How to control hard drive motor speed with C on linux? - linux

I've got an old HDD with which I planned to fiddle around a little. First thing I'm trying to do is spinning the motor with different speeds.
Questions are:
Is there a general way to do this or does it depend on the HDD model?
Where do I find a list of commands, that I can send to the HDD controller to control the speed of the motor?
I actually found a function, that apparently spins down the motor, here it is:
/* spin-down a disk */
static void spindown_disk(const char *name)
struct sg_io_hdr io_hdr;
unsigned char sense_buf[255];
char dev_name[100];
int fd;
dprintf("spindown: %s\n", name);
/* fabricate SCSI IO request */
memset(&io_hdr, 0x00, sizeof(io_hdr));
io_hdr.interface_id = 'S';
io_hdr.dxfer_direction = SG_DXFER_NONE;
/* SCSI stop unit command */
io_hdr.cmdp = (unsigned char *) "\x1b\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00";
io_hdr.cmd_len = 6;
io_hdr.sbp = sense_buf;
io_hdr.mx_sb_len = (unsigned char) sizeof(sense_buf);
/* open disk device (kernel 2.4 will probably need "sg" names here) */
snprintf(dev_name, sizeof(dev_name), "/dev/%s", name);
if ((fd = open(dev_name, O_RDONLY)) < 0) {
/* execute SCSI request */
if (ioctl(fd, SG_IO, &io_hdr) < 0) {
char buf[100];
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "ioctl on %s:", name);
} else if (io_hdr.masked_status != 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "error: SCSI command failed with status 0x%02x\n",
if (io_hdr.masked_status == CHECK_CONDITION) {
phex(sense_buf, io_hdr.sb_len_wr, "sense buffer:\n");
Though I don't really understand where the actual command is sent to the controller, nor do I know how to control the speed, I don't see any rpm specifications.

You cannot control a harddisk's rotational speed, and that is a good thing. If you could, you would inevitably destroy data.
The heads float in what is commonly called "air bearing".
This is, in easy words, a spring mechanism pressing the head onto the disks's surface with a well-defined force and an air cussion from airflow due to the disk's rotation being in equilibrium at the disk's operational speed. When the disk is shut down, another spring mechanisms quickly pulls the heads out of the way into a kind of "parking position".
If you could run the drive at arbitrary speeds, the heads would scratch on the surface. Not good!
As to where the actual command is being sent in above snippet, it is the ioctl call in the line following /* execute SCSI request */.
If you are interested in playing with your old harddisk (be aware that you'll quite likely break it!), have a look at the hdparm tool and its source code. hdparm lets you tweak dozens of parameters such as power save modes, caching, or acustic management... pretty much everything that disk drives support.
In the tool's source code, you'll find a quite complete list of device commands, too.


how to use block i/o protocol in my uefi bootloader

I am reading FreeBSD uefi bootloader. But there is a part I can't understand about Block I/O Protocol.I quote source code.
status = systab->BootServices->LocateHandle(ByProtocol,
&BlockIoProtocolGUID, NULL, &nparts, handles);
nparts /= sizeof(handles[0]);
for (i = 0; i < nparts; i++) {
status = systab->BootServices->HandleProtocol(handles[i],
&DevicePathGUID, (void **)&devpath);
if (EFI_ERROR(status))
while (!IsDevicePathEnd(NextDevicePathNode(devpath)))
devpath = NextDevicePathNode(devpath);
status = systab->BootServices->HandleProtocol(handles[i],
&BlockIoProtocolGUID, (void **)&blkio);
if (EFI_ERROR(status))
if (!blkio->Media->LogicalPartition)
if (domount(devpath, blkio, 1) >= 0)
Why as below the code is searching device path end?
while (!IsDevicePathEnd(NextDevicePathNode(devpath)))
devpath = NextDevicePathNode(devpath);
It looks like the code wants to look at the last node of the device path, so it skips all the nodes until it reaches the one before the end node.
Just want to add a bit to what haggai_e said. DP (device path) is a simple linked list where each node represents sort of a description of a physical or logical device in UEFI environment. And as you probably know each device in UEFI is a handle. So traversing through DP and getting the handle of the particular node gives you a handle to a particular device that DP describes.

Remove input driver bound to the HID interface

I'm playing with some driver code for a special kind of keyboard. And this keyboard does have special modes. According to the specification those modes could only be enabled by sending and getting feature reports.
I'm using 'hid.c' file and user mode to send HID reports. But both 'hid_read' and 'hid_get_feature_report' failed with error number -1.
I already tried detaching keyboard from kernel drivers using libusb, but when I do that, 'hid_open' fails. I guess this is due to that HID interface already using by 'input' or some driver by the kernel. So I may not need to unbind kernel hidraw driver, instead I should try unbinding the keyboard ('input') driver top of 'hidraw' driver. Am I correct?
And any idea how I could do that? And how to find what are drivers using which drivers and which low level driver bind to which driver?
I found the answer to this myself.
The answer is to dig this project and find it's hid implementation on libusb.
Or you could directly receive the report.
int HID_API_EXPORT hid_get_feature_report(hid_device *dev, unsigned char *data, size_t length)
int res = -1;
int skipped_report_id = 0;
int report_number = data[0];
if (report_number == 0x0) {
/* Offset the return buffer by 1, so that the report ID
will remain in byte 0. */
skipped_report_id = 1;
res = libusb_control_transfer(dev->device_handle,
0x01/*HID get_report*/,
(3/*HID feature*/ << 8) | report_number,
(unsigned char *)data, length,
1000/*timeout millis*/);
if (res < 0)
return -1;
if (skipped_report_id)
return res;
I'm sorry I can't post my actual code due to some legal reasons. However the above code is from hidapi implementation.
So even you work with an old kernel , you still have the chance to make your driver working.
This answers to this question too:

Linux - How to program for a touchscreen outside of X Windows

I have a small TFT with touch control connected to a Raspberry Pi. The touchscreen works well within X windows.
I would like to be able to use the touchscreen outside of X windows.
Something simple, like two buttons on the screen.
I have experience with C and writing to the framebuffer using SDL. Or directly to memory.
I have no idea how to detect the input of the touchscreen and I am hoping some one could point me in the right direction.
I see the touchscreen as /dev/input/event0
It seems that you are just seeing a regular event device. What have you done so far? You might try for example Using the Input Subsystem article on Linux Journal.
What you should try at first should probably be:
/* how many bytes were read */
size_t rb;
/* the events (up to 64 at once) */
struct input_event ev[64];
rb=read(fd,ev,sizeof(struct input_event)*64);
if (rb < (int) sizeof(struct input_event)) {
perror("evtest: short read");
exit (1);
for (yalv = 0;
yalv < (int) (rb / sizeof(struct input_event));
//if (EV_KEY == ev[yalv].type)
printf("%ld.%06ld ",
printf("type %d code %d value %d\n",
ev[yalv].code, ev[yalv].value);
Then you should pay attention, what event types are being emitted, and then work with them further.

Use SATA HDD as Block Device

I'm totally new to the Linux Kernel, so I probably mix things up. But any advice will help me ;)
I have a SATA HDD connected via a PCIe SATA Card and I try to use read and write like on a block device. I also want the data power blackout save on the HDD - not cached. And in the end I have to analyse how much time I loose in each linux stack layer. But one step at a time.
At the moment I try to open the device with *O_DIRECT*. But I don't really understand where I can find the device. It shows up as /dev/sdd and I created one partition /dev/sdd1.
open and read on the partition /dev/sdd1 works. write fails with *O_DIRECT* (But I'm sure I have the right blocksize)
open read and write called on /dev/sdd fails completely.
Is there maybe another file in /dev/ which represents my device on the block layer?
What are my mistakes and wrong assumptions?
This is my current test code
int main() {
int w,r,s;
char buffer[512] = "test string mit 512 byte";
int fd = open("/dev/sdd", O_DIRECT | O_RDWR | O_SYNC);
printf("fd = %d\n",fd);
printf("try to write %d byte : %s\n",sizeof(buffer),buffer);
w = write(fd,buffer,sizeof(buffer));
if(w == -1) printf("write failed\n");
else printf("write ok\n");
s = lseek(fd,0,SEEK_SET);
if(s == -1) printf("seek failed\n");
else printf("seek ok\n");
r = read(fd,buffer,sizeof(buffer));
if(r == -1) printf("read failed\n");
else printf("read ok\n");
printf("buffer = %s\n",buffer);
return 0;
I work with the 3.2 Kernel on a power architecture - if this is important.
Thank you very much for your time,
Depending on your SDD's block size (could by 512bit or 4K), you can only read/write mulitple of that size.
Also: when using O_DIRECT flag, you need to make sure the buffer is rightly aligned to block boundaries. You cann't ensure that using an ordinary char array, use memalign to allocate aligned memory instead.

Direct Memory Access in Linux

I'm trying to access physical memory directly for an embedded Linux project, but I'm not sure how I can best designate memory for my use.
If I boot my device regularly, and access /dev/mem, I can easily read and write to just about anywhere I want. However, in this, I'm accessing memory that can easily be allocated to any process; which I don't want to do
My code for /dev/mem is (all error checking, etc. removed):
mem_fd = open("/dev/mem", O_RDWR));
mem_p = malloc(SIZE + (PAGE_SIZE - 1));
if ((unsigned long) mem_p % PAGE_SIZE) {
mem_p += PAGE_SIZE - ((unsigned long) mem_p % PAGE_SIZE);
mem_p = (unsigned char *) mmap(mem_p, SIZE, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED | MAP_FIXED, mem_fd, BASE_ADDRESS);
And this works. However, I'd like to be using memory that no one else will touch. I've tried limiting the amount of memory that the kernel sees by booting with mem=XXXm, and then setting BASE_ADDRESS to something above that (but below the physical memory), but it doesn't seem to be accessing the same memory consistently.
Based on what I've seen online, I suspect I may need a kernel module (which is OK) which uses either ioremap() or remap_pfn_range() (or both???), but I have absolutely no idea how; can anyone help?
What I want is a way to always access the same physical memory (say, 1.5MB worth), and set that memory aside so that the kernel will not allocate it to any other process.
I'm trying to reproduce a system we had in other OSes (with no memory management) whereby I could allocate a space in memory via the linker, and access it using something like
*(unsigned char *)0x12345678
I guess I should provide some more detail. This memory space will be used for a RAM buffer for a high performance logging solution for an embedded application. In the systems we have, there's nothing that clears or scrambles physical memory during a soft reboot. Thus, if I write a bit to a physical address X, and reboot the system, the same bit will still be set after the reboot. This has been tested on the exact same hardware running VxWorks (this logic also works nicely in Nucleus RTOS and OS20 on different platforms, FWIW). My idea was to try the same thing in Linux by addressing physical memory directly; therefore, it's essential that I get the same addresses each boot.
I should probably clarify that this is for kernel 2.6.12 and newer.
Here's my code, first for the kernel module, then for the userspace application.
To use it, I boot with mem=95m, then insmod foo-module.ko, then mknod mknod /dev/foo c 32 0, then run foo-user , where it dies. Running under gdb shows that it dies at the assignment, although within gdb, I cannot dereference the address I get from mmap (although printf can)
#include <linux/module.h>
#include <linux/config.h>
#include <linux/init.h>
#include <linux/fs.h>
#include <linux/mm.h>
#include <asm/io.h>
#define VERSION_STR "1.0.0"
#define FOO_BUFFER_SIZE (1u*1024u*1024u)
#define FOO_BUFFER_OFFSET (95u*1024u*1024u)
#define FOO_MAJOR 32
#define FOO_NAME "foo"
static const char *foo_version = "#(#) foo Support version " VERSION_STR " " __DATE__ " " __TIME__;
static void *pt = NULL;
static int foo_release(struct inode *inode, struct file *file);
static int foo_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *file);
static int foo_mmap(struct file *filp, struct vm_area_struct *vma);
struct file_operations foo_fops = {
.owner = THIS_MODULE,
.llseek = NULL,
.read = NULL,
.write = NULL,
.readdir = NULL,
.poll = NULL,
.ioctl = NULL,
.mmap = foo_mmap,
.open = foo_open,
.flush = NULL,
.release = foo_release,
.fsync = NULL,
.fasync = NULL,
.lock = NULL,
.readv = NULL,
.writev = NULL,
static int __init foo_init(void)
int i;
printk(KERN_NOTICE "Loading foo support module\n");
printk(KERN_INFO "Version %s\n", foo_version);
printk(KERN_INFO "Preparing device /dev/foo\n");
i = register_chrdev(FOO_MAJOR, FOO_NAME, &foo_fops);
if (i != 0) {
return -EIO;
printk(KERN_ERR "Device couldn't be registered!");
printk(KERN_NOTICE "Device ready.\n");
printk(KERN_NOTICE "Make sure to run mknod /dev/foo c %d 0\n", FOO_MAJOR);
printk(KERN_INFO "Allocating memory\n");
if (pt == NULL) {
printk(KERN_ERR "Unable to remap memory\n");
return 1;
printk(KERN_INFO "ioremap returned %p\n", pt);
return 0;
static void __exit foo_exit(void)
printk(KERN_NOTICE "Unloading foo support module\n");
unregister_chrdev(FOO_MAJOR, FOO_NAME);
if (pt != NULL) {
printk(KERN_INFO "Unmapping memory at %p\n", pt);
} else {
printk(KERN_WARNING "No memory to unmap!\n");
static int foo_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *file)
return 0;
static int foo_release(struct inode *inode, struct file *file)
return 0;
static int foo_mmap(struct file *filp, struct vm_area_struct *vma)
int ret;
if (pt == NULL) {
printk(KERN_ERR "Memory not mapped!\n");
return -EAGAIN;
if ((vma->vm_end - vma->vm_start) != FOO_BUFFER_SIZE) {
printk(KERN_ERR "Error: sizes don't match (buffer size = %d, requested size = %lu)\n", FOO_BUFFER_SIZE, vma->vm_end - vma->vm_start);
return -EAGAIN;
ret = remap_pfn_range(vma, vma->vm_start, (unsigned long) pt, vma->vm_end - vma->vm_start, PAGE_SHARED);
if (ret != 0) {
printk(KERN_ERR "Error in calling remap_pfn_range: returned %d\n", ret);
return -EAGAIN;
return 0;
MODULE_AUTHOR("Mike Miller");
MODULE_DESCRIPTION("Provides support for foo to access direct memory");
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
int main(void)
int fd;
char *mptr;
fd = open("/dev/foo", O_RDWR | O_SYNC);
if (fd == -1) {
printf("open error...\n");
return 1;
mptr = mmap(0, 1 * 1024 * 1024, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_FILE | MAP_SHARED, fd, 4096);
printf("On start, mptr points to 0x%lX.\n",(unsigned long) mptr);
printf("mptr points to 0x%lX. *mptr = 0x%X\n", (unsigned long) mptr, *mptr);
mptr[0] = 'a';
mptr[1] = 'b';
printf("mptr points to 0x%lX. *mptr = 0x%X\n", (unsigned long) mptr, *mptr);
return 0;
I think you can find a lot of documentation about the kmalloc + mmap part.
However, I am not sure that you can kmalloc so much memory in a contiguous way, and have it always at the same place. Sure, if everything is always the same, then you might get a constant address. However, each time you change the kernel code, you will get a different address, so I would not go with the kmalloc solution.
I think you should reserve some memory at boot time, ie reserve some physical memory so that is is not touched by the kernel. Then you can ioremap this memory which will give you
a kernel virtual address, and then you can mmap it and write a nice device driver.
This take us back to linux device drivers in PDF format. Have a look at chapter 15, it is describing this technique on page 443
Edit : ioremap and mmap.
I think this might be easier to debug doing things in two step : first get the ioremap
right, and test it using a character device operation, ie read/write. Once you know you can safely have access to the whole ioremapped memory using read / write, then you try to mmap the whole ioremapped range.
And if you get in trouble may be post another question about mmaping
Edit : remap_pfn_range
ioremap returns a virtual_adress, which you must convert to a pfn for remap_pfn_ranges.
Now, I don't understand exactly what a pfn (Page Frame Number) is, but I think you can get one calling
virt_to_phys(pt) >> PAGE_SHIFT
This probably is not the Right Way (tm) to do it, but you should try it
You should also check that FOO_MEM_OFFSET is the physical address of your RAM block. Ie before anything happens with the mmu, your memory is available at 0 in the memory map of your processor.
Sorry to answer but not quite answer, I noticed that you have already edited the question. Please note that SO does not notify us when you edit the question. I'm giving a generic answer here, when you update the question please leave a comment, then I'll edit my answer.
Yes, you're going to need to write a module. What it comes down to is the use of kmalloc() (allocating a region in kernel space) or vmalloc() (allocating a region in userspace).
Exposing the prior is easy, exposing the latter can be a pain in the rear with the kind of interface that you are describing as needed. You noted 1.5 MB is a rough estimate of how much you actually need to reserve, is that iron clad? I.e are you comfortable taking that from kernel space? Can you adequately deal with ENOMEM or EIO from userspace (or even disk sleep)? IOW, what's going into this region?
Also, is concurrency going to be an issue with this? If so, are you going to be using a futex? If the answer to either is 'yes' (especially the latter), its likely that you'll have to bite the bullet and go with vmalloc() (or risk kernel rot from within). Also, if you are even THINKING about an ioctl() interface to the char device (especially for some ad-hoc locking idea), you really want to go with vmalloc().
Also, have you read this? Plus we aren't even touching on what grsec / selinux is going to think of this (if in use).
/dev/mem is okay for simple register peeks and pokes, but once you cross into interrupts and DMA territory, you really should write a kernel-mode driver. What you did for your previous memory-management-less OSes simply doesn't graft well to an General Purpose OS like Linux.
You've already thought about the DMA buffer allocation issue. Now, think about the "DMA done" interrupt from your device. How are you going to install an Interrupt Service Routine?
Besides, /dev/mem is typically locked out for non-root users, so it's not very practical for general use. Sure, you could chmod it, but then you've opened a big security hole in the system.
If you are trying to keep the driver code base similar between the OSes, you should consider refactoring it into separate user & kernel mode layers with an IOCTL-like interface in-between. If you write the user-mode portion as a generic library of C code, it should be easy to port between Linux and other OSes. The OS-specific part is the kernel-mode code. (We use this kind of approach for our drivers.)
It seems like you have already concluded that it's time to write a kernel-driver, so you're on the right track. The only advice I can add is to read these books cover-to-cover.
Linux Device Drivers
Understanding the Linux Kernel
(Keep in mind that these books are circa-2005, so the information is a bit dated.)
I am by far no expert on these matters, so this will be a question to you rather than an answer. Is there any reason you can't just make a small ram disk partition and use it only for your application? Would that not give you guaranteed access to the same chunk of memory? I'm not sure of there would be any I/O performance issues, or additional overhead associated with doing that. This also assumes that you can tell the kernel to partition a specific address range in memory, not sure if that is possible.
I apologize for the newb question, but I found your question interesting, and am curious if ram disk could be used in such a way.
Have you looked at the 'memmap' kernel parameter? On i386 and X64_64, you can use the memmap parameter to define how the kernel will hand very specific blocks of memory (see the Linux kernel parameter documentation). In your case, you'd want to mark memory as 'reserved' so that Linux doesn't touch it at all. Then you can write your code to use that absolute address and size (woe be unto you if you step outside that space).
