SED command giving error while replacing a string - linux

I need to replace a string with another string in a file.
i have the below line a file.
tibco.env.LD_LIBRARY_PATH %TPCL_HOME%/lib/httpclient_3.0:%TPC
i need to replace "tibco.env.LD_LIBRARY_PATH " with
"tibco.env.LD_LIBRARY_PATH %RV_HOME%/lib/64:"
and finally the line should be
tibco.env.LD_LIBRARY_PATH %RV_HOME%/lib/64:%TPCL_HOME%/lib/httpclient_3.0:%TPC
i tried with the below command but getting error sed: -e expression #1, char 66: unknown option to `s'
sed -i s/"tibco.env.LD_LIBRARY_PATH "/"tibco.env.LD_LIBRARY_PATH %RV_HOME%/lib/64:"/ bwengine.tra
can someone help in fixing the issue.

If the pattern you want to replace or the replacement string contain the slash, use a different separator, e.g. =:
s="tibco.env.LD_LIBRARY_PATH "="tibco.env.LD_LIBRARY_PATH %RV_HOME%/lib/64:=

you may think to use & as the matched string which will reduce the length of the sed command.
sed 's!tibco.env.LD_LIBRARY_PATH !&%RV_HOME%/lib/64:!' file
refer this url:


Sed command fails with an unterminated `s' command as part of shell script, but not when run separately [duplicate]

I run below sed command
sed -i s/abc=.*$/abc=def ghi/g hpq_sf_attach_wf_param.txt
and it gave me error:
sed: -e expression #1, char 17: unterminated `s' command
I noticed it is due to space in between of def and ghi.
Any idea how to fix it?
You need to use quoting to protect special characters, including spaces, $, and *.
sed -i 's/abc=.*$/abc=def ghi/g' hpq_sf_attach_wf_param.txt
So geekosaur had it right. The the reason you had the problem though is because it needs to be double quotes for the wildcards because with single quotes it takes them as literal characters, not for the meaning you want.
sed -i "s/abc=.*$/abc=def ghi/g" hpq_sf_attach_wf_param.txt
Also if the space between "def" and "ghi" gives you problems, adding a "\" should help making it read it as a literal space.
sed -i "s/abc=.*$/abc=def\ ghi/g" hpq_sf_attach_wf_param.txt

Replace string by sed with double quota (special characters)

I want to change fileSystem: "/test/test" to fileSystem: "/apptest" in RHEL6 and i tried to use :
sed -i 's/fileSystem: "/test/test"/fileSystem: "/apptest"' text.txt
but doesnt work, output :
sed: -e expression #1, char 26: unknown option to `s'
I have no idea how to change it. I read some documents but didnt find out how to work.
Can you help me?
Because your string itself contains / characters, you should use a different delimiter for the s command. For example, #:
sed -i 's#fileSystem: "/test/test"#fileSystem: "/apptest"#' text.txt
(You were also missing the delimiter after the replacement.)

How do I find and replace text using sed using ~ as delimiter

In a Bash shell script I'm putting together, I am trying to find this text: /usr/local/freeswitch/log/freeswitch.log and replace it with: /var/log/freeswitch/freeswitch.log in this file: /etc/fail2ban/jail.local
This is what I have tried so far, both of which result in the error: sed: -e expression #1, char 75: unterminated `s' command
Attempt #1
sed -i 's~usr/local/freeswitch/log/freeswitch.log~var/log/freeswitch/freeswitch.log' /etc/fail2ban/jail.local
Attempt #2
sed -i 's~usr/local/freeswitch/log/freeswitch.log/var/log/freeswitch/freeswitch.log' /etc/fail2ban/jail.local
My research shows that since the text I'm searching for includes the "/" character, I should be using a different delimiter "~" to separate the find and replace strings. But looks like I'm doing something wrong, any assistance would be appreciated, thanks.
The structure of a sed substitution command is s/PATTERN/REPLACEMENT/ (note the delimiter at the end of the command).
You're right, you can change the delimiter to a different character, so if you're going to use ~ you need to put one of those at the end of the command.

Unterminated `s' command with sed troubleshooting

I have a problem with sed. I want to replace the entire specific line number for multiple lines in multiples documents.
This the bash command for 1 specific line in 1 specific document:
BNAME=$(basename $FILE .pdb)
psfgen1="pdb ./sedpdb/${BNAME}.pdb/"
sed -i '8s/'.*'/'${psfgen1}'/' ./psfgen.inp
And I get this error :
sed: -e expression #1, char 60: unterminated `s' command
Is anyone know how to solve this issue? Thanks!
I can see two things wrong:
There are forward slashes in the string that you're attempting to use in the sed command. These will be interpreted as part of the command, so you should use a different delimiter.
The * is unquoted, so will be glob-expanded by the shell to the names of all the files in the directory.
Reliably using shell variables in string substitutions is non-trivial but can be done using one of the approaches shown in the answers to this question.
In your case, it looks like you can probably get away with using another character as the delimiter, such as #:
sed -i "8s#.*#${psfgen1}#" ./psfgen.inp

Using variables in a sed command

I'm trying to add some text (a path) at the end of a line which is found by a sed command:
sed -i "/Begins with this text/s/$/$var/" filename
I know that double quotes are needed to use variables in a sed command but if I use the above command it gives me an error message saying:
expresssion #1, character 23: unknown option to `s
What am I doing wrong?
Change the delimiter in the substitute command to something that won't appear in $var, e.g.
sed -i "/Begins with this text/s|$|$var|" filename
or escape the slashes in $var:
