secure - with it). So, the undergrad could use an account with this role to input the necessary data. When he is done, an admin can remove the role from his account, effectively closing the "back door".
You risk the undergrad dealing some other damage. What you should do is have them create a new user, give that user a small partition, and have the user enter the data on to that. Then just copy it over when he's done. Bad idea to give a student actual access, and even worse to have him log on as the guy - he should have his own user.
Don't underestimate the ongoing need for staff, students, or temps to enter and maintain the data. As simple as upkeep may be after the initial loading (typing) period, some professors simply will not do it, and will delegate it to staff.
In an eerily similar application (ours tracks publications and grants, among other things, as part of a career review for raises and promotions) our decision was to use a "proxy" system, where certain users can "switch to" other users. It's not really a switch because we store who was doing the input/editing along with who the data applies to.
Contrary to what Justin Ethier said about privileged roles, these people are the least privileged in the system, allowed only to switch to another account and do data entry.
