Measure time a task spends between 2 points in linux (task profiling) - multithreading

I'll soon start banging my head on the wall:
It's very simple really, I want to measure the time a task spends between 2 points (in Linux - 1 core - 1 CPU).
During this time the task must have total control over the CPU and NOT get interrupted by any other task or HW interrupts.
To achieve this, I'v created a kernel module to make sure the above criterions are met.
In this kernel module I've tried to:
First, disable IRQs:
I've used spin_lock_irqsave()/spin_lock_irqrestore() - Which i presume is the right way to be sure that all local interrupts are disabled and my task has the cpu for it self during the critical region.
Used preempt_disable() -> Since current = my task, then logically the kernel should continue running my task until I re-enable preemption -> Does not work (my_task->nvcsw and my_task->nivcsw show that a csw has occurred -> my-task got preempted)
I've tried to increase the priority of my task by changing my_task->prio and my_task->static_prio to 1 -> highest real-time prio (my_task->policy = SCHED_FIFO)...
Did not work either (my_task->nvcsw and my_task->nivcsw show that a csw has occurred -> my-task got preempted) and my_task->prio got a new prio (120) by the scheduler I presume....
Is there any way to deterministically garantee that a task does not get interrupted/preeempted in Linux? Is there any way to force the scheduler to run a task (for a short time 50-500us) until it's done?
Here is my code to enable/disable parts of the OS (the task in question sends a enable/disable commands before and after the critical region using procfs and handled by this switch):
// Handle request
switch( enable ){
// Disable OS
// Disable preemption
// Save policy
last_policy = pTask->policy;
// Save task priorities
last_prio = pTask->prio;
last_static_prio = pTask->static_prio;
last_normal_prio = pTask->normal_prio;
last_rt_priority = pTask->rt_priority;
// Set priorities to highest real time prio
pTask->prio = 1;
pTask->static_prio = 1;
pTask->normal_prio = 1;
pTask->rt_priority = 1;
// Set scheduler policy to FIFO
pTask->policy = SCHED_FIFO;
// Lock kernel: It will disable interrupts _locally_, but the spinlock itself will guarantee the global lock, so it will guarantee that there is only one thread-of-control within the region(s) protected by that lock.
spin_lock_irqsave( &mr_lock , flags );
// Default: Enable OS always
// Reset task priorities
pTask->prio = last_prio;
pTask->static_prio = last_static_prio;
pTask->normal_prio = last_normal_prio;
pTask->rt_priority = last_rt_priority;
// Reset scheduler policy
pTask->policy = last_policy;
// Unlock kernel
spin_unlock_irqrestore( &mr_lock , flags );
// Enable preemption

Disabling interrupts is allowed only for kernel code, and only for a short time.
With the stock kernel, it is not possible to give a user-space task total control of the CPU.
If you want to measure only the time used by your user-space task, you could run your task normally and use the u modifer of perf to ignore interrupts; however, this would not prevent any cache effects of the interrupt handlers.


Pinning a process to any CPU respecting affinity

Let's say I want to programmatically pin the current process to a single CPU, but I don't care which CPU that is.
One easy way to use sched_setaffinity with a fixed CPU number, probably 0 since there should always be a "CPU 0"1.
However, this approach fails if the affinity of the process has been set to a subset of the existing CPUs, not including the one you picked, e.g., by launching it with taskset.
So I want to pick "any CPU" to pin to, but only out of the CPUs that the current affinity mask allows. Here's one approach:
cpu_set_t cpu_set;
if (sched_getaffinity(0, sizeof(cpu_set), &cpu_set)) {
err("failed while getting existing cpu affinity");
for (int cpu = 0; cpu < CPU_SETSIZE; cpu++) {
if (CPU_ISSET(cpu, &cpu_set)) {
CPU_SET(cpu, &cpu_set);
int result = sched_setaffinity(0, sizeof(cpu_set), &cpu_set);
Basically we get the current affinity mask, then loop over every possible CPU looking for the first one that is allowed, then pass a mask with only this CPU set to sched_setaffinity.
However, if the current affinity mask has changed between the get and set calls the set call will fail. Any way around this race condition?
1 Although CPU zero won't always be online.
You could use getcpu() to discover the cpu that your process is running within, and use the result to set affinity to that cpu:
unsigned mycpu=0;
if( -1 == getcpu(&mycpu,NULL,NULL) ) {
// handle error
Presumably any CPU affinity rules that are in place would be honored by the scheduler, thus the getcpu() call would return a CPU that the process is allowed to run on.
There's still the potential that the affinity set might change, but that seems like a very unlikely case, and the allowed CPUs might be affected at some point in the future, outside the control of the process in question.
I suppose you could detect the error in the sched_setaffinity() call, and retry the process until the setaffinity call works...
Considering that the affinity mask of the process can change at any moment, you can iteratively try to pin the process to the current CPU and stop when it is successful.
cpu_set_t cpu_set;
int cpu = 0;
int result = -1;
while (result<0){
cpu = sched_getcpu();
if (cpu>0){
CPU_SET(cpu, &cpu_set);
result = sched_setaffinity(0, sizeof(cpu_set), &cpu_set);

printf in RT thread

I am writing a multi-thread application in Linux.
There is no RT patch in kernel, yet I use threads with priorities.
On checking the time it takes to execute printf , I measure different values every time I measure, although it is done in the highest priority thread :
if(clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &start))
{ /* handle error */
for(int i=0; i< 1000; i++)
printf("hello world");
if(clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &end))
/* handle error */
elapsedSeconds = TimeSpecToSeconds(&end) - TimeSpecToSeconds(&start);
Why does printf change timing and in non deterministic way , i.e. each
How should printf be used with RT threads ?
Can it be used inside RT thread or should it be totally avoided ?
Is write to disk should be treated in the same way as printf ? Should it be used only in separate low priority thread ?
printf under the hood triggers a non-realtime (even blocking) mechanism of the buffered IO.
It's not only non-deterministic, but opens the possibility of a priority inversion.
You should be very careful using it from a real time thread (I would say totally avoid it.
Normally, in a latency bound code you would use a wait-free binary audit into a chain of (pre-allocated or memory mapped) ring buffers and flush them using a background lower priority thread (or even a separate process).

Maximum number of tasks supported in AUTOSAR

What is the maximum number of tasks supported in AUTOSAR compliant systems?
In Linux, I can check the maximum process IDs supported to get the maximum number of tasks supported.
However, I couldn't find any source that states the maximum number of tasks supported by AUTOSAR.
Thank you very much for your help!
Well, we are still in an embedded automotive world and not on a PC.
There is usually a tradeoff between the number of tasks you have and what it takes to schedule them and what RAM/ROM and runtime resources your configuration uses.
As already said, if you just need a simple timed loop with some interrupts in between, one task may be ok.
It might be also enough, to have e.g. 3 tasks running at 5ms, 10ms and 20ms cycle. But you could also schedule this in simple cases like this with a single 5ms task:
static uint8 cnt = 0;
// XXX and YYY Mainfunctions shall only be called every 10ms
// but do a load balancing, that does not run 3 functions every 10ms
// and 1 every 5ms, but only two every 5ms
if (cnt & 1)
So, if you need something to be run every 5, 10 or 20ms, you put these runnables into the corresponding tasks.
The old OSEK also had a notion of BASIC vs EXTENDED Tasks, where only extended tasks where able to react on OsEvents. This tasks might not run cyclically, but only on configured OsEvents. You would have an OS Waitpoint there, where the tasks is more or less stopped and only woken up by the OS on the arrival of an event. There are also OSALARM, which could either directly trigger the activation of a OsTask, or indirectly over an Event, so, you could e.g. wait on the same Waitpoint on both a cyclic event from an OsAlarm or an OsEvent set by something else e.g. by another task or from an ISR.
EventMaskType evt;
GetEvent(TASK_EXT, &evt);
// Start XXX if triggered, but YYY has reported to be finished
// Start YYY if triggered, will report later to start XXX
if (evt & EVT_YYY_START)
This direct handling of scheduling is now mostly done/generated within the RTE based on the events you have configured for your SWCs and the Event to Task Mapping etc.
Tasks are scheduled mainly by their priority, that's why they can be interrupted anytime by a higher priority taks. Exception here is, if you configure your OS and tasks to be not preemptive but cooperative. Then it might be necessary to also use Schedule() points in your code, to give up the CPU.
On bigger systems and also on MultiCore systems with an MultiCore OS, there will be higher nunbers of Tasks, because Tasks are bound to a Core, though the Tasks on different Cores run independently, except maybe for the Inter-Core-Synchronization. This can also have a negative performance impact (Spinlocks can stop the whole system)
e.g. there could be some Cyclic Tasks for normal BaseSW components and one specific only for Communication components (CAN Stack and Comm-Services).
We usually separate the communication part, since they need a certain cycle time like 5..10ms, since this cycle is used by the Comm-Stack for message transmission scheduling and also reception timeout monitoring.
Then there might be a task to handle the memory stack (Ea/Fls, Eep/Fee, NvM).
There might be also some kind of Event based Tasks to trigger certain HW-control and processing chains of measured data, since they might be put on different cores, and can be scheduled by start or finished events of each other.
On the other side, for all your cyclic tasks, you should also make sure, that the functions run within such task do not run longer than your task cycle, otherwise you get an OS Shutdown due to multiple activation of the same task, since your task is started again, before it actually finished. And you might have some constraints, that require some tasks to finish in your applications expected measurement cycle.
In safety relevant systems (ASIL-A .. ASIL-D) you'll also have at least one task fpr each safety-level to get freedome-from-interference. In AUTOSAR, you already specify that on the OSApplication which the tasks are assigned to, which also allows you to configure the MemoryProtection (e.g. WrAccess to memory partitions by QM, ASIL-A, ASIL-B application and tasks). That is then another part, the OS has to do at runtime, to reconfigure the MPU according to the OsApplications MemoryAccess settings.
But again, the more tasks you create, the higher the usage of RAM, ROM and runtime.
RAM - runtime scheduling structures and different task stacks
ROM - the actual task and event configurations
Runtime - the context switches of the tasks and also the scheduling itself
It seems to vary. I found that ETAS RTA offers 1024 tasks*, whereas Vector's MICROSAR OS has 65535.
For task handling, OSEK/ASR provides the following functions:
StatusType ActivateTask (TaskType TaskID)
StatusType TerminateTask (void)
StatusType Schedule (void)
StatusType GetTaskID (TaskRefType TaskID)
StatusType GetTaskState (TaskType TaskID, TaskStateRefType State)
*Link might change in future, but it is easy to search ETAS page directly for manuals etc.:
Formally you can have an infinite number of OsTasks. According to the spec. the configuration of the Os can have 0..* OsTask.
Apart from that the (OS) software uses data type TaskType for Task-Index variables. Therefore, if TaskType is of uint16 you could not have more than 65535 tasks.
Besides that, if you have a lot of tasks, you might re-think your design.

How does SIGSTOP work in Linux kernel?

I am wondering how SIGSTOP works inside the Linux Kernel. How is it handled? And how the kernel stops running when it is handled?
I am familiar with the kernel code base. So, if you can reference kernel functions that will be fine, and in fact that is what I want. I am not looking for high level description from a user's perspective.
I have already bugged the get_signal_to_deliver() with printk() statements (it is compiling right now). But I would like someone to explain things in better details.
It's been a while since I touched the kernel, but I'll try to give as much detail as possible. I had to look up some of this stuff in various other places, so some details might be a little messy, but I think this gives a good idea of what happens under the hood.
When a signal is raised, the TIF_SIGPENDING flag is set in the process descriptor structure. Before returning to user mode, the kernel tests this flag with test_thread_flag(TIF_SIGPENDING), which will return true (because a signal is pending).
The exact details of where this happens seem to be architecture dependent, but you can see an example for um:
void interrupt_end(void)
struct pt_regs *regs = &current->thread.regs;
if (need_resched())
if (test_thread_flag(TIF_SIGPENDING))
if (test_and_clear_thread_flag(TIF_NOTIFY_RESUME))
Anyway, it ends up calling arch_do_signal(), which is also architecture dependent and is defined in the corresponding signal.c file (see the example for x86):
void arch_do_signal(struct pt_regs *regs)
struct ksignal ksig;
if (get_signal(&ksig)) {
/* Whee! Actually deliver the signal. */
handle_signal(&ksig, regs);
/* Did we come from a system call? */
if (syscall_get_nr(current, regs) >= 0) {
/* Restart the system call - no handlers present */
switch (syscall_get_error(current, regs)) {
regs->ax = regs->orig_ax;
regs->ip -= 2;
regs->ax = get_nr_restart_syscall(regs);
regs->ip -= 2;
* If there's no signal to deliver, we just put the saved sigmask
* back.
As you can see, arch_do_signal() calls get_signal(), which is also in signal.c.
The bulk of the work happens inside get_signal(), it's a huge function, but eventually it seems to process the special case of SIGSTOP here:
if (sig_kernel_stop(signr)) {
* The default action is to stop all threads in
* the thread group. The job control signals
* do nothing in an orphaned pgrp, but SIGSTOP
* always works. Note that siglock needs to be
* dropped during the call to is_orphaned_pgrp()
* because of lock ordering with tasklist_lock.
* This allows an intervening SIGCONT to be posted.
* We need to check for that and bail out if necessary.
if (signr != SIGSTOP) {
/* signals can be posted during this window */
if (is_current_pgrp_orphaned())
goto relock;
if (likely(do_signal_stop(ksig->info.si_signo))) {
/* It released the siglock. */
goto relock;
* We didn't actually stop, due to a race
* with SIGCONT or something like that.
See the full function here.
do_signal_stop() does the necessary processing to handle SIGSTOP, you can also find it in signal.c. It sets the task state to TASK_STOPPED with set_special_state(TASK_STOPPED), a macro that is defined in include/sched.h that updates the current process descriptor status. (see the relevant line in signal.c). Further down, it calls freezable_schedule() which in turn calls schedule(). schedule() calls __schedule() (also in the same file) in a loop until an eligible task is found. __schedule() attempts to find the next task to schedule (next in the code), and the current task is prev. The state of prev is checked, and because it was changed to TASK_STOPPED, deactivate_task() is called, which moves the task from the run queue to the sleep queue:
} else {
deactivate_task(rq, prev, DEQUEUE_SLEEP | DEQUEUE_NOCLOCK);
deactivate_task() (also in the same file) removes the process from the runqueue by decrementing the on_rq field of the task_struct to 0 and calling dequeue_task(), which moves the process to the new (waiting) queue.
Then, schedule() checks the number of runnable processes and selects the next task to enter the CPU according to the scheduling policies in effect (I think this is a little bit out of scope by now).
At the end of the day, SIGSTOP moves a process from the runnable queue to a waiting queue until that process receives SIGCONT.
Nearly every time there is an interrupt, the kernel suspends some process from running and switches to running the interrupt handler (the only exception being when there is no process running). Likewise, the kernel will suspend processes that run too long without giving up the CPU (and technically that's the same thing: it just originates from the timer interrupt or possibly an IPI). Ordinarily in these cases, the kernel then puts the suspended process back on the run queue and when the scheduling algorithm decides the time is right, it is resumed.
In the case of SIGSTOP, the same basic thing happens: the affected processes are suspended due to the reception of the stop signal. They just don't get put back on the run queue until SIGCONT is sent. Nothing extraordinary here: SIGSTOP is just instructing the kernel to make a process non-runnable until further notice.
[One note: you seemed to imply that the kernel stops running with SIGSTOP. That is of course not the case. Only the SIGSTOPped processes stop running.]

interrupt switch (PIC)

#define SW1 RB5
int IOFlag = 2; //while in out
void SW(){
void main(){
while(IOFlag % 2 != 0){
//some routines..
I used pic16f73, RB5 input use for switch.
When some of the routine is running, switch is not operating properly.
It is possible if you use the interrupt. However I don't know how to use it properly.
You need to understand the difference between polling and interrupts.
With polling (what you appear to be doing), you periodically check the state of some "thing" and act on it.
With interrupts, the "thing" happening causes your main thread of execution to be suspended, and an interrupt service routine (ISR) run.
Polling has the disadvantage of potentially long latency, the time between the thing happening and you finding out about it. In fact, you can even lose events if the thing is a momentary switch for example - you switch it on then off then, when the code checks for it, it's off.
Now you can still use polling if you wish, provided you understand these implications. Sometimes the easiest solution is to poll more often.
For example, if one of your //some routines.. jobs is a long running loop, you can poll from within there:
for (int i = 0; i < numThings; i++) {
doSomethingQuickWitn (thing[i]);
SW(); // Poll here as well
// Rather than here.
However, for _minimal latency, using interrupts is usually better and is reasonably simple once you wrap your head around the concept.
Your ISR (which will run on the given event, interrupting the main thread of execution) simply has to store the fact that the event has happened and communicate that to your main thread somehow.
For situations where you don't care how many times the event has happened, a flag will do the job. Your ISR simply sets the flag and your main thread of execution checks it periodically to see if it's been set, then clears it (with interrupts disabled so as to avoid race conditions). That would be something like (pseudo-code):
global val switchHit = false;
interrupt (7, intFn) // call intfn() on interrupt 7
while true:
disableInts() // disallow interrupts for a short while
if switchHit:
handleSwitch() // switch was hit, do something (quickly)
switchHit = false // mark as not hit
enableInts() // and re-allow interrupts
switchHit = true // notify main
Note that I'm not worry about race conditions within the ISR, interrupts are generally disabled automatically there.
More complicated information transfer may involve a count rather than a flag, or even a message queue of some sort, flowing from the ISR to the main thread of execution.
