Unknown clients upon running knife client list - knife

I have been using chef automation for a while. My setup has an open source chef server installed on ubuntu12.04 and 2 virtual machines with centos6.5 and ubuntu12.04 as nodes.
But when I run knife client list from my workstation it gives me the result as
ubuntu and dhcppc5 are 2 valid nodes.
On deleting the bogus nodes by "knife client delete"
I get error as:
What are these unknown clients and how to resolve the issue?

What version of chef server?
If 11 do the clients show up in the web interface?
what happens if you create one with the same name?


Node Can't connect to vagrant box

I am not sure if this is the correct place to ask my question, but really I am out of ideas, and my clock is ticking.
In short, I got a new machine that I need to make development ready.
This project is based on rather old program versions, that is a task to update.
In short I have set up the Vagrant (1.8.1) in VirtualBox (5.0.14). Chef (0.10.0) created all dependencies successfully and I can SSH to machine and see all is fine, all services are running as set in VagrantFile.
Vagrant box is latest ubunty/trystu64. My host machine is MacOs HighSierra(10.13.3).
Now, I open for example an mySQL editor (mySQL Workbench) and it connects to the Box, I can see DB and manipulate it.
My problem is with the NodeJS (I think). When I run my tests, it simply refuses to connect to the Box. More precisely, it attempts to connect to 3306 (mySQL) and it errors. While MySQL Workbench performs the same connection without problems.
It seems the port forwarding in Vegrant works fine, as mySQL workbench is being forwarded to a box. Nodejs is not being forwarded, or something.
Is it Node doing it? Something else that I need to allow?
I have tried many different things, I have lost count. And always the same issue.
Is there something that I can do to Node, so it behaves as mySQL Workbench? Any idea is appreciated.
This identical setup used to work before, but not now.

Moving TDWC from Linux to Windows server

We currently have TDWC (8.5.1) stood up on a Linux server.
(A very OLD Linux server that doesn't have much horsepower).
It's working fine, but slow. We need to upgrade it, and 9.2
is as high as we can go due to our Service Provider limitations.
Instead of upgrading it in place, I would like to install it on a
brand new Windows 2012-R2 server that was provisioned just for Workload Automation tools. I've scoured the manuals and the forums and I don't see anything that addresses this specifically. I assume this install would be handled as a brand new install and not an upgrade as far as the server goes.
My question/concern is about the Started Task and Parmlib on the Mainframe. As long as I am using the same host & port on the mainframe, and the z/OS Connector, wouldn't it be as simple as shutting down the old TDWC and starting up the new 9.2 DWC release? Wouldn't it connect to the same Started Task as the current release does?
The SERPTDWC member on the mainframe
contains the following...
There is no problem in running multiple connectors connect to the same server started task, this is the standard configuration when running a DWC cluster.
This does not require any change to SERVOPTS or TCPOPTS, the only check to do is to verify that the users authenticating on the new connector are correctly mapped in the USERMAP, the new connector will present the users with new connector name and you may need to add them in the USERS parameter member

Puppet agent returning error on windows 7

I am new to puppet and have a very little knowledge of it. I have just started working on it and trying to configure windows machine as an agent.
While trying to run agent process it is giving following error.
Error: Could not request certificate: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.
Even though servers are in communication. I have tried to google it but didn't success ed.
This was happening because the firewall was active on the master machine and which is why agent machine was not able to communicate master machine.

MapR sandbox work instructions

After I installed MapR sandbox in my laptop, how to practice the sample exercises on MapR sandbox? Where I can find the instructions?
Thank You.
Once you have started the VM you can connect to the VM using ssh and do all most of the work from the session.
If you have not changed anything to the configuration, the Sandbox is accessible usin glocal ssh connection (NAT) on the port 2222, so connect to it as follow:
Virtual box
ssh mapr#localhost -p 2222
You should have all the instructions about the sandbox, running on:
Virtual Box
I do not know which exercices you want to do, you can find all the tutorials here:
Once you have set up the mapr sandbox on your Laptop, you should check if the node is working properly using
maprcli node list
Look for healthy and check the services running.
After that you should try to work with your Map Reduce program.
A book by "OReilly.Hadoop.The.Definitive.Guide" is a good way to start learning with hadoop, mapr and other ecosystems provided under this distributed system.
There are other tutorials also available on the net that you can choose.

XenServer VM GUI on host

I have an XenServer setup with multiple VM's running on it. I want to be able to interact with one of those VM's from the XenServer console. For example, if I have a windows VM I would like to interact with it from the XenServer host console all while the other VM's are running. Is that possible?
This is my first question and hopefully I posted it right. Sorry if I did something wrong. I searched for an answer but I was unable to find an answer.
By interact with it, do you mean login to it? If so, you're at the wrong place. You should login to your VMs from the XenCenter app, which you'll install on your windows machine by going to http://ipOfYourZenserver (ie. or whatever).
The only thing you might be able to do from you Xenserver is ssh to one of the machines running.
Install XenCenter from http://yourXenServerIp/
Connect to your XenServer, via Server -> Add
Click the VM in question in the left tree
On the right pane click the Console tab, which should display the output from your VM. If it's running and Windows has started you should see the Windows GUI.
Ideally you should install XenTools on your VM's to improve performance (this includes better console interaction).
We've found it best to enable remote desktop on our Windows VM's and connect using the Windows RDP client (Start -> Run -> mstsc).
It is possible to interact with VMs that are in XenServer, but you need XenCenter app to do that (make sure to get a compatible version of XenCenter eg if you are using XenServer 7 you must use XenCenter 7 or 8 etc).
After installing XenServer, connect it to your XenCenter and then all the VMs will appear in a list at the left side. Then, you can select any VM you want and from the "console" tab you can have interact in it like any other hypervisor (eg virtualbox).
If this isn't clear enough let me know.
