I'm looking for examples of using node.js with Amazon SNS and Apple APN push notifications. We use Amazon for our hosting, and I have used SNS before, it's pretty simple. But the examples they have for push notifications are for java, and there is no examples for Node. It's confusing, as usual with them, and I'm hoping to cut my research and time spent short. It can't be that hard. I'm also wondering how they deal with errors, and the differences between the sandbox and production. Apple reacts differently between the two environments, not failing in the sandbox as they do in production.
It ends up not being that hard, just figuring out the documentation was unpleasant. You need to create the main endpoint for the SNS topic in the console, by far the easiest way, including the loading of the certificate. You then used createPlatformEnpoint to create an endpoint for each device id. That returns another SNS topic, specific fo that device, that you then use to send the message.
So, the following works to send a single message to a single client. If you want send something en masse, not sure you can do that. Also not sure how you deal with Apple's feedback, which you are supposed to check for failed sends.
config = require("./config.js").config;
var token = "1234567898123456789";
var AWS = require('aws-sdk');
AWS.config.update({accessKeyId: config.AWSAccessKeyId, secretAccessKey: config.AWSSecretKey});
AWS.config.update({region: config.AWSRegion});
var sns = new AWS.SNS();
var params = {'PlatformApplicationArn':config["AWSTargetARN"],'Token':token};
var message = 'Test';
var subject = 'Stuff';
var client_arn = EndPointResult["EndpointArn"];
TargetArn: client_arn,
Message: message,
Subject: subject},
if (err)
console.log("Error sending a message "+err);
console.log("Sent message: "+data.MessageId);
It's fairly straightforward as CargoMeister pointed out.
I've written a blog post about getting it setup check it out here http://evanshortiss.com/development/mobile/2014/02/22/sns-push-notifications-using-nodejs.html
I've also a Node.js wrapper module that is easier to use than the AWS SDK as I've worked around the documentation. It supports iOS and Android Push Services (as that's all I've tested/worked with), manages message formats other than Strings and exposes events: https://npmjs.org/package/sns-mobile
I haven't used topics to manage endpoints, not sure is that an issue though. You just create PlatformEndpoints first via the SNS console.
var AWS = require('aws-sdk');
var express = require('express');
var app = express();
AWS.config.credentials = new AWS.CognitoIdentityCredentials({
IdentityPoolId: 'add IdentityPoolId'
AWS.config.region = 'add region';
var sns = new AWS.SNS();
PlatformApplicationArn: 'add platform application arn',
Token: 'add device token'
}, function (err, data) {
if (err) {
console.log("errorMessage" + err.stack);
var endpointArn = data.EndpointArn;
var payload = {
default: 'Hello World',
aps: {
alert: 'Hello World',
sound: 'default',
badge: 1
// first have to stringify the inner APNS object...
payload.APNS = JSON.stringify(payload.APNS);
// then have to stringify the entire message payload
payload = JSON.stringify(payload);
console.log('sending push');
Message: payload,
MessageStructure: 'json',
TargetArn: endpointArn
}, function (err, data) {
if (err) {
console.log('push sent');
var server = app.listen(8081, function () {
var host = server.address().address
var port = server.address().port
console.log("Example app listening at http://%s:%s", host, port)
I have this Lambda function code which is invoked by an SQS.
SQS triggers my Lambda function ( in nodeJS).
Lambda will also send out an SES email. Is there a way I can test this on my local Ubuntu rather than always using AWS web console?
Any help is appreciated.
Here is my Lambda NodeJS code: This code works only on AWS Lambda. When I run
$node index.js , it does not send out SES email.
var aws = require("aws-sdk");
var nodemailer = require("nodemailer");
var ses = new aws.SES();
var s3 = new aws.S3();
// Set the region
aws.config.update({region: 'us-west-2'});
exports.handler = function (event, context, callback) {
const response = {
statusCode: 200,
body: JSON.stringify({
message: 'SQS event processed.',
input: event,
console.log('event: ', JSON.stringify(event.Records));
result = JSON.stringify(event.Records)
result = result.replace(/(^\[)/, '');
result = result.replace(/(\]$)/, '');
var resultObj = JSON.parse(result);
var idCustomer = resultObj.body;
console.log('===SENDING EMAIL====');
// Create sendEmail paramssd
var params = {
Destination: {
/* required */
CcAddresses: [
/* more items */
Message: {
/* required s*/
Body: {
/* required */
Html: {
Charset: "UTF-8",
Data: "BODY:"
Text: {
Charset: "UTF-8",
Subject: {
Charset: 'UTF-8',
Data: idCustomer
Source: 'xxxx#eeeee.com', /* required */
ReplyToAddresses: [
/* more items */
// Create the promise and SES service object
var sendPromise = new aws.SES({apiVersion: '2010-12-01'}).sendEmail(params).promise();
// Handle promise's fulfilled/rejected states s
function (data) {
console.log("Successfully sent using SES");
function (err) {
console.log("An Error occured while senting using using SES");
console.error(err, err.stack);
You should definetely take a look at SAM LOCAL. It is a tool developed by the AWS team specifically for testing lambdas.
Publishes a version of your function from the current snapshot of
$LATEST. That is, AWS Lambda takes a snapshot of the function code and
configuration information from $LATEST and publishes a new version.
The code and configuration cannot be modified after publication. For
information about the versioning feature, see
It is easy to use, you just type
sam local invoke --event event.json
And behind the scenes it will run a docker cotnainer for your lambda and call it.
Regarding your SES, you should put a small if(SAM_LOCAL) condition in the code and call the real one only if not in local mode. Note that SAM_LOCAL is env variable set by the SAM LOCAL tool when you run a function locally.
Good luck !
If you want to use aws as a backend - serverless framework is probably what you looking for https://serverless.com/ If you want to test your code without executing lambda on aws backend take a look at localastack framework https://github.com/localstack/localstack
i want to create a web page that gets information (MQTT message) from an AWS IOT button. I have a working, configured button and i already manged to make it send MQTT information to my computer. Now i want this MQTT information to be displayed on a web page. I want the web page to count the amount of the requests, and to display up to date information about the button (which is on every single MQTT message). How do i get started with this? I would appreciate any help. thanks very much.
You have to install aws-sdk for JS and aws-iot-device-sdk both from npm. Then, you can use something like this:
import { CognitoIdentityCredentials, CognitoIdentity, config, Credentials } from "aws-sdk";
import { device } from "aws-iot-device-sdk";
const mqttClient = null;
config.region = "us-east-1";
config.credentials = new CognitoIdentityCredentials({
IdentityPoolId: "us-east-1:your-pool-id",
config.getCredentials((err) => {
if (err) console.log(err);
else {
const cId = new CognitoIdentity();
IdentityId: config.credentials.identityId
.then(result => {
mqttClient = new device({
region: "us-east-1",
host: "your-iot-host.iot.us-east-1.amazonaws.com",
clientId: "any client id",
protocol: 'wss',
accessKeyId: result.Credentials.AccessKeyId,
secretKey: result.Credentials.SecretKey,
sessionToken: result.Credentials.SessionToken
mqttClient.on("connect", () => {
mqttClient.subscribe("some id for your web app - can be any string");
mqttClient.on("reconnect", () => {
mqttClient.on("message", (topic, payload) => {
console.log(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, payload));
const message = JSON.parse(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, payload));
console.log("message: " + message);
Please note that the above code uses ES6 features. You might have to use some compiler like babel to convert it to ES5 which many more browsers support.
According to this aws doc http://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/api-retries.html automatic retry feature is build in the aws sdk in my case node.js aws sdk. I configured the DocumentClient object like this:
var dynamodb = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient({
region: 'us-west-2',
retryDelayOptions: {base: 50},
maxRetries: 20
but I still cannot make it auto-retry for me. I want to auto-retry with all UnprocessedItems as well.
Can you point me to where is my mistake?
The retryDelayOptions and maxRetries are the options present on AWS.DynamoDB. The DocumentClient has to be configured by setting the DynamoDB service.
var dynamodb = new AWS.DynamoDB({maxRetries: 5, retryDelayOptions: {base: 300} });
var docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient({service : dynamodb});
The AWS Client SDKs all have built-in mechanisms for retry indeed, however those retries are at the request level. That means that any request that gets rejected by the server with a 500-level error, or in some cases, a 400-level throttling error will get automatically retried based on the configured settings.
What you are asking for is business-layer retry behavior which is NOT built into the SDK. The UnprocessedItems collection contains items that were rejected by the service for various reasons and you have to write your own logic to handle those.
After sending Response we can handle unprocessed Item's background Process until all unprocessed Items should be complete. below code is useful for you
var AWS= require('aws-sdk');
var docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient();
docClient.batchWrite(params, function (error, data) {
res.send(error, data);
handler(error, data);//handling unprocessed items /back ground
//handle Method
function handler(err, data) {
if (err) {
console.log("Error", err);
} else {
console.log("Success", data);
if (Object.keys(data.UnprocessedItems).length) {
setTimeout(() => { docClient.batchWrite({ RequestItems: data.UnprocessedItems }, handler);
}, 100000);
I would like to use the Bing Speech Recognition API to convert speech to text when sending audio attachments in Skype to my node.js chatbot. I have tried using the code from BotBuilder-Samples intelligence-SpeechToText, however the speech recognition only works in the Emulator. When sending an audio/wave file in Skype, the bot does not respond at all instead of "You said: What’s the weather like?".
I suspected that the issue might be due to the fact that a JWT Token is required to access attachments in Skype. Hence, I have tried accessing the audio attachment in Skype using the code from BotBuilder-Samples core-ReceiveAttachment which uses request-promise instead of needle to make the HTTP request. However, the result from request-promise is not a stream and cannot be processed by the function getTextFromAudioStream().
I there would like to ask how to get speech recognition to work with audio attachments in Skype.
Thanks and best regards!
// Add your requirements
var restify = require("restify");
var builder = require("botbuilder");
var fs = require("fs");
var needle = require("needle");
var request = require("request");
var speechService = require("./speech-service.js");
var Promise = require('bluebird');
var request = require('request-promise').defaults({ encoding: null });
// Bot Setup
// Setup Restify Server
var server = restify.createServer();
server.listen(process.env.PORT || 3000, function() {
console.log("%s listening to %s", server.name, server.url);
// Create chat bot
var connector = new builder.ChatConnector ({
appId: process.env.MICROSOFT_APP_ID,
appPassword: process.env.MICROSOFT_APP_PASSWORD
server.post("/api/messages", connector.listen());
var bot = new builder.UniversalBot(connector);
// Bots Middleware
// Anytime the major version is incremented any existing conversations will be restarted.
bot.use(builder.Middleware.dialogVersion({ version: 1.0, resetCommand: /^reset/i }));
// Bots Dialogs
bot.dialog("/", [
function (session, results, next) {
var msg = session.message;
if (hasAudioAttachment(msg)) {
// Message with attachment, proceed to download it.
// Skype attachment URLs are secured by a JwtToken, so we need to pass the token from our bot.
var attachment = msg.attachments[0];
var fileDownload = isSkypeMessage(msg)
? requestWithToken(attachment.contentUrl)
: request(attachment.contentUrl);
function (response) {
// Send reply with attachment type & size
var reply = new builder.Message(session)
.text('Attachment from %s of %s type and size of %s bytes received.', msg.source, attachment.contentType, response.length);
}).catch(function (err) {
console.log('Error downloading attachment:', { statusCode: err.statusCode, message: err.response.statusMessage });
var stream = isSkypeMessage(msg)
? getAudioStreamWithToken(attachment)
: getAudioStream(attachment);
.then(text => {
session.send("You said: " + text);
.catch(error => {
session.send("Oops! Something went wrong. Try again later.");
else {
session.send("Did you upload an audio file? I'm more of an audible person. Try sending me a wav file");
function getAudioStream(attachment) {
return needle.get(attachment.contentUrl, { headers: {'Content-Type': "audio/wav"} });
function getAudioStreamWithToken(attachment) {
var headers = {};
connector.getAccessToken((error, token) => {
headers['Authorization'] = 'Bearer ' + token;
headers['Content-Type'] = attachment.contentType;
return needle.get(attachment.contentUrl, { headers: headers });
// Request file with Authentication Header
function requestWithToken(url) {
return obtainToken().then(function (token) {
return request({
url: url,
headers: {
'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + token,
'Content-Type': 'application/octet-stream'
// Promise for obtaining JWT Token (requested once)
var obtainToken = Promise.promisify(connector.getAccessToken.bind(connector));
function isSkypeMessage(message) {
return message.source === "skype";
The code in the sample is already considering Skype when accessing to the attachments (see here). I think the problem you were hitting is because the key in the sample exceeded the quota. Yesterday a new Bing Speech Key was added to the sample, so I would suggest you to try again.
Also, an updated version of the sample is going to be added soon. The code is currently under code review.
I implemented a node.js script that queries the APN Feedback service to retrieve the list of invalid tokens. Unfortunately, I did not manage to get any invalid token. I followed these steps:
Install the ios app with push notifications in sandbox mode.
Send some notifications to the app (done successfully).
Uninstall the app (I read that if the app that I uninstall is the only one with push notifications, it will cause the disconnection from the APN Service and make impossible to notify it that the app was uninstalled; but this is not my case, the iPad has many push notification apps installed!!).
Send many other notifications with the same token, about ten or twenty, just to prove that the application token is not valid anymore (obviously the notifications are not delivered because the app has just been uninstalled).
Query the Feedback service to finally get the invalid token. The
Feedback service does not send anything, it just closes the connection without any kind of data.
This is the script I use to query the feedback service:
function pollAPNFeedback() {
var certPem = fs.readFileSync('apns-prod-cert.pem', encoding='ascii');
var keyPem = fs.readFileSync('apns-prod-key-noenc.pem', encoding='ascii');
var options = { key: keyPem, cert: certPem };
console.log("Connecting APN feedback service");
var stream = tls.connect(2196, 'feedback.sandbox.push.apple.com', options, function() {
if (stream.authorized == false) {
return console.log('not connected')
} else {
var bufferlist = [];
stream.on('data', function(data) {
// APN feedback starts sending data immediately on successful connect
console.log('-->Data: ', data);
stream.on('readable', function(){
console.log('we have incoming data');
stream.on('error', function(err){
console.log('error: ', err);
stream.on('close', function(){
console.log('stream.data = ', stream.data);
As you can see, I put some listeners on the stream variable. The callback function on the 'data' listener is never invoked, only the 'close' event triggers its callback. I am sure that the connection is up because stream.authorized is true.
What am I doing wrong?
Is it possible that you are using a production certificate to contact the sandbox environment?
From your code :
var certPem = fs.readFileSync('apns-prod-cert.pem', encoding='ascii');
var keyPem = fs.readFileSync('apns-prod-key-noenc.pem', encoding='ascii');
And :
var stream = tls.connect(2196, 'feedback.sandbox.push.apple.com', options, function()
If that's the case, that's why it doesn't work.