nested excel functions with conditional logic - excel

Just getting started in Excel and I was working with a database extract where I need to count values only if items in another column are unique.
So- below is my starting point:
=SUMPRODUCT(COUNTIF(C3:C94735,{"Sharable Content Object Reference Model 1.2","Authored SCORM/AICC content","Authored External Web Content"}))
what i'd like to figure out is the syntax to do something like this-
=sumproduct (Countif range1 criteria..., where range2 criteria="is unique value")
Am I getting this right? The syntax is a bit confusing, and I'm not sure I've chosen the right functions for the task.

I just had to solve this same problem a week ago.
This method works even when you can't always sort on the grouping column (J in your case). If you can keep the data sorted, #MikeD 's solution will scale better.
Firstly, do you know the FREQUENCY trick for counting unique numbers? FREQUENCY is designed to create histograms. It takes two arrays, 'data' and 'bins'. It sorts 'bins', then creates an output array that's one longer than 'bins'. Then it takes each value in 'data' and determines which bin it belongs in, incrementing the output array accordingly. It returns the array. Here's the important part: If a value appears in 'bins' more than once, any 'data' value meant for that bin goes in the first occurrence. The trick is to use the same array for both 'data' and 'bins'. Think it through, and you'll see that there's one non-zero value in the output for each unique number in the input. Note that it only counts numbers.
In short, I use this:
to count unique numeric values in <array>
From this, we just need to construct arrays containing numbers where appropriate and text elsewhere.
In the example below, I'm counting unique days when the color is red and the fruit is citrus:
This is my conditional array, returning 1 or true for the rows I'm interested in:
Note that this requires ctrl-shift-enter to be used as an array formula.
Since the value I'm grouping by for uniqueness is text (as is yours), I need to convert it to numeric. I use:
Note that this also requires ctrl-shift-enter
So, this is the array of numeric values within which I'm looking for uniqueness:
Now I plug that into my uniqueness counter:
to get:
Again, this must be entered as an array formula using ctrl-shift-enter. Replacing SUM with SUMPRODUCT will not cut it.
In your example, you'd use something like:
IF(ISNUMBER(MATCH($C$3:$C$94735,{"Sharable Content Object Reference Model 1.2","Authored SCORM/AICC content","Authored External Web Content"},0)),MATCH($J$3:$J$94735,$J$3:$J$94735,0),""),
IF(ISNUMBER(MATCH($C$3:$C$94735,{"Sharable Content Object Reference Model 1.2","Authored SCORM/AICC content","Authored External Web Content"},0)),MATCH($J$3:$J$94735,$J$3:$J$94735,0),"")
I'll note, though, that scaling might be a problem on data sets as large as yours. I tested it on larger data sets, and it was fairly fast on the order of 10k rows, but really slow on the order of 100k rows, such as yours. The internal arrays are plenty fast, but the FREQUENCY function slows down. I'm not sure, but I'd guess it's between O(n log n) and O(n^2) depending on how the sort is implemented.
Maybe this doesn't matter - none of this is volatile, so it'll just need to calculate once upon refreshing the data. If the column data is changing, though, this could be painful.

Asuming the source data is sorted by the key value [A], start with determining the occurence of the key column
B2: =IF(A2=A1;B1+1;1)
Next determine a group sum
C2: =SUMIF($A$2:$A$9;A2;$B$2:$B$9)
A key is unique if its group sum is exactly 1
D2: =(C2=1)
To count records which match a certain criterium AND are unique, include column D in a =IF(AND(D2, [yourcondition];1;0) and sum this column
Another option is to asume a key unique within a sorted list if it is unequal to both its predecessor and successor, so you could find the unique records like
E2: =AND(A2<>A1;A2<>A3)
G2: =IF(AND(E2;F2="this");1;0)
E and G can of course be combined into one single formula (not sure though if that helps ...)
G2(2): =IF(AND(AND(A2<>A1;A2<>A3);F2="this");1;0)
resolving unnecessarily nested AND's:
G2(3): =IF(AND(A2<>A1;A2<>A3;F2="this");1;0)
all formulas in row 2 should be copied down to the end of the list


How to sort rows in Excel without having repeated data together

I have a table of data with many data repeating.
I have to sort the rows by random, however, without having identical names next to each other, like shown here:
How can I do that in Excel?
Perfect case for a recursive LAMBDA.
In Name Manager, define RandomSort as
λ, TAKE(ξ, , 1),
κ, SUMPRODUCT(N(DROP(λ, -1) = DROP(λ, 1))),
IF(κ = 0, ξ, RandomSort(ζ))
then enter
within the worksheet somewhere. Replace A2:B8 - which should be your data excluding the headers - as required.
If no solution is possible then you will receive a #NUM! error. I didn't get round to adding a clause to determine whether a certain combination of names has a solution or not.
This is just an attempt because the question might need clarification or more sample data to understand the actual scenario. The main idea is to generate a random list from the input, then distribute it evenly by names. This ensures no repetition of consecutive names, but this is not the only possible way of sorting (this problem may have multiple valid combinations), but this is a valid one. The solution is volatile (every time Excel recalculates, a new output is generated) because RANDARRAY is volatile function.
In cell D2, you can use the following formula:
=LET(rng, A2:B8, m, ROWS(rng), seq, SEQUENCE(m),
idx, SORTBY(seq, RANDARRAY(m,,1,m, TRUE)), rRng, INDEX(rng, idx,{1,2}),
names, INDEX(rRng,,1), nCnts, MAP(seq, LAMBDA(s, ROWS(FILTER(names,
(names=INDEX(names,s)) * (seq<=s))))), SORTBY(rRng, nCnts))
Here is the output:
Looking at #JosWoolley approach. The generation of the random sorting can be simplified so that the resulting formula could be:
=LET(rng, A2:B8, m, ROWS(rng), seq, SEQUENCE(m), rRng,SORTBY(rng, RANDARRAY(m)),
names, TAKE(rRng,,1), nCnts, MAP(seq, LAMBDA(s, ROWS(FILTER(names,
(names=INDEX(names,s)) * (seq<=s))))), SORTBY(rRng, nCnts))
LET function is used for easy reading and composition. The name idx represents a random sequence of the input index positions. The name rRng, represents the input rng, but sorted by random. This sorting doesn't ensure consecutive names are distinct.
In order to ensure consecutive names are not repeated, we enumerate (nCnts) repeated names. We use a MAP for that. This is a similar idea provided by #cybernetic.nomad in the comment section, but adapted for an array version (we cannot use COUNTIF because it requires a range). Finally, we use SORTBY with input argument by_array, the map result (nCnts), to ensure names are evenly distributed so no consecutive names will be the same. Every time Excel recalculate you will get an output with the names distributed evenly in a different way.
Not sure if it's worth posting this, but I might as well share the results of my research such as it is. The problem is similar to that of re-arranging the characters in a string so that no same characters are adjacent The method is just to insert whichever one of the remaining characters (names) has the highest frequency at this point and is not the same as the previous character, then reduce its frequency once it has been used. It's fairly easy to implement this in Excel, even in Excel 2019. So if the initial frequencies are in D2:D8 for convenience using Countif:
You can use this formula in (say) F2 and pull it down:
and similarly in G2 to get the ages:
I'm fairly sure this will always produce a correct result if one is possible.
HOWEVER there is no randomness built in to this method. You can see if I extend it to more data that in the first several rows the most common name simply alternates with the other two names:
Having said that, this is a bit of a worst case scenario (a lot of duplication) and it may not look too bad with real data, so it may be worth considering this approach along with the other two methods.

Excel formula to sum an array of items from a lookup list

I'm trying to make my monthly transaction spreadsheet less work-intensive but I'm running up against problems outputting my category lookups as an array. Right now I have a table with all my monthly transactions and I want to create another table with monthly running totals. What I've been doing is manually summing each entry from each category, but I'd love to automate the process. Here's what I have:
=SUM(INDEX(Transactions[Out], N(IF(1,MATCH(I12,Transactions[Category],FALSE)))))
I've also tried using AGGREGATE in place of SUM but it still only returns the first value in the category. The N(IF()) was supposed to force INDEX to return all the matches as an array, but it's not working. I found that trick online, with no explanation of why it works, so I really don't know how to fix it. Any ideas?
Just in case anyone ever looks at this thread in the future, I was able to find a simpler solution to my problem once I implemented the Transactions[Category]=I12 method. SUM, itself will take an array as an argument, so all I had to do was form an array of the values I wanted to keep from Transactions[Out] range. I did this by adjusting the method Ron described above, but instead of using 1/(Transactions[Category]=I12 I used 1/IF(Transactions[Category]=I12, 1,1000) and surrounded that by a FLOOR(*resulting array*, .01) which rounded all the thousandth's down to zero and didn't yield any #DIV/0! errors.
Then! I realized that the simplest way to get the actual numbers I wanted, rather than messing with INDEX or AGGREGATE, was to multiply the range Transactions[Out] by the binary array from the IF test. Since the range is a table, I know they will always be the same size. And SUM automatically multiplies element by element and then adds for operations like this.
(The result is a "CSE" formula, which I guess isn't everyone's favorite. I'm still not 100% clear on what it means: just that it outputs data in a single cell, rather than over multiple cells. But in this context, SUM should only output a single number, so I'm not sure why I need CSE... A problem for another day!)
In your IF, the value_if_true clause needs to return an array of the desired row numbers from the array.
MATCH does not return an array of values; it only returns a single value which, with the FALSE parameter, will be the first value. That's why INDEX is only returning the first value.
One way to return an array of values:
will return an array of {TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE,...} depending on if it matches.
You can then multiply that by the Row number to get the relevant row on the worksheet.
Since you are using a table, to obtain the row number in the data body array, you have to subtract the row number of the Header row.
But now we are going to have an array which includes 0's for the non-matching entries, which is not good for us as a row number argument for the INDEX function.
So we get rid of that by using the AGGREGATE function with the ignore errors argument set after we do change the equality test to 1/(Transactions[Category]=I12) which will create DIV/0 errors for the non-matchers.
Putting it all together
You may need to enter this with CSE depending on your version of Excel.
Also, if you have a lot of these formulas, you may want to change the k argument for AGGREGATE to use the INDEX function (non-volatile) instead of the volatile INDIRECT function.
If you have Excel/O365 with dynamic arrays and the FILTER function, you can greatly simplify the above to the normally entered:

excel if and if error formula that has used 140 times and it throws an errors saying we can use it only 64 times

I have 140 unique numbers and trying to find that through the list which can be used in vba
The formula works fine till 64 ifs are used, later I am having a trouble
the result should return the number mentioned and I am planning to sort them in ascending order.
The value in A2 looks like PMGAG5216GC, PMG005216GC, PMGVV5140GC, PMG005140GC, PMGVV5148GCW, PMGAG5117GCW, PMG005117GCW, PMGAG5204GCB, PMG005204GCB, PMGAG5238GCB, PMGVV5238GCB, PMG005238GCB, PMGAG5203GCB, etc. these are some sample order numbers that are being updated and the numbers 5238 is a number that I have to find from that order to sort them in ascending order. In the same way, I have 140 numbers that have to found to sort them accordingly. The 4 digit numbers are fixed in the orders and it should be one from the 140 number list that I had mentioned
Rule of thumb, if you see yourself nesting anything deeper than 5 or 6 levels, stop and take the time to see if there wouldn't be a more easily maintainable way to do the same thing. Hitting hard limits (e.g. 64 levels of nesting) is rarely a sign that things are done in an optimal fashion.
Assuming the format is consistently the same, you can grab the 4 characters starting at the 6th position, and then verify if these 4 characters exist in a lookup table that contains the 140 values you're interested in. The MID function can be used to do this.
You could leverage the fact that VLOOKUP in the first column of the lookup table would return the lookup value itself, and a lookup failure would be #N/A, so wrapping it with IFERROR to turn that into an empty string would look like this:
Now, if looks like some of the values need a prefix e.g. "00000A-"; include that prefix (with the dash, so you don't have to conditionally add it in the formula) in the lookup table (say, in some [Prefix] column) where it's needed, and just concatenate it after the lookup.
=IFERROR(VLOOKUP(MID(A2,6,4),theLookupTable[TheLookupColumn],1,FALSE) & VLOOKUP(MID(A2,6,4),theLookupTable[#[TheLookupColumn]:[ThePrefixColumn]],2,FALSE),"")
Better if you can turn the MID(A2,6,4) part into a helper cell instead of computing it twice - use that MID function on your source data to populate the lookup table.
The lookup table might look like this:
TheLookupColumn ThePrefixColumn
5216 00000A-
5140 00000B-
5148 00000C-
Sort the table by TheLookupColumn, and the lookups should be pretty fast.
If you just want to show the first number from your lookup list which is contained in any given order number you can do something like this:
It's an array formula so you need to enter it using Ctrl + Shift + Enter
Assumes there can be only one match per order number and that none of the items in your lookup list are substrings of another item (though a workaround for that would be to sort your lookup list in descending order of item length)

SUMIFS with intermediate VLOOKUP in the criteria

I have 3 tables, 1 of which I want to fill in columns with data based on the other 2. Tables are roughly structured as follows:
Table 1 (Semi-Static Data)
SubGroup Group
----------- -----------
subgroup(1) group(a)
subgroup(2) group(b)
subgroup(3) group(b)
subgroup(4) group(c)
Table 2 (Variable Data)
SubGroup DataValue
----------- -----------
subgroup(1) datavalue(i)
subgroup(2) datavalue(ii)
subgroup(3) datavalue(iii)
subgroup(4) datavalue(iv)
Table 3 (Results)
Group TotalValue
----------- -----------
group(a) totalvalue(m)
group(b) totalvalue(n)
group(c) totalvalue(o)
Where the TotalValue is the sum of all DataValue's for all subgroups that belong to that particular Group.
e.g. for group(b) ---> totalvalue(n) = datavalue(ii) + datavalue(iii)
I am looking to achieve this calculation without adding any additional columns to the Data tables nor using VBA.
Basically I need to perform a COUNTIFS where there is an additional VLOOKUP matching the subgroup criteria range to the group it belongs to, and then only summing for datavalue's that match the group being evaluated. I have tried using array formulas but I'm having issues making it work. Any assistance would be very appreciated. Thank you,
EDIT: Wanted to add some details surrounding my question. First all Google searches did not provide a suitable answer. All the links had solutions to a slightly different problem were the VLOOKUP term is not dependent on the SUMIFS criteria but rather another single static variable. Stack Overflow offered similar solutions. Please let me know if anymore details are required to make my post suitable for this forum. Thank you again.
You can use the SUMPRODUCT function to do it all at once. The first reference $B$2:$B$5 is for the Group names, the second reference $E$2:$E$5 is for the datavalues. The G2 reference is for the group names in the third table, you can enter this formula for the first reference and then drag and fill for the rest.
=SUMPRODUCT($E$2:$E$5 * (G2 = $B$2:$B$5))
Some cell references, and sample data, would be helpful but something like this might be what you want:
WADR & IMHO, this is simply bad worksheet design. For lack of a single cross-reference column in Table2, any solution would have to be a VBA User Defined Formula or an overly complicated array formula (the latter of which I am not even sure is possible). The data tables are not normalized database tables you can INNER JOIN or GROUP BY ... HAVING.
The formula you are trying to achieve is akin to,
=SUMPRODUCT(SUMIF(D:D, {"subgroup(2)","subgroup(3)"}, E:E))
That only works with hard-coded values as arrayed constants (e.g. {"subgroup(2)","subgroup(3)"}). I know of no way to spit a dynamic list back into the formula using additional native Excel functions but VBA offers some possibilities.
The simple addition of one more column to Table2 with a very basic VLOOKUP reduces all of your problems to a SUMIF.
The formula in the new column D, row 2 is,
The formula in I2 is,
=SUMIF(D:D, H2,F:F )
Fill each down as necessary. Sorry if that is not what you wanted to hear.
Thank you everyone that responded and reviewed this post. I have managed to resolve this using an array formula and some matrix algebra. Please note that I am not using VLOOKUP (this operator cannot be performed on arrays) nor SUMIFS as my title states.
My final formula looks like this:
Very simply, I create an array variable that compares the Group being evaluated (e.g. cell G2) with the Groups column for Table 1 and outputs the corresponding matching SubGroups. This results in an array with as many rows as Table 1 had (N) and 1 column: Nx1. I then transpose that array (1xN) and compare it to the SubGroups column (Mx1, M being the number of rows in Table 2) and output the DataValues column for the rows that have a corresponding SubGroup (MxN). Then I perform a sum of the whole array to return a single value.
Notice that as I didn't include a value_if_false output return on either IF operators, it will just populate with FALSE in the arrays were the conditions are not met. This does not matter though for the final result. In the first IF, FALSE will not match the SubGroups so will be ignored. For the second all values FALSE passed to SUM will be calculated as 0. The more complicated question is that it grows the amount of memory required to process as we are not filtering to just have the values we want.
For this application I decided against filtering the subarray as the trade-off in resource utilization was acceptable. If the data sets were any bigger though, I would definitely try doing it. Another concern was that I did not understand fully the filtering logic that I was using based on so decided to simplify. Will revisit this concept latter as I think it will work. I might have completed this solution but was missing transposing the array to compare properly so abandoned this route.

Excel array function for checking monthly values

I have an array equation to tell me the number of unique values in a column (D) based on whether the date field in another column (B) is in a particular month.
My equation is:
=SUM(IF(MONTH($B$2:$B$63)=10,(IF(FREQUENCY(IF(LEN(D2:D63)>0,MATCH(D2:D63,D2:D63,0),""), IF(LEN(D2:D63)>0,MATCH(D2:D63,D2:D63,0),""))>0,1))),0)
This works great for October and when I change the 10 value to be another number it works for all months except january. So you can see if I have done a copying error here is the cell relating to January:
=SUM(IF(MONTH($B$2:$B$63)=1,(IF(FREQUENCY(IF(LEN(D2:D63)>0,MATCH(D2:D63,D2:D63,0),""), IF(LEN(D2:D63)>0,MATCH(D2:D63,D2:D63,0),""))>0,1))),0)
This always returns "N/A"
Any ideas why?
There are a few things wrong with your construction.
Firstly, the array you are using for the bins_array parameter, which is derived from your MATCH construction combined with an IF statement, is forcing FREQUENCY to return an array containing less than 62 elements.
When this array is then compared with the initial IF clause, i.e. IF(MONTH($B$2:$B$63)=1, which does contain 62 elements, you have an issue, and, where possible, the way in which Excel resolves a comparison between two arrays of differing sizes is to artificially increase the smaller of the two so that it is of a dimension equal to that of the larger.
Of course, in doing this, it fills in the missing values with #N/As (what else could it do?). Hence your result.
In any case, repetition of the MATCH construction is not necessary for the bins_array parameter, and forces unnecessary extra calculation. As such, I am always surprised to see how many sources still recommend this set-up.
Finally, any IF clauses should appear within the FREQUENCY construction, not without.
is what you should be using.
