Using SinonJS to stub a library - node.js

I'm currently writing a NodeJS app and I'd like to write a test for a function. SinonJS seems to be the spy/stub/mock library of choice, but I can't seem to figure out how to stub a method on a function. For instance:
Lets say that I'm using a library called ExecSync. I want to stub the sh() method on that library from within my Spec, but it doesn't seem to work correctly. Would someone be kind enough to provide an example of stubbing a library method, from inside of a separate spec file?
To be clearer:
spec.js - This is where I'm writing my test.
util.js - This is where the method I'm testing exists. The method calls and is included via npm and require().
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Some code would be good, but usually this can be achieved like this (using mocha)
describe('A test', function() {
beforeEach(function() {
// what you want to stub is passed as a string
sinon.stub(ExecSync, 'sh').yields(null,40);
afterEach(function() {
it('has behaviour', function() {, res) {
// err = null, res = 40
Another common practice when you cannot stub a dependency, is to write that dependency onto your module under test, such as
mymodule.ExecSync = function(arg) {;
Then you can simply stub ExecSync on your module and never have to call the dependency at all.


Assert arguments of stubbed methods with sinon

import ManagerDaoStub from '../salesforce/__test__/ManagerDaoStub';
import criticalMerchants from '../criticalMerchants';
describe('criticalMerchants Unit Tests', () => {
before(() => {
after(() => {
it('assert the arguments of stubbed method', (done)=>{
let load = criticalMerchants.createCases(MERCHANT, DEVICE_ID, KEY, {});
return done();
This is the test file written in node criticalMerchants.test.js. The method i want to test which is createCases uses a method in ManagerDao, which has been stubbed in ManagerDaoStub as below.
import ManagerDao from '../ManagerDao';
class ManagerDaoStub {
constructor() {
this.sandbox = sinon.sandbox.create();
initStubs(sandbox) {
this.sandbox = sandbox || this.sandbox;
restoreStubs() {
initFindOpenCases() {
let findOpenCases = this.sandbox.stub(ManagerDao, "findOpenCases");
.withArgs(DEVICE_ID, KEY, match.func)
.callsArgWith(2, new Error("Test error"));
I want to assert whether this stubbed method initFindOpenCases was called with the right arguments (DEVICE_ID,KEY,null). I used
sinon.assert.calledWith(ManagerDaoStub.initFindOpenCases, DEVICE_ID, KEY, null) and this gives the following error:
AssertError: initFindOpenCases() is not stubbed.
Can someone suggest a proper way to do this?
First off, if ManagerDao.initFindOpenCases is an instance method (I'm unsure since you haven't shared its definition), then you can't stub it on the constructor like you've done here:
let findOpenCases = this.sandbox.stub(ManagerDao, "findOpenCases")
You need to either create an instance first-- then stub it on that instance-- or stub it on the prototype itself like so:
let findOpenCases = this.sandbox.stub(ManagerDao.prototype, "findOpenCases");
Secondly, you're making the same mistake again in your assertion, combined with another:
sinon.assert.calledWith(ManagerDaoStub.initFindOpenCases, DEVICE_ID, KEY, null)
ManagerDaoStub is the constructor, and it does not have an initFindOpenCases property. Its prototype does, and thus its instances do as well. On top of that, ManagerDaoStub.prototype.initFindOpenCases is still not a stub. It's a method you're calling to create a stub, but it is not itself a stub. More plainly, you're getting ManagerDao mixed up with ManagerDaoStub.
Assuming you make example change above, you can make your assertion work like this:
sinon.assert.calledWith(ManagerDao.prototype.initFindOpenCases, DEVICE_ID, KEY, null)
However, this isn't all I would recommend changing. This latter mixup is arising largely because you're vastly over-complicating the setup code of your test. You don't need to make an entire class to stub one method of ManagerDao.
Instead, just replace your before and after calls with these:
beforeEach(() => {
// Create the stub on the prototype.
sinon.stub(ManagerDao.prototype, 'findOpenCases')
.withArgs(DEVICE_ID, KEY, sinon.match.func)
.callsArgWith(2, newError('Test Error'));
afterEach(() => {
// As of sinon 5.0.0, the sinon object *is* a sandbox, so you can
// easily restore every fake you've made like so:
Aside from that, I recommend looking deeply into the difference between properties on a constructor and properties on its prototype. That knowledge will make stuff like this much easier for you. Best place to start is probably here on MDN.

How to return promise to the router callback in NodeJS/ExpressJS

I am new to nodejs/expressjs and mongodb. I am trying to create an API that exposes data to my mobile app that I am trying to build using Ionic framework.
I have a route setup like this
router.get('/api/jobs', (req, res) => {
JobModel.getAllJobsAsync().then((jobs) => res.json(jobs)); //IS THIS THe CORRECT WAY?
I have a function in my model that reads data from Mongodb. I am using the Bluebird promise library to convert my model functions to return promises.
const JobModel = Promise.promisifyAll(require('../models/Job'));
My function in the model
static getAllJobs(cb) {
MongoClient.connectAsync(utils.getConnectionString()).then((db) => {
const jobs = db.collection('jobs');
jobs.find().toArray((err, jobs) => {
if(err) {
return cb(err);
return cb(null, jobs);
The promisifyAll(myModule) converts this function to return a promise.
What I am not sure is,
If this is the correct approach for returning data to the route callback function from my model?
Is this efficient?
Using promisifyAll is slow? Since it loops through all functions in the module and creates a copy of the function with Async as suffix that now returns a promise. When does it actually run? This is a more generic question related to node require statements. See next point.
When do all require statements run? When I start the nodejs server? Or when I make a call to the api?
Your basic structure is more-or-less correct, although your use of Promise.promisifyAll seems awkward to me. The basic issue for me (and it's not really a problem - your code looks like it will work) is that you're mixing and matching promise-based and callback-based asynchronous code. Which, as I said, should still work, but I would prefer to stick to one as much as possible.
If your model class is your code (and not some library written by someone else), you could easily rewrite it to use promises directly, instead of writing it for callbacks and then using Promise.promisifyAll to wrap it.
Here's how I would approach the getAllJobs method:
static getAllJobs() {
// connect to the Mongo server
return MongoClient.connectAsync(utils.getConnectionString())
// ...then do something with the collection
.then((db) => {
// get the collection of jobs
const jobs = db.collection('jobs');
// I'm not that familiar with Mongo - I'm going to assume that
// the call to `jobs.find().toArray()` is asynchronous and only
// available in the "callback flavored" form.
// returning a new Promise here (in the `then` block) allows you
// to add the results of the asynchronous call to the chain of
// `then` handlers. The promise will be resolved (or rejected)
// when the results of the `job().find().toArray()` method are
// known
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
jobs.find().toArray((err, jobs) => {
if(err) {
This version of getAllJobs returns a promise which you can chain then and catch handlers to. For example:
.then((jobs) => {
// this is the object passed into the `resolve` call in the callback
// above. Do something interesting with it, like
.catch((err) => {
// this is the error passed into the call to `reject` above
Admittedly, this is very similar to the code you have above. The only difference is that I dispensed with the use of Promise.promisifyAll - if you're writing the code yourself & you want to use promises, then do it yourself.
One important note: it's a good idea to include a catch handler. If you don't, your error will be swallowed up and disappear, and you'll be left wondering why your code is not working. Even if you don't think you'll need it, just write a catch handler that dumps it to console.log. You'll be glad you did!

Stub/mock process.platform sinon

I am working with process.platform and want to stub that string value to fake different OSes.
(this object is generated out of my reach, and I need to test against different values it can take on)
Is it possible to stub/fake this value?
I have tried the following without any luck:
stub = sinon.stub(process, "platform").returns("something")
I get the error TypeError: Attempted to wrap string property platform as function
The same thing happens if I try to use a mock like this:
mock = sinon.mock(process);
You don't need Sinon to accomplish what you need. Although the process.platform process is not writable, it is configurable. So, you can temporarily redefine it and simply restore it when you're done testing.
Here's how I would do it:
var assert = require('assert');
describe('changing process.platform', function() {
before(function() {
// save original process.platform
this.originalPlatform = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(process, 'platform');
// redefine process.platform
Object.defineProperty(process, 'platform', {
value: 'any-platform'
after(function() {
// restore original process.platfork
Object.defineProperty(process, 'platform', this.originalPlatform);
it('should have any-platform', function() {
assert.equal(process.platform, 'any-platform');
sinon's stub supports a "value" function to set the new value for a stub now:
sinon.stub(process, 'platform').value('ANOTHER_OS');
sinon.restore() // when you finish the mocking
For details please check from

What is the role of describe() in Mocha?

The documentation at the official Mocha site contains this example:
describe('User', function(){
describe('#save()', function(){
it('should save without error', function(done){
var user = new User('Luna');{
if (err) throw err;
I want to know when I should nest my tests in the describe function and what the basic purpose of describe is. Can I compare the first argument passed to describe to comments in a programming language? Nothing is shown of describe in the output on the console. Is it only for readability purposes, or there is some other use for this function?
Is there anything wrong if I use it like this?
describe('User', function(){
describe('#save()', function(){
var user = new User('Luna');{
if (err) throw err;
If I do it this way, the test still passes.
The it call identifies each individual tests but by itself it does not tell Mocha anything about how your test suite is structured. How you use the describe call is what gives structure to your test suite. Here are some of the things that using describe to structure your test suite does for you. Here's an example of a test suite, simplified for the purpose of discussion:
function Foo() {
describe("Foo", function () {
var foo;
beforeEach(function () {
foo = new Foo();
describe("#clone", function () {
beforeEach(function () {
// Some other hook
it("clones the object", function () {
describe("#equals", function () {
it("returns true when the object passed is the same", function () {
it("returns false, when...", function () {
afterEach(function () {
// Destroy the foo that was created.
// foo.destroy();
function Bar() {
describe("Bar", function () {
describe("#clone", function () {
it("clones the object", function () {
Imagine that Foo and Bar are full-fledged classes. Foo has clone and equals methods. Bar has clone. The structure I have above is one possible way to structure tests for these classes.
(The # notation is used by some systems (like for instance, jsdoc) to indicate an instance field. So when used with a method name, it indicates a method called on an instance of the class (rather than a class method, which is called on the class itself). The test suite would run just as well without the presence of #.)
Provide Banners
Some of Mocha's reporters show the names you give to describe in the reports they produce. For instance, the spec reporter (which you can use by running $ mocha -R spec), would report:
✓ clones the object
✓ returns true when the object passed is the same
✓ returns false, when...
✓ clones the object
4 passing (4ms)
Help Select Parts to Run
If you want to run only some of the tests, you can use the --grep option. So if you care only about the Bar class, you can do $ mocha -R spec --grep Bar, and get the output:
✓ clones the object
1 passing (4ms)
Or if you care only about the clone methods of all classes, then $ mocha -R spec --grep '\bclone\b' and get the output:
✓ clones the object
✓ clones the object
2 passing (5ms)
The value given to --grep is interpreted as a regex so when I pass \bclone\b I'm asking only for the word clone, and not things like clones or cloned.
Provide Hooks
In the example above the beforeEach and afterEach calls are hooks. Each hook affects the it calls that are inside the describe call which is the parent of the hook. The various hooks are:
beforeEach which runs before each individual it inside the describe call.
afterEach which runs after each individual it inside the describe call.
before which runs once before any of the individual it inside the describe call is run.
after which runs once after all the individual it inside the describe call are run.
These hooks can be used to acquire resources or create data structures needed for the tests and then release resources or destroy these structures (if needed) after the tests are done.
The snippet you show at the end of your question won't generate an error but it does not actually contain any test, because tests are defined by it.
It's hard to add to Louis' excellent answer. There are a couple of advantages of the describe block that he didn't mention which are the skip and only functions.
describe.skip(...) {
will skip this describe and all its nested describe and it functions while:
describe.only(...) {
will only execute that describe and its nested describe and it functions. The skip() and only() modifiers can also be applied to the it() functions.
To my knowledge, describe is really just there for humans... So we can see different areas of the app. You can nest describe n levels deep.
Describe is just used for the sake of understanding the purpose of the tests , it is also used to logically group the tests . Lets say you are testing the database API's , all the database tests could come under the outer describe , so the outer describe logically groups all the database related . Lets say there are 10 database related API's to test , each of the inner describe functions defines what those tests are ....
The particular role of describe is to indicate which component is being tested and which method of that component is also being tested.
for example, lets say we have a User Prototype
var User = function() {
const self = this;
function setName(name) { = name
function getName(name) {
return{setName, getName};
module.exports = User;
And it needs to be tested, so a spec file is created for unit test
var assert = require('assert');
var User = require("../controllers/user.controller");
describe("User", function() {
describe('setName', function() {
it("should set the name on user", function() {
const pedro = new User();
name = "Pedro"
assert(pedro.getName(), name);
It is easy to see that the purpose of describe is indicating the component to be tested and the nested describe methods indicate which methods needs to be tested

Unit testing unavailable global function (couchapp, mocha)

I'm trying to unit test a CouchDB design doc (written using couchapp.js), example:
var ddoc = {
_id: '_design/example',
views: {
example: {
map: function(doc) {
emit(, contact);
module.exports = contacts
I can then require this file into a mocha test very easily.
The problem is CouchDB exposes a few global functions that the map functions use ("emit" function above) which are unavailable outside of CouchDB (i.e. in these unit tests).
I attempted to declare a global function in each test, for example:
var ddoc = require('../example.js')
describe('views', function() {
describe('example', function() {
it('should return the id and same doc', function() {
var doc = {
owner: {
id: 'a123456789'
// Globally-scoped mocks of unavailable couchdb 'emit' function
emit = function(id, doc) {
assert.equal(, id);
assert.equal(contact, doc);
But Mocha fails with complaints of global leak.
All of this together started to "smells wrong", so wondering if there's better/simpler approach via any libraries, even outside of Mocha?
Basically I'd like to make mock implementations available per test which I can call asserts from.
Any ideas?
I'd use sinon to stub and spy the tests. and
Globals are well, undesirable but hard to eliminate. I'm doing some jQuery related testing right now and have to use --globals window,document,navigator,jQuery,$ at the end of my mocha command line so... yeah.
You aren't testing CouchDb's emit, so you should stub it since a) you assume that it works and b) you know what it will return
global.emit = sinon.stub().returns(42);
// run your tests etc
// assert that the emit was called
This part of the sinon docs might be helpful:
it("makes a GET request for todo items", function () {
sinon.stub(jQuery, "ajax");
getTodos(42, sinon.spy());
assert(jQuery.ajax.calledWithMatch({ url: "/todo/42/items" }));
Hope that helps.
