SmoothStreaming issues on Chromecast - google-cast

I'm trying to load a smoothstreaming media into the chromecast. For that I've used the samples provided by google:
<video id='vid' />
<script type="text/javascript"
<script type="text/javascript"
<script type="text/javascript">
window.onload = function() {
// If you set ?Debug=true in the URL, such as a different App ID in the
// developer console, include debugging information.
var mediaElement = document.getElementById('vid');
// Create the media manager. This will handle all media messages by default.
window.mediaManager = new cast.receiver.MediaManager(mediaElement);
// Remember the default value for the Receiver onLoad, so this sample can Play
// non-adaptive media as well.
window.defaultOnLoad = mediaManager.onLoad;
mediaManager.onLoad = function (event) {
protocol = cast.player.api.CreateDashStreamingProtocol(host);
} else if (url.indexOf('.ism/') >= 0) {
// Smooth Streaming
protocol = cast.player.api.CreateSmoothStreamingProtocol(host);
// How to override a method in Host. I know that it's safe to just provide this
// method.
host.onError = function(errorCode) {
console.log("Fatal Error - "+errorCode);
// If you need cookies, then set withCredentials = true also set any header
// information you need. If you don't need them, there can be some unexpected
// effects by setting this value.
// host.updateSegmentRequestInfo = function(requestInfo) {
// requestInfo.withCredentials = true;
// };
console.log("we have protocol "+ext);
if (protocol !== null) {
console.log("Starting Media Player Library");
window.player = new cast.player.api.Player(host);
window.player.load(protocol, initStart);
mediaElement.autoplay = autoplay; // Make sure autoplay get's set
if (url.lastIndexOf('.m3u8') >= 0) {
// HTTP Live Streaming
protocol = cast.player.api.CreateHlsStreamingProtocol(host);
} else if (url.lastIndexOf('.mpd') >= 0) {
protocol = cast.player.api.CreateDashStreamingProtocol(host);
} else if (url.indexOf('.ism/') >= 0) {
// Smooth Streaming
protocol = cast.player.api.CreateSmoothStreamingProtocol(host);
// How to override a method in Host. I know that it's safe to just provide this
// method.
host.onError = function(errorCode) {
console.log("Fatal Error - "+errorCode);
// If you need cookies, then set withCredentials = true also set any header
// information you need. If you don't need them, there can be some unexpected
// effects by setting this value.
// host.updateSegmentRequestInfo = function(requestInfo) {
// requestInfo.withCredentials = true;
// };
console.log("we have protocol "+ext);
And on the sender:
* global variables
var currentMediaSession = null;
var currentVolume = 0.5;
var progressFlag = 1;
var mediaCurrentTime = 0;
var session = null;
var mediaURLs = [
var mediaTitles = [
'Big Buck Bunny',
'Elephant Dream',
'Tears of Steel',
'Reel 2012',
'Google I/O 2011 Audio'];
var mediaThumbs = [
var currentMediaURL = mediaURLs[0];
* Call initialization
if (!chrome.cast || !chrome.cast.isAvailable) {
setTimeout(initializeCastApi, 1000);
* initialization
function initializeCastApi() {
// default app ID to the default media receiver app
// optional: you may change it to your own app ID/receiver
var applicationID = '21176C05';
var sessionRequest = new chrome.cast.SessionRequest(applicationID);
var apiConfig = new chrome.cast.ApiConfig(sessionRequest,
chrome.cast.initialize(apiConfig, onInitSuccess, onError);
* initialization success callback
function onInitSuccess() {
appendMessage("init success");
* initialization error callback
function onError() {
* generic success callback
function onSuccess(message) {
* callback on success for stopping app
function onStopAppSuccess() {
console.log('Session stopped');
appendMessage('Session stopped');
document.getElementById("casticon").src = 'images/cast_icon_idle.png';
* session listener during initialization
function sessionListener(e) {
console.log('New session ID: ' + e.sessionId);
appendMessage('New session ID:' + e.sessionId);
session = e;
if ( != 0) {
'Found ' + + ' existing media sessions.');
onMediaDiscovered.bind(this, 'addMediaListener'));
* session update listener
function sessionUpdateListener(isAlive) {
var message = isAlive ? 'Session Updated' : 'Session Removed';
message += ': ' + session.sessionId;
if (!isAlive) {
session = null;
* receiver listener during initialization
function receiverListener(e) {
if( e === 'available' ) {
console.log("receiver found");
appendMessage("receiver found");
else {
console.log("receiver list empty");
appendMessage("receiver list empty");
* select a media URL
* #param {string} m An index for media URL
function selectMedia(m) {
console.log("media selected" + m);
appendMessage("media selected" + m);
currentMediaURL = mediaURLs[m];
var playpauseresume = document.getElementById("playpauseresume");
document.getElementById('thumb').src = mediaThumbs[m];
* launch app and request session
function launchApp() {
console.log("launching app...");
appendMessage("launching app...");
chrome.cast.requestSession(onRequestSessionSuccess, onLaunchError);
* callback on success for requestSession call
* #param {Object} e A non-null new session.
function onRequestSessionSuccess(e) {
console.log("session success: " + e.sessionId);
appendMessage("session success: " + e.sessionId);
session = e;
document.getElementById("casticon").src = 'images/cast_icon_active.png';
* callback on launch error
function onLaunchError() {
console.log("launch error");
appendMessage("launch error");
* stop app/session
function stopApp() {
session.stop(onStopAppSuccess, onError);
* load media
* #param {string} i An index for media
function loadMedia(i) {
if (!session) {
console.log("no session");
appendMessage("no session");
console.log("loading..." + currentMediaURL);
appendMessage("loading..." + currentMediaURL);
var mediaInfo = new;
mediaInfo.contentType = 'application/';
var request = new;
request.autoplay = false;
request.currentTime = 0;
var payload = {
"title:" : mediaTitles[i],
"thumb" : mediaThumbs[i]
var json = {
"payload" : payload
request.customData = json;
onMediaDiscovered.bind(this, 'loadMedia'),
* callback on success for loading media
* #param {Object} e A non-null media object
function onMediaDiscovered(how, mediaSession) {
console.log("new media session ID:" + mediaSession.mediaSessionId);
appendMessage("new media session ID:" + mediaSession.mediaSessionId + ' (' + how + ')');
currentMediaSession = mediaSession;
mediaCurrentTime = currentMediaSession.currentTime;
playpauseresume.innerHTML = 'Play';
document.getElementById("casticon").src = 'images/cast_icon_active.png';
* callback on media loading error
* #param {Object} e A non-null media object
function onMediaError(e) {
console.log("media error");
appendMessage("media error");
document.getElementById("casticon").src = 'images/cast_icon_warning.png';
* callback for media status event
* #param {Object} e A non-null media object
function onMediaStatusUpdate(isAlive) {
if( progressFlag ) {
document.getElementById("progress").value = parseInt(100 * currentMediaSession.currentTime /;
document.getElementById("playerstate").innerHTML = currentMediaSession.playerState;
* play media
function playMedia() {
if( !currentMediaSession )
var playpauseresume = document.getElementById("playpauseresume");
if( playpauseresume.innerHTML == 'Play' ) {,
mediaCommandSuccessCallback.bind(this,"playing started for " + currentMediaSession.sessionId),
playpauseresume.innerHTML = 'Pause';
appendMessage("play started");
else {
if( playpauseresume.innerHTML == 'Pause' ) {
mediaCommandSuccessCallback.bind(this,"paused " + currentMediaSession.sessionId),
playpauseresume.innerHTML = 'Resume';
else {
if( playpauseresume.innerHTML == 'Resume' ) {,
mediaCommandSuccessCallback.bind(this,"resumed " + currentMediaSession.sessionId),
playpauseresume.innerHTML = 'Pause';
* stop media
function stopMedia() {
if( !currentMediaSession )
mediaCommandSuccessCallback.bind(this,"stopped " + currentMediaSession.sessionId),
var playpauseresume = document.getElementById("playpauseresume");
playpauseresume.innerHTML = 'Play';
appendMessage("media stopped");
* set media volume
* #param {Number} level A number for volume level
* #param {Boolean} mute A true/false for mute/unmute
function setMediaVolume(level, mute) {
if( !currentMediaSession )
var volume = new chrome.cast.Volume();
volume.level = level;
currentVolume = volume.level;
volume.muted = mute;
var request = new;
request.volume = volume;
mediaCommandSuccessCallback.bind(this, 'media set-volume done'),
* mute media
* #param {DOM Object} cb A checkbox element
function muteMedia(cb) {
if( cb.checked == true ) {
document.getElementById('muteText').innerHTML = 'Unmute media';
setMediaVolume(currentVolume, true);
appendMessage("media muted");
else {
document.getElementById('muteText').innerHTML = 'Mute media';
setMediaVolume(currentVolume, false);
appendMessage("media unmuted");
* seek media position
* #param {Number} pos A number to indicate percent
function seekMedia(pos) {
console.log('Seeking ' + currentMediaSession.sessionId + ':' +
currentMediaSession.mediaSessionId + ' to ' + pos + "%");
progressFlag = 0;
var request = new;
request.currentTime = pos * / 100;,
onSeekSuccess.bind(this, 'media seek done'),
* callback on success for media commands
* #param {string} info A message string
* #param {Object} e A non-null media object
function onSeekSuccess(info) {
setTimeout(function(){progressFlag = 1},1500);
* callback on success for media commands
* #param {string} info A message string
* #param {Object} e A non-null media object
function mediaCommandSuccessCallback(info) {
* append message to debug message window
* #param {string} message A message string
function appendMessage(message) {
var dw = document.getElementById("debugmessage");
dw.innerHTML += '\n' + JSON.stringify(message);
I am trying media #1 which is .ism - I also tried with the /Manifest - but no luck.
In the debugging console I am getting:
[214.054s] [cast.player.api.Player] load -3
[214.060s] [] Opening Xhr [GET -1]
[214.065s] [] Will abort after 10000ms if incomplete, xhr2 false [GET -1]
[214.070s] [] Sending request [GET -1]
[214.088s] [] Request complete [GET 200]
[214.120s] [cast.player.api.Player] sourceopen
[214.142s] [cast.player.api.Player] play
[214.291s] [cast.receiver.MediaManager] Load metadata error
[214.296s] [cast.receiver.MediaManager] Resetting media element
[214.303s] [cast.receiver.MediaManager] Sending error message to 4:client-34217
[214.307s] [cast.receiver.IpcChannel] IPC message sent: {"namespace":"","senderId":"4:client-34217","data":"{\"requestId\":9217017,\"type\":\"LOAD_FAILED\"}"}
[214.171s] [cast.player.api.Player] error
Fatal Error - 1 index.html:61
[214.176s] [cast.player.api.Player] unload -3
Any idea???

Where did you find that URL? It's incomplete, the right one is, but it is unlikely to work. Other files have been posted at: Microsoft's SmoothStreaming samples files, that said, I don't believe that Microsoft is providing a CORS header that works for Chromecast.
We do provide some very simple media that you can host yourself. And we provide a very simple server, if you need that to host and provide a CORS header as well.


Issue with notification hub

I am new to azure notification hub. I tried from the documentation. But not able to do the name . Need some help on this .
Tried from the below link
How to register devices to Azure Notification Hub from server side(with NodeJS sdk) ?
Not sure about the params.
var azure = require('azure-sb');
var notificationHubService = azure.createNotificationHubService('<Hub Name>','<Connection String>');
var payload={
alert: 'Hello!'
notificationHubService.createRegistrationId(function(error, registrationId, response){
//RegistrationDescription registration = null;
//registration.RegistrationId = registrationId;
//registration.DeviceToken = req.body.token;
notificationHubService.apns.createOrUpdateNativeRegistration(registrationId, req.body.token, req.token.upn, function(error, response){
console.log('Inside : createOrUpdateNativeRegistration' + response);
notificationHubService.apns.send(null, payload, function(error){
// notification sent
console.log('Success: Inside the notification send call to Hub.');
console.log('Error in registering the device with Hub' + error);
console.log('Error in generating the registration Id' + error);
While creating registrationID which registration id i have to pass there. What is request.body.token and what is request.token.upn. I need it for apns
While creating registrationId , you dont have to pass any id. **createRegistrationId(callback)** takes callback as a parameter which creates a registration identifier.
As per the overall implemetation:
* Creates a registration identifier.
* #param {Function(error, response)} callback `error` will contain information
* if an error occurs; otherwise, `response`
* will contain information related to this operation.
NotificationHubService.prototype.createRegistrationId = function (callback) {
var webResource = + '/registrationids');
webResource.headers = {
'content-length': null,
'content-type': null
this._executeRequest(webResource, null, null, null, function (err, rsp) {
var registrationId = null;
if (!err) {
var parsedLocationParts = url.parse(rsp.headers.location).pathname.split('/');
registrationId = parsedLocationParts[parsedLocationParts.length - 1];
callback(err, registrationId, rsp);
Once you are done with RegistrationID Creation then you can call createOrUpdateRegistration(registration, optionsopt, callback) and here is the overall implementation for the same:
* Creates or updates a registration.
* #param {string} registration The registration to update.
* #param {object} [options] The request options or callback function. Additional properties will be passed as headers.
* #param {object} [options.etag] The etag.
* #param {Function(error, response)} callback `error` will contain information
* if an error occurs; otherwise, `response`
* will contain information related to this operation.
NotificationHubService.prototype.createOrUpdateRegistration = function (registration, optionsOrCallback, callback) {
var options;
azureutil.normalizeArgs(optionsOrCallback, callback, function (o, c) { options = o; callback = c; });
if (!registration || !registration.RegistrationId) {
throw new Error('Invalid registration');
var webResource = WebResource.put(this.hubName + '/registrations/' + registration.RegistrationId);
registration = _.clone(registration);
var registrationType = registration[Constants.ATOM_METADATA_MARKER]['ContentRootElement'];
delete registration[Constants.ATOM_METADATA_MARKER];
delete registration.ExpirationTime;
delete registration.ETag;
if (!registration.Expiry) {
delete registration.Expiry;
registration.BodyTemplate = '<![CDATA[' + registration.BodyTemplate + ']]>';
var registrationXml = registrationResult.serialize(registrationType, registration);
this._executeRequest(webResource, registrationXml, registrationResult, null, callback);
You can find the complete implementation of NotificationHubService.js here.
Hope it helps.

Send push notifications in nodejs using fcm node module

I want to send push notifications on a device I have device ID , how can I send notifications on that device.
I have used FCM to send the notifications to the users. I used Mongodb,Nodejs and fcm-push node module.
Please see the codes, Hope it will help you.
deviceModel.js :
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var Schema = require('mongoose').Schema;
var schema = new Schema({
userId: { type: Schema.Types.ObjectId },
userType: { type: String },
deviceType: { type: String, required: true, enum: ['apn', 'gcm'] },
deviceId: { type: String, required: true },
timestamp: { type: Date, default: }
module.exports = mongoose.model('Device', schema);
var pushModule = require('./push');
var DeviceModel = require('./DeviceModel');
var highland = require('highland');
var FCM = require('fcm-push');
var serverKey = config.get('fcmServerKey');
var fcm = new FCM(serverKey);
var _ = require('lodash');
* Handle fcm push results and updates/invalidates device ids.
* #param {String[]} deviceIds - array of device ids used in send.
* #param {Object} fcmResponse - fcm send response.
function handleFcmSendResult(deviceIds, fcmResponse) {
// fcm results
var results = fcmResponse.results;
// changes for deviceIds
var fcmUpdated = [];
var fcmDeleted = [];
// process results
for (var i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
var oldId = deviceIds[i];
var deviceResult = results[i];
var msgId = deviceResult.message_id;
var newId = deviceResult.registration_id;
if (_.isString(msgId) && _.isString(newId)) {
// If registration_id is set, replace the original ID with the new value
fcmUpdated.push({ oldId: oldId, newId: newId });
} else {
// Otherwise, get the value of error
var e = deviceResult.error;
if (e === 'Unavailable') {
winston.warn('Push: FCM: Feedback: device unavailable: %s.', oldId);
} else if (e === 'NotRegistered' || e === 'InvalidRegistration') {
// delete invalid devices
// apply changes, in bulk
var bulkOp = DeviceModel.collection.initializeUnorderedBulkOp();
if (fcmUpdated.length > 0) {
fcmUpdated.forEach(function (upd) {
bulkOp.find({ deviceId: upd.oldId }).update({ deviceId: upd.newId, timestamp: });
// those old ids that are updated, need not be deleted
fcmDeleted = _.difference(fcmDeleted,,'oldId')));
if (fcmDeleted.length > 0) {
bulkOp.find({ deviceId: { '$in': fcmDeleted } }).remove();
// run bulk op
* Dispatch FCM push to device ids.
* #param {String[]} deviceIds - array of apn device ids.
* #param {String} eventName - event name.
* #param {*} eventData - event data.
function sendFcm(deviceIds, eventName, eventData) {
// payload
var msgOpts = {
priority: 'high',
registration_ids: deviceIds,
data: _.set(eventData, 'eventName', eventName),
notification: eventData,
content_available: true,
mutable_content: true
.then(function (response) {
console.log("SENT :",response);
// handleFcmSendResult(deviceIds, JSON.parse(response));
.catch(function (err) {
winston.error('Push: FCM: Error sending push.', err);
* Sends push notifications to Device docs emitted from stream.
* #param {Stream.Readable} docStream - Stream of device docs.
* #param {String} eventName - event name.
* #param {*} eventData - event data.
function streamSend(docStream, eventName, eventData) {
// stream for fcm
var fcmStream = highland();
// batch device ids from sub stream and sent to gcm
fcmStream.batch(1000).each(function (fcmIds) {
sendFcm(fcmIds, eventName, eventData);
// split source to sub streams
highland(docStream).each(function (doc) {
}).done(function () {
// end sub streams when doc source is done
* Sends the event via push to all registered devices.
* #param {String} eventName - event name.
* #param {Object} eventData - event data. Can contain a "notification" object with: title, description and icon.
var pushToPublic = function (eventName, eventData) {
var str = DeviceModel.find().cursor();
streamSend(str, eventName, eventData);
* Sends the event via push to devices that are mapped to given user ids.
* #param {ObjectId[]} userIds - array of user ids.
* #param {String} eventName - event name.
* #param {Object} eventData - event data. Can contain a "notification" object with: title, description and icon.
var pushToUserIds = function (userIds, eventName, eventData) {
var str = DeviceModel.find({ userId: { '$in': userIds } }).cursor();
streamSend(str, eventName, eventData);
// Send notification test function
var sendNotification = function () {
var payload = {
"updatedAt": "2017-06-17T06:12:42.975Z",
"message": "this is notification message",
"typeId": "591452ecad4c6b71bed61089",
"userId": "5912d45f29945b6d649f287e",
"_id": "5913f90d08b4d213f1ded021",
"isRead": false,
"isPublic": true,
"type": "order",
"title_loc_key": "title_order_delivered",
"title_loc_args": ["OrderValue"],
"body_loc_key": "body_order_delivered",
"body_loc_args": ["reminderValue"],
// pushToPublic("testEvent", payload);
pushToUserIds(['59562201a544614d47845eef'], "testEvent", payload)
SENT:{ "multicast_id":1234567891234567890,
"message_id": "0:12345678912345678912345678912345678"
you can use nodejs package node-gcm
for more please check this link will you more and solve your problem .
node package1
node package2

AWS X-Ray w/ HAPI - No logs in Console

Trying out AWS new service X-RAY for my microservice deployment on Kubernetes on EC2. Here are the logs I am seeing:
root#internal-reporting-test-1680758663-3gweh:/usr/src/app# cat AWSXRay.log
2016-12-06 04:36:23.5840 +00:00 [INFO] UDP message sent: {"trace_id":"1-58464048-03fbcdf5c861f95fc5204ec6","id":"105107e6c9df4bfe","start_time":1480998983.553,"name":"localhost","http":{"request":{"method":"GET","user_agent":"curl/7.38.0","client_ip":"","url":"http://localhost"},"response":{"status":404,"content_length":0}},"service":{"version":"1.0.0"},"error":true,"end_time":1480998983.574}
2016-12-06 04:36:33.2560 +00:00 [INFO] UDP message sent: {"trace_id":"1-58464051-3e3799a566c0933093f51b7a","id":"94d4267609d2ba40","start_time":1480998993.205,"name":"localhost","http":{"request":{"method":"GET","user_agent":"curl/7.38.0","client_ip":"","url":"http://localhost"},"response":{"status":200,"content_length":0}},"service":{"version":"1.0.0"},"end_time":1480998993.252}
2016-12-06 04:36:35.5810 +00:00 [INFO] UDP message sent: {"trace_id":"1-58464054-5df1e9ec46ef2b26b2d29965","id":"113fd36cddb5de95","start_time":1480998995.552,"name":"localhost","http":{"request":{"method":"GET","user_agent":"curl/7.38.0","client_ip":"","url":"http://localhost"},"response":{"status":200,"content_length":0}},"service":{"version":"1.0.0"},"end_time":1480998995.579}
2016-12-06 04:36:41.3350 +00:00 [INFO] UDP message sent: {"trace_id":"1-58464059-0dfd2e274ca20499c6bce17f","id":"1dfac818142b2d28","start_time":1480999001.304,"name":"localhost","http":{"request":{"method":"GET","user_agent":"curl/7.38.0","client_ip":"","url":"http://localhost"},"response":{"status":200,"content_length":0}},"service":{"version":"1.0.0"},"end_time":1480999001.332}
Curl I am using:
# curl localhost/v1/internal/report/users
Supervisor Conf:
command=npm start
Mods to express middleware to use with hapi:
* Express_mw module.
* Exposes middleware functions to enable automated data capturing on a web service. To enable on a Node.js/Express application,
* use 'app.use(' before defining your routes. After your routes, before any extra error
* handling middleware, use 'app.use('.
* Use AWSXRay.getSegment() to access the current segment/subsegment.
* Otherwise, for manual mode, this appends the Segment object to the request object as req.segment.
* #module express_mw
var _ = require('underscore');
var CLSUtils = require('../utils').CLSUtils;
var MWUtils = require('./mw_utils');
var Local = require('../segments/attributes/local');
var Segment = require('../segments/segment');
var getCauseType = require('../utils').getCauseTypeFromHttpStatus;
var XRAY_HEADER = 'x-amzn-trace-id';
var NAME = process.env.XRAY_TRACING_NAME;
* Use 'app.use(' before defining your routes.
* Use AWSXRay.getSegment() to access the current segment/subsegment.
* Otherwise, for manual mode, this appends the Segment object to the request object as req.segment.
* #alias module:express_mw.openSegment
* #returns {function}
module.exports.openSegment = function openSegment() {
if (_.isUndefined(DEFAULT_NAME) && _.isUndefined(MWUtils.defaultName)) {
throw new Error('Default segment name must be set using "process.env.XRAY_TRACING_DEFAULT_NAME"' +
' or "setDefaultName()".');
return function open(request, next) {
* Get the true HTTP objects
req = request.raw.req;
res = request.raw.res;
var amznTraceHeader = processHeaders(req);
var segment = new Segment(resolveName(, amznTraceHeader.Root, amznTraceHeader.Parent);
resolveSampling(amznTraceHeader, segment, res);
segment.addAttribute('http', new Local(req));
res.on('finish', function () {
if (this.statusCode === 429)
else if (getCauseType(this.statusCode))
segment[getCauseType(this.statusCode)] = true;
if (CLSUtils.isCLSMode()) {
var ns = CLSUtils.getNamespace();
ns.bindEmitter(res); () {
if (next) { next(); }
} else {
req.segment = segment;
if (next) { next(); }
* After your routes, before any extra error handling middleware, use 'app.use('.
* #alias module:express_mw.closeSegment
* #returns {function}
module.exports.closeSegment = function closeSegment() {
return function close(request, next) {
req = request.raw.req;
res = request.raw.res;
var segment = CLSUtils.isCLSMode() ? CLSUtils.getSegment() : segment = req.segment;
if (segment && err) {
segment.counter = 0;
} else if (segment) {
if (next)
function processHeaders(req) {
var amznTraceHeader = {};
if (req && req.headers && req.headers[XRAY_HEADER]) {
_.each(req.headers[XRAY_HEADER].replace(/ /g,'').split(';'), function (header) {
var pair = header.split('=');
this[pair[0]] = pair[1];
}, amznTraceHeader);
return amznTraceHeader;
function resolveName(hostName) {
if (NAME)
return NAME;
var regex = new RegExp('(?:[0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}', 'g');
var hostIp = hostName.match(regex) || _.isEmpty(hostName);
return !hostIp ? hostName : (DEFAULT_NAME ? DEFAULT_NAME : MWUtils.defaultName);
function resolveSampling(amznTraceHeader, segment, res) {
var isSampled;
if (amznTraceHeader.Sampled === '1')
isSampled = true;
else if (amznTraceHeader.Sampled === '0')
isSampled = false;
isSampled = !_.isUndefined(isSampled) ? isSampled : MWUtils.shouldSample();
if (amznTraceHeader.Sampled === '?')
res.header[XRAY_HEADER] = 'Root=' + amznTraceHeader.Root + '; Sampled=' + (isSampled ? '1' : '0');
if (!isSampled)
segment.notTraced = true;
The changes are relatively simple while playing with this service. Just pretty much forcing the raw node HTTP objects to the middleware.
Logs are showing the UDP requests to the xray service are working as expected. Yet in the console I see no results.
Anyone have any ideas?

sending response in message passing on history search

I have been trying to send search history in the background page and send response back to front page. I am using message parsing .
I am unable to send response back after searching history.
var SECONDS_PER_WEEK = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 7;
function(request, sender, sendResponse) {
if(request === "getHistory"){
var value = getHistory();
console.log("Response" , value);
function getHistory(){
var current_time = new Date().getTime();
var timeToFetch = current_time - SECONDS_PER_WEEK;
'text' : '',
'startTime' : timeToFetch
return resp;
The problem lies here itself as on logging I get 'undefined' as response.
Can anyone direct me to the solution
Most of the Chrome.* API functions are asynchronous so try doing it something like this:
var SECONDS_PER_WEEK = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 7;
chrome.extension.onMessage.addListener(function(request, sender, sendResponse) {
if(request === "getHistory"){
return true;
function getHistory(sendResponse){
var current_time = new Date().getTime();
var timeToFetch = current_time - SECONDS_PER_WEEK;{
'text' : '',
'startTime' : timeToFetch
console.log("Response: " + resp);

Workflow of my module

I'm writing my first "serious" node.js module and I need some advices/best practices on a couple of things...
Please read comments in the code for the questions!
var Client = require('./index');
var client = Client.createClient();
client.on('data', function(data) {
client.on('ERROR', function(data) {
exports.Client = require('./Client');
exports.createClient = function(options) {
return new exports.Client(options);
* Question 1:
* I want to have an optional WebUI for this, how should it recieve the data?
* I figured via event-emitters is best(?)
* But where should it be placed (and how) so it can access the events from Client.js?
exports.createServer = function(options) {
Client.Handlers = require('./Handlers');
module.exports = Client;
function Client(options) {
// ...
this._callback_handlers['ERROR'] = Client.Handlers.error
* Question 2:
* Initialize connection to server
* Should it be something like this instead:
* this._socket = this.Connect(options); ?
* How do I achieve this?
* And at the same time keeping the buffer-variable local to the Connect function?
Client.prototype.Connect = function() {
var self = this;
var buffer = '';
this._socket = net.connect({
port: self.options.port
}, function() {
.on('data', function(chunk) {
var offset, part;
buffer += chunk;
* Question 3:
* Buffer up and parse only whole rows
* This is a OK way to do it, right?
* Should I listen for the event "data"
* instead of calling self.parse_response() like a normal function?
while((offset = buffer.indexOf("\n")) > -1) {
part = buffer.substr(0, offset);
buffer = buffer.substr(offset + 1);
if(part) {
self.emit('data', part);
Client.prototype.parse_response = function(data) {
// ...
* Question 4:
* Send callbacks
* _callback_handlers is an array containing callbacks functions
* (see top of Client.js: this._callback_handlers['ERROR'] = Client.Handlers.error)
* I would perfer to use something like this instead:
* this.emit(data[0], data[1]);
* But how do I make Handlers.js listen to these events?
* since "Client" dosent exist there
* The reason I have handlers.js in the first place
* is to give the code a better structure
if(this._callback_handlers[data[0]]) {
this._callback_handlers[data[0]].apply(this, data[1]);
exports.error = function(a) {
this.emit('ERROR', a);
