Browsers not updating when sockets get emmited - node.js

I'm trying to create a chat system. Here it is:
The top field takes the name of the user while the bottom textarea takes the message. Once the user pressed enter the middle textarea ( which is disabled) updates itself with the new record. This is done using nodejs sockets. My problem is that if I open another instance of google chrome and I type something the other google chrome textarea does not update. I'm puzzled by this since my code should cover this case:
Here is the server.js code that handles the insertion. After it inserts it, it emits a socket with the last insertion so that the index.html can update itself.
if(err) throw err;
var to_be_inserted = {name:,content: data.content};
if(err) throw err;
var cursor = db.collection("chat").find().sort({_id: -1}).limit(1);
As you can see once the data is inserted a socket is emitted containing the last row of the db. The index.html should handle this socket by updating itself. Here is the code that handles it:
var socket = io.connect("");
var completed = document.getElementById("chatArea").value;
for(var i=0; i < cursor.length; i++)
console.log(cursor[i].name + " wrote: " + cursor[i].content);
var name = cursor[i].name;
var content = cursor[i].content;
var name_to_go = name.replace("/\r?\n|\r/g","");
var content_to_go = content.replace("/\r?\n|\r/g","");
completed+="\n" + name_to_go + ": " + content_to_go;
document.getElementById("chatArea").value = completed;
function keyfunction(e)
if((e.keyCode == 13 || e.which == 13) && !e.shiftKey)
function socketEmitDb()
var name = document.getElementById("name").value;
var content = document.getElementById("writtenThing").value;
console.log("Name: " + name + " |||| content: " + content);
if(name.length > 0 && content.length > 0)
socket.emit("send",{"name": name,"content": content});
alert("Make sure that the name and the message is not empty");
Should't the socket be emitted towards all opened sockets?

In your server program change socket.emit to io.sockets.emit.
socket.emit will send message to specific socket (client) that got connected. io.sockets.emit will send message to all connected sockets (clients)


Using Promise in afterSave

I am trying to do the following code in cloud code:
//Code for sending push notifications after an update is created
Parse.Cloud.afterSave('AssignmentMod', function(request){
//Only send if the mod is new
if(!request.object.existed()) {
var mod = request.object
//Get the users who have these classes
var userType = Parse.Object.extend('User')
var usersQuery = new Parse.Query(userType)
usersQuery.equalTo('currentClasses', mod.get("parentClass"))
//Get the users who removed the assignment
var modsType = Parse.Object.extend('AssignmentMod')
//If if was an assignment and removed at some point
var mods1Query = new Parse.Query(modsType)
mods1Query.notEqualTo("assignment", null)
mods1Query.equalTo("assignment", mod.get("assignment"))
mods1Query.equalTo("type", "remove")
//If it was an assignment mod and was removed at some point
var mods2Query = new Parse.Query(modsType)
mods2Query.notEqualTo("assignmentMod", null)
mods2Query.equalTo("type", "remove")
//Get the remove mods for this particular update
var modsQuery = new Parse.Query.or(mods1Query,mods2Query)
//Run the user and mods queries
).then( function(users, removeMods) {
console.log("QUERY 1 COMPLETE.")
//Get all users that copied this remove mod
var copyType = Parse.Object.extend('ModCopy')
var copyQuery = new Parse.Query(copyType)
copyQuery.containedIn("assignmentMod", removeMods)
console.log("QUERY 2 COMPLETE.")
var copyUsers ={
return copy.get("user")
//Get the devices of users that belong to the class, did not remove the assignment, and have an ios devices
var deviceQuery = new Parse.Query(Parse.Installation)
deviceQuery.equalTo("deviceType", "ios")
deviceQuery.containedIn("user", users)
deviceQuery.notContainedIn("user", copyUsers)
//Send the push notification
where: deviceQuery,
data: {
alert: "You have new updates."
{userMasterKey: true}
throw "Error sending push notifications:" + error.code + " : " + error.message
throw "Error: " + reason
print("ERROR: " + reason)
throw "Error: " + reason
print("ERROR: " + reason)
I can see in my logs that "MOD SAVED. NOTIFICATIONS CHECK." and "NEW MOD ADDED> NOTIFICATIONS START." are both logged out. However, I get no other logs after that and no push notifications are sent. I should at leas see the logs, and see none. Is there an issue with parse server using promises inside an afterSave or something? Why am is my code seemingly halting execution when it hits the first promise?
Your afterSave() cloud code must be ended by a response.success() or response.error(error)
You should wait for all your Promises complete end then finish your code with something like:
promise.then( function(){
console.log("END of afterSave() " ;
}, function(error){
console.error("error in afterSave() " + " : " + error.message);
response.error(JSON.stringify({code: error.code, message: error.message}));
This turned out to be an issue with Heroku hosting. I have not tracked down passed that. If the same code is hosted on AWS or another hosting platform, these issues do not occur. There is likely some server settings Heroku uses in it's default setup that need changed. If you encounter this issue and have more of a solution beyond "Switch off Heroku hosting" then submit an answer and I will accept.

TCP communication with nodeJS

I'm trying to make a communication between nodejs server and a red pitaya card.
The client connect to the web server, use a form to choose some settings , they are send to a red pitaya who send back a big string of numbers.
Then, the web server write them in a downloadable file.
Its working randomly.
here is the server :
var settings = require('./settings_model');
var fs = require('fs');
var net = require('net');
var msg = [];
module.exports = function(app) {
net.createServer(function (socket) {
socket.on('data', function (data) {
/* test console */
var msg = JSON.stringify(data);
console.log("data received :" + msg);
tab = new Array();
for(i = 0; i < nbPix; i++){
tab[i] = new Array();
fs.appendFile('./public/img.txt', '\n');
for(var j=0 ; j < len; j++){
tab[i][j]= data[i+(j*nbPix)];
fs.appendFile('./public/img.txt', tab[i][j]+ " ");
});'/api/sendSettings', function(req, res) {
// creation of the file
fs.writeFile("./public/img.txt", "", function(err){
console.log("the file was saved");
// here we send settings to the red pitaya
For tiny values, sometimes it works. I can see the log :
data received :{"type":"Buffer","data":[1,1,....2]}
But, for the same values, it can be divided and bug my 2d array
data receive :{"type":"Buffer","data":[1,1,....1]}
data receive :{"type":"Buffer","data":[2,2,....2]}
And if the data received is too big, system crash with an :
Error : EMFILE: too many open files, open './public/img.txt'
Is there a way to set the received stream size ? i think i need all the data to build my 2d array.
For the EMFILE error, ive tried to change settings like "open file" size. Still not working. It should not try to open more than one file anyway ??
i'm new to this kind of project so please if u can give me hints or docs links, ill gladly accept!

Chat on node.js

Require the modules
var net = require("net");
Store the users and the connections number
var count = 0,
users = {};
Creates the server
var server = net.createServer(function (conn){
Stores the current nickname and set the utf8 encoding
var nickname;
Shows a message on the shell when you stablish a connection
conn.write(' > welcome to \033[92mnode-chat\033[39m!'
+ '\n > ' + count + ' other people are connected at this time.'
+ '\n > please write your name and press enter: ');
The number of connections++
When recives data it checks if there is a user in the storage with that name shows a message and return. Else shows a welcome message. Otherwise, if you input a message or any data (after have registered your nickname) shows it on the shell.
conn.on('data', function (data){
data = data.replace('\r\n', '');
if(!nickname) {
if(users[data]) {
conn.write('\033[93m > nickname already in use. Try again:\033[39m ');
} else {
nickname = data;
users[nickname] = conn;
for(var i in users) {
users[i].write('\033[90m > ' + nickname + ' joined the room\033[39m\n');
} else {
for(var i in users) {
if(i != nickname) {
users[i].write('\033[96m > ' + nickname + ':\033[39m ' + data + '\n');
When you close or end the connection deletes your nickname from the storage, number of connections-- and shows a message.
conn.on('close', function(){
delete users[nickname];
conn.write('\033[90 > ' + nickname + ' left the room\033[39m\n');
Server on port 3000
server.listen(3000, function (){
console.log('\033[96m server listening on *:3000\033[39m');
I have a bug in my chat. I stablish two telnet connections using de shell. But when I close one the other one close two, and shows me a error message. What is wrong with my code?
You're trying to write to a closed connection, which will fail since writing to a closed Writable stream throws an error.
conn.on('close', function(){
delete users[nickname];
conn.write('\033[90 > ' + nickname + ' left the room\033[39m\n');
What you want is to broadcast the message to all other users either using Object.keys or a for-in loop.
conn.on('close', function() {
count --;
delete users[nickname];
Object.keys(users).forEach(function (user) {
users[user].write(nickname + ' left the room');
You also don't need a separate count variable to track connected users.
But when I close one the other one close two, and shows me a error
It is because you're not listening for an error event and, by default, an EventEmitter throws an error if an error occurs and no error listener is attached.
conn.on('error', console.log);

node.js simple tcp chat server

I am trying to build a simple tcp chat server, WITHOUT
Now, I have no problem broadcasting data across all sockets connected to the server.
My problem is assigning a socket identifier to each connection and retrieving them from an object.
Here is the code:
var net = require('net');
//keep track of sockets
var allSockets = {
sockets: {},
addSocket: function(socket, nick, table) {
this.sockets[table+nick] = socket;
removeSocket: function(nick, table) {
if (this.sockets[table+nick] !== undefined) {
this.sockets[table+nick] = null;
delete this.sockets[table+nick];
// create the server
var server = net.createServer(function (socket) {
var connected = false;
var jsoncommand = true;
//first data sent MUST BE json formatted string in this format
var thisnick = "";
var thistable = "";
// get client ip = socket.remoteAddress;
//write something on each connect
socket.write("You are connecting from " + + "\n");
socket.write( + " joined chat\n");
//handle data streams
socket.on('data', function (data) {
if (jsoncommand) {
//JSON.parse the first data stream
var some = JSON.parse(data);
//assign a based on nick and table
allSockets.addSocket(socket, some.table, some.nick);
socket.write(some.nick + " joined " + some.table + "\n");
thisnick = some.nick;
thistable = some.table;
connected = true;
//no longer waiting for first stream as JSON
jsoncommand = false;
} else if (connected) {
//write whatever data it recieves (function is below)
broadcast(data, thistable);
} else {
socket.write("You are not connected to any table");
connected = false;
jsoncommand = true;
thisnick = "";
thistable = "";
// remove the socket from allSockets but broadcast
//only to other users on the same table
socket.on('end', function () {
allSockets.removeSocket(thisnick, thistable);
broadcast(thisnick + " has left table " + thistable, thistable);
//this function should select from the allSockets object,
//only those, whose property matches "table"
//and write to those sockets only, when called
function broadcast(message, table) {
allSockets.sockets.forEach(function(socket) {
if (socket.hasOwnProperty(table)) {
console.log("running at port 8000\n");
Just deploy this on your machine and connect with nc to port 8000
and be sure that the first thing you send it is something like
you will see a message that your nick joined your table.
now if you send it something else, based on the fact that it stored your table name,
it should echo whatever you send it, to you and to other connections with different
nicks but on the same table, but the server dies, throwing an error that the allSockets
object, does not have a "for" or "forEach" method or indexOf, or any other.
SO, how do I correct this?
If my nick is "john" and I joined "my_table", and also "mary", "lisa" and "ana" joine the same "my_table", assuming I don't know their nicks, but I do know they are on "my_table",
HOW do I select from the allSockets object, those sockets that contain "my_table".
I tried hasOwnProperty, but that returns boolean, which only tells me that there are sockets with that property, but how do I put them in a for, or foreach loop in order to write to them.
I know it may be a silly question, or maybe im not even aproaching this correctly, but im a node.js beginner, so any advice is greatly apreaciated.
By the way I put this together from examples across the web.
As for the JSON string, its the first thing being sentby a desktop app on connection. Anyways I chose it for testing purposes so don't bother with it.
I suppose error about forEach happens here:
allSockets.sockets.forEach(function(socket) {
While allSockets.sockets is not Array, but it is object (key > value model, like hash table).
So to loop through each socket in it, you should change loop to:
for(var key in allSockets.sockets) {
var socket = allSockets.sockets[key];
// your logic here

nodejs net.createServer large amount of data coming in

I have nodejs listening on tcp port and gets content from Flash XMLSocket. If I try to push a lot of data in one message from flash (XMLSocket.send(long_message)) I always end up with event stream.on("data", function(d) { fired while I want it to happen when entire message is transferred.
Flash's XMLSocket transfers data as UTF8 encoded string terminated with null byte.
How can I control my message consistency?
I've found similar question here. But there is no clear answer. I know the end of my message should be null byte, but could you please give me an example on how to store incomplete message and avoid overlapping with next/concurrent message
After maerics's answer I've done something like
var server = net.createServer(function(stream) {
var dataBlock = "";
stream.on("data", function(d) {
function processChunk(data) {
var chunks = data.split("\0");
while (chunks.length > 1) {
if (dataBlock.length > 0) {
dataBlock += chunks.shift();
dataBlock = "";
else {
dataBlock += chunks.shift();
Here's what I would do (tested):
var net = require('net');
var server = net.createServer(function (conn) {
var msg = ''; // Current message, per connection.
conn.on('message', function (m) {
console.log('MESSAGE: ' + m);
conn.on('data', function (data) {
msg += data.toString('utf8');
if (msg.charCodeAt(msg.length - 1) == 0) {
conn.emit('message', msg.substring(0, msg.length - 1));
msg = '';
Note that it is possible that multiple null separated messages could be encoded in a single data chunk, so you should expand this example to separate the data by null characters and process each one separately. Also, you might want to process the final, potentially incomplete message on the connection 'end' event.
