Windows Azure: Combining Azure Tables with SQL - azure

I have some structured tables to handle connections between users. I have managed to get this to work in Google App Engine(Like Azure Tables). I am considering moving to Azure and combining Tables with SQL.
Step 1:
SQL: Find user relations in Azure SQL Database, user A and user B is connected.
Step 2:
Search Azure Tables with user A id and user B id. Each user is uploading images and other unstructured posts.
I guess this is a well known scenario, I am just looking to combine the two for best:


Multi-tenant IoT application with Azure

I'm building an Azure IoT Hub application. I have several customers, each with a set of devices. Do you think all those customers should be connected to the same hub or a different one(s)?
I would like to populate a multi tenant db (single db, multiple schemas) via azure stream analytics. The idea is to use a job that partitions the data by customer and saves it in a table of a specific schema (schema associated to a specific customer) on my db. It's possible to do it, or the only way to keep customer data separate is to have several db's (instead of having one db and multiple schemas)?
I'm building an Azure IoT Hub application. I have several customers,
each with a set of devices. Do you think all those customers should be
connected to the same hub or a different one(s)?
It really depends on the data which is processed and also your actual requirements. If sharing the IoT Hub resource details with other customers is not an issue, then you can use the same IoT Hub. Else, choose individual IoT Hubs.
I would like to populate a multi tenant db (single db, multiple
schemas) via azure stream analytics. The idea is to use a job that
partitions the data by customer and saves it in a table of a specific
schema (schema associated to a specific customer) on my db. It's
possible to do it, or the only way to keep customer data separate is
to have several db's (instead of having one db and multiple schemas)?
SQL output in Azure Stream Analytics supports writing in parallel as an option. This option allows for fully parallel job topologies, where multiple output partitions are writing to the destination table in parallel. Enabling this option in Azure Stream Analytics however may not be sufficient to achieve higher throughputs, as it depends significantly on your database configuration and table schema. The choice of indexes, clustering key, index fill factor, and compression have an impact on the time to load tables. For more information about how to optimize your database to improve query and load performance based on internal benchmarks, see SQL Database performance guidance. Ordering of writes is not guaranteed when writing in parallel to SQL Database.
See Increase throughput performance to Azure SQL Database from Azure Stream Analytics for more details.

Find Azure SQL replication problems through an API?

We are using Azure SQL as our database across multiple regions, with one primary and multiple secondaries.
The scenario is, we want to find if there are any active replication problems through some sort of API call / so we can integrate this into our overall environment.
Is there an Azure Management API / or SQL query we can run and build an API on top of - so we can some result like replica DB X is having problems and the data is outdated?
Azure doesn't have an API for this yet. But you should be able to build APIs on top of the views.
There are out of box views 'sys.dm_database_replica_states' and 'sys.dm_db_resource_stats' provided on Azure SQL Database that could be used for your requirement. However, I would recommend you to go through the below link and choose them appropriately:

Aggregating multiple DBs in Azure

I have several SQL DBs in Azure. All have the same structure. Each DB represents a different location. What would be the best practice to aggreate the data of all locations? The goal would be to be able to answer queries like „How much material of type X was used in time range x to y accross all locations?“ or „Give me the location that produces the highest outcome?“
You can use the Azure SQL database Elastic pool.
Add all of your databases to the Elastic pool.
With Elastic query can help you aggreate the data of all locations in Azure.
The elastic query feature (in preview) enables you to run a Transact-SQL query that spans multiple databases in Azure SQL Database. It allows you to perform cross-database queries to access remote tables, and to connect Microsoft and third-party tools (Excel, Power BI, Tableau, etc.) to query across data tiers with multiple databases. Using this feature, you can scale out queries to large data tiers in SQL Database and visualize the results in business intelligence (BI) reports.
Hope this helps.
My recommendation in this scenario is to create a new database which we will name as the "hub" database and it will consolidate the information of all location databases which we will name as "member" databases. Use SQL Data Sync to synchronize each member database to the hub database. Use T-SQL and Power BI against the hub database to answer all your questions involving all locations.
I participated on a project of a Mexican retail store with 72 stores across Mexico they created a hub database to consolidate sales at the end of the day, and use Power BI to show consolidated sales to stakeholders.

I want to get data from different database tables in azure search,is it possible? or any other workaround or best search

My website is hosted on Azure, i want to implement Azure search indexing, but there are some limitations of showing data to anyone. So when i retrieve data from a table, i will check user id and all details from different userrole table and pick some data on the basis of userid,
Can i get data from different database tables using Azure search indexing? currently i am getting onlye one table data on one index?
i have to implement Azure index search, or please suggest me any other workaround for my problem.
for example
i have a table of "users","userroles", "projects" and "tasks".
i want to show tasks of projects related to user. foreign key will be used. now if i create azure index, it will only run my query on tasks table, it will not check the tasks details from projects,users, etc tables. so my question is how i can create such type of index or query in Azure search, where i use different tables to get relevant and correct data in my search.
You can add those roles on your Azure Search index, specifying which roles have access, and use Odata to filter the results.$filter=Administrator%20eq%20true
You can learn more about filters on this documentation.

How can I expose a subset of my SQL Azure database to customers for reporting?

I'm trying to determine whether Azure SQL Reporting can be used to provide reporting on an application we're hosting in Azure with an Azure SQL database back-end.
Ideally we'd like to be able to offer users the ability to create their own reports. To do this, we need to expose to them the subset of the data which applies to the organisation they're associated with.
Users identities come from federated providers via Azure ACS.
What can I do to customise the data exposed and offer only the subset a user is allowed to access?
I don't think this is something you can implement in Reporting Services.
I have had similar situations using standard Windows users and we created views on the tables that joined to some mapping table (e.g. company and user) and used SUSER_SNAME() to return the current user login name. Users only had permissions to access the data via the views and their login name acted as a filter on the rows.
