how to declare variable name with "-" char (dash ) in linux bash script - linux

I wrote simple script as follow
echo -e ${SM_Read-only}
echo -e ${SM_Write-only}
if [ "${SM_Read-only}" == "Yes" ] && [ "${SM_Write-only}" == "Yes" ]
auth_type="Read Write"
echo -e $auth_type
And when i execute it i got following output with errors.
./script.bash: line 5: SM_Read-only=Yes: command not found
./script.bash: line 6: SM_write-only=No: command not found
Any one know correct way to declare the variable with "-" (dash)?
have getting response from c code and evaluate the variables for example
RESP=`getValue SM_ Read-only ,Write-only 2>${ERR_DEV}`
eval "$RESP"
from above scripts code my c binary getValue know that script want Read-only and Write-only and return value to script.So during eval $RESP in cause error and in my script i access variable by
echo -e ${SM_Read-only}
echo -e ${SM_Write-only}
which also cause error.

Rename the variable name as follows:
Please, don't use - minus sign in variable names in bash, please refer to the answer, on how to set the proper variable name in bash.
However if you generate the code, based on others output, you can simply process their output with sed:
RESP=$(getValue SM_ Read-rule,Write-rule 2>${ERR_DEV}|sed "s/-/_/g")
eval "$RESP"

- is not allowed in shell variable names. Only letters, numbers, and underscore, and the first character must be a letter or underscore.

I think you cant have a dash in your variables names, only letters, digits and "_"


Iterate variables in a file to check for a particular value in bash

Below is my requirement. I have a text file that has following content
File name - abc.txt
Content -
I need to kick off the subsequent process only if any of the above stated variable has non zero values.
In this case, As two variables have values 1 and 10 respectively, I need to update an indicator - SKIP INDICATOR=N
If all variables have 0 as value, I need to update SKIP INDICATOR=Y
How to achieve this functionality in Linux. Kindly advise.
with very simple greps :
if [ $(grep '=' your_file | grep -v '=0') ]
echo "non zero values detected"
echo "all are zeroes"
Just note that this is a quick and dirty solution and it would NOT work properly if you have for example a=01 or a= 0 (eg with space)
grep -q '=0*[1-9]' textfile && skip_indicator=N || skip_indicator=Y
=0*[1-9] matches an '=' character followed by zero or more '0' characters followed by a digit in the range 1 to 9.
See Correct Bash and shell script variable capitalization for an explanation of why I changed SKIP_INDICATOR to skip_indicator.
flag=`awk -F'=' '$NF!="0"{print;exit}' input`
if [ ! -z $flag ] ; then
echo "some variable value is different from 0. do something"
echo "all variables have 0 as value. do another thing."
exit 0

Syntax error near unexpected token `done' whis done written

I have a problem with the done.
It says I have some typo error but I can't figure what's wrong at all.
Here is the code:
until [$err == 0];
java -Xms512m -Xmx512m -cp lib/*:lib/uMad/*:mysql-connector-java-5.1.15-bin.jar:l2jfrozen-core.jar com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.GameServer
sleep 5
Your shebang line is wrong. #./bin/bash will not execute bash.
It should read #!/bin/bash. You are probably using a shell other than bash to invoke this script.
Also, beware that the [$err == 0] line expands the value of $err, which is probably an empty string, unless it has been exported. If it's empty, this will result in an error, because Bash will be interpreting [ == 0].
The safest approach is this:
unset err
until [ "$err" == "0" ];
# etc...
From my experience when working with brackets and if loops, you need proper spacing and double, not single brackets. There needs to be space on each side of the double brackets with the exception of the semi-colon. Here is an example block:
until [[ $err == 0 ]]; do
echo -e "$err\n";
sleep 3
I do not see why the same would not apply to a do until loop.
You're probably aware but your heading has a period in it instead of a shebang.

Compare values in Linux

I'm using .conf which contain keys and values.
Some keys contains numbers like
When I try to retrieve that value using particular key and compare with integer value i.e. natural number.
But Whatever I retrieved values from .conf ,it is should be String datatype.
How should I compare both value in Linux Bash script.
Simply : How should I compare two values in Linux.?
Ex :
. ./deployment.conf
echo "count : $count";
if [ $count -gt 0 ]; then
echo "Test"
I'm getting following error :
count : 2
: integer expression expected30: [: 2
They're all strings in bash, notwithstanding your ability to do typeset-type things to flag them differently.
If you want to do numeric comparisons, just use -eq (or its brethren like -gt, -le) rather than ==, != and so on:
if [[ $num -eq 42 ]] ; then
echo Found the answer
The full range of comparison operators can be found in the bash manpage, under CONDITIONAL EXPRESSIONS.
If you have something that you think should be a number and it's not working, I'll warrant it's not a number. Do something like:
echo "[$count]"
to make sure it doesn't have a newline at the end or, better yet, get a hex dump of it in case it holds strange characters, like Windows line endings:
echo -n $count | od -xcb
The fact that you're seeing:
: integer expression expected30: [: 2
with the : back at the start of the line, rather than the more usual:
-bash: [: XX: integer expression expected
tends to indicate the presence of a carriage return in there, which might be from deployment.conf having those Windows line endings (\r\n rather than the UNIXy \n).
The hex dump should make that obvious, at which point you need to go and clean up your configuration file.
Ref :
-eq, -ne, -lt, -le, -gt, or -ge
These are arithmetic binary operators in bash scripting.
I have checked your code,
. ./deployment.conf
echo "count : $count";
if [ $count -gt 0 ]; then
echo "Test"
running the above script evaluates to numeric comparison for fine. Share us your conf file contents, if you are facing any issues. If you are including the conf file in your script file, note the conf file must have valid BASH assignments, which means, there should be no space before and after '=' sign.
Also, you have mentioned WAR_COUNT=3 in conf part and used 'count=$EAR_COUNT;' in script part. Please check this too.
Most likely you have some non-integer character like \r in your EAR_COUNT variable. Strip all non-digits while assigning to count like this:
echo "count : $count";
if [[ $count -gt 0 ]]; then
echo "Test"

Why is "echo [#10]" equal to 1?

Can someone explain why these echo commands doesn't output [#10] and so on?
# echo [#10]
# echo [#11]
# echo [#12]
1 2
# echo [#13]
# echo [#14]
You have a file named "1" and a file named "2" in your current directory.
The shell is performing pattern matching on the glob patterns before handing the results to echo. [#10] is a character class containing a #, a 1 and a 0.
If you want the literal [#10], etc, you have to enclose it in quotes, single or double doesn't matter.
(to answer the question in your last comment)
You could use the printf(1) command:
printf "Error: %s went wrong. Error code [#%d]\n" "something" $[10+2]
The $[10+2] is here to show how to do arithmetic in shell. You could replace "something" with e.g. $somevariable ...

Check and modify format of variable in expect script

I am trying to verify that the format of a variable is a number and is at least 10 digits long with leading zeros, inside of an expect script.
In a bash script it would look something like this:
[[ "$var" != +([0-9]) ]] && echo "bad input" && exit
while [[ $(echo -n ${var} | wc -c) -lt 10 ]] ; do var="0${var}" ; done
For the following input:
I am trying to achieve the following output:
The simplest way to check whether a variable has just digits is to use a regular expression. Expect's regular expressions are entirely up to the task:
if {![regexp {^\d+$} $var]} {
puts "bad input"
Padding with zeroes is best done by formatting the value; if you know C's printf(), you'll recognize the format:
set var [format "%010d" $var]
Expect is actually just an extension of TCL, so you can use any facility that TCL provides. TCL is an unusual language, but it's not hard to do what you want.
# Set a test string.
set testvar 1234567890
# Store the match (if any) in matchvar.
regexp {\d{10,}} $testvar matchvar
puts $matchvar
# Test that matchvar holds an integer.
string is integer $matchvar
The string is command is relatively new, so you might have to rely on the return value of regexp if your TCL interpreter doesn't support it.
