Windows git client over ssh for local repository? - linux

I have a set-up where I have a remote git server, a local git/development machine running Linux, and a Windows development machine.
I generally use putty from windows to log into my local linux development machine, which is where my local git repository resides, as well as where I do my compiling, etc.
I'd like to use a (gui) git client on my windows development machine to manage this git repo, particularly for visualizing branches, etc, since my linux machine is mostly headless.
It it possible to control it using a windows git client via SSH, so that I can use windows to manage my local git repository on my linux dev machine? I don't want to have a repo on both my windows and linux dev machines, and I don't want to go through a two-stage push process.
My other option I suppose is to add my linux machine as a network drive under windows and connect that way, but it's awfully slow.
(And if anyone has any recommendations for which windows client is good and can do this, please let me know. I'd like to use SourceTree, but I don't think it's capable of this)


VSCode execute node script on remote linux or windows machine

Using VSCode, is it possible to execute a node.js script on a remote linux or windows system without setting up a full Visual Studio Code Remote Development Environment?
Assume the following:
VSCode installed on client (Windows)
remote system is a virtual machine running on the client. It has access to the project folder (including the script to be executed and the node modules) on the client. Node is installed on the remote system.
Actually I just need something like a launch configuration which executes an SSH command for linux, for windows maybe something else. With these assumptions (shared project folder between remote system and client), is that possible without setting up a full Visual Studio Code Remote Development Environment? I don't need remote editing or debugging.

Remote System Development Eclipse - Build, Debug and Run from remote Linux machine

I have the following:
1) Windows machine with Eclipse CDT (Currently Luna v4.4.1)
2) A Linux machine that has the repository with code and the Linux GCC, make etc..
I want to connect to the Linux via Remote System Explorer in Eclipse, edit, build, debug and run all from the Windows machine in Eclipse.
I have been successful in setting up the SSH connection and in the project explorer, I can access the remote repository and edit the code.
The issue I am having is building, debugging and running it.
How can I let eclipse know I want to compile it remotely? The Project -> Build functionality is blocked out when attempting for the remote repository. It only allows it for local repo's. But I already have an SSH connection.. Is there not a way for it to know that I want to use the remote GCC too?
Also, for debugging, in the Debug configuration it seems to want a local version of the build, even though I selected remote debugging.
Sorry I don't have any error logging to report as i'm just struggling on the first bit of how I go about doing the remote build in the IDE.
Maybe this is not possible?

How to connect to git repository in a remote Linux machine using Visual Studio 2017?

I have a git repository installed in a remote Linux server, but would like to work on it and sync my changes to the git repository using Visual Studio Community Edition 2017.
Apologies if this is a repeat question; am new to this and have looked at the existing answers on SO but don't seem to have found a direct answer for this.
I have managed to use Team Explorer to connect directly to github, but would prefer to connect to the git repository on the Linux server instead.
Thank you.
Let's say you have a user on the linux machine, with a projects subfolder in your home directory, and under that you have a git project in a folder called myproject.
You should be able to run git clone username#server:projects/myproject at any remote terminal (including windows with git installed), assuming you have an ssh server enabled on the linux server above (you may have to install openssh-server first).

Linking my own Git server with my Windows Eclipse IDE

I'm trying since two days to set up a private Git and link it with my Eclipse IDE.
First of all, I have a Raspberry running Rasbian as a server. SSH is working with SSH keys.
I created a new user to store my Git projects on. Git is installed too.
My dev computer is running Windows 10 and Eclipse Neon.1 with the Git plugin installed on. I have MSysGit installed too.
And here I can't link anything to make it working well together.
First, I didn't find how can I tell to EGit to use a SSH key. So I wanted to use the Git GUi provided by MSysGit but I don't know how to link it with my server.
I'm not here to ask you to setting up for me or even tell me how to do it step by step, I'm just looking for a detailled tutorial or video which can helps me with it. Most of tutorial I rode use Linux as dev OS, or link Eclipse directly on GitHub so I didn't find a situation like mine.
First you need git setting done in eclipse that provide GUI for git commands.
Then to link local server, add you local git server URL to your project remote URL. and it should be able to pull & push commit to your server.
This tutorial should be enough for all you need.

Connect local git repos on windows and raspberry pi

I have a windows machine and a raspberry pi, each with a git repo.
I was able to set it up so I can pull from the pi to windows with the following command:
git remote add pi#
This should be stable since the pi is set to a static local IP. I'd like help with an equivalent command to run on the pi so I can pull from the windows machine to the pi given that the windows machine is not set to a static ip (maybe using the machine name?). I'm still learning the ropes when it comes to windows/linux interaction and nothing I googled seemed to turn up what I was looking for.
I don't want to put the code up on github, so please don't suggest that.
And I want to be able to develop on either machine so that means neither repo can be setup as bare. I appreciate any help!
You could install an ssh server on the Windows machine, or a Git repository service.
But it's not a normal use of Git to have repositories pushing to each other. Don't do it.
The normal use is to designate one central location that all remote repositories push to and pull from.
That central location could be your raspberry pi.
However, the repository to push to should be a so-called bare repository.
I'm guessing that the location /home/pi/code is a working tree, not a bare repository. I suggest to create a bare repository on the raspberry pi, to be used by both the workspace on raspberry pi, and the workspace in windows. Here's one way to do it.
Create a bare repository in /home/pi/repos/code.git (or wherever you like) by cloning from /home/pi/code:
git clone --bare /home/pi/code /home/pi/repos/code.git
Add this bare repository as the remote in both the working tree on raspberry by and on windows using the git remote command.
