Where does Trac store its environment information - linux

Following an initial Trac installation on an Ubuntu 10.04 system, I was overwhelmed with the Plugins that were available.
Some theme installation was messing up my environments. So I removed my environments and tried to re-create them. But Trac still seemed to keep information on the installed environments and installed Plugins.
Even removing both installation and plugins didnt seem to work - doing a fulltext search over the whole
server didnt bring any results either.
Does anyone know where Trac stores the info on any created envinronment + plugins?

Trac will pickup plugins from Python's site-packages directory, as well as the environment's plugins directory. One possibility is that the plugins are installed in a site-packages directory, but regardless you should be able to disable them through the web administration page, or by editing the [components] section of trac.ini. Documentation is available on the TracPlugins page. Check if you have a GlobalConfiguration if someone else setup the initial Trac installation.


New developer process for Hybris

I am working on learning Hybris. I have successfully install hybris, there are lots and lots of blogs out there that talk about getting the core hybris install with your own custom moduleds to make changes to, such as this one:
In the blog above the gentleman creates a mystore. The question I have is this: Once you have this all setup, you have made changes to the mystore modules and you want get those changes onto a new developers machine (or productions machine), who do you do it?
What I have tried, which does not work is this:
zipped up the bin/custom/mystore, config/local.properties, and localextensions.xml
followed his steps 1 thru 4
unzipped the files on the new machine
jumped down to step 12 where he does an ant clean all initialize
One difference between his process and mine is that I am adding some addon's. It is my impression that all those changes happen with custom/mystore, but to be safe between my steps 3 & 4 I have rerun the ant addoninstall for all four addon's.
The process I have documented, SmartEdit was not working and I found SAP's documentation about running ant npminstall because Hybris does not include npm-related 3rd party JavaScript libraries. This are blowing up when I go to run ant npminstall.
I really feel like I am trying to recreate the wheel here. I would imagine what I am trying to do is very common to any Hybris team, but I cannot find documentation on how to do it. Does anyone know of a blog out there that talks about how to migrate the source from one machine to another?
there are lots and lots of blogs out there that talk about getting the
core hybris install with your own custom moduleds to make changes to
Although they may be helpful, I would suggest you stick to official Hybris documentation (e.g. https://help.sap.com/viewer/4c33bf189ab9409e84e589295c36d96e/1905/en-US/8acc8a5a86691014a20781b3f738213e.html) which is quite rich.
Once you have this all setup, you have made changes to the mystore
modules and you want get those changes onto a new developers machine
(or productions machine), who do you do it?
For production deployment, please go through https://wiki.hybris.com/display/hybrisALF/Ant+Production+for+Continuous+Integration
However, for simply copying the things from one machine to another machine, whatever artefacts you have already copied to the target machine (after you have installed Hybris on the target machine), are correct. If you are working in a team, you typically set up an SCM (e.g. git, SVN etc.) code repository and then it becomes easier.
It is my impression that all those changes happen with custom/mystore
This is a wrong impression. When you run addon install it creates/updates the project.properties file in the addon; not in your custom/mystore. So, if the addon is part of the code repository (which is typically not the case unless it is a custom addon), anyone pulling your code on their machine will automatically get the addon project.properties and therefore they will not require to run addon install on their machines; otherwise, they need to run addon install on their machines. A workaround is to copy the content of the addon project.properties to the local.properties (and thus getting the changes to the target machine when the local.properties is copied to the target machine).
This are blowing up when I go to run ant npminstall.
Make sure to run ant npminstall as an admin user. Please check https://answers.sap.com/questions/12771768/smart-edit-unable-to-find-local-grunt.html for another option.

Sublime Text 3: Master Config? (for: disaster recover, porting to new machine, etc.)

I'm new to Sublime Text 3, but I really like it so far. I'm spending a lot of time getting to know the program, installing useful packages, etc.
Q: Is there a smart way to save/archive your configurations periodically? I'm thinking down the road about Disaster Recovery, setting up a new machine, etc.
I did find this answer installing multiple packages in sublime text 3, answered by Thomas Lee
Batch installation of packages is smart. I can set up a comma-separated package list and just let ST3 take care of the installation; however, that's only for packages.
Can the same be done for EVERYTHING? (Packages, Preferences, Snippets, et. al?)
Generally speaking, any customizations that you make to Sublime end up as files in your User package, which you can see by selecting Preferences > Browse Packages... from the menu.
Example contents of the User package include (but is not limited to):
Modifications to settings, which are stored in sublime-settings files. This is true for both Sublime settings (Preferences.sublime-settings) as well as the settings that you have customized for any packages that you have installed (for example Package Control.sublime-settings).
Any snippets you have created, which are stored in sublime-snippet files
Any plugins you have created, which are stored in py files.
Your own specific customizations to Sublime resources, either from core Sublime or from other packages. This includes things like sublime-menu, sublime-keymap, sublime-commands, sublime-color-scheme and so on
As such, pretty much every customization that you may have done to Sublime is related to that folder, which means that if you want to save your Sublime setup you want to save the contents of that folder somewhere. This also means that when you set up a new computer you can use that saved copy to get the new machine ready to go.
It's highly recommended that you use Package Control to install packages; based on your question above I assume that you're doing that. The good news for you is this: the Package Control.sublime-settings file (which is stored in your User package) contains a list of all of the packages that you've told Package Control to install.
When you start Sublime, one of the things that Package Control will do is verify that the list of packages that you've told it to install are currently installed, and if they're not, it will install them for you.
This means that to set up a new machine with a Sublime install, you can install Sublime, install Package Control, copy your saved User package into the appropriate location, and start Sublime; Package Control will automatically install all of your packages for you without having to follow the steps outlined in the answer you linked in your question.
In fact there is a page in the Package Control Documentation that describes how to Sync your User Package to do this very thing.
The Packages folder that your User package is stored in, as well as the Installed Packages folder that Package Control installs packages into are stored in the Sublime Data folder; the area where Sublime stores files specific to your user on your computer.
If you're using Sublime on Windows and you've used a Portable installer, this folder is stored inside of the Sublime install location. In all other cases (i.e. "normal" windows installs, or on MacOS or Linux) the Data folder is stored in your home directory and is left alone should you uninstall or reinstall Sublime.

Getting GoClipse to work normally with a normal GO workspace

I have been trying to use GoClipse (0.8.1v2001409161333 - latest available from the goclipse_feature.feature.group) with Eclipse (4.4.2) on Linux (CentOS6.6) with GO (1.4.2-2.el6) installed via yum from EPEL and have only achieved partial functionality.
Intellisense appears to work fine for the built in packages but GoClipse appears to do something weird with it's directory structure that is different from the normal GO workspace layout. The existing structure under source control looks like:
When I try and use GoClipse it always appears to insist that the *.go files must be a peer of the bin|pkg|src directories. This means that I either have my *.go files at $GOPATH or tell GoClipse where main.go is ($GOPATH/src/me/module/main.go) and GoClipse creates the bin|pkg|src directories again:
My GoClipse configuration has $GOPATH set appropriately (I have tried with $GOROOT undefined or set to the yum install location to no effect) and when creating the Go project from existing code specifying the location as $GOPATH/src/me/module/ (manually expanding $GOPATH)
Some resources that I have located do not appear to offer any advice on getting GoClipse to respect the proper go workspace structure and I am hoping someone can tell me how to do this.
The following resources might be of interest but they do not solve this difficulty:
How to run a GO project in eclipse with goclipse installed
Indeed, goclipse.github.io/releases is the latest update site URL, so you should use the latest version (the URL did change several times since in the span of the previous year). The way Goclipse handles the Go enviroment has changed significantly since 0.8.0, particularly with 0.9.0, which allows creating an Eclipse project on a folder inside a GOPATH 'src' entry. (and other cases are handled better, especially with the builder).
Note: you will need to recreate your Eclipse Go projects after updating (0.10.0 had some internal, non backward-compatible changes).
You might want to consult the changelog for more details: https://github.com/GoClipse/goclipse/releases

Forcing Eclipse to store plugins outside of workspace

I'm preparing to update my Eclipse to 4.2 version and I'd like to solve one problem that has been annoying me since many many years. Right now my installation looks like this:
eclipse folder is located in /usr/local/share. This is a system-wide directory, yet Eclipse requires write permissions for a user, which goes against unix permissions philosophy.
I have a workspace and all plugins that I install go into .metadata folder within this workspace.
What I'd like to achieve is:
first of all, do not install plugins in the workspace directory. I'd like to see plugins installed either somewhere in my home directory or - if it is necessary for the user to have write permissions to eclipse directory - in eclipse directory itself.
take away users write permissions for eclipse directory. This will of course prevent installing plugins there, but I won't mind installing them somewhere in ~
preferable solution would be to take away write permissions for the user to eclipse directory and be able to install plugins within that directory as root. So when I want to add new plugin, I start Eclipse with root privileges, install the plugin (it goes to eclipse installation directory) and then I can use this plugin as non-privileged user.
Although I'm not a linux user, I'm 99% certain that plugins will never be installed into a workspace; that's just contrary to how workspaces and plugins are separated in Eclipse's architecture. A workspace may have configuration/cache data that is stored with file/folder names resembling plugin names, but the actual plugins are stored elsewhere.
I think if you read the multi-user install guide from the online help, you'll find one of the options outlined there will suit your needs.
Take a look at the shared install documentation for instructions on how to setup a base eclipse that a user doesn't have write access to and allow user-local install of plugins.

Safely migrating tools into Homebrew

I have a few installs—notably Node, MacVim, and Taskwarrior—which I installed through the installers available on their websites. Now, having begun to grasp the incredible handiness of Homebrew, I'd like to transfer these applications into brew apps.
I think I could safely uninstall Node, but I'm not sure where all the files live. Trickier yet, I have settings and data for MacVim and Taskwarrior, respectively, in my .vim, .vimrc, and .taskrc files. Is is safe to just move those somewhere, then drop them back into place once I've deleted MacVim and Taskwarrior and reinstalled them via brew?
It's just that everything works right now and I'm nervous that I'll mess it up. Also, if this is a question better posed at Super User (or another forum), feel free to let me know and I'll try to move it to the appropriate location.
Any help is appreciated. This is new stuff for me, but it's pretty exciting.
Do .vim and .vimrc exist in your home directory? If so, you can just leave them in place; Homebrew won't do anything to them and the new MacVim will pick them up automatically. If they are in /usr/local (which I doubt), you can move them and then move them back, I think.
(Note that if you are a Ruby user, you might need to make sure the version of Ruby in your PATH is 1.8.7; rvm system if you use RVM, or brew unlink if you have a later Ruby installed with Homebrew. I just built MacVim with 1.9.2 as my active Ruby, and it just sort of freezes when I launch it.)
I would assume .taskrc would work the same way if it's in your home directory, although I haven't used TaskWarrior.
