Database folder on development mode - arangodb

On arangodb's documentation it is suggested to use a different folder to databases during development phase (/tmp/fancy_db). I try to use this but I get errors saying that no database exists... How can I create databases on this temporary folder?
Thank you

arangod will not create any folder for you, you have to give it an existing folder on your system.
is just a suggestion you can use any folder at any location on your machine.
However to create a folder in /tmp on a unix system open a terminal and enter:
bash> mkdir /tmp/fancy_db
On a windows system (as far as i know) \tmp is not available, you can use
instead (create it with Explorer)


Where to save CLI application log file that will work cross-platform?

I have an application that saves error logs into the same directory where the script was run. This is bad because it creates error.log files in random places. So I want to save the file into /var/log on GNU/Linux and I would like to have the same for Windows and macOS (and probably any other OS where NodeJS runs).
Is there a cross-platform way to get a log directory? So I can write logs there?
Also how to work with that directory if it's owned by root. Or is there a better place to save NodeJS application logs?
The only directory cross-platform NodeJS directory is /tmp using:
const log_filename = path.join(os.tmpdir(), 'lips.error.log');
What is the best place to save logs where users can look them up? Same directory and /tmp directory are not good options in my option. What are the other options to save logs files?
What is the usual place where log files should be saved cross-platform in any CLI application?
That's part of the fun -- there is no single directory to store logs, so you'll need to handle each supported OS separately.
Linux has options, but it would be good to go for the XDG specification way, as it's a reasonable standard that won't fill up system logs, and it will make it simple to isolate the applications logs.
macOS can use the ~/Library/logs folder.
Windows can use the AppData folder, usually AppData/Local.

How to monitor a directory for file changes without using inotifywait?

I require a VM for developing and my host is where my IDE is. I have discovered that inotifywait does not work with shared folders, as I am sharing a local folder with my Linux guest using Virtual Box.
Basically, I have a simple bash script which needs to watch a directory and wait for any file changes. Inotifywait would be the best option but I cannot get it to work with my shared folder.
I was wondering if there is another option for my problem?
Depending on the sizes of the files and the nature of the changes you could:
Create a checksum (md5, CRC, SHA256) of the files and watch for changes
check the size of the files and watch for changes

Moving neo4j database from Windows to Ubuntu

I created neo4j database using cypher queries through browser and some python (py2neo) routines.
Now, I have to transfer this database to another neo4j instance on my Linux desktop.
What I did-
Zip the contents of folder default.graphdb.
Unzipped the contents of the zip file to data/graph.db in my linux installation.
Also the user:pass of the database are same.
But when I goto the browser, I can't find any of that data. The directory does point to the folder that I extracted to (/home/goelakash/neo4j-community-2.3.0/data/graph.db).
How do I get that database?
EDIT - messages.log
The data files should be located directly in data/graph.db. So check e.g. if there is a file called neostore.nodestore.db. If so, check the permissions - the system user running Neo4j needs to have full recursive read/write permission on the graph.db folder.
Also make sure that you're using the same version of Neo4j on Windows and Linux (or upgrade the store following the reference manual).
For more insight attach the startup sequence form data/graph.db/messages.log.

Linux application in filesystem sandbox

Is it possible to install and run applications using the regular filesystem but make created files and changes written to a specific directory?
I want to make an application believe it is installed to the system root and remove it by just deleting one folder from my home directory. A lightweight solution would be great!
It should be possible by combining unionfs and namespace. Create a mount namespace (using unshare(1)), mount a unionfs over everything and run the application there (I haven't done it myself, so no example commands, sorry).
Take a look at mbox
It intercepts system calls to a temporary directory which you can specify

Cruisecontrol, deployment, folder permissions

We're using, it builds the version, creates a zip file, then 15 min later, unzips the file on the Integration server. But when the folder gets to the integration server, often, the security permission on one of the folders is totally hosed. The Domain admin and folder owner can't even open the folder in explorer. We reboot and the folder permissions are good we can delete the folder and redeploy the zip file and it's okay.
Does anyone have any idea what or how the folder permissions are getting so messed up?
Any tools to use to diagnose/watch what exactly is messing it up?
Have you tried using psexec from system internals to upzip to file on the remote machine rather than the build machine?
Also, it seems to me that rather than unzipping the zip just copy the stuff directly to the remote server. I'm not seeing the reason to zip it and then just unzip it?
