Confused in Activity diagram notation - uml

I have made an activity diagram for gym management, but i am facing a problem how will i connect Receptionist with Admin, According to requirement activity between Admin and receptionist takes place only through notification and i have made a signal and receptor for notification. Please also check if every notation is right and suggest me for modification?

I am sorry for not answering at once - several times had I looked at your picture, and, frightened, retreated.
You really tried and did something. It is good. But... You have put Use Cases directly into the activity diagram. So as is, it has no sense.
Let's take a customer. He has his swimlane. Good. According to your diagram, the customer comes and decides, what to do - immediately leave, join or inquiry. It doesn't matter, if he joins or inquiries, the result is common (why had he been choosing?) - he gives some unknown message to the receptionist. He never gets something back, never he does smth. else, he remains here and becomes immortal, because even his death won't finish his state of being here, waiting for some reaction from anybody. Poor man!
I don't think it is necessary to analyze here other swimlanes - they are even worse.
Better divide your work into levels.
Use Case diag. Define, who are actors (you have defined them well) and what are their interaction with system and its parts.
As the next stage you can make a deployment diagram - where are components of the system and maybe, actors, located and what messages they send to each other, defined.
And only now you can start with Activity diagram.
Also notice, that you'll have to return and correct the elders diagrams when you'll come to a dead end or some radical changes in the younger ones. You'll meet with both, be sure.
And when you have some problem with some diagram, come here, write down what you had BEFORE it (you didn't), what you have done on this stage (you did it) and we'll be able to help.


Including a create message inside a combined fragment in sequence diagram

I am working on my assignment about sequence diagrams. my question is if can we include a creation or deletion message in a combined fragment
In short
Yes you can do this, but you have to be careful about that the interaction remains consistent.
More details
Nothing prevents you from using an object creation or an object deletion in a combined fragment. In fact, there are even examples in the UML 2.5.1 specs: fig. 17.14 page 588 shows sequence diagram with a combined alt fragment in which a participant to the interaction is created and deleted.
If the syntax has no issue, it's nevertheless up to you to ensure the semantic consistency of your sequence diagram. In this regard, there are several pitfalls. For example:
if you create a participant in an alt or an opt fragment, but outside of this fragment this new participant would interact with other instances, you'd assume that the creation always takes place, whereas your fragment might not guarantee that.
if you'd have some complex sequencing with conditionals and loops, you'd better make sure that no message is send to a participant that might be created later.
There are also some ambiguities to better avoid. Creating a participant in a loop could be ambiguous, if this creation would happen at each iteration of the fragment: are new objects created in each iteration? If there's not destruction in the loop, do the other participants created in previous iteration still exist? If the lifeline has interactions after the loop fragment, is if for the first, or the last object created? etc...
In short: yes. You can do that with no issue.
In more detail: try to stick to UML rules but don't get blocked by just looking into the law book. Of course it's best to not violate the rules set up by the UML gods. But like when you are standing a red cossing light at night where you can see and hear nobody else, then what would hinder you to cross the street anyway?
One common mistake seen so often is to forget putting join nodes in ADs which will make the whole network get stuck at a particlar action. Yes, wrong. But basically only to machines and most people can read the meaning witout any issue. Only the lawyers will pick that up as being wrong.
So to sum up: when you model something and you feel that it transports the message then it's okay. Even when being not 100% correct. Strive for correctness but don't let it block you from doing the job. If you raise discussion it ain't bad. Not at all! Models are meant to discuss about something. So if your model got a discussion started it's even better. You can always ask for advice and fix it later.

UML: activity diagram control flow

I have found in internet the following activity diagram:
I can't understand why from Recieve order action there are two control flows (to Ship order and Bill customer). Are they parallel? Then why there is NOT fork. How to understand this diagram? Please, explain.
This is simply a bad example.
Judging from the context there should be a fork to indicate that both Ship order and Bill customer should happen in parallel.
Then there should be a Join before Send confirmation to indicate that both flows should have finished before the Send confirmation is executed.
It's perfectly valid UML 2. The first action requires no tokens, so it can start immediately. When the first action finishes, it offers tokens to two other actions and they can start. The last action cannot start until all required tokens are offered. When the last action is done, the containing activity is also done.
Forks just copy tokens. Joins just merge tokens. Thus, forks and joins are often unnecessary.
Please see Conrad Bock's excellent series of articles on activity diagrams in the Journal of Object Technology.
I did not check if this is a recent amendment to the UML specification but the current version 2.5 (chapter states (emphasis set on my own):
As an ActivityNode may be the source for multiple ActivityEdges, the same token can be offered to multiple targets. However, the same token can only be accepted at one target at a time (unless it is copied, whereupon it is not the same token, see ForkNodes in sub clause 15.3 and ExecutableNodes in sub clause 15.5). If a token is offered to multiple ActivityNodes at the same time, it shall be accepted by at most one of them, but exactly which one is not completely determined by the Activity flow semantics. This means that an Activity model in which non-determinacy occurs may be subject to timing issues and race conditions. It is the responsibility of the modeler to avoid such conditions in the construction of the Activity model, if they are not desired.
From that point of view, I would argue that #Jim L.'s answer might be deprecated. I assume that, at least in the current version of UML, the diagram in question does not reflect the modeler's intention. A fork seems to be not only the clean way but the only right way to go, now.

How to improve my software analysis and UML skills [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I am working on an open-source project which shows how to develop software iteratively using test-driven development and some ideas from domain-driven design. I know what I would do, however my formal skills (especially regarding UML) are a little bit rusty.
Below I am going to post my first steps with the diagrams and the explanations I would give to my readers.
I have the following questions:
The last step ends with the question But what will stich together these components?. How to show the reader the way in UML terms, while not skipping anything in the train of thought? What I plan to do is to let each component provide an Environment class. For the purpose of testing, a TestingEnvironment will gather all those environments and inject the right callbacks into the World. But which types of UML diagrams to use for showing my train of thought, and in which order? My problem is, somehow, that I know what I want to do, but I can't rationalize it to myself why I want to do it that way - I guess it has gotten a part of me to the point I don't make such decisions consciously any more.
What mistakes have I done so far, how to fix them, and most importantly: WHY?
Step 1
User Use Cases - Analysis
We are starting with an use case diagram (0001_user_commands_use_cases.pdf) as
part of the preliminary analysis stage. This diagram should only help us
understand what our client wants. These use cases may change over time, but
never the less, they help us understand the system we are going to develop.
Please follow the arrows while reading the following explanations.
The role the user plays when interacting first with our system will be Guest.
The Guest sends to the system some registration data, which we process.
In the diagram, we are describing what happens from a logistic point of view,
from the perspective of the client for which we write the application. We are
not referring yet to classes or objects, or the concrete workflow, which may
end up being quite different.
We are also not dealing with errors, because that would only add more
background noise to the idea - and because error handling does not add business
value to the system. Of course, a system has to be robust to errors, but keep
in mind that we're now just making the analysis - not the design of the system.
Logistically speaking, after the Guest has sent us the registration data, there
is a Registered User. A registered user can send us the login data, so that he
becomes an Authenticated User.
Following the diagram, we can see how only an Authenticated User can send to us
a request to log out of the system, thus becoming a Deauthenticated User.
Why a Deauthenticated User, and not a Guest back again? Basically, it comes
down to us not being able to foresee the future. We really have no idea how the
client will want us to extend the system - nor does he himself! Beside that,
the two roles, a Guest which we know nothing about, and a user which has just
deauthenticated, which we do know something about, are really different things.
Of course it may be that the Deauthenticated User will exist in our application
only for a very short period of time, or it may be that it's created for the
sole purpose of being destroyed back again, without being looked at by any
other subsystem of our ERP - but still I cannot stress it enough: logistically,
the role of a Deauthenticated User stands on its own.
The second diagram (0002_user_commands_use_cases.pdf) contains all the
information of the first diagram, with some added items. If you follow the
green arrows, you will see that the process is the same.
In the first diagram we notice how all three things done by the ERP system are
some kind of generalizations of a process. We have introduced this new generic
process in the second diagram as "Process Data".
Another element we have added in the second diagram is a generalization of the
three "Sending Data" elements. We are not sure how this will materialize in the
next stage (designing the system), but it looks like there's a generalization
there which may, in the end, make the system easier to maintain and extend.
We always seek new generalizations and abstractions because they have this nice
property of making the code maintainable and extendable.
In our design, the ERP will do one central thing, "Process Data", data which
will come in in a standardized way, represented in our second diagram by the
"Send Data" use case.
We don't know how we will design these things yet, until now we have only
thought about the logistics, since we are doing just the analysis.
In the next commit, we are going to look closer at the application domain, in
order to better see the relations between all these notions and to enable us to
come up with a cohesive design.
Step 2
A rough overview of the components in the context of the application domain
Before looking at the diagram, let me first explain the thoughts I had prior to
coming up with this diagram.
We are going to design an ERP. What is this all about, and where lies the
business value in it?
We are supposedly making the product for a company which makes money by sending
products back and forth. This is the core domain of the application.
The basic idea is that a product P is moved from point A to point B, and in
this process, the company makes money.
The application will allow the company to make money by both being good at
organizing the workflow, and by making an existing workflow cheaper.
Let's say a product can be delivered to point C by taking the route A -> B ->
C, or the route A -> D -> C. The ERP must be capable of deciding which one is
better (in terms of money or time), and must manage the workflow it chooses.
So the whole point is supporting the movement of products around. Around what?
Around the world.
For this reason, let's first draw our first component: the World.
In a real project, I would continue by adding a Product component. I've chosen
not to yet, because this project is an educational one in nature, and I wanted
to get across new ideas about the architecture. If I had focused on the
products, I think there would be too much noise for the type of audience this
project is aimed at, a noise which would make the process of creating the
architecture and the architecture itself harder to understand.
We will introduce a Product component later, when the reader will feel at ease
with the architecture which, at that point, he will feel familiar with.
Instead of focusing on Products, we are going to focus on Users. This is,
incidentally, also the subject of the use cases we have drawn in the previous
commit. I think that any reader can relate to the concept of User.
So let's draw that component, the User.
Architecturally speaking, it's not that much of a difference between an User
and a Product. Instead of having Products moving around, we will have (for
now), users who live in the World and take different roles while interacting
with our system.
In the previous commit, we have concluded that there would be a standard way of
passing in data from the User to the system.
In terms of DDD (Domain-Driven Design), the data that gets into the system is
packed up as a Command. Since it looks like a good name, let's make a port of
the World component called Command Hub which will be used to receive and
process Commands from the outside.
Conceptually, the Command Hub will provide a Command Interface which any other
component can implement in order to send commands to the Hub, if it needs to.
We also want to make the components decoupled and thus reusable in different
types of applications, or to be able to combine them. This is achieved by
making an event-driven architecture.
For this reason, let's give the World component an Event Hub, which will
provide an Event interface.
But what will stich together these components?
This question is so pressing, because it's so central to our architecture, that
we will have to further investigate it.
This is not an asnwer, just a comment that would not fit into the comment box
(1) if you want to "teach your readers" something you can't do yourself, it is strange approach. Show your readers the way which works for you. Show the way "your train of thoughs runs", show the the mental images you saw in your mind, paper/pencil/photo in whatever visualization language you use
(2) you're skipping the uml-diagrams: UML 2.5 Behavior Diagrams as not useful? Even the UML Interaction Overview Diagrams not useful?
(3) this question looks like too broad(long) perhaps opinion-based and perhaps off-topic much more suitable for
(4) for the recommended modeling workflow look at
(4.1) Cangnus's sequence diagramming comment in Stack Overflow: sequence diagram for books exchange
(4.2) BobRodes's use case scenario comment in Stack Overflow: Formal language for UML sequence diagrams
(4.3) Scott W. Ambler's Agile Modeling: Where Do I Start? for what when how and why Agile Modeling Best Practices
to name just a few
In conclusion of this my long comment, I don't see any mistakes you did. If this is description of how Test-driven Development and Domain-driven design works for you so well that you even use it subconsciously then it is just fine and ok. Being a good teach is not an easy task, good luck

Differences between DFD (Data Flow Diagram) and activity diagram

I need to know this differences in order to undestand how to use them right.
Which are the differences of DFD and Activity diagram?
Actually, it's reasonably logical. You only have to look at the names.
In data flow diagrams, the lines between "boxes" represent data that flows between components of a system. Because these only show the flow of data, they do not give an indication of sequencing.
In activity diagrams, those lines are simply transitions between activities and do not represent data flow at all. They more represent the sequencing of activities and decisions. You can tell from these what order things happen in.
That's a simplistic explanation but should be a good starting point. Further information can be garnered from Wikipedia for DFDs and activity diagrams.
Explicit bias: I'm a DFDs proponent.
#John is correct that Activity diagrams can be used to represent object flow. #pax equally correct they seldom are.
Two big DFD advantages for me:
Link to object model. Data stores on a DFD provide a really nice way to link the data produced / consumed to the object model. Very useful for consistency and ensuring your thinking is joined up.
They de-emphasise control flow. Far too often designs over-constrain sequencing. Activity diagrams do support concurrency - but it requires the user to (a) remember and (b) use it. So the default is over-serialisation. DFDs don't. They lay bare the real sequence dependencies without any extra effort on the part of the user. Consequently they also make it easier to see causal relationships. If processes a and b both require data input D then it's obvious on the diagram. And hence parallel activity is obvious.
Don't get me wrong - I'm not against Activity diags. Where control flow is the primary consideration I'll use an AD over a DFD. But empirically I'd say I find DFDs a more useful tool in ~70-80% of cases.
Of course, YMMV.
Just a humble opinion from someone who has had to explain processes, both computer and manual, to upper management and CIOs. I have found simple is better and pound-for-pound, DFDs get the message across when I am actually "asked" about details. That being said, the better approach is to always practice the story line and answer in simple answers.
One final comment regarding the age of tools and products. Remember that in most cases these are running the business and work pretty darn good. The adage "you break it (or replace it) and you own it" can make you a hero or make you into a clown.
We have a CIO who wants to replace all mainframe application for the simple reason that they are old technology. One must weigh the consequences and understand if the replacement can handle workload. Have you ever wondered why JPMC, Credit Swiss, Walmart, and Bank of America to name a few still run mainframes?
My apologies for taking it in that direction. Just make sure, whatever analysis tool is used, that all aspects of the replacement are documented including workload, I/O, concurrent users, adoption curve, and scalability.
Data Flow represents flow within one module or one independent code. However Sequence Diagram represents sequence of activity in between different modules.
Yes at some points they may pass the same messages.
I basically use Sequence diagram in interface documents which will be shared with other modules/elements, however DFD will be used in Low level design documents which will be used to develop the code within one module or network element.
If we look closer to a dataflow diagram, we can notice that when a node collects data from all its edges, it starts to process them. And to process, it needs an activity token, which represents access to a processor. Usually the process of obtaining that token is omitted, but it has to exist. Typically, the whole node as a token is put in a double-ended queue, where on the other end of that queue free activities (processors or threads) are stored. A thread pool is a perfect example of such a queue, and the nodes ready to work are represented as tasks. As soon as a node meets activity, they both are taken from the queue and actual processing starts. When processing finishes, activity is returned to the queue. This way we can think of activity as a special kind of token.
So both dataflow and activity diagrams are just simplified variants of a general active-data-flow diagram, with either activities or data tokens omitted. But generally, both kinds of tokens can be represented in a diagram simultaneously.
Programmers used to think about threads as activities, but if we look at them closer, we notice that when a thread is ready to execute, it gets in a line to processors, and real execution starts only when a free processor switch to that thread. This is absolute analogy as tasks are executed on a thread pool. So from simplified point of view, a thread is an activity, and from more rigorous point of view a thread is a data token and the only real activity is a physical processor. This shows that activity tokens are not different from data tokens. And indeed, we can omit the route of node chasing an activity and consider a dataflow node as an activity itself, which starts to work immediately when all its edges (inputs) contain data.

How to make a sequence diagram for this?

A group diary and time management system is intended to support the timetabling of
meetings and appointments across a group of coworkers. When an appointment is to be
made that involves a number of people, the system finds a common slot in each of their
diaries and arranges the appointment for that time. If no common slots are available, it
interacts with the user to rearrange his or her personal diary to make room for the
First step is to think about what objects you have in the system. Make a list of candidates.
Now think about how does this scenario get initiated. Where does the message come from? Draw that incoming message.
The next step is to think about which object is going to receive that message. Now in order to do the work that object will probably need to talk to other objects. Sketch out the other object with an arrow and a message name.
Keep thinking about the sequence of messages and the objects to which the messages go - and try sketching them out one at a time.
Don't expect to get it right first time. Try sketching out several approaches.
A sequence diagram describes interactions between objects that achieve some goal.
So your first step needs to be to identify some objects (and actors). If you start with that step, show us your attempt, then we have something to discuss further.
"You should identify possible objects in the following systems and develop an object-oriented design for them. You may make any reasonable assumptions about the systems when deriving the design."
From Chapter 14 Exercise 14.7
