Bash String Interpolation wget - string

I'm trying to download files using wget and for some reason I think I'm encountering some problems with string interpolation. I have a list of files to be downloaded that I have successfully parsed etc (no small feat for me) and would like to incorporate these into a for loop wget statement combo which downloads these files en masse.
Please forgive me the URLs won't work for you because the password and data have been changed.
I have tried single and double quotes as well as escaping a few characters in the URL (the &s and #s which I presume are at the marrow of this).
list of files
wget statement works as a single command
wget -O files/$i ""
but a loop doesn't work
for i in `cat files.txt`; do
wget -O files/$i "$i"

Edit: Main issues was "files/$i" instead of "files$i" (see comments)
Don't use a for-loop/cat for reading files, use a while/read loop. Less problems with buffer-overflow/splitting/etc...
while read -r i; do
wget -O "files$i" "$i"
done < files.txt
Also make sure you quote variables to prevent expansion/splitting errors. Also not really sure why you're doing files/$i, since $i has full path.


Using for in a Script, Ubuntu command line

How can I pass each one of my repository files and to do something with them?
For instance, I want to make a script:
cd /myself
#for-loop that will select one by one all the files in /myself
#for each X file I will do this:
tar -cvfz X.tar.gz /myself2
So a for loop in bash is similar to python's model (or maybe the other way around?).
The model goes "for instance in list":
for some_instance in "${MY_ARRAY[#]}"; do
echo "doing something with $some_instance"
To get a list of files in a directory, the quick and dirty way is to parse the output of ls and slurp it into an array, a-la array=($(ls))
To quick explain what's going on here to the best of my knowledge, assigning a variable to a space-delimited string surrounded with parens splits the string and turns it into a list.
Downside of parsing ls is that it doesn't take into account files with spaces in their names. For that, I'll leave you with a link to turning a directory's contents into an array, the same place I lovingly :) ripped off the original array=($(ls -d */)) command.
you can use while loop, as it will take care of whole lines that include spaces as well:
cd /myself
ls|while read f
tar -cvfz "$f.tar.gz" "$f"
you can try this way also.
for i in $(ls /myself/*)
tar -cvfz $f.tar.gz /myfile2

wget: obtaining files matching regex

According to the man page of wget, --acccept-regex is the argument to use when I need to selectively transfer files whose names matching a certain regular expression. However, I am not sure how to use --accept-regex.
Assuming I want to obtain files diffs-000107.tar.gz, diffs-000114.tar.gz, diffs-000121.tar.gz, diffs-000128.tar.gz in IMDB data directory "diffs\-0001[0-9]{2}\.tar\.gz" seems to be an ok regex to describe the file names.
However, when executing the following wget command
wget -r --accept-regex='diffs\-0001[0-9]{2}\.tar\.gz'
wget indiscriminately acquires all files in the directory.
I wonder if anyone could tell what I have possibly done wrong?
Be careful --accept-regex is for the complete URL. But our target is some specific files. So we will use -A.
For example,
wget -r -np -nH -A "IMG[012][0-9].jpg"
will download all the files from IMG00.jpg to IMG29.jpg from the URL.
Note that a matching pattern contains shell-like wildcards, e.g. ‘books’ or ‘zelazny196[0-9]*’.
wget manual:
I'm reading in wget man page:
--accept-regex urlregex
--reject-regex urlregex
Specify a regular expression to accept or reject the complete URL.
and noticing that it mentions the complete URL (e.g. something like
So I suggest (without having tried it) to use
(and perhaps give the appropriate --regex-type too)
BTW, for such tasks, I would also consider using some scripting language à la Python (or use libcurl or curl)

What does this bash script command mean (sed - e)?

I'm totally new to bash scripting but i want to solve this problem..
the command is:
objfil=`echo ${srcfil} | sed -e "s,c$,o,"`
the idea about the bash script program is to check for the source files, and check if there is an adjacent object file in the OBJ directory, if so, the rest of the program runs smoothly, if not, the iteration terminates and skips the current source file, and moves on to the next one.. it works with .c files but not on the headers, since the object filenames depend on .c files.. i want to write this command so it checks the object files not just the .c but the .h files too.. but without skipping them. i know i have to do something else too, but i need to understand what this line of command does exactly to move on. Thanks. (Sorry for my english)
if test -r ${curOBJdir}/${objfil}
cp -v ${srcfil} ./SAVEDSRC/${srcfil}
err="${curOBJdir}/${objfil} is missing - ${srcfil} skipped)"
echo ${err}
echo ${err} >>${log}
while test ${fdone} == "NO"
#rest of code ...
here is the rest of the program.. i tried to comment out the "test" part to ignore the comparison just because i only want my script to work on .h files, but without checking the e.g abc.h files has an abc.o file.. (the object file generation is needed because the end of the script there's a comparison between the hexdump of the original and modified object files). The whole script is for changing the basic types with typedefs like int to sint32_t for example.
This concrete command will substitute all c's right before line-end to o:
objfil=`echo ${srcfil} | sed -e "s,c$,o,"`
echo $objfil
P.S. It uses a different match/replace separator: default is / but it uses ,.

Usage of Wget for a long URL

I am trying to download a file with the below URL:
But it takes only till
not sending the remaining things. I need to send at least role ID and loginName to get the file.
I tried to create a shell script like below, but that is not working either:
wget --tries=45 -i $i
How can I fix this?
Enclose the URL in quotes. Your shell is interpreting the "&" rather than passing it as a parameter, so it's seeing what you typed as the following (three commands rather than one):
wget &
loginName=9011613 &

change multiple files commandline

I have separated some tracks from mp3 mixes using mp3splt.
BASH: (mp3splt -c('**!!***use .cue file***!!**') [cuefile.cue] [nonstopmix.mp3] ~for anyone interested, is in the Ubu repos~)
And I ended up with these filenames: "Antares" - 01 - "Xibalba".mp3 which is not a format I prefer, now I've made it a little project to change them with a shell script but its more difficult than I anticipated.
I want to change the filename from:
"Antares" - 01 - "Xibalba".mp
so far I've used :
for var in *.mp3; do mv $var {var/"/}; done
and I could repeat that until I'm through, delete the 0x number and add one but I'd like to do it more efficient.
Could anyone give me a pointer (!not a script!) ?
I'd still like to write it myself but there's so much options that I'm a bit lost.
so far I thought to use this program flow:
read all the filenames containing .mp3 and declare as variable $var
strip $var from quotes
select 0x number, append delimiter _ (0x_)
move 0x_ to the beginning of the string
select remaining ' - - ' and change to '-'
which bash programs to use? especially changing the 0x puzzles me cuz I need a loop which increments this number and test if it is present in the filename variable and then it has to be changed.
It is easy to do in python 2.x. You can use this logic in any language you want.
import string
a=raw_input('Enter the name of song')
a=a.replace('"', "")
a=a.replace('.mp', ' .mp3')
words = a.split()
print words[2]+'-'+words[0]+'_-_'+words[4]+words[5]
I removed ", then make .mp to .mp3, then splitted the string, which created a list ( array ) and then printed the elements according to need.
Try doing this :
rename -n 's/"(\w+)"\s+-\s*(\d+)\s*-\s*"(\w+)"\.mp/$2-$1_-_$3.mp3/' *mp
from the shell prompt. It's very useful, you can put some perl tricks like I does in a substitution.
You can remove the -n (dry-run mode switch) when your tests become valids.
There are other tools with the same name which may or may not be able to do this, so be careful.
If you run the following command (linux)
$ file $(readlink -f $(type -p rename))
and you have a result like
.../rename: Perl script, ASCII text executable
then this seems to be the right tool =)
If not, to make it the default (usually already the case) on Debian and derivative like Ubuntu :
$ sudo update-alternatives --set rename /path/to/rename
Last but not least, this tool was originally written by Larry Wall, the Perl's dad.
