I am new to windows app development. I need to convert Date and Time available in String Format to dd/mm/yyyy and hh:mm format so that I can use it in setting the reminder.
thanks in advance......
I think you mean DateTime.Parse(string)
You can use like this
string ss=DateTime.Now.ToLongDateString();
For additional Information---
How to convert format epoch timestamp string to 'hh:mm Am/Pm' format in logic apps
I agree with #Skin . Also, have you searched for your answer because it very much exists.
You can follow any of these below mentioned references also.
Reference 2:
**Convert JSON Epoch Timestamp to DateTime String- Azure Logicapp **
As mentioned in above reference thread try this one
"some_silly_date": "#addToTime('1970-01-01T00:00:00Z', int(substring(item()?['some_silly_date'],6,10)), 'Second')"
or if you want it from the JSON into a variable try with initialize variable action in logic App as shown below.
Reference 3. You can follow #Justion Yoo document also.
Reference 4. Initially you are using azure functions tag also in your question so if you want to Convert Unix timestamp to DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM:SS format in other coding domain like C++ , C # follow this document
I need to get system current long date using MFC. My requirement is I need to get the system long date without format. For example: In my system if the date sets in "dd/mm/yyyy" format then I need to get in same format.
Suppose in my system if I change the format as "yyyy/mm/dd" then I need to get the output as what ever I sets in my system.
I found DATE_SHORTDATE is getting the date as it is how the system displays, if I use DATE_LONGDATE it will always gets the system date in 'dd/mm/yyyy' format
CString strValue;
CTime time = CTime::GetCurrentTime();
GetDateFormat(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, DATE_SHORTDATE, &st, NULL, strValue.GetBufferSetLength(50), 50);
Kindly assist me on this requirement.
Your code returns the correct value, however using 'mm' string is not supported by some of the locales in LongDate format.
On my Windows 10 1903, English-US locale, the control panel overrides the 'mm' value to 'MM'.
More reference regarding LongDatePattern:
I have created an API which creates an excel having Date columns too. When I execute the code from local it works well and displays the date as expected.
When I try executing API via Logic App, it changes the date format of that field. How can I set date time in Logic App?
When you have a fixed DateTime-Format you can use the Logic App function "formatDateTime" as follow:
formatDateTime(triggerBody()?['myDate'], 'yyyy-MM-dd')
You can find it under Expressions - Date and Time - "See more" - formatDateTime
I found some useful documentation on Microsoft's site here:
Here it is .. in action:
Try this to get the current date in GMT format:
The problem is your local machine is running a different Locale than the machine running your code when it is deployed.
You could either set the CultureInfo.CurrentCulture to make sure the right CultureInfo is used.
Provides information about a specific culture (called a locale for unmanaged code development). The information includes the names for the culture, the writing system, the calendar used, the sort order of strings, and formatting for dates and numbers.
You could also use the appropriate DateTimeFormatInfo, when writing the date to Excel, it
Provides culture-specific information about the format of date and time values.
Logic apps time zone base on UTC. So, it needs conversion between UTC to your local time.
In my case, 'SE Asia Standard Time', (UTC+07:00); Bangkok, Hanoi, Jakarta. So, you need to convert it as your local time. Here's in my case:
Date convertTimeZone(utcNow(), 'UTC', 'SE Asia Standard Time', 'MMMM dd, yyyy');
Time convertTimeZone(utcNow(), 'UTC', 'SE Asia Standard Time','hh:mm:ss.ff tt')
I currently convert dates from variant format to string using the VariantChangeType (or CComVariant::ChangeType). That works well, except when the time portion of the variant value is midnight. In that case, the time is simply omitted from the converted string.
A timestamp of 2015/10/07 03:40:00 is converted to a string just as you would expect: "10/7/2015 03:40:00 AM" (using my regional settings).
But a timetamp of 2015/1007 00:00:00 is converted to this string: "10/7/2015" (no time portion included).
I'm trying to preserve that midnight time, and keep the regional settings in use too. I've looked at _strftime_l() - it does include a time in the converted string, but doesn't appear to use the regional settings, even when one is provided via _get_current_locale().
I'm using C++ on Windows.
Has anyone done this?
OK - I found a way to resolve this. Windows has two API calls that will format the date and time with regional settings: GetDateFormat() and GetTimeFormat(). They each take a SYSTEMTIME structure, an output buffer, and a locale specifier. On return, the output buffer contains the date (or time) converted to a string matching the locale and regional settings in use.
I also found that _strftime_l() will actually use regional settings if you call setlocal(LC_ALL, "") first. I was a bit leery of using that method as it may have side affects I'm not aware of.
I got the time values from the SBT SDK as a string in this format
I get a Java Date object with this code
SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss");
Date date = dateFormat.parse("2013-07-17T14:44:25.177Z");
But the last part of the string ".177Z" should be a time zone value !?!?!
Do any body know how parse the time zone or the complete date with the time zone in Java?
But the last part of the string ".177Z" should be a time zone value !?!?!
No, I think the .177 is the milliseconds part, and Z is a UTC-offset of 0. (It's not really a time zone, but that's a different matter.)
I suspect you want:
SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSX");
(Where X is an ISO-8601 time zone specifier, including Z for UTC.)
Note that X was only introduced in Java 7 - if you're using Java 6 or earlier, you may need to do a bit more work.
You might want to use
since the dates found in the atom returned by the IBM Connections API conform to the definition from http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-2/, which can be parsed into a Java Calendar Object by said method. This also accounts for the time zone specifier.