how to connect and read files of an external Linux server through programming - linux

I want to connect to a Linux server and read some logs from a folder located in the Linux server through a program written in
Is it possible or do I need to have some extra tools or softwares to do the above. (not through Putty or anything similar to it)
Automation Requirements: Go to a folder located in Linux server. Check for a log file. If there are no log files created today then send a mail to me.
I need to write a vb program in VS-2005 to do the above task. Can someone give me a head start or how to go about it.
I am new to Vb programming so any help would be appreciated.
i can neither use SSH protocols nor sockets to do it.For both i would have to install something or the other for which i do not have privileges. Can anyone tell me how can i do it using putty or filezilla tools. I have both available but do not know how to access them through vb programming.

You need to find a way to connect linux machine by SSH protocol Please refer this post for your reference executing commands on unix server via visual basic application


I'm getting "500 : Command not understood" in Windows server IIS

I'm getting "500 : Command not understood" in IIS when I try to copy and paste a file to a folder in a ftp server, using a particular ftp username. Getting the same error while used filezilla to upload a file to the folder.
We also tried giving read, write, modify rights to that ftp user, no use.
If anybody need any details about the server to get a clear idea, I'll provide.
I think you are trying to set UNIX-like permissions on Windows Server IIS.
you really don't need FTP to change permissions. The ACL on Windows is extremely different from UNIX. Windows has so many other access attributes other than read/write/execute. However there is an equivalent of CHMOD command on 2k3 which is called cacls.exe. You can type cacls.exe /? on command prompt to get detailed help or search the web for it.
You also go through the link to know more about IIS specific permission required etc.
happy to help :)

Live development environment in windows when project is on Linux server

Maybe this question is not so proffesional, but still, maybe someone has got into this issue as well. I am using windows os. And the project i am working on is on Linux servers. I am using Netbeans IDE and WAMP. The problem i ran into is that i cannot make the development environment configured via ALIAS or something similar. I want to DEBUG and run tests but the folder structure is different and it gives me errors, like in windows it is C:/wamp and on the Linux server it is /var/www . How can i make windows machine to get to understand the different file structure ? Maybe there are some guides ? I do not want to switch to Linux. I have everything configured and the only thing i need is like redirect from c:/wamp/myProject to /var/www/myProject
I'm afraid that might not be possible.
You are trying to get one OS to read data from another OS
This is not a problem. However, your issue is that your files are located in directories of different structures, and you are trying to get Windows to read from /var/www directly.
Am I right?

How update a Azure Website via FTP transfer

My requirement is to transfer files like DDL's and config files to the Azure Website from my local system.
I have gone through links and have followed following steps :
Open FTP_Server_name_from_Publish_profile
Supplied User name and password and Able to connect
Cd Site\wwwroot
put "Some_File"
Getting following error:
200 PORT command successful.
150 Opening ASCII mode data connection.
When I am trying to connect via WinSCP client and transferring files via GUI it is working fine.
Also, I tried the above steps for transferring files to the sample FTP servers, and it is working Fine.
Let me know where I am going wrong.
It's not clear what you ask for. I assume you want to automate an update of Azure Website.
As you have succeeded using WinSCP GUI, you can do the same using WinSCP scripting. The WinSCP script would look like:
open ftps://
put C:\myjob\* /site/wwwroot/App_Data/jobs/type/name/
For details see Automating WebJob Update in WinSCP documentation.

Uploading Sawtooth Software ACA Survey to web using personal website hosting

The software created a Web Upload folder for me, which I uploaded to the site using an FTP Client (specifically WS_FTP). The first lines of the pearl files say "#!usr/bin/pearl" that I changed to "/home/calakpsi/pearl". However, when I execute the html file it searches my computer under "/C:/Users/myname/AppData/Roaming/Ipswitch/WS_FTP/Storage/cgi-bin/". I made sure the file it's looking for was in that folder, but for some reason the webpage would still not execute.
Any help or step by step solution (since I do not have an in depth technical background) would be much appreciated.
I think the problem is that your server is not configured properly to run perl scripts. Have a look at this, to see if it helps. The answer by Dave Sherohman should help you out.
Once you are able to run perl scripts, it should run (barring other issues which are script specific).
Overall the steps required to execute perl scripts are as follows. You can look up their details on the internet, as I don't know them myself.
Install any mods required for server, for instance mod_perl, on ubtuntu it would be something like sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-perl2. If you are in windows, perhaps take one of those bitnami or other LAMP installers. They should come installed with it.
Configuration for server/virtual host, so that perl files in the directory are executed
ensure they have correct permission (and you should be all set).

How to add remote includes to a synchronized eclipse project for correct indexing?

I have created a synchronized project in Eclipse so that I can develop on my Windows workstation without the overhead caused by running eclipse on our company's build server. However, the problem I'm having is that the indexer is using my Cygwin includes for things such as the stdlib which aren't the ones I wanted to include. Is there a way to include remote includes from the linux build server for things like the std lib? The only idea I have right now would be to create a mapped cifs mount to my windows machine that has access to the header files, however I don't know if that would work.
Look at "Remote Include Paths" (bottom of page). Let us know on the ptp-users mailing-list if it doesn't work.
