process.env.VAR missing on Ubuntu - node.js

I have variable that I am attempting to reference via access via process.env.VAR_NAME. It was working fine when I was developing on my local machine (a Mac), but doesn't seem to work on the Ubuntu server I deployed to. The server has the variable in /etc/environment, which I believed was the correct file for settings, but it's undefined when I run the app. I have also tried calling export VAR_NAME=... before starting the node server, but that also didn't seem to help.


How to set up a development environment for React when IT won't allow you to install anything on your Windows workstation

I am working for a client that does not allow setting up anything on the native Windows workstation.
I am, however, allowed to set up a virtual machine on which I can install anything I want.
So, I've set up a Linux VM and installed the React environment.
However, I would like to be able to use the native Windows tools that are allowed for development, since installing and using them on the VM is painfully slow.
I'm currently modifying the code with a native Windows IDE, then pushing the changes to a Git repository, then pulling the changes down to the Linux VM to see them work. However, for debugging, where changes are added, removed, modified, etc... this is also painfully slow.
I tried to set up a shared folder to work on the code locally and having it update on the Linux VM dynamically, but that doesn't work because "npx create-react-app" does a bunch of things, like set up symlinks, that either don't work on a shared folder or aren't allowed by IT. I'm guessing it's the shared Windows folder that's limiting this. I also tried to set up a Samba share of the Linux folder, but I think this is blocked by IT, because I just can't see it from my Windows machine, and network discovery is turned on.
So, now that you know my pain, what would be the best way to set up a React development environment in this situation? Help...
I almost understands nothing about linux and VM, but here is something you can do.
When creating a react application with create-react-app, when you run npm start, your application will be hosted in localhost:3000.
So to do what you want, you need to set up the enviroment in the VM (e.g. create-react-app) and then configure (this is the part I don't understand how to do) your VM in a way you can access the VM's localhost and the files of your project.
This way you can edit the files of the VM and also see the app changing in the windows browser.
How to share VM's folder with host
How access VM's localhost

Nodejs as Windows Service can't read files on network drive

I have developped a little app in NodeJs which read and write some files. These files are stored on a shared folder of my local network. Everything was working until I tried to start NodeJs as Windows Service through NSSM (a little .exe that allows you to transform a .bat to a Windows Service).
In fact, fs.readFile doesn't work anymore so i can't use it, and i don't see where does the problem come from.
In addition, fs.existsSync("\\\\\\reporting\\") returns false, but fs.existsAsync("\\\\\\reporting\\") returns true.
I also tried some other functions like fs.access and it doesn't work either.
I would be grateful if someone could tell me how i can make this work. I don't really care about NSSM, my only goal is to make my Node App works as Windows Service, so if an other tool can resolve my issue, let's tell me.
I don't know if it's the same problem, but I have an other thing which doesn't work in service mode : Execute VBS from Nodejs in background mode (Tasks Scheduler or Windows Service)

wkhtmltopdf as node module fails when run as windows service

I am running a node app that uses the wkhtmltopdf module ( and node routing to return a pdf of a page when the user navigates to a /pdf path. Everything works fine when the app is run on in the servers console, but when the app runs as a Windows service, the pdf call fails. I get the browser crash screen with the message that the site refused to connect. The rest of the site works fine, just the path to return PDFs fails, and I can't glean anything from the logs. Is this a known issue with wkhtmltopdf?
OS: Fedora
I had the issue with my node server program and wkhtmltopdf module in it, not generating pdf when run as a service. Turns out that a user for the service was set as nobody and so was usergroup. We removed that entry and reran the service it works.
I am guessing this could be the issue with Windows as well.
Please let me know if it did not work, did work or you already solved the problem with another approach.

Why won't Node `https.get` request work on `heroku local` but work when deployed?

I have a Node.js app that I wrote and successfully deployed to a Heroku app via Bash. From my computer running Ubuntu at home it runs fine locally too.
However, I have just cloned the repository to a Windows machine and while I've successfully managed to push updates to the Heroku remote, which work, whenever I run heroku local from Windows and try to access the local version (localhost:5000), that page serves an error and my command line returns TypeError: Request path contains unescaped characters and layer.js:95.5.
The app uses https.get and this seems to be the problem line, locally.
I'm reluctant to try adapting my code since it works fine on Heroku itself and works fine on my Ubuntu machine -- so can only assume that something needs configuring on my Windows machine.
Any idea what the problem might be?
Be careful which variable keys you choose for config/.env in Heroku. Windows has some reserved keys (like user and path) which will mean trying to set your own values against these keys will not work.
The detail
It turns out the issue is with my choice of variable names as used in my .env file.
When you have data that you don't want to commit to a repository (in my case, an authentication key and details for my account) you can add them to Heroku as "config vars" -- key=value pairs which Heroku keeps separate to your code so you can version and share your repository as needed and others can add their own details.
When running Heroku locally however using the heroku local command from the toolbelt, these variables need to come from somewhere else. Heroku's help recommends setting them up as key=value pairs in a file called .env (which you can then add to .gitignore to prevent accidental committing.
Unfortunately, in my case it was my choice of variable keys in .env that caused the problem. I had created dependencies on variables called user and path but these seem to be reserved on Windows and have a special purpose and therefore could not be overwritten by what was in my .env file. This is why what worked for me on my Ubuntu machine would not work directly on Windows.
You can see this in action by calling console.log(process.env.user, process.env.path) from Node on a Windows machine.
Now that I have changed the variable names to something non-reserved heroku local works fine. Calling the programme via node command will still not work as it is not set up to pick up the variables from .env as Heroku.
Hope this helps someone else.

Installing JavaComm API on Ubuntu

I know this question has been asked several times around the internet, but I have spent about a week trying to solve this problem with little luck.
I am trying to install JavaCommAPI (an archived Java package to allow communication with rs232) on a remote linux Ubuntu 11.0, 32-bit server in order to deploy a web project which I have developed on a local apache server on my windows PC.
The thing that puzzles me is, I am able to get the .war web project to deploy on a local apache server on a separate 32-bit LinuxMint16 PC by correctly placing the, comm.jar, and files in their respective places.
I use System.getProperty("java.library.path"); in order to find the correct library path in order to install correct files.
On my LinuxMint16: -- /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-i386/jre/lib
comm.jar -- /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-i386/jre/lib/ext -- /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-i386/jre/lib/i386!
On my remote Ubuntu server I did the exact same for its reported library path
(for example: /usr/local/jdk/jdk1.7.0_45/jre/lib/ ;
/usr/local/jdk/jdk1.7.0_45/jre/lib/ext/comm.jar ;
...fails =(
Things of note: I added the needed apache jars and comm.jar to my libraries in Eclipse using the BuildPath wizard (right click on project --> Build Path-->add external jars) which points to local files on my PC which I obviously cannot use for a remote server which I am only accessing through command line. May this is affecting it somehow?
I tried to get error output (System.err) from the Java Console printed to a separate file for my remote server as that feedback was very helpful in getting all the files sorted on my LinuxMint PC.
PrintStream ps = new PrintStream(pathName);
Which again, is oddly working beautifully to print the stream to a local .txt file on my LinuxMintPC but not to the one I designate on my remote ubuntu server.
I am really at a wits end here!! Am I mixing and matching appropriate versions of Systems prohibiting things to run smoothly? I am not sure how to proceed from here, if anyone has any insights I would die of happiness. Thanks
I needed to install OPEN JDK7 on my ubuntu, put files in appropriate library paths (as described above) and now it works.
