Jenkins Groovy Postbuild use static file instead of script - groovy

Is it possible to load an external groovy script into the groovy post build plugin instead of pasting the script content into each job? We have approximately 200 jobs so updating them all is rather time consuming. I know that I could write a script to update the config files directly (as in this post: Add Jenkins Groovy Postbuild step to all jobs), but these jobs run 24x7 so finding a window when I can restart Jenkins or reload the config is problematic.

Just put the following in the "Groovy script:" field:
evaluate(new File("... groovy script file name ..."));
Also, you might want to go even further.
What if script name or path changes?
Using Template plugin you can create a single "template" job, define call to groovy script (above line) in there, and in all jobs that need it add post-build action called "Use publishers from another project" referencing this template project.

Update: This is what really solved it for me:
"I am able to do just that by doing the following. Enter these lines in lieu of the script in the "Groovy script" box:"
// Delegate to an external script
// The filename must match the class name
import JenkinsPostBuild
def postBuild = new JenkinsPostBuild(manager)
"Then in the "Additional groovy classpath" box enter the path to that file."

We do it in the following fashion.
We have a file c:\somepath\MyScriptLibClass.groovy (accessible for Jenkins) which contains code of a groovy class MyScriptLibClass. The class contains a number of functions designed to act like static methods (to be mixed in later).
We include this functions writing the following statement in the beginning of sytem groovy and postbuild groovy steps:
[ // include lib scripts
].each{ this.metaClass.mixin(new GroovyScriptEngine('c:\\somepath').loadScriptByName(it+'.groovy')) }
This could look a bit ugly but you need to write it only once for script. You could include more than one script and also use inheritance between library classes.
Here you see that all methods from the library class are mixed in the current script. So if your class looks like:
class MyScriptLibClass {
def setBuildName( String str ){
binding?.variables['manager'].build.displayName = str
in Groovy Postbuild you could write just:
[ // include lib scripts
].each{ this.metaClass.mixin(new GroovyScriptEngine('c:\\somepath').loadScriptByName(it+'.groovy')) }
setBuildName( 'My Greatest Build' )
and it will change your current build's name.
There are also other ways to load external groovy classes and it is not necessary to use mixing in. For instance you can take a look here Compiling and using Groovy classes from Java at runtime?

How did I solve this:
Create file $JENKINS_HOME/scripts/PostbuildActions.groovy with following content:
public class PostbuildActions {
void setBuildName(Object manager, String str ){
binding?.variables['manager'].build.displayName = str
In this case in Groovy Postbuild you could write:
File script = new File("${manager.envVars['JENKINS_HOME']}/scripts/PostbuildActions.groovy")
Object actions = new GroovyClassLoader(getClass().getClassLoader()).parseClass(script).newInstance();
actions.setBuildName(manager, 'My Greatest Build');

If you wish to have the Groovy script in your Code Repository, and loaded onto the Build / Test Slave in the workspace, then you need to be aware that Groovy Postbuild runs on the Master.
For us, the master is a Unix Server, while the Build/Test Slaves are Windows PCs on the local network. As a result, prior to using the script, we must open a channel from the master to the Slave, and use a FilePath to the file.
The following worked for us:
// Get an Instance of the Build object, and from there
// the channel from the Master to the Workspace
build = Thread.currentThread().executable
channel =;
// Open a FilePath to the script
fp = new FilePath(channel, build.workspace.toString() + "<relative path to the script in Unix notation>")
// Some have suggested that the "Not NULL" check is redundant
// I've kept it for completeness
if(fp != null)
// 'Evaluate' requires a string, so read the file contents to a String
script = fp.readToString();
// Execute the script

I've just faced with the same task and tried to use #Blaskovicz approach.
Unfortunately it does not work for me, but I find upgraded code here (Zach Auclair)
Publish here with minor changes:
postbuild task
import hudson.model.*
import groovy.lang.GroovyClassLoader;
import groovy.lang.GroovyObject;
// define git file
def postBuildFile =["WORKSPACE"] + "/Jenkins/SimpleTaskPostBuildReporter.GROOVY"
def file = new File(postBuildFile)
// load custom class from file
Class groovy = this.class.classLoader.parseClass(file);
// create custom object
GroovyObject groovyObj = (GroovyObject) groovy.newInstance(manager);
// do report;
postbuild class file in git repo (SimpleTaskPostBuildReporter.GROOVY)
class SimpleTaskPostBuildReporter {
def manager
public SimpleTaskPostBuildReporter(Object manager){
if(manager == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("Manager object can't be null")
this.manager = manager
public def report() {
// do work with manager object

I haven't tried this exactly.
You could try the Jenkins Job DSL plugin which allows you to rebuild jobs from within jenkins using a Groovy DSL and supports post build groovy steps directly from the wiki
Groovy Postbuild
Executes Groovy scripts after a build.
groovyPostBuild(String script, Behavior behavior = Behavior.DoNothing)
script The Groovy script to execute after the build. See the plugin's
page for details on what can be done. behavior optional. If the script
fails, allows you to set mark the build as failed, unstable, or do
nothing. The behavior argument uses an enum, which currently has three
values: DoNothing, MarkUnstable, and MarkFailed.
This example will run a groovy script that prints hello, world and if
that fails, it won't affect the build's status:
groovyPostBuild('println "hello, world"') This example will run a
groovy script, and if that fails will mark the build as failed:
groovyPostBuild('// some groovy script', Behavior.MarkFailed) This example
will run a groovy script, and if that fails will mark the
build as unstable:
groovyPostBuild('// some groovy script', Behavior.MarkUnstable) (Since 1.19)
There is a facility to use a template job (this is the bit I haven't tried) which could be the job itself so you only need to add the post build step. If you don't use a template you need to recode the whole project.
My approach is to have a script to regenerate or create all jobs from scratch just so I don't have to apply the same upgrade multiple times. Regenerated jobs keep their build history

I was able to get the following to work (I also posted on this jira issue).
in my postbuild task
in my file on disk at /home/jenkins/GitlabPostbuildReporter.groovy
class GitlabPostbuildReporter {
def manager
public GitlabPostbuildReporter(manager){
if(manager == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("Manager object musn't be null")
this.manager = manager
public def report() {
// do work with manager object


How to share class object between groovy test steps?

I have an external groovy file containing all common functions required to automate my web service testing. I reference those common functions by creating an instance of the Class defined within the external file. Now I have a situation to create an instance of the Class in first groovy test step and to use the same instance in other groovy test steps within my test case.
import groovy.lang.Binding
import groovy.util.GroovyScriptEngine
def groovyUtils = new
// location of script file is relative to SOAPUI project file.
String scriptPath = groovyUtils.projectPath + "\\Scripts\\"
// Create Groovy Script Engine to run the script.
GroovyScriptEngine gse = new GroovyScriptEngine(scriptPath)
// Load the Groovy Script file
externalScript = gse.loadScriptByName("CustomerQuotes.groovy")
def cq = externalScript.newInstance(context: context, log: log, testRunner: testRunner)
How do I achieve this? I need the reference of cq object in other groovy test steps to call the remaining common functions available within my external grooy file? Please help.
As per your question, the mentioned groovy script test step is placed in an arbitrary test case though it is not a natural fit.
The natural fit for the above script is to use Load Script which is at project level.
In the script, which is mentioned in the question, change below statements
def groovyUtils = new
// location of script file is relative to SOAPUI project file.
String scriptPath = groovyUtils.projectPath + "\\Scripts\\"
def projectPath = new File(project.path).parent.toString()
String scriptPath = "${projectPath}/Scripts"
And keep the rest of the script same.
Place the script (after the above change) at Project level's Load Script.
Remove the groovy script test step from wherever it is because of the above mentioned reason.
At the end of the script, add the below statement. Basically using the groovy's Meta Programming feature to store the object for sharing.
project.metaClass.myObject = cq
Next step: How to re-use the object (which is the main question)?
Since, your object cq is added to project object, the same can be accessed in any of the groovy script test steps (at any suite or case) using below statement:
def cq = context.testCase.testSuite.project.myObject
//Now call the other methods using cq.method(arguments)
EDIT: It appears that the above solution works for simple/Primitive data types.
However, you have a class instance. For that some more changes are required.
Here is your complete Project level Load Script (includes your code snippet)
def projectPath = new File(project.path).parent.toString()
String scriptPath = "${projectPath}/Scripts"
GroovyScriptEngine gse = new GroovyScriptEngine(scriptPath)
def externalScript = gse.loadScriptByName("CustomerQuotes.groovy")
project.metaClass.myObject {
externalScript.newInstance(context: it, log: log, testRunner: it.testRunner)
And the script for Groovy Script test step in different test cases is as follows i.e., just calling the methods of your CustomerQuotes.groovy class.
def obj = context.testCase.testSuite.project.myObject(context)
Assuming that there is a method in the groovy file called run. Of course, you can use your own method.
There is another alternative approach too. You need to compile the groovy classes, create jar, copy it under SOAPUI_HOME/bin/ext directory. Of course, soapui tool needs to be restarted after that.
Now you can create instance and make the desired call to the methods as needed in any of the groovy script test steps.

Creating script library in SoapUI free version

I am new in SoapUI and groovy scripting
I would like to create a repository of groovy scripts that can be reused at various test steps
I am using SoapUI Free version and following is the structure of my SoapUI Project
| |-TestCase
| |-TestSteps
| |-LocalScript (Groovy TestStep to reuse library scripts)
| |-OtherTestStep (Run TestCase TestStep)
|-GroovyScriptStep1 (Contain a class for commonly used functions)
|-GroovyScriptStep2 (Contain another class for other functions)
Here is what I was able to do:
I was able to create a library using the sample mentioned in this post. Similar to example in the post, my code in test step (GroovyScriptStep1 as per above structure) of library was just reading some value from external file and is used in test step of other TestSuite (LocalScript step in above structure).
Here is the problem:
Now I want to create a new class and add a function to it which will need info from running class and simply print it. The difference here is that some values are generated in the test run and should be passed to library script inorder to process/print etc.
To make my question more clear following is the code snippet
I will be using a simple scenario here
Sample objective: Want to be able to print all the assertions and status (since this will be used in all the test cases I want to create a library)
Code for same when not using library will be as under(this can go as groovy script step)
def obj = context.testCase.getTestStepByName("Request 1");
def assertions = obj.getAssertionList()
//Loop on assertions
assertions.each{ + ' --> ' + it.status)
Code something similar in Library TestSuite's Test case step
context.setProperty("Assertions", new Assertions());
class Assertions{
def printAssertion(def someArgumentToGetAssertionlistforTestStepinAnotherTestSuite){
def obj = ????
def assertions = obj.getAssertionList()
//Loop on assertions
assertions.each{ + ' --> ' + it.status)
Code from where I want to call this method (LocalScript as per above project structure)
scripts = testRunner.testCase.testSuite.project.testSuites["ScriptLibrary"];
scripts.testCases["Scripts"].testSteps["Assertions"].run(testRunner, context);
This is just one example, I want to create libraries of some more common scripts that use context variable when used locally
Kindly help me with this and please let me know if some more information/clarification is required
What I get from your questions is that you want to create a code library in SoapUI that can be reused.
I think the best way is by creating jar files and deploying it in ext folder of SoapUI
Create a new groovy script file with a class (follows java standards in file naming i.e. class name and file name should be same)
Compile the groovy code file
Create the jar file
Deploy the jar file at SoapUI_Home/bin/ext folder
Restart the SoapUI if was already open
Create the object of class and use the methods anywhere in the SoapUI projects
Note: If you are migrating your project to some other machine, make sure to migrate these libraries as well if you are using them in projects
Details with example:
Step 1: Create a new groovy script file with a class structure
i. Considering the class ScriptLibrary that contain a method named printTestDetails as in following code in it:
class ScriptLibrary {
def context
def testRunner
def log
def printTestDetails(def PrintThisToo) { 'Name of the test case is :' 'Name of the test suite is : ' PrintThisToo
ii. Save the file with class name, ScriptLibrary.groovy in this case
Step 2: Compile the code
i. Open command prompt and fire following command (from the folder where where your .groovy file is kept)
Compile the code:
groovyc -d classes ScriptLibrary.groovy
Step 3: Create the jar file
i. After compiling the code we can create the jar
Create jar file:
jar cvf ScriptLibrary.jar -C classes .
Step 4: Deploy the jar file at SoapUI_Home/bin/ext folder
Step 5: Restart the SoapUI if was already open
Step 6: Create the object of class and use the methods anywhere in the SoapUI projects
i. Creating object
def scripts = new ScriptLibrary(context:context, log:log, testRunner:testRunner)
ii. Calling methods
scripts.printTestDetails(“This is my argument”)
I hope this solves your problem over all, this approach will allow you to freely use the code any where in the SoapUI and most importantly will solve your problem for getting context, log and testrunner in external code
You can also use any IDE of your choice to create code library and work on same to compile and create jar as well.
Let me know if you have any doubts or need more clarification
While I like Samarth's Answer for large projects, there is something about not having to leave SoapUI that makes TestHat's Answer very interesting.
This is what I used in my latest project:
A Testsuite ScriptLibrary with Testcases according to areas and Groovy script steps for every function.
I run these functions with testRunner.testCase.testSuite.project.testSuites["ScriptLibrary"].testCases["Demo"].testSteps["SomeFunction"].run(testRunner, context);, which then mutates the context to include the needed functions.
In order to use the correct log and testRunner instances, I pass those via parameters. e.g. context.someFunction(log, testRunner);
Because normal functions can't be assigned to the context, I either use closures or classes.
For classes I use something like
class SomeClass {
def logger;
def runner;
SomeClass(logger, runner) {
this.runner = runner;
this.logger = logger;
public static SomeClass with(logger, runner) {
return new SomeClass(logger, runner);
public void someFunction(String a) {
// This prints to the log of the caller function and not this one a;
context.SomeClass = SomeClass;
and then call it with
testRunner.testCase.testSuite.project.testSuites["ScriptLibrary"].testCases["Demo"].testSteps["SomeClass"].run(testRunner, context);
context.SomeClass.with(log, testRunner).someFunction(
"Hello World"
This is mainly done because you can't easily create a new instance from the context.SomeClass variable.
While the context is persisted inside a Testcase, it gets cleared when using a "Run Testcase" teststep, which freqently use.
Maybe this was some help to somebody in the future.
This should do it
context.setProperty("Assertions", new Assertions());
class Assertions{
def printAssertion( tStep){
def assertions = tStep.getAssertionList()
//Loop on assertions
assertions.each{ + ' --> ' + it.status)
and call it like this
On the project level, you can write "Load Script" and you can save your utility class instance in the project level context:
context.setProperty("ScriptLibrary", new ScriptLibrary())
and in your test suit (eg. in "Setup Script") you can get it:
or in your test case:
or in your Groovy test step:
For Assertion :
Put this script in Repository
context.setProperty("Assertions", new Assertions());
class Assertions{
def printAssertion(tStep){
def assertions = tStep.getAssertionList()
//Loop on assertions
Use this Script in SoapUI:
scripts = testRunner.testCase.testSuite.project.testSuites["ScriptLibrary"];
scripts.testCases["Demo"].testSteps["TestAssertion"].run(testRunner, context);
context.Assertions.printAssertion(TestStep).each{ + ' --> ' + it.status)
return null

Jenkins Script to Restrict all builds to a given node

We've recently added a second slave node to our Jenkins build environment running a different OS (Linux instead of Windows) for specific builds. Unsurprisingly, this means we need to restrict builds via the "Restrict where this project can be run" setting. However we have a lot of builds (100+) so the prospect of clicking through them all to change this setting manually isn't thrilling me.
Can someone provide a groovy script to achieve this via the Jenkins script console? I've used similar scripts in the past for changing other settings but I can't find any reference for this particular setting.
Managed to figure out the script for myself based on previous scripts and the Jenkins source. Script is as follows:
import hudson.model.*
import hudson.model.labels.*
import hudson.maven.*
import hudson.tasks.*
import hudson.plugins.git.*
hudsonInstance = hudson.model.Hudson.instance
allItems = hudsonInstance.allItems
buildableItems = allItems.findAll{ job -> job instanceof BuildableItemWithBuildWrappers }
buildableItems.each { item ->
boolean shouldSave = false
item.allJobs.each { job ->
job.assignedLabel = new LabelAtom('windows-x86')
Replace 'windows-x86' with whatever your node label needs to be. You could also do conditional changes based on to filter out some jobs, if necessary.
You could try the Jenkins Job-DSL plugin
which would allow you to create a job to alter your other jobs. This works by providing a build step in a groovy based DSL to modify other jobs.
This one here would add a label to the job 'xxxx'. I've cheated a bit by using the job itself as a template.
using 'xxxx'
name 'xxxx'
label 'Linux'
You might need to adjust it if some of you jobs are different types

Calling groovy script from other groovy script

I want to call a groovy script from the other groovy script... anybody can help me in this ASAP..
example :
Class A having some code and it should call from B
class A{
static main(args){
println "Hello.. calling A Class"
I want to create a new class like B.groovy
class B{
static main(args){
// I need code for this to call A.groovy
Putting the following at the top of your script will load the contents of a groovy file.
evaluate(new File("/path/to/script/MyScript.groovy"))
You could also add this to the groovy classpath if you need to do something like this often. Hope this helps.
additionally if you need to run other scripts from your script you could do the following...
def script = new GroovyShell();
def args = ['Hello World']; File("/path/to/script/MyScript.groovy"), args as String[]);
Too late for the party (any beer for me?) but here I´ll show you 2 more flavors:
1) Remember the concept of Java´s CLASSPATH? That aplies to Groovy (because Groovy is Java!):
"The CLASSPATH variable is one way to tell applications, including the JDK tools, where to look for user classes.”
In order to run the script B.groovy you have to inform the location of the A.groovy (A class):
groovy –cp c:\groovy\yourscripts c:\groovy\scripts\B.groovy
The command above is telling the runtime to look in the c:\groovy\yourscripts folder because there is where we have our classes and we need them to run the B.groovy script successfully.
2) Use the GroovyClassLoader to load your scripts at runtime and using the code!
Both ways solve your needs. Now the next question is when to use each?

How to define a global class in SoapUI as a groovy script?

I want to define a class in a groovy script that i could reuse trough other groovy script inside SoapUI.
I alredy tried to define my class inside a TestSuite property but it doesn't work. I would like to avoid defining the class in a JAR because we work in team and every one would have to import the JAR in their SoapUI in order to run my tests. I use SoapUI 3.6.1
Here's how my TestSuite is made :
Init (Groovy Script)
GetResponse1 (Test Request)
Test1 (Groovy Script)
GetResponse2 (Test Request)
Test2 (Groovy Script)
To simplify me tests, i defined a class in 'Test1' and i would like to reuse this class in 'Test2'. So ideally i would define that class in 'Init' and it would be accessible to any other groovy script.
How can i achieve that?
Based on #Abhey Rathore's link, here is how to define a global class in SoapUI's groovy script:
Step 1: Declare the global class
Create a project called MyRepository
Under this project create a disabled TestSuite called lib
Under this test suite create a TestCase called MyClass
Under this test case create a groovy script called class
Your project tree should look like the image below:
Step 2: Write the global class code
Inside the groovy script called class, copy and and paste the code below:
class MyClass {
// The three following fields are MANDATORY
def log
def context
def testRunner
// The constructor below is MANDATORY
def MyClass(logIn, contextIn, testRunnerIn) {
this.log = logIn
this.context = contextIn
this.testRunner = testRunnerIn
def myMethod() { 'Hello World!'
// Other scripts elsewhere in SoapUI will access the reused class through their context
context.setProperty( "MyClass", new MyClass(log, context, testRunner) )
Step 3: Import the global class
From any project, you can import the global class by using the following snippet:
// Import the class
def currentProject = testRunner.testCase.testSuite.project
.run(testRunner, context)
// Now use it
SoapUI 5.2.1
try this, I think will help you in reusable code.
I am pretty sure that you will have to create a JAR file and put it in \bin\ext.
SoapUI will automatically pick it up on restart (you should see it mentioned in the startup stuff).
You basically just create a Java or Groovy project, Export it (with Eclipse) and it will work. SoapUI will probably have your dependencies covered, but if not you can add those JARs too (safer than creating a runnable JAR since SoapUI might use different versions of what you use).
If you need help, post related questions.
In SoapUI 5.3.0 you can use properties that can be set and get on the context variable. That variable is available in script assertion snippet.
For example:
context.setProperty("prop", "value");
And from different test script you can get the value by:
You can use the property from when you define property as a step of test suite or as a value for field in header. You can do it by ${=context.getProperty("prop");}
Write this into your Project's load script, then reload your project or just run it. project.context.expand('${projectDir}') )
After it has run, you can now put .groovy files into the same folder as your soapui project xml. Plus, there is no need to compile anything.
e.g. in MyClass.groovy:
class MyClass {String name}
You can import those classes as normal in all your other scripts:
import MyClass
assert new MyClass(name:"me") instanceof MyClass
The only caveat is that your load script (the one setting the classpath), cannot have those imports, because the script will fail to compile. If you want to import something during your project load script, just have your load script 'evaluate' another groovy script (in other words, run it), in which you can use the imports:
evaluate (new File (project.context.expand('${projectDir}') + 'myProjectLoadScript.groovy'))
//in myProjectLoadScript.groovy:
import MyClass
/* Do things using MyClass... */
This seems the easiest way to me, so I'm not sure why I couldn't find this answer elsewhere online.
