shell sftp download remote file - linux

How to download the lastest file via sftp in command line?
This connects to the server and lists the current directory.. But how can I find the last file sorted by filename and download it?
sshpass -p $pass sftp root#$host << EOF
cd /var/www/bak/db
mkdir /ftp
cd /ftp
curlftpfs $host /ftp -o user=root:$pass
Error connecting to ftp: gnutls_handshake() failed: An unexpected TLS packet was received.

Maybe that
Get latest file and save to batchfile file:
ssh user#server "find /path/to/dir -type f -printf 'get %p\n' | sort -n | tail -1" > batchfile
And get file:
sftp -b batchfile user#server:/
I checked and it works!

It may be more convenient to use CurlFtpFS to mount sftp folder. Tutorial on "using curlftpfs to mount a FTP folder" explains details.
And then use standard commands to achieve what you want to do.
Or for sshfs follow tutorial on how to Mount a SFTP Folder (SSH + FTP).
Not sure which sftp do you mean.


How do I get the files from SFTP server and move them to another folder in bash script?

How do I get the one by one files from SFTP server and move them do another folder in Ubuntu bash script?
sftp SFTP#ip_address
cd /home/FSTP/Folder1/
for file in "$FOLDER"*
cd /home/local/Folder1
get $file
mv $file /home/SFTP/Done
I know it's not right, but i've tried my best and if anyone can help me, i will appreciate it. Thanks in advance.
OpenSSH sftp is not very powerful client for such tasks. You would have to run it twice. First to collect list of files, use the list to generate list of commands, and execute those in a second run.
Something like this:
# Collect list of files
files=`sftp -b - <<EOF
cd /source/folder
files=`echo $files|sed "s/.*sftp> ls//"`
# Use the list to generate list of commands for the second run
echo cd /source/folder
for file in $files; do
echo get $file
echo rename $file /backup/folder/$file
) | sftp -b -
Before you run the script on production files, I suggest, you first output the generated command list to a file to check, if the results are as expected.
Just replace the last line with:
) > commands.txt
Maybe use SFTP internal command.
sftp get -r $remote_path $local_path
OR with the -f option to flush files to disk
sftp get -rf $remote_path $local_path

scp multiple files with different names from source and destination

I am trying to scp multiple files from source to destination.The scenario is the source file name is different from the destination file
Here is the SCP Command i am trying to do
scp /u07/retail/ rgbu_fc#<fc_host>:/u01/projects/
Basically i do have more than 7 files which i am trying seperate scps to achieve it. So i want to club it to a single scp to transfer all the files
Few of the scp commands i am trying here -
$ scp /u07/retail/ rgbu_fc#<fc_host>:/u01/projects/
$ scp /u07/retail/ rgbu_fc#<fc_host>:/u01/projects/
$ scp /u07/retail/ rgbu_fc#<fc_host>:/u01/projects/
$ scp /u07/retail/ rgbu_fc#<fc_host>:/u01/projects/
I am looking for a solution by which i can achieve the above 4 files in a single scp command.
Looks like a straightforward loop in any standard POSIX shell:
for i in de as pt op
do scp "/u07/retail/Bundle_$" "rgbu_fc#<fc_host>:/u01/projects/MultiSolutionBundle_$"
Alternatively, you could give the files new names locally (copy, link, or move), and then transfer them with a wildcard:
dir=$(mktemp -d)
for i in de as pt op
do cp "/u07/retail/Bundle_$" "$dir/MultiSolutionBundle_$"
scp "$dir"/* "rgbu_fc#<fc_host>:/u01/projects/"
rm -rf "$dir"
With GNU tar, ssh and bash:
tar -C /u07/retail/ -c Bundle_{de,as,pt,op}.properties | ssh user#remote_host tar -C /u01/projects/ --transform 's/.*/MultiSolution\&/' --show-transformed-names -xv
If you want to use globbing (*) with filenames:
cd /u07/retail/ && tar -c Bundle_*.properties | ssh user#remote_host tar -C /u01/projects/ --transform 's/.*/MultiSolution\&/' --show-transformed-names -xv
-C: change to directory
-c: create a new archive
Bundle_{de,as,pt,op}.properties: bash is expanding this to before executing tar command
--transform 's/.*/MultiSolution\&/': prepend MultiSolution to filenames
--show-transformed-names: show filenames after transformation
-xv: extract files and verbosely list files processed

How to move file in another server from one list file using while read line?

The goal is I want to monitor one directory from different server. For example the remote server is user#host.
I have list.txt that contents list of file that will be moved. And list.txt located in a remote server.
Currently I have this code.
ssh user#host cat /full-path/list.txt |
while read line;
do mv user#host:/full-path/$line user#host:/full-path/done/;
When I run the code above, error exists. There's no such file or directory.
But when I log in to user#host and cat one file randomly from list.txt, the file exists.
The while loop runs on the local server. You need to put the script in quotes so it's an argument to the ssh command.
... Or a here document, like this:
ssh user#host <<':'
while read line; do
mv /full-path/"$line" /full-path/done/
done </full-path/list.txt
... or more succinctly
ssh user#host 'cd /full-path && xargs -a list.txt mv -t done'
Notice also the absence of a useless cat and the local file name resolution (mv would have no idea about the SSH remote path syntax you were trying to use).

FTP File upload - script STUCK

I have a basic bash script that I'm using to copy a file and upload it to my FTP:
cp -i /var/mobile/file.db /var
cd /var
ftp -inv $HOST << EOF
user $USER $PASS
cd websitefolder
put sms.db
rm -f file.db
When I run the script, it saves the file to my FTP perfectly. But I'm running the script from different computer's so somehow, I'd like the script to upload the file.db to my FTP like this everytime it uploads it:
Your question is a little unclear, but if I understand correctly, you're trying to name the database files in sequential order without overwriting any old files. You'll have to get the list of files from the FTP server in order to find out what files have already been uploaded.
This code will get the list of files from the server that begin with "file" and end with ".db", count them, then change the name of your "file.db" to "fileXX.db", where "XX" is the next number in the naming sequence (i.e. file1.db, file2.db, file3.db, etc).
I'm not sure where "sms.db" came from. I've changed it to "file.db" in the script.
cp -i /var/mobile/file.db /var
cd /var
ftp -inv $HOST << EOF
user $USER $PASS
cd websitefolder
LIST=$(ls | grep file*.db)
for FILE in $LIST
if [ -f $FILE ];
mv file.db $NEXTDB
ftp -inv $HOST << EOF

getting user input while SSH'ed into another box

I have a bash script that basically should work like below:
get build number from user and put it in buildNum var
prep the build on local machine by calling a local script with buildNum as it's argument
sftp the prepped zip file to remote server1
Do this:
ssh -v $server1 <<EOF
rm -rvf path1-on-remote-server1/*
cd path2-on-remote-server1
unzip ../prepped-zip-file-$
sftp the prepped zip file to remote server2
The problem i am having is that on the forth step of number 4, $buildNum is not known to the remote server and it fails.
I tried the following two solutions and both failed:
use double quotes "unzip ../prepped-zip-file-$" which resulted in "unzip ../ Command not found.
tried to get the build number again from the user during the SSH session which failed again by not even waiting for my input and looking for a zip file without the build number at the end of the name, as the var was empty,
i did :
ssh -v $server1 <<EOF
rm -rvf path1-on-remote-server1/*
cd path2-on-remote-server1
echo "enter build num once more: "
read bNum
unzip ../prepped-zip-file-$
Any suggestions on how to achieve what i am after.
Thanks in advance
Are you sure this doesn't work?
ssh -v $server1 <<EOF
rm -rvf path1-on-remote-server1/*
cd path2-on-remote-server1
unzip ../prepped-zip-file-$
When I try it on my machine, with cat instead of ssh -v $server1 for testing, the variable does get substituted into the here-document, just as if the entire document had been on a command line. The remove shell never needs to know there was a variable in the first place.
Actually, though, you may want to give the remote command on the ssh command line rather than redirecting the standard input. This would be more robust in case some of the parts of it unexpectedly decide to try reading from stdin:
ssh -v $server1 "rm -rvf path1-on-remote-server1/*
cd path2-on-remote-server1
unzip ../prepped-zip-file-$"
(Note that multi-line double-quoted strings are okay with bash).
printf "Enter Build Number: "
cat << EOF | ssh $server1
echo "${BUILD_NUM}"
That works for me.
