Cassandra: can you add dynamic columns within existing column clustering? - cassandra

I'm using Cassandra 1.2.12 with CQL 3, and am having trouble modeling my column family.
I currently store snapshots of customer data at particular times. Works great:
cust_id varchar,
time timeuuid,
data_text text,
PRIMARY KEY (cust_id, time)
The cust_id is the partition key and time is the clustering id, so, as I understand it, I can think of each row in the table like:
| cust_id | timeuuid1 : data_text | timeuuid2 : data_text |
| CUST1 | data at this time | data at this time |
Now I'd like to store another group of metrics for each snapshot - but the name of each of these columns isn't fixed. So something like:
| cust_id | timeuuid1 : data_text | timeuuid1 : dynamicCol1 | timeuuid1 : dynamicCol2 | timeuuid1 : dynamicColN |
| CUST1 | data |{some value} |{some value} |{some value} |
I've achieved dynamic columns for timestamp by using a composite primary key, but I can't see how to achieve this within each cluster of columns, if you see what I mean.
If I add, say, "dynamicColumnName" to the existing composite key, I'll end up with customer data stored for each dynamic column, which is not what I want.
Is this possible, without using a Map column? Hope you can help, thanks!

I am not a CQL user... With the thrift API you dynamically add a column to a column family by inserting/updating a record with a value for a column with name X. The column X will start to exist right there and then for that record.
Have you tried an INSERT statement specifying a column that you have not explicitly defined? I would expect that to have the same effect (column is created).


Usage of cqlsh is similar with mysql, what's the difference?

cqlsh create table:
emp_id int PRIMARY KEY,
emp_name text,
emp_city text,
emp_sal varint,
emp_phone varint
insert data
INSERT INTO emp (emp_id, emp_name, emp_city,
emp_phone, emp_sal) VALUES(1,'ram', 'Hyderabad', 9848022338, 50000);
select data
emp_id | emp_city | emp_name | emp_phone | emp_sal
1 | Hyderabad | ram | 9848022338 | 50000
2 | Hyderabad | robin | 9848022339 | 40000
3 | Chennai | rahman | 9848022330 | 45000
looks just same as mysql, where is column family, column?
A column family is a container for an ordered collection of rows. Each row, in turn, is an ordered collection of columns.
A column is the basic data structure of Cassandra with three values, namely key or column name, value, and a time stamp.
so table emp is a column family?
INSERT INTO emp (emp_id, emp_name, emp_city, emp_phone, emp_sal) VALUES(1,'ram', 'Hyderabad', 9848022338, 50000); is a row which contains columns?
column here is something like emp_id=>1 or emp_name=>ram ??
In Cassandra, although the column families are defined, the columns are not. You can freely add any column to any column family at any time.
what does this mean?
I can have something like this?
emp_id | emp_city | emp_name | emp_phone | emp_sal
1 | Hyderabad | ram | 9848022338 | 50000
2 | Hyderabad | robin | 9848022339 | 40000 | asdfasd | asdfasdf
3 | Chennai | rahman | 9848022330 | 45000
A super column is a special column, therefore, it is also a key-value pair. But a super column stores a map of sub-columns.
Where is super column, how to create it?
Column family is an old name, now it's called just table.
About super column, also an old term, you have "Map" data type for example, or user defined data types for more complex structures.
About freely adding columns - in the old days, Cassandra was working with unstructured data paradigm, so you didn't had to define columns before you insert them, for now it isn't possible, since Cassandra team moved to be "structured" only (as many in the DB's industry came to conclusion that unstructured data makes more problems than effort).
Anyway, Cassandra's data representation on storage level is very different from MySQL, and indeed saves only data for the columns that aren't empty. It may look same row when you are running select from cqlsh, but it is stored and queried in very different way.
The name column family is an old term for what's now simply called a table, such as "emp" in your example. Each table contains one or many columns, such as "emp_id", "emp_name".
When saying something like being able to freely add columns any time, this would mean that you're always able to omit values for columns (will be null) or add columns using the ALTER TABLE statement.

Cassandra CLUSTERING ORDER BY is not working and showing in correct results

Hi I have created a table for storing data of like this
CREATE TABLE keyspace.test (
name text,
date text,
time double,
entry text,
details text,
PRIMARY KEY ((name, date), time)
And inserted data into the table.But a query like this gives an unordered result.
SELECT * FROM keyspace.test where device_id name ='anand' and date in ('2017-04-01','2017-04-02','2017-04-03','2017-04-05') ;
Is there any problem with my table design.
I think you are misunderstanding cassandra clustering key order. Cassandra Sort data with cluster key within a single partition.
That is for your case cassandra sort data with clustering key time within a single name and date.
Example : Let's insert some data
INSERT INTO test (name , date , time , entry ) VALUES ('anand', '2017-04-01', 1, 'a');
INSERT INTO test (name , date , time , entry ) VALUES ('anand', '2017-04-01', 2, 'b');
INSERT INTO test (name , date , time , entry ) VALUES ('anand', '2017-04-01', 3, 'c');
INSERT INTO test (name , date , time , entry ) VALUES ('anand', '2017-04-02', 0, 'nil');
INSERT INTO test (name , date , time , entry ) VALUES ('anand', '2017-04-02', 4, 'd');
If we select data with your query :
SELECT * FROM test where name ='anand' and date in ('2017-04-01','2017-04-02','2017-04-03','2017-04-05') ;
Output :
name | date | time | details | entry
anand | 2017-04-01 | 3 | null | c
anand | 2017-04-01 | 2 | null | b
anand | 2017-04-01 | 1 | null | a
anand | 2017-04-02 | 4 | null | d
anand | 2017-04-02 | 0 | null | nil
You can see that time 3,2,1 are within a single partition anand:2017-04-01 are sorted in desc And time 4,0 are within single partition anand:2017-04-02 are sorted in desc. Cassandra will not take care of sorting between different partition.
Here is the doc :
In the table definition, a clustering column is a column that is part of the compound primary key definition, but not the first column, which is the position reserved for the partition key. Columns are clustered in multiple rows within a single partition. The clustering order is determined by the position of columns in the compound primary key definition.
Source :
By the way why is your data field is text type and time field is double type ?
You can use date field as date type and time as timestamp type.
The query that you are using is o.k. but it probably doesn't behave as you are expecting it to because coordinator will not sort the results based on partitions. I also run into this problem couple of times.
The solution to it is very simple, basically It's far better to execute the 4 separate queries that you need on the client and then merge the results there. In short IN operator puts a lot of pressure to the coordinator node in the cluster, there's a nice read on this subject:

Duplicate rows/columns for the same primary key in Cassandra

I have a table/columnfamily in Cassandra 3.7 with sensordata.
CREATE TABLE test.sensor_data (
house_id int,
sensor_id int,
time_bucket int,
sensor_time timestamp,
sensor_reading map<int, float>,
PRIMARY KEY ((house_id, sensor_id, time_bucket), sensor_time)
Now when I select from this table I find duplicates for the same primary key, something I thought was impossible.
cqlsh:test> select * from sensor_data;
house_id | sensor_id | time_bucket | sensor_time | sensor_reading
1 | 2 | 3 | 2016-01-02 03:04:05.000000+0000 | {1: 101}
1 | 2 | 3 | 2016-01-02 03:04:05.000000+0000 | {1: 101}
I think part of the problem is that this data has both been written "live" using java and Datastax java driver, and it has been loaded together with historic data from another source using sstableloader.
Regardless, this shouldn't be possible.
I have no way of connecting with the legacy cassandra-cli to this cluster, perhaps that would have told me something that I can't see using cqlsh.
So, the questions are:
* Is there anyway this could happen under known circumstances?
* Can I read more raw data using cqlsh? Specifically write time of these two rows. the writetime()-function can't operate on primary keys or collections, and that is all I have.
This is what I've tried, from comments, answers and other sources
* selecting using blobAsBigInt gives the same big integer for all identical rows
* connecting using cassandra-cli, after enabling thrift, is possible but reading the table isn't. It's not supported after 3.x
* dumping out using sstabledump is ongoing but expected to take another week or two ;)
I don't expect to see nanoseconds in a timestamp field and additionally i'm of the impression they're fully not supported? Try this:
SELECT house_id, sensor_id, time_bucket, blobAsBigint(sensor_time) FROM test.sensor_data;
I WAS able to replicate it doing by inserting the rows via an integer:
INSERT INTO sensor_data(house_id, sensor_id, time_bucket, sensor_time) VALUES (1,2,4,1451692800000);
INSERT INTO sensor_data(house_id, sensor_id, time_bucket, sensor_time) VALUES (1,2,4,1451692800001);
This makes sense because I would suspect one of your drivers is using a bigint to insert the timestamp, and one is likely actually using the datetime.
Tried playing with both timezones and bigints to reproduce this... seems like only bigint is reproducable
house_id | sensor_id | time_bucket | sensor_time | sensor_reading
1 | 2 | 3 | 2016-01-02 00:00:00+0000 | null
1 | 2 | 4 | 2016-01-01 23:00:00+0000 | null
1 | 2 | 4 | 2016-01-02 00:00:00+0000 | null
1 | 2 | 4 | 2016-01-02 00:00:00+0000 | null
1 | 2 | 4 | 2016-01-02 01:01:00+0000 | null
edit: Tried some shenanigans using bigint in place of datetime insert, managed to reproduce...
Adding some observations on top of what Nick mentioned,
Cassandra Primary key = one or combination of {Partition key(s) + Clustering key(s)}
Keeping in mind the concepts of partition keys used within angular brackets which can be simple (one key) or composite (multiple keys) for unique identification and clustering keys to sort data, the below have been observed.
Query using select: sufficient to query using all the partition key(s) provided, additionally can query using clustering key(s) but in the same order in which they have been mentioned in primary key during table creation.
Update using set or update: the update statement needs to have search/condition clauses which not only include all the partition key(s) but also all the clustering key(s)
Answering the question - Is there anyway this could happen under known circumstances?
Yes, it is possible when same data is inserted from different sources.
To explain further, incase one tries to insert data from code (API etc) into Cassandra and then tries inserting the same data from DataStax Studio/any tool used to perform direct querying, a duplicate record is inserted.
Incase the same data is being pushed multiple times either from code alone or querying tool alone or from another source used to do the same operation multiple times, the data behaves idempotently and is not inserted again.
The possible explanation could be the way the underlying storage engine computes internal indexes or hashes to identify a row pertaining to set of columns (since column based).
The above information of duplicacy incase same data is pushed from different sources has been observed, tested and validated.
Language used: C#
Framework: .NET Core 3
"sensor_time" is part of the primary key. It is not in "Partition Key", but is "Clustering Column". this is why you get two "rows".
However, in the disk table, both "visual rows" are stored on single Cassandra row. In reality, they are just different columns and CQL just pretend they are two "visual rows".
Clarification - I did not worked with Cassandra for a while so I might not use correct terms. When i say "visual rows", I mean what CQL result shows.
You can create following experiment (please ignore and fix any syntax errors I will do).
This suppose to do table with composite primary key:
"state" is "Partition Key" and
"city" is "Clustering Column".
create table cities(
state int,
city int,
name text,
primary key((state), city)
insert into cities(state, city, name)values(1, 1, 'New York');
insert into cities(state, city, name)values(1, 2, 'Corona');
select * from cities where state = 1;
this will return something like:
1, 1, New York
1, 2, Corona
But on the disk this will be stored on single row like this:
| state | city = 1 | city = 2 |
| +-----------------+-----------------+
| | city | name | city | name |
| 1 | 1 | New York | 2 | Corona |
When you have such composite primary key you can select or delete on it, e.g.
select * from cities where state = 1;
delete from cities where state = 1;
In the question, primary key is defined as:
PRIMARY KEY ((house_id, sensor_id, time_bucket), sensor_time)
this means
"house_id", "sensor_id", "time_bucket" is "Partition Key" and
"sensor_time" is the "Clustering Column".
So when you select, the real row is spitted and show as if there are several rows.
The PRIMARY KEY definition is made up of two parts: the Partition Key
and the Clustering Columns. The first part maps to the storage engine
row key, while the second is used to group columns in a row. In the
storage engine the columns are grouped by prefixing their name with
the value of the clustering columns. This is a standard design pattern
when using the Thrift API. But now CQL takes care of transposing the
clustering column values to and from the non key fields in the table.
Then read the explanations in "The Composite Enchilada".

Cassandra : Data Modelling

I currently have a table in cassandra called macrecord which looks something like this :
macadd | position | record | timestamp
23:FD:52:34:DS:32 | 1 | 1 | 2015-09-28 15:28:59
However i now need to make queries which will use the timestamp column to query for a range. I don't think it is possible to do so without timestamp being part of the primary key (macadd in this case) i-e without it being a clustering key.
If i make timestamp as part of the primary key the table looks like below :
macadd | timestamp | position | record
23:FD:52:34:DS:32 | 2015-09-28 15:33:26 | 1 | 1
However now i cannot update the timestamp column whenever i get a duplicate macadd.
update macrecord set timestamp = dateof(now()) where macadd = '23:FD:52:34:DS:32';
gives an error :
message="PRIMARY KEY part timestamp found in SET part"
I cannot think of an other solution in this case other than to delete the whole row if there is a duplicate value of macadd and then to insert a new row with an updated timestamp.
Is there a better solution to update the timestamp whenever there is a duplicate value of macadd or an alternative way to query for timestamp values in a range in my original table where only macadd is the primary key.
To do a range query in CQL, you'll need to have timestamp as a clustering key. But as you have seen, you can't update key fields without doing a delete and insert of the new key.
One option that will become available in Cassandra 3.0 when it is released in October is materialized views. That would allow you to have timestamp as a value column in the base table and as a clustering column in the view. See an example here.

time series data, selecting range with maxTimeuuid/minTimeuuid in cassandra

I recently created a keyspace and a column family in cassandra. I have the following
CREATE TABLE reports (
id timeuuid PRIMARY KEY,
report varchar
I want to select the report according to a range of time. so my query is the following;
select dateOf(id), id
from keyspace.reports
where token(id) > token(maxTimeuuid('2013-07-16 16:10:48+0300'));
It returns;
dateOf(id) | id
2013-07-16 16:10:37+0300 | 1b3f6d00-ee19-11e2-8734-8d331d938752
2013-07-16 16:10:13+0300 | 0d4b20e0-ee19-11e2-bbb3-e3eef18ad51b
2013-07-16 16:10:37+0300 | 1b275870-ee19-11e2-b3f3-af3e3057c60f
2013-07-16 16:10:48+0300 | 21f9a390-ee19-11e2-89a2-97143e6cae9e
So, it's wrong.
When I try to use the following cql;
select dateOf(id), id from keyspace.reports
where token(id) > token(minTimeuuid('2013-07-16 16:12:48+0300'));
dateOf(id) | id
2013-07-16 16:10:37+0300 | 1b3f6d00-ee19-11e2-8734-8d331d938752
2013-07-16 16:10:13+0300 | 0d4b20e0-ee19-11e2-bbb3-e3eef18ad51b
2013-07-16 16:10:37+0300 | 1b275870-ee19-11e2-b3f3-af3e3057c60f
2013-07-16 16:10:48+0300 | 21f9a390-ee19-11e2-89a2-97143e6cae9e
select dateOf(id), id from keyspace.reports
where token(id) > token(minTimeuuid('2013-07-16 16:13:48+0300'));
dateOf(id) | id
2013-07-16 16:10:37+0300 | 1b275870-ee19-11e2-b3f3-af3e3057c60f
2013-07-16 16:10:48+0300 | 21f9a390-ee19-11e2-89a2-97143e6cae9e
Is it random ? Why isn't it giving meaningful outputs ?
What's the best solution for this in cassandra ?
You are using the token function, which isn't really useful in your context (querying between times using mintimeuuid and maxtimeuuid) and is generating random-looking, and incorrect output:
From the CQL documentation:
The TOKEN function can be used with a condition operator on the partition key column to query. The query selects rows based on the token of their partition key rather than on their value. The token of a key depends on the partitioner in use. The RandomPartitioner and Murmur3Partitioner do not yield a meaningful order.
If you are looking to retrieve based on all records between two dates it might make more sense to model your data as a wide row, with one record per column, rather than one record per row, e.g., creating the table:
CREATE TABLE reports (
reportname text,
id timeuuid,
report text,
PRIMARY KEY (reportname, id)
, populating the data:
insert into reports2(reportname,id,report) VALUES ('report', 1b3f6d00-ee19-11e2-8734-8d331d938752, 'a');
insert into reports2(reportname,id,report) VALUES ('report', 0d4b20e0-ee19-11e2-bbb3-e3eef18ad51b, 'b');
insert into reports2(reportname,id,report) VALUES ('report', 1b275870-ee19-11e2-b3f3-af3e3057c60f, 'c');
insert into reports2(reportname,id,report) VALUES ('report', 21f9a390-ee19-11e2-89a2-97143e6cae9e, 'd');
, and querying (no token calls!):
select dateOf(id),id from reports2 where reportname='report' and id>maxtimeuuid('2013-07-16 16:10:48+0300');
, which returns the expected result:
dateOf(id) | id
2013-07-16 14:10:48+0100 | 21f9a390-ee19-11e2-89a2-97143e6cae9e
The downside to this is that all of your reports are in the one row, of course you can now store lots of different reports (keyed by reportname here). To get all reports called mynewreport in August 2013 you could query using:
select dateOf(id),id from reports2 where reportname='mynewreport' and id>=mintimeuuid('2013-08-01+0300') and id<mintimeuuid('2013-09-01+0300');
