Just and dot in winghci - haskell

Why does this work...
Just.(+3) $ 6.7
Just $ truncate 8.9
...but not this?
Just.truncate $ 8.9
I tried resolving truncate to a simple Double -> Int:
let f :: Double -> Int; f = (\ x -> truncate x);
...but that doesn't appear to be the problem...
Just.f $ 5.6
Failed to load interface for `Just'
Use -v to see a list of the files searched for.
Many thanks!

When you mean to compose functions, it's better to write f . g than f.g. It's a little more readable, and you avoid a bunch of problems like this one.
When you have something of the form Foo.bar or Foo.Bar in Haskell, it is parsed as a qualified name. That's why Just.f doesn't work: Just isn't a module, so the 'interface' for Just can't be loaded.
Why Just.(+3) does work as intended: (+3) is a right section, not an identifier, so the dot can't be part of a qualified name. The only way to interpret it is to assume that . is an infix application of the operator (.), so it must be Just . (+3).

A dot between a capitalized identifier and another identifier is parsed as a qualified name (eg. Data.Map.insert), so the error is telling you that it couldn't find a module named Just. You can simply add spaces around the dot to fix this.


Split a string by a chosen character in haskell

I'm trying to split a string every time there is a chosen character. So if I receive "1,2,3,4,5", and my chosen character is "," the result is a list such as ["1","2","3","4","5"].
I've been looking through the already answered questions in here and they point me to using splitOn. However, when i try to import Data.List.Split in order to use it, Haskell gives me the following error: Could not find module ‘Data.List.Split’ . When I tried to just use splitOnwithout importing the module, it showed me Variable not in scope: splitOn.
So my questions are,
Is it normal that i'm getting this error? Is splitOn a viable option or should I just try something else?
What other simple solutions are there?
I can just write something that will do this for me but I'm wondering why I'm not able to import Data.List.Split and if there are other simpler options out there that I'm not seeing. Thank you!
If you're using GHC it comes with the standard Prelude and the modules in the base package, and perhaps a few other packages.
Most packages, like the split package (which contains the Data.List.Split module), aren't part of GHC itself. You'll have to import them as an explicit compilation step. This is easiest done with a build tool. Most Haskellers use either Cabal or Stack.
With Stack, for example, you can add the split package to your package.yaml file:
- base >= 4.7 && < 5
- split
You can also load an extra package when you use Stack to start GHCi. This is useful for ad-hoc experiments.
‘Data.List.Split’ is not in prelude and needs to be installed as a dependency package.
Install command depends on environment you are using:
‘stack install split’ for stack
‘cabal install split’ for cabal
Basically this is a foldring job. So you may simply do like
λ> foldr (\c (s:ss) -> if c == ',' then "":s:ss else (c:s):ss) [""] "1,2,3,42,5"
splitOn x = foldr (\c (s:ss) -> if c == x then "":s:ss else (c:s):ss) [""]
However this will give us reasonable but perhaps not wanted results such as;
λ> splitOn ',' ",1,2,3,42,5,"
In this particular case it might be nice to trim the unwanted characters off of the string in advance. In Haskell though, this functionality i guess conventionally gets the name
dropAround :: (Char -> Bool) -> String -> String
dropAround b = dropWhile b . dropWhileEnd b
λ> dropAround (==',') ",1,2,3,42,5,"
λ> splitOn (',') . dropAround (==',') $ ",1,2,3,42,5,"

Using Emoji in Haskell

I've recently come across a bot on Twitter named EmojiHaskell, that claims to tweet 'interpretable Haskell code with emoji variable names'. A particular Tweet caught my attention, as it looked like malformed syntax to me, so I decided to take a closer look. So far I've produced the following code:
module Main where
🙏 :: [🍳] -> Maybe 🍳
🙏 [] = Nothing
🙏 (👽:as) = Just 👽
main = print $ 🙏 "♥"
Since I've used λ on occasion in my Haskell code, I expected this code to work, but it appears that GHC doesn't like the emoji at all.
With $ runhaskell Main.hs I get:
Main.hs:4:1: parse error on input ‘🙏’
I've already had a look at the UnicodeSyntax extension,
and tried to only use some or single emoji instead of all of them to see if a certain one provokes the problem.
Now my question is this:
Is there currently a Haskell compiler that would accept the code?
Can I get GHC to work with this code somehow?
That code is not valid haskell. The reason is that 🙏 (like, probably, all Emojis) is a symbol character:
Prelude> import Data.Char
Prelude Data.Char> generalCategory '🙏'
But you can still use them like any other symbol, namely as an operator:
Prelude Data.Char> let (🙏) = (+)
Prelude Data.Char> 32 🙏 42
Furthermore, as user3237465 pointed out, if you use the prefix syntax for operators, i.e. put it in parentheses, you can even use it like any other symbol:
(🙏) :: [a] -> Maybe a
(🙏) [] = Nothing
(🙏) ((👽):as) = Just (👽)
main = print $ (🙏) "♥"
This is almost the example in the original post. Unfortunately, this trick does not work for the type variable. The the documentation is worded a bit unfortunately, but in fact symbols are never type variables and always type constructors

Aliases in Haskell/GHCI

Is it possible to set aliases in the ghci.conf file?
For example I have alias sbh='cd Desktop/Sandbox/Haskell' in bash.bashrc which lets me quickly jump to the specified folder. Is the same thing possible in ghci by putting an alias in the ghci.conf file?
I already have a few commands in ghci.conf but I would like to have multiple aliases set up to jump to folder locations without having to use :cd home/sandbox/foo/bar all of the time. I cant find anything on google so either its never been considered before or am just missing something very simple.
The :def command can do this:
:def sbh const $ return ":cd Desktop/Sandbox/Haskell"
As you can see it is a little more complicated than just giving a substitution string: It takes a Haskell function of type String -> IO String which the newly defined command applies to its argument string to calculate new commands to run.
Then in GHCI :sbh to invoke.
GHCI macros should give you what you're looking for. See: https://www.haskell.org/ghc/docs/7.6.2/html/users_guide/ghci-commands.html as a reference.
Search for "macros" (or :def, which is the command to define macros). You can put these in the ghci.conf file.
For example (from the same URL indicated above):
Prelude> let mycd d = Directory.setCurrentDirectory d >> return ""
Prelude> :def mycd mycd
Prelude> :mycd ..
I hope this helps.
Possible not exactly what you need, but in case the quick-jumping function suffices try this as a first fix (invoked by :sbh):
:def sbh (\arg -> return ("System.Directory.setCurrentDirectory \"Desktop/Sandbox/Haskell\""))
Your later solution might make use of the arg reference like in:
:def sbh (\arg -> return ("System.Directory.setCurrentDirectory " ++ "\"" ++ args ++ "\""))
Invoke the latter which by :sbh Desktop/Sandbox/Haskell then.

Alpha conversion on a Haskell expression

Given a Haskell expression, I'd like to perform alpha conversion, ie. rename some of the non free variables.
I've started implementing my own function for this, which works on a haskell-src-exts Exp tree, however it turns out to be surprisingly nontrivial, so I can't help wondering - is there an established easy-to-use library solution for this kind of source conversion? Ideally, it should integrate with haskell-src-exts.
This is one of the problems where the "Scrap Your Boilerplate" style generic libraries shine!
The one I'm most familiar with is the uniplate package, but I don't actually have it installed at the moment, so I'll use the (very similar) functionality found in the lens package. The idea here is that it uses Data.Data.Data (which is the best qualified name ever) and related classes to perform generic operations in a polymorphic way.
Here's the simplest possible example:
alphaConvert :: Module -> Module
alphaConvert = template %~ changeName
changeName :: Name -> Name
changeName (Ident n) = Ident $ n ++ "_conv"
changeName n = n
The (%~) operator is from lens and just means to to apply the function changeName to everything selected by the generic traversal template. So what this does is find every alphanumeric identifier and append _conv to it. Running this program on its own source produces this:
module AlphaConv where
import Language.Haskell.Exts
import Control.Lens
import Control.Lens.Plated
import Data.Data.Lens
instance Plated_conv Module_conv
= do ParseOk_conv md_conv <- parseFile_conv "AlphaConv.hs"
putStrLn_conv $ prettyPrint_conv md_conv
let md'_conv = alphaConvert_conv md_conv
putStrLn_conv $ prettyPrint_conv md'_conv
alphaConvert_conv :: Module_conv -> Module_conv
alphaConvert_conv = template_conv %~ changeName_conv
changeName_conv :: Name_conv -> Name_conv
changeName_conv (Ident_conv n_conv)
= Ident_conv $ n_conv ++ "_conv"
changeName_conv n_conv = n_conv
Not terribly useful since it doesn't distinguish between identifiers bound locally and those defined in an outside scope (such as being imported), but it demonstrates the basic idea.
lens may seem a bit intimidating (it has a lot more functionality than just this); you may find uniplate or another library more approachable.
The way you'd approach your actual problem would be a multi-part transformation that first selects the subexpressions you want to alpha-convert inside of, then uses a transformation on those to modify the names you want changed.

How to get the literal value of a TemplateHaskell named variable

If I have a Name in TemplateHaskell and want to find out the value of the variable that it names, provided that the variable is declared as a literal, can this be done?
var = "foo"
-- Can `contentsOf` be defined?
$((contentsOf . mkName $ "var") >>= guard . (== "foo"))
In theory, yes. In practice, no.
Finding out stuff about existing names is done using reify :: Name -> Q Info, and for a definition like that you would get back a VarI value, which includes a Maybe Dec field. This would seem to suggest that you might in some cases be able to get the syntax tree for the declaration of the variable, which would allow you to extract the literal, however current versions of GHC always returns Nothing in this field, so you're out of luck for a pure TH solution.
However, TH does allow arbitrary IO actions to be run, so you could potentially work around this by loading and parsing the module yourself using something like haskell-src-exts, however I suspect that would be more trouble than it's worth.
